2 LCKL EfTERESI CAB ASSOCIATION TO MEET ' Tt r Association at meeting Hondty morning at 10 o'clock will r yangi th: calendar for the January civil conrt, which conrenea on the 4th. . MASONIC MEETING ft, John's Lodfe No. 4, A. P. and A. 1L will Meet la regular communi catioo Monday evening at 7:30 EEtTKXS IN FREE WILL . BAPTIST CHURCH 8UNDAY llr. J. W. Alford, of Morehead City, wffl fill Elder Styron'a appoint ment f uday norniag and night in the Free Will Baptist church. SOCIAL And PERSONAL NEW TEAR PRATER MEETING All people living In the vicinity of Deto Ron art invited to attend a com inanity, Braver aervke to be held on New Year's night in the Deep Run chptly beginning at 7 o'clock. LaC RANGE GAMBLER - . i BROUGHT TO JAIL Raymond Joyner. a LaGrange neg to, was fommitted to the county jail here lata Friday night in default of bond, to answer in Superior Court to w charge of gambling. TO SELL FARM IN VANCE TOWNSHIP AT AUCTION ' Burton Bros. Realty Company, of Wilson, will conduct an auction sale of the tin John F. Harper farmn, said to be ana of the finest plantations in ' that vicinity, in Vance township on the 29th. UNIVERSALIST SUNDAY ' SCHOOL EXERCISES The Christmas exercises of the Un Iversalist Sunday school, scheduled to be held Friday evening, was post poned because of the very inclement weather and wtu be neia mis even tag at 7:30 o'clock. RUN DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE Two white men were run down by an automobile driven by Albert rat tenon, colored, at Queen and King : streets Thursday night Nathan Banks lost two teeth and was slight ly bruised but his companion escaped Injury. Bystanders declared the men recklessly ran in front of the ma- iMn ; -,. - ... LITTLE GIRL WINNER - - OF BIG PRIZE DOLL A doll awarded as the prize for the tst' decorated Christmas tree pre sented by entrants in a contest con ducted by the Interstate 6 and 10 cent store during the several weeks pre ceding Christmas was awarded to little Miss Hilda Grace Turrentine, of US Caswell street The judges were Geo. B. Green, J. S. Spencer and May or F. L Button. FREE PRESS CARRIERS v WIN PRIZES IN CONTEST ' Two carriers of The Free Press wen swarded priierThursday after-4 toon for their success in a subscrip tion contest conducted by the circu lation department During the month that the contest was on Herman Law ion added 89 new subscribers to the list and Harry Lee, a close second, 88. Lawson was given a suit of clothes and Lee a raincoat ' DEATH OF MRS. E. BRINSON Mrs. Everett Brinson passed away Christmas morning shortly before 8 'clock at her home near here, a vict im of kidney trouble. She had suf fered from the complaint for some time, but death was sudden and a shock to her family. The husband and . the following children survive: Mrs. R. E. L Rhodes and Mrs. W. W. Rouse, of Kinston; Mrs. L. E. Bryant, Of Rlchlands; Mrs. W. K. Willi, of Cbadbonrn; Mrs. W. D. Letchworth, of Goldsboro, and Miss Lida and Master Everett Brinson, Jr., of the toonty. The funeral was conducted this afternoon by Pastor B. P. Smith, tl the Christian church, interment following in Maplewood cemetary. KEGRQES IN H6HT FATAL . . TO QNEON CHRISTMAS ' John Harper and Lark Latham, aegroea, engaged in an affray in a colored barber ahop on North street : Christmas night and were ejected, ; afterwards continuing the fight out side. Latham was struck over the head with a piece of plank and a doct or had to be called. , The wounded man died this after noon. , He lay exposed to tbe weather for some time before the physician ar rived to assist bin, and was in a state of extreme intoxication. Miss Ada Baiden is visiting in Richlands. b h h Mr. Herman Lawson spent Chriat mas in Pink Hill. una Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Webb left to day for Durham on a visit. a h a Mr. George Haskitt of Wilmington is visiting his parents in the city. a a ts Mr. Howard Gray of Smithfield is visiting his father, Mr. Henry Gray. 0 H 3 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jordan left this morning for Atlanta, Ga. on a visit ' 39 69 S3 Messrs. Lemuel Broom and Nelson Brogden left this morning for Raleigh. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Oscar LaRoque of Marion, S. C. are visiting in the city. h a a Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tumage of Ayd are in the city to spend the holidays. a a a Prof. Bruce Carraway of Ormonds ville was in the city Thursday even ing. h a a Miss Mattie Scott of Richmond, Va., is visiting her brother Mr. R. B. Scott Baa Mr. II. Gait Braxton left Thursday evening for Richmond to spend the holidays. a a a Dr. G. P. LaRoque of Richmond is visiting his mother, Mrs, Annie La Reque. a a a Mr. Chester A. Walsh left Thurs day evening for Richmond to spend Christmas. a a a Mr. Otis Griffin of New Bern is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W. Good- son in the city. a a a Mr. Sam A. HaBkins left Thursday afternoon for Pink Hill to spend Christmas. a a a Mrs. W. E. Jolly of Adsit Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Hrs. H. I. Sutton. a a a Mrs. George Rhodes of New Bern is visiting her son, Mr. R. E. L. Rhodes on East Peyton Avenue. a a a Miss Susie Perry left this morning for Durham where Bhe will visit Miss Kathleen Turrentine for several days. a a a Mrs. C. G. Cummings left today for her home in Mount Olive after a vis it in the city to her mother, Mrs. Nora Taylor. a a a Mr. Robert Rouse who has been attending school at University of Virginia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rouse. a a a Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rountree of Raleigh are visiting Mr. Rountree's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rountree on East Blount street. THIS AND FIVE CENTS I DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a free trial package contain ing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. For sale in your town by J. E. Hood & Co. adv. 'CHRISTMAS DAY WAS OBSERVED QUIETLY Christmas day in Kinston was dull. But one serious crime marked the hol iday, and there was not as much drunkenness as during previous years. The weather was especially disufrrre ulile, and this may have quelled the ardor of some of the more enthuFi- astic and reckless celebrants. All in all, there was a very low minimum of disorder and great satisfaction on the part of the authorities. In the majority of Kinston homes the Christmas spirit was liberally ev idenced. Trading prior to the 25th here was very much brisker than in the surrounding towns. This can be attributed to the splendid tobacco season and general prosperity of the community as compared with its neighbors. The charities, more at tentive and more successful than at any previous season, saw to it that there was no suffering from the lack Of the necessities of life in Kinston this Christmas. Nearly all business suspended, and many a fireside gathering was addej to by relatives from alar who came home for the occasion. Several hun dred homecomers were in the city yes terday and today. CHECKS CROUP INSTANTLY You know croup is dangerous. And you ought to know too, the sense of security that comes from having Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. It cuts the thick mucus and clears away the phlegm, stops the strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Every user Is a friend. For sale in your town by J. E .Hood & Co. adv. I Pric.ftfi ill vfifiu inner! - - j . $670 with 1 7 new features The biggest automo bile value ever 'Tored for less than 1,000. One of the sweetest running Roadsters in the world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. The easiest car to drive in the world. The greatest all around hill climbing car in the world. With Gray & Davis electric self-starter and electric lights $55 extra. KINSTON GARAGE INC STOP THE CHILD'S COLDS j , They Often Result Seriously ! f Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough are children's ailments which need 1m tttdlat atteattoa. The after-effects e often most serious. ' Dont take f a rtek you dont have to. Dr. 1ew Discovery checks the C 1, soothes the Cough, allsys In f .. r.rr.aUon, kills the Germs and al- l?-s '-re to do her healing work. C 't your Tr'Trt Buy a bottle It fm e)"eyMey's"ey4Wey 4r&Vhsyyh&' wt9yyr' ..AiVilA- ModernWenglisH DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BY-THE c Kinston Free Press, Dec 26 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET i X' At'AITl'iVt i. W'Jl 's A VI' ALVVVa" 3 Haw rr .aaawaiaa at iKU tt adtreallonal apewtuaitr enttint aut Ik. aaova Carttflcata W Aparacialioa with firm km of coaictrr data and prHMtai Um. t thia aHica, wfca lb. npuH kanu. amount berate m opa- ... . I r hi .i - -- - l -. - i fwkLrk - - - mt ,1m of Back. I.mJwomwUI b ntmiilad wita raur ckoica of thaaa Uvaa booka: In.. Itaaw) The 9a0Q, fLlke illustrations in tnp announcemfnt from dav to dny ) I. aiu. i. ... i . l .l. ,m'. A Modem Enrilss greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in DICTIONABYiull Limn Leather, flexible, stamped in sold on back and Uitiiua ;t aides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners J . lu.Ml!fiil nntf MlimKl leAjt . V. n.n.rAl ivnt.nl. are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three, i color plates, rumerons sunjecxs oy monotones, 10. pages oi iBaaM ji educational charts and the latest United States Census. Present I ft0 at this office SIX CaaMntir CartiTiutM AaaracMtMa aaa tka JoC Ulnatralaa an,. (lit 1 uaetly lha aam M tha ( book. as. I . cant la lha styla of liOdlft LRpSB iiBr-hleh la la wcnwil ii Ik 1 1 mall . . - . I.. . with wrnara enmara. SIX A. fi 1 1 twlnd i CaXIHaaSaa aaa taa Olt MAIL ORilEas Any bonk T ptml nt. tnrlaAa tXTRA T vania withl , It mlkia; It cants lit la ! mUaa; for araatar oMtaaoaa aak root oatmaic ameuat to Ineloo tor S poaaaa. Tti 9.9 AO ka plau cloth bind- , ? .....p U cold V .... biaok; baa aatua HOEleni ElhTIiSl . aaa Uhuna- nicnoNAav i!?"1,t!l! Hiatal lao of and ebartaaranmtUad.SIX A a. AQf Milattaa CarUflaatao ana) taa IOC THE lucky num ber for the Free Suit was 598 and J. O. Temple was the lucky man Come again. : : Dail & Taylor The Ilea's Store All Coats AT HALF PRICE ATHs AT HALF PRICE Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 We Wish You A Very Merry Christmas. Closed Friday J. M. Stephenson Tbe Ladies Store Bed Make Cold Nights Comfortable by using warm bed cover OUR SHOWING IS COMPLETE PRICES $3.50 TO $15.00 Barrett & Hartsfield AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone' 149 A SATISFACTORY SERVICE. Not one complaint has reached us of any inattention, or any un satisfactory purchase made here during the Xmas shopping days. Not one delivery was delayed, and no complaint of ANY kind has come to our notice. We are proud of this record; and shall always continue to try to serve every customer the best we know how : : : : J Wishing You One and All A Joyous Christ mas and a Prosperous New Year J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Please" Oettinger's Furniture Store i j v THE ONE PRICE GUSH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone'34 fc7 Pron. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 ffy?r?inTiaHri t rr mrrr-n mi-h'im'wmmwii-Mir-wMWhw(wmmnmmiwiim sjmesMaaUa".i.iiuiisi v 5Waz JBtma wik":.'W' jjxx&mi fjtk .m f tm v. v rwmi mj Jjmm mM uMmj y,mm mnmttm Safety Razors Fit All Faces. THE "ANGLE ft or THE mn jwrrm safety razor is so exactly proportioned that when the blade is held against the face, the edge is in the exact position for a clean easy cutting of the beard. , DR. GEO. E. EORNEGAT Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. WITHOUT HOHUIG WITHOUT STROPPING Each KSSK Klttlttt blade is hardened, tempered and ground individually, insuring uniformity of temper and excellent cutting qualities. There is no scraping or pulling like you experience with other Gaiety Kazors. S3.50 SILVER MATED- BUCK LEATHER CASE COLO PLATE ft , PIGSKIN i , CASE S5.00 A complete KHT KSTttK SAFETY RAZOR OUTFIT consists of Holder and 12 sharp Norwegian ' Steel Blades, packed in a CCTr'pact neat covered cas , r.7.7 C!:d . . . . 5 fcr 25 Cents OLD AMD CUARABTCIO BY II. E. TIOSELEY JIARDVARE CO. Wishing You OneandAlia v i - v."; ". t ; Merry Xmas and Prosper ousNewYear G. is. Kornegay ' . . siv,