" THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PKESS J IQCU. CiTERESI - 1 ' ' 1 YOUNG WOMAN SHOOTS FATHER IN SELF-DEFENSE CHANGE IN KINSTON- CAROLINA SCHEDULE. mm m . .1 . Tl KJnston-Carollna Railroad has announced a change of passenger schedule by wMeh, effectire last Sun day, trains will arrive at 9:10 a. m. and )eave at S p. in. The arrival at rink Hill will b at 4:30 p. m, and the departure for Kinston at 8 a. m. LENOIR TWENTT-FIFTH OF TBI COTTON COUNTIES . In the preliminary report of cot ton finned by counties in North Car line for the crops of 1914 and 1913 by WfllisJn J. Harris, director of the eenses, it Is shewn that In 1914, so far Lenoir county has finned 9,060 bales this year, and 8,685 In 1913. The county ranks, twenty-fifth among the sixty big cotton-producing- coun ties.' Pitt eeanty this year has fin ned UXtl bales, Onslow 3,863, Du plin 1.M4. Wayne t64, Jones 4,872, Craven 4,305 and Greene 6,701. NEGRO GIRL COMPLAINANT AGAINST FOSTER FATHER. A thirteen-year-old girl, his adopt ed daughter, was the prosecuting wit ness, aided by her mother, against Morris Jones, colored, In Municipal Court Tuesday. Jones' wife, the girl's mother, is not now living with him Jones is now a prisoner on the ' county roads for an affray with the woman a couple of weeks ago. The court ordered him held in 8500 bail for Superior Court on the charge of having carnal knowledge of the lit' tie girL D. J. Miller of Goldsboro Went Home la An Ioloiicsted Condition, and , fs Alleged to Have Abused Married Daughter. : Charles Miller, an employe at tit? Kiuston Iron and Mantel Works, viu informed by long-distance tulephw Tuesday riitfht that his sister, M"t. Bessie Miller Parker, hod rhot and probably futally woundfd a f-".v hours before their father, !'. J. Miller, in Golii.sboro. The Millers und Mrs. Parker H-e in a suburb of GoldHboro. 1- J. Mil ler, a transfer driver. mUnii t tic home in an intoxicated eon -lit in am became very abumve to the woman, who took a revolver from a rnnnU and fired pointblank at the drunken parent, the bullet entering the rifht; breast and, physicians believe, penc trating the lung. He is in a precari' ouS condition in a GoMsltoro hospit al. Miller is a widower. His daughter, who lived with him, had been separ ated from her husband for seven; years, and is said to have (riven him considerable cause for sorrow, it is said. ! 1. i.S 1 jj WAS TAX STAMPS IN . REGISTER'S OFFICE. Register of Deeds Carl W. fridgen baa received 8100 worth of war tax tamps, under authority given by the county commissioners, for, as he em phatically states, "the accommodation ' of patrons of the office those who file documents." Already he has been applied to for stamps for wine. He Is afraid that people will want him to spar from his meager supply stamps for various other articles taxable un der the war act, and If the requests were numerous it would not take long to depict the little stock. The stamps are in denominations of from on to 80 cents. PENSION WAR It A NTS FOIt LENOIIl VETERANS HERE. Clerk of Superior Court J. T. Heath has received the State pencion warrants for Confederate veteran and widows of veterans in this county who are pensioners. The total al lowed In the county is ?4,io). there is one veteran of the first class, draw Ing $120 per annum, the pensioner be ing blind and totally incapacitated Various decrees of injury nuHtnitied In the war and other things deter mine the classification of the pension ers. There are in the second clasi three, drawing $00 each; in the third class six, drawing $48 each, and in the fourth 85 veterans and 0S widows each receiving $'12, Amonjr the war rants is one for D. L. Stone of Kin ston, "dead." Stone, however, isn't dead, as the pension bureau has learn ed since he was reported to have an swered the final tattoo, and there is 148 awaiting him in the clerk's office. Veteran Stone's whereabouts are un known to the clerk. It RAISING MONEY FOR THE CONVICTS' CHURCH EASY . The committee which has in hand the task of raising $100 as Kinston ' proportionate part of a fund to erect an undenominational chapel on the Stat prison farm at Tlllery, Hali fax county, hss abandoned the idea of holding a mass meeting to raise ; money, ; Substantial contributions have already com in from some sources, and the committee believes that an appeal to fraternal orders, the women's clubs, etc, wilt easily bring the. fund up to the promised am. In case a few dollars should then remain to be raised, a coin col ' lection on Queen street would easily secure the balance. DIRECTORS TO MEET AT STATE SCHOOL TONIGHT ,. The board of directors of the North Carolina School for the Feeble-Mind ed are arriving, with the exception of few who came this morning, in the city this afternoon to attend the board' annual meeting tonight The session will be held in the Central building at the school. Mr. D. F. Woo ten, the new resident director, who was appointed by the Governor last Saturdav. will sit with the board for th first time. It is difficult to forecast Just what action the direct ors will take, but it Is believed they will suggest to the Legislature ex tensive improvements In buildings and equipment for the institution, which has mad marked progress since its opening only a few months ago. PRAYER MEETING IN CHRISTIAN CHrUCII. "The P.cisrn of Peace" will be the subject of Pastor Bernard P. Smilh'.s discourse at the rejjuhir weekly pray er service in Gordon Street Christian church this evening at I 'M o'clock. USE MI-0-NAnTlEN STOMACH IS UPSET No matter how long you have suf fered from a miserable, upset stom ach, indigestion or dyspepsia, Mi-o-na a simple, inexpensive prescription easily had at any draft store will quickly, safely and effectively end the distress, or it will not cost you a penny. When your stomach is out rf order some foods taste (rood, but work bad ly, fermenting into a stubborn lump and surely cnusing sour or acid tii.-te in the mouth, severe pain in the pit of the stomach, cas, coated toitKue, offensive breath, restless nights and nervousness. It's needless for you to suffer for just a few Mi-o-na tablets brinjr joy ful relief they do more for tlieto lit tle "helps to health," soothe and strengthen the inflamed and wenk n ed stomach walls and increase the flow of digestive juices so that the shim, ach can wire for the food as nature Intended. No matter what ails your stonr.uh, put your faith in Mi'o-nu. (let sour: of these harmless but helpful t.l'c; from J. E. Hood and Company u hy and eat whatever your nppcriw craves, and never fear distress. JEWISH FEAST OF THE DEDICATION. The Jews in Kinston as well a". tbrivux;"i it the world are ecMn-n'injr "' h;.., '.'--.h," the Feast of . 'V:i- ti.jv. It will continue tli.-i j uvctav. lie r.oiicav j:j holt.. .eu ? ; 'i rr.i'i h in the nynegogue, ! '. ; ;-.t (.cea.i-inn C'f j.Trftt mome;;: I ehd-lren of the ikbtcw !: : The historical ' neltjrrom.d : etV'lii'ation is found in tie :'. 1 in the year lUi !!. C, Ami " ' betl , one of the 11 H' i..':. ;,.! 1 .fev.'ifh hibtory, r"-c!' '!'.'.' i t.fiTice of oho 'ifi the Mr ; ' . rusiilem after i;s yxMu1'. t y chua EUphiin: . A f ,u- U- . oil ii lielleW"! lo Irr.e ! ... i- ! fcijjht days i'i the i ! and for thst im..'1 .-nrdi- - ! Most Any : Useful Xmas Gift May be Obtained at Our Store. PRICES, as You Know are j RIGHT. i I " In 'a-v.-; ,i ed in the h kah for a w Chas. A. Waters S The Telephone Stuie Phone Nn. VJ V' V " lA 'i- K' 'J it 1 A !jttn. Price fuUy equipped j with 1 7 new features Ths Liggest automo liHa value ever "ef ..rad P for less ih&r. 'i,CC0. One or the sweeteet running Roadsters in the world. Hc!ds the road at 50 miles an hour. The easiest car to drive in tho world. The greatest aU rround hilt climbing car in the world. With Crny & Davb electric seff fit-rter and electric Jij;hU ?55 e&tra. Pension Warrants to Confederate Soldiers and their widows will be cashed by us F REE when presented proper ly endorsed. : : Fanners & Merchants Kinston, -- N. C. I Handkerchiefs, In Neat Boxes and Folders, For the Xmas Trade n CMEE Dlt. T. U. t'ALI.KN! l)i:.N 1 1ST OfTtee 130 ; Near Ms'Lewean St i.leiiee. 1 IS lit I! t:1 k I I 1 I i n if m If ii fj y lit. i in jl 1 f1 A, J, Jjf Phone 34 BIG AD. WILL APPEAR IN THURSDAY'S FREE PRESS TOO BUSY TO PREPARECOPY FOB TODAY THE REMOVAL SALE OFFERS SOME REALLY REMARKABLE VALUES J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store All Coat Suits, Coats v .. tg t:'"- '. f ' ' andDressesare Great ly Reduced.: Select Early Prices Will Please. : : : f lit ' Barrett ft Hartsfield i Fla. Oranges, Fresh From, the Grower. i radical J-Jomc (if ta AT SKINNER'S THE GASH STORE SUTTON I Prop. I IK V 31. 11 KlfV, 31. I)., I'iij sieiilii ; iii! SuriTeon 0:l e I ' :i ; . i ; ; ; ...) t. i :".. 7 i.i - ,. m. I'llel.e: M:i!.'lin. ''''iii. 4 !!' ( Sireet. I! USEFUL gifts for the home things that will bring comfort, joy and pride to the entire household, are the sensible presents to bestow, and are becoming more and moie popular every year. When we selected our stocks of Christmas offerings, we had in mind the essential requirement quality' for no gift should lack merit in making, if the donor would have it remain a lasting remembrance. Our Store J now at its best the Christmas spirit is everywhere, and you cannot fail to receive valuable suggestions through a visit here. We suggest as presents: Leather Scarfs, Leather Pillows, Rockers, Pictures, Morris Chairs, Costumers, Desks, Couches. Oettinger's Furniture Store Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nu 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 Dr. O. L. WILSON DerJbt Office over J. E. Hood & Co'i Store. We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "We Striw to Plea" Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surf eon Office next to Lenoir Drag Co. Office hours: . , ; 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 8 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Ees. Phone 113 DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-9 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Residence Phone 129 N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C,. .Goldsboro. N.C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. lit Edgerton Building. ..I ONE OF MANY REASONS FOR i A NEW COURT HOUSE HERE This morning there were a score of women' In attendance upon Superior Court her, witnesses, defendants and plaintiffs. About all of them were respectable, and some of them of a fair station in life. But all of them were required to commingle with strange white men and country Mucks in the unheated corridor of the first floor, take seats in the courtroom amid . a masculine crowd, or seek refuge in .the offices. The latter was the alter native accepted by nearly all, and the clerk's and sheriff's offices were lit erally packed at one time with them, the business of both offices being re tarded by the congestion of guests. Lenoir county's new courthouse, it was sensibly remarked by one man present; should when it is built in another two or three years contain waiting rooms for women. The con dition tnday is not exceptional. t m Ohlltlron dry NSURANCE OF ALL KINDS NEW THE C. OETTINGER, Manager iCirsstoo Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone jIo. 182 (Next to Postoffice) SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CaSm i!I A SET EBNESOIEL DICTIONARY CEOIiriCATE PRESENTED-BV-THE Kinston Free lVvss.S Dec. 16 Show tour ndarmmtt if thia Au. Ui e)oar trrttrtct of Artrr-cttioTi with fv ci- rti.'Tvst 7 hf cut ring om tWB lhni ill thia eiiirc. with the t- ii. bon a-v. nt l-tift rt euro- at Mr tl o Ditlkmarw x1'rtel (which co.m tr- i'. rn, 4 tK cort f tcV 19, mmpfmm frfsRi the? factory, iifLt.(TK, c !.! hire i- J othr npwr EXPKNiiu kcmk ad yo will b prrwntfd with yot;r ot th m Uru boksl U The $1.00, (i lk e inn 'rituals ri tb .v.n'u;t-orm'm trort day to iiyf r ,. . it is vie onlv entirety nfw corcpiUtton ry tne wor : 5 MOnri tnpSIl srraiest ainliorUK- from K-?Uim; utivmitles is Ivmn . i DICTION ARVf nil Linn 1 . tin r. lltxib'e. Atamncd in m3. on t ... . i lllswlieile sides, rriiited on UiS 'c narei. with red c1-tcs ant! r. , I rounded beamifnl, sin r, !ttrnNc. ttesKlv the penrral enmaits, t1 e J sre map and over t suhjvts be.mti fully il!urtrd by three- r I color plates, mrmeroitj tu!.j cts tj' moiiotnne, 16 pn(jP5 ', j'"J cciucauonai cnart in i mo i.ticn uiiitetl t.tc v ctiu?v i-resem i St this office SIX CmiKitiri CtfltfttttM ej A(iprcu.tlu BJ the J. ... "Mr,.-- The $3.00 New The $2.00 rVetMT ll evnetfy ttie ssTa th If Of bm, x t Modm English bn4io which i m l BirnnNaav h,lt i. . m m u m w w im with nni ytrrr. six Ad- I Of 'i ''r t 1W mllH.; mt is to no!;; ttt !-ir iltKaev 'k Jrout rxtinstrr 2 mount t IbcUhIo fur t txtni , - S i m T..I tt...t '. . .... a . dictionary Cv,i;,; JV" rr ' ti"o!nvtS!X An. I A prcfcTcii 'THcr and 48c: Will this, kind of a Santa Claus Visit You ? DO you remember how burglars got into your neighbor's house last year .ind carried off the chest of silver and other things ? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready. " A stitch in time," you knowthat stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether itis for front door, stable or bureau drawer. Ask tu for our IhOtf Let ho ing fifty uses for a Padlock. Illustrated. If. E. MOSELEY T MUnMHE CO. Going Out Of Business Sale SilEis Galore Dress Silks, Waist Sillts 4) Sale Nov Goms On TERMS GASH XO RIA 4 k