THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS WANT' AD'S f SOCIAL l CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR StE FieM e. SJ BM and Seed Peanuts. Hall & Moore, rnyille, N. C. 12-30-lmo-Sw fOR RENT Store on North street. ntxt to comer store occupied by Har itj Hines. N. J. Rouse. 12-22-d-tf FOUND One Pair Nose Glasses with Spring Holder. Owner can get same by identifying at this office and paying for this ad. r IV And PERSONAL A. E. POOLE, at Hyatt House- Typewriters Cleaned, Repaired nd adjusted. Charges reasonable; work guaranteed. Phone 67. 12-28-lt-dIy FOR SALE Mule, five years old, at a bargain. D. W. Hamilton, Kin ston, R. F. D. 1. 12-29-lt-dly lt-SW WANTED Position by Stenographer with six years' experience, by first of year. Address J. B., care Free Press. v 12-28-3t-dly SELLING., OUT APPLES, 25c peck; Grapefruit, Oranges, Nuts, Can dies, at Half Price, and Many Other Bargains at Couries' Candy Kitchen. 12-29-3t-dly LOST Between Snow Hill and Kin ston, Umbrjl'.a with Burling silver l.erdle. Engra'i d Helen Montagu3, Winston Salem, N. C. Reward for re turn to Leon .Sugg. 12-26-6t dly TO THE PUBLICS feel thankful to all for their liberal patronage given me during the past year, and ask for a continuance of same in the future. With best wishes for a pros perous New Year, I am, Yours to please. F. D. Tilley. 12-31-lt-dly LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN from my home, in Kinston, my Pointer Dog. Is yellow on each ear, has large liver colored spots on back and rumps. Has small spots on back. Name, Sam Jones. Any information will be ap preciated. , Remus R. Rouse. 12-29-lt-dly 4t-SW R SALE All Ih; old Furniture in postoffice and Federal Building in Raleigh,' N. C, Magnificent double and single black walnut, flat top roll top desks, filing cabinets and book cases. Worth a trip to Raleigh to see. Bargains. Koonce Bros., Ill E Harg ett street, Raleigh, N. C. 12-26-3t dly NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National Bank of i Kinston will be held at 3 o'clock p. m., i Tuesday, January 12, 1915, at their 1 banking house, for the election of offi cers and such other business a3 may properly come before them. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier. 12-ll-ltawk-4wks-dly TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product, petrified fish, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost, cotton ecd meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSION FARES VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Convenient Schedules, Pullman Sleeping and Parlor Car Service. Tickets on sale December 16-25, inclusive; also January 1. Final re turn limit January 6, 1915. Ask nearest Norfolk Southern Rail road ticket agent for complete infor mation. H. S. LEARD, G. P. A. Mr. R. C Strong is ill with grip, but not seriously. h a a Miss Fannle Moseley has returned from visiting Selma. H H Mr. A. E. Poole of Philadelphia is in the city on business. h a a Misa Carrie Wooten is on a visit with relatives at Graingers. a n b Mr. James M. Wooten of Dover is in the city today on business. a h h Miss Bettie Outlaw of Goldsboro was a visitor in the city yesterday. a si a Miss Bessie Braxton has gone to Chapel Hill, where she will be the guest of relatives. K H H Miss Georgia Bizzell has returned to the city after a visit at Goldsboro with relatives and friends. a s a Mrs. W. J. Coward of Ayden, who i i J : - . j i nas ueen upeiiumg u ich uuys ucre, t has returned to her home. H H H Mr. O. K. LaRoque has returned to Marion, S. C, after spending the hol idays in the city with relatives. a a a Dr. Richard Lewis, venerable and revered of all Kinstonians, is improv ing from an attack of the heart. a a a The Booklovers will meet with Mrs E. G. Barrett, on North Queen street, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock a a a Mr. E. W. Bizzell has returned from Wilmington, where he has been vislr- irig his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Bundy. a m ta Miss Fannie B. Edwards of Hooker ton left this morning after a visit here for Snow Camp, where she will teach school. a a a Miss Rubelle Forbes of Greenville returned to her home yesterday after- m . a il j noon, alter a visu in me cuy wun Miss Lucille Dixon. a a a Mr. John T. Pairo of Greenville re turned to his home yesterday after spending Christmas with his sister, Mrs. V. Lee Turrentine. a a a Dr. J. W. Taylor of Greensboro has returned home after a short visit to his brother, Sheriff A. W. Taylor, here. a a a Dr. James C. Braswell, Jr., who has been visiting his mother and sis ter, on King street, returned to the Johnston-Willis Sanatorium at Rich mond last night. a a a Mrs. Sallie Miller and Misses Jen nie and Hattle L. Whitfield will leave tonight for a visit to their uncle, Cap tain J. J. Whitfield, in Alabama, for some time. a a a Mrs. Sophia West, one of the city's oldest and most esteemed women, is very ill at her home on South Queen street. Her condition, which was pre carious early in the week, it is believ ed has improved slightly. a a a Mrs, General R. F. Hoke and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Webb and children of Raleigh, spent the past few days here as the guests of Col. and Mrs. W. D. Pollock. Mrs. Hoke is Mrs. Pollock's mother, and Mr. Webb, who is presi dent of the Raleigh Chamber of Com merce and a prominent business man of the Capital City, is her brother. PINK HILL NOTES OF INTEREST rink Hill, N. C, Dec. 29. Mrs Lola Williams and children, of Rox Doro, are visiting Mrs. Williams' father, Mr. J. W. Worley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard. of Kinston, were here recently, the guests of Mr. G. S. Willard. The teachers and pupils of the Pink Hill school were greatly pleased last Tuesday, when the school suspended for the holidays, when they were vis ited by the trustees and Mr. T. S. Grady and others. The children ren dered a short program, including new Christmas songs, and Mr. Grady made a talk, alluding to the history of the school and its progress. In the course of his remarks he noted the fact that school was without library and ex plained that the county would give $10 and the State $10 if the school would raise the Rame amount The money was quickly raised. Then came a surprise. Each child was given a sack of confectioneries and a toilet set was presented to each of the teachers, Misses Celia Maxwell and Sadie Tyndall, as gifts from the board of trustees. WHITE AN DSHUGRUE TO BOX 10 ROUNDS TONIGHT New York, Dec. 29. A ten round fight, advertised as a battle for. the American lightweight championship will be fought tonight at Madison Square Garden with Young Shugrue of Jersey City and Charley White of Chicago as the principals. Both fight ers have met the world's champion, Freddie Welsh, Shugrue put up an impressive fight against Welsh and gained a newspaper decision after the bout in this city. White and Welsh fought a draw in Milwaukee a short time ago. VERY IMPORTANT IS WOMEN'S PART IN THE EUROPEAN STRUGGLE to WE HAVE WITH US C. CHAN OF CANTON Pittsburgh, Dec. 25. C. Y. Chan of Canton, China today holds the dis tinction of being the first Chinese, so far as is known, to preside as toast master at a gathering of American college men. Chan is a student at the school of Mines, University of Pittsburgh and when 75 of the stu dents decided so recently he Was named for toastmaster. Chan has a sparkling wit and quick tongue and is popular as an after-dinner speak er. STOP THE CHILD'S COLDS They Often Result Seriously Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough are chidren's ailments which need im mediate attention. The after-effects are often most serious. Don't take the risk you don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery checks the Cold, soothes the Cough, allays In flammation, kills the Germs end al lows Nature to do her healing work. 50c at your Druggist. Buy a bottle today. adv. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury UA morrnry will rarely destroy th sotion of smell and cmpl''ti'ly tit -range the wbule ays tern whin entering It through the mucous mi r In cots. Suet) iirtiflt.- 1 ottlU im'vit bt xxfi'tl except on prescrip tions firm reputable iib.vdlt'lniid. an the Uinge they will do la U'U fold to the (food you can sibly derlr from them. Hull's Catnrrli t'ure, uanufuctured by K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. U.t contains io mercury, ami Is taken intenioliy, Setlng directly npon the Mood and mucous mir faces of the system. In burin Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the pnuine. It Is taken Intrrnaliv and msr Toledo. Ohio, by V. J. Cheney & Co. Test., - s free. Bold by Druggists. 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Scientific Refief for all pain You suffer because your circula tion, in the affected part, is disturbed because of congestion and inflam mation, causing the pain. Ask your doctor he cannot deny this truth, be cause it's scientific. Nixon's Men thol Balm (which is a noted special ist's favorite prescription) recognizes this scientific cause of pain and gent ly stimulates, restoring the circula tion to its normal (and painless) con dition, and at the same time heals and soothes in a most comforting way because of its antiseptic, penetrative, and healing qualities. Used external ly only for coughs, colds, sore throat, earache, pleurisy, La Grippe, pneumonia, tonsilitis, hoarseness, ca tarrh, burns, soreness and stiffness of all kinds, including rheumatism. Easy and pleasant to apply. Not a "cure all," but a wonderful scientific reme dy for all sufferers. To be had in Kinston, N. C, only at the drug store of J. E. Hood & Co., for so little as 25 cents a bottle. London, Nov. 16. (By mail to New Ycrk) If the British Royal faniii; ever have to work for their liiings, Princess Mary will have no difllou'.ty in getting a job as stenographer or secretary. During the present crisi she has made herself invaluable her father, and has been acting as sort of extra special private secretary to the King. She is a capable short hand writer and typist and the king has been glad of an assistant whom he can trust with the family secrets and weighty affairs of the state. She shows no signs of feeling the strain of carrying stupendous state secrets Petrogad (By Mail to New York) A Russian sister of mercy, named levgheneeya Korkeenah, has been decorated with the band of St George and a medal in recognition of her ro marKao'e Dravery :,nu aevotion in moving, single-handed, a field hospital under f re. Mile. Korkeenah was working in a Russian hospital in the neighborhood of Soldau, East Prussia. When the Germans attacked the Russian posi tion she remained all alone in the hos pital attending to the wounds of ofn cers and privates. The hospital was quickly in the zone of the enemy's fire, and the brave nurse seeing that her patients must be moved, went out side and procured a number of horses, harnessed them, found several vehi cles and drove them away to a place of safety. The hardships and dan gers which Nurse Korkeenah experi enced have greatly affected her health and she has come to Petrograd with a view to taking a short vacation, be fore returning to the front. The Minister of War personally presented the medal and decoration, and thank ed her for her heroic services. Capetown (by Mail to New York) All South Africa is ringing with the praise for bravery of a young woman at Winburg, Orange River Colony. When the town was occupied by the Boer rebel General DeWet and his followers, some of the men hauled down the Union Jack from the court house and trampled it in the dust. The young woman, Mrs. Elizabeth Pionaar, rushed out into the street and forcing her way through the group of rebels, snatched up the flag and bound it around her waist Jike a sash. The men demanded to know what she intended to do with the flag. "For the present I carry it with me," she said, "and you dare not to touch me. When decent people return we will hoist it again." The rebels abus ed her, verbally, but did not touch either her or the flag, which was very promptly hoisted again when General Botha reoccupied the town. Vienna (by Mail to New York) In order to provide her son with win ter underclothing, the fifty-year-old mother of a young volunteer serving with th- Austrian army tramped in the rain for three days from her home at Szegedinfl Hungary, to field head quarters. London (by Mail to New York) Two weeks ago Miss Dorothy Thomp son, a wealty young woman of Blyth, offered to give $500 to the War Relief Fund if an additional 100 of the un married young men of her town would enlist in Kitchener's new army. The desired number of recruits was ob tained in ten days and today the Prince of Wales received Miss Thompson's check for the promised amount. MAY BE NO MORE BOXING IN NEW YORK Reformers Say Boxing Commission and Frawley Law Have Failed to Keep Sport Clean Just Prize lighting and Simple Order Now By Hal Sheridan (Written for the United Press) New York, Dec. 29. If the reform ers of the fighting game in this state have their way during the coming ses sion of the Legislature there will be no more boxing. Despite the eiforts of the Boxing Commission to keep thr fport clean the reformers declavo the Frawley law hasn't abolished betting ard brutality. They maintain tht.t the sport as it is played now is still prizefighting, pure and simple. It can be said that the reformers are not entirely without support and sympathy. When the last attempt was made to repeal the Frawley law it almost met with success. Lawmakers from upstate sustained the repeal vigorously as the sentiment toward the sport in their districts was any thing but favorable. During that time the reformers spread stories of frame-up fights, bet ting, and gave instances of brutality. The same tactics it is believd, will be resorted to this time with the Smith Coffey bout which was fought early this month used as an instance. It is alleged that during the fight ringside spectators violated the bet ting law and several witnesses can be produced who saw transactions made and odds offered of 11 to 10 on Smith It is quite possible that Gov-elect Whitman will do something to save the exit of the pugilist. Bdt his atti tude is unknown beyond that he has stated that he is not opposed to the game, properly conducted. It is being broadly hinted that de spite the ruling of the National League that no club should report for Spring training before March 1, sev eral managers have orered the appear ance of their teams at least one week ahead of that date for practice. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vhfch boi-tteen ' , In nso lor over JiO years, Las borne Ibo. signatare ot " frtf ,.r nnd h8 "ecn niado under bis per- CcstjC&TX?-- 8al supervision since its Infancy. 1 -yjr, -uxcU4t Allow no ono to deceive you In this.'" ' AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-good " are bat i ' Experiments that trlfio with and endanger the health of " ' Infant uud Cliildrcn-xpcrlcnce against Experiment '. . What is CASTORlA rc Cnstorla U a harmless snbstitiite for Castor OH, Pare""" porlc, lrops and Soothlnjr Syrups. It is pleasant, -it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Wtorms ' and allays FeveriNhness. For more than thirty years' if lias been in constant use lor the relief ol ConstipatlosTUl ' " t ' Flatulency, Wind Colic, fell Teething: Troubles , and . : Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels. ' . -assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. ' ' ' GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signs FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. II. Carr, de ceased, all persons having claims claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before December 3rd, 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1914. VIRGINIA CARR, Executrix of M. H. Carr, Deceased. By E. R. WOOTEN, Attorney. 12-3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jan 7 STOMACH TROUBLES Mr. Ragland Write! Interesting Letter on This Subject. yBcars the Signature of 1 In Use For Over 30 Years1 The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CKNTAOW COMPANY. mw vok cttr, DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Residence Phone 129 A Lot of New FLOWERS I N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C.,. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C Edgerton Building. and DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work s Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Mill office MANY DISORDERS COME FROM THE LIVER Are You Just at Odds With Yourself? Do You Regulate Living? Are you sometimes at odds with yourself and with the world? Do you wonder what ails you ? True you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Yet something is the matter! Constipation, Headache, Nervousness and Bilious Spells indicate a Slug gish Liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 25c at your Druggst Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin Eruptions. adv. Madison Heights, Va. Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, of this place, writes: "I have been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught for a few days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain in pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptoms of stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Its 75 years of splendid success, in the treatment of ust such troubles, proves the real merit of Thedford's Black Draught. Safe, pleasant, gentle in action, and without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c. n. c ;a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. J B. Dale, de ceased, late of Lenoir county, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence in Lenoir county or to his attorney, Y. T. Ormond, at his office in the City of Kinston, N. C, on or before the 12th day of December, 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of December, 1914. J. C. LANGSTON, Administrator. Y. T. ORMOND, Attorney. 12-14-21-28; Jan 4-dly Constipation It t be dreaded. It lead, to Mrioaa aiim.nti. Fever, IndUeetioa. file.. Sick Headaebe, Polaoaed Sreteoi and aoore ol other trouble follow. Doa'c lei Constipation laat. Seep your Kidney.. LWer end Bowela health aad active. Rid roar arateal of fermented, g aaa food.. NothiaJ better tbaa' Dr. King's NewLifePills All Drutftfist 25 cents SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK SHAPES CALL IN AND SEE THEM I is. HI. L Braswell DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. IRA M. HARDY, M. D, . Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 9 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones:' Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street . ye. Er, Nom and Throat Diseases Treated. ! . . . . Dr. O.L. WILSON Deriist Office over J. E Hood ft Co's Store. O X A. O Our home office has requested us to make room for our large line of Spring and Summer goods coming to Kinston by the end of January, 1915 We will continue giving away AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS ABSOLUTELY FREE with every Suit or Overcoat ordered, until further notice, in order to make room for our Spring and Summer Goods. MM. No More 15.00 No Less It will pay you to take advantage of this free offer. TsiiloiriiiLg ; 134 North Queen Street I.

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