HIE KlNSTON FREE PRESS ' ..........aaaaaamaaataMaaMsMSaSataaSaSaSatW aBBBBBBBBBal.-- -fp BJfcSsaiaaBBmSaSM 1 1'.JAlDTEREST i .AnRlAfifi: LICENSE, v Liccid',. t 4. 'gtmnted this ort.I... to on colored couple of the juftt); Jem Blnck&mn, 21, and An .ia T.'UIiSaMj-18. "? S y ! ; K.iHi.. it iii ' " J SALE 0 FPLANTATION. Th Xfcftd. Bros. Realty Co. of SilsoriTire elTing' at auction today e S, Ff Harper farm in Vance town , thip. " Thi -fJantation was parcelled ! off f or lll i AN OVSTEB FAMINE ... ... . h'VVil IN BOUNDS TOWNS AGED MAN BAREFOOTED ON . , STREET IN SEVERE COLD Neighbors of L. li. Cox, an elderly well known man of 110 West Bright street, had to be assisted into hi.s home by neighbor who found him standing on the icy bidewalk in his bare feet and night clothes, in a (ut ter temperature. He had to be resus citated, having been almost frozen during the expoHure. Mr. Cox is un octogenarian and lives ulone. JOnN HARPER'S ACCOUNT OF KILLING LATHAM Tho laying off of oyster boats for the hoIUUrra' hat caused a famine of the bivttvef in- the Eastern Carolina marketaj .'- Th Christmas trade was exceed iffgly heavy and exhausted the supplieaucB hand prior to Friday. Kuutoi la not' materially affected, since the1 tnajoritr of the local doal ert ar "supplied from ' Norfolk. WEATHER LOOSENS UP. Higher temperature and the elimi- nation of ice by the rain of Monday, gratified earl risen today. The ice J which had coated the streets for the past three days occasioned a number of accidents in this section, although but on has been reported in Kinston. ' Travel over the country roads was ! ex-reedinirlv bad. and farmers driviner Into the city on Monday abandoned the trip rather than risk their horses on slippery bridges. DOTER MILL OFFICE , - i REPORTED ROBBED A report reached here today of the robbing of the office of the Goldsboro Lumber Company at Dover. Thieves are said ta have taken about $100 from the safe. The Craven county sheriff went to Dover with blood hounds which started to work in a very -encouraging manner, but for seme reason lost the trail. The rob bers have not been apprehended. D. yfi Richardson, very well known here 14 manager of the big plant BROTHERS ARRESTED FOR m CUTTING AGED DARKEY Deputy Sheriff H. V. Allen Monday night arrested Raymond and Henry Sutton- colored, brothers, at a coun try dance near Falling Creek, for an assault with knives upon Henry Wil linms, an elderly darkey, on Christ mai' Thtf Buttons are accused of in- flleting ugly cuts on Williams' head, neck and back while the three were drinking. 'Allen located them in the midst of a breakdown in a negro house. They gave bond. t . . WAYNE YOUTH TO BE TRIED FOR PATRICIDE. At the Instance of uncles of the youth, Leroy Price, who shot and kill ed his father near Seven Springs sev eral weeks ago, will probably have to stand trial for the murder. The grand Jury had previously liberated young Price upon the ground that the kill ing waa justifiable. , R. B. Price, the father, had been accused of mistreat iig his wife, who, it was said, hud been defended by their son. The el der Price's brothers are understood te have secured new evidence which will be introduced againxt the de fendant, who is now under bond, at the next terra of Wayne Superior Court, NO DAIRY LNSPECTION YET. ' Meat and Milk Inspector Foley has not secured the inspection by State experts of local dairies that he had hoped fof. Dr. Foley had hoped to tart the new year off with a clean state, although he has been in office less than a month. The weather, however, has been too bad to under take the inspection, which will neces sarily be tedious and slow, since there art probably ISO head of animals sup plying the local market. The daily Inspection of markets and frequent visits of Dr. Foley to the dairies have already resulted in much good. The visit of the Stat expert, who will lime to Kinston as soon as conditions are favorable, will be principally for the purpose of making tuberculin testa. INTEREST IN FAIR X DOES NOT LAG NOW. , On of the most important matters tcome up before the Chamber of Commerce next Tuesday night prob ably will be discussion of the propos es" section! or county fair for Kin afen next year. Prominent men, in cluding President J. Herman Canady, will advocate the establishment of the fair, which, Mr. Canady says, can be started off at a very reasonable ex pense. Other enthusiastic champions of the fair include Mr. J. F. Taylor, tit. P. S. B. Harper and Dr. W. C. Knox and others. The favor for a sec tional instead of a county fair grows, and It is expected that if the plans formulated in January, si the 'amber will probably decide upon, L.eene, Onslow, Duplin, and the oth r bordering counties possibly, will la Invited to participate. John Harper, held in the county jail for the murder of Lark Latham, de nies that he struck Luthum with a board. The men, negro-.), engaged in a flgfit on North street Christmas night which culminated in Latham's skull being fractured ly a blow from some heavy instrument, presumably in the hands of Harper. Harper de clares he struck Ltitham with a walk ing cane. The slayer probably in tends to plead self-defense, and suys Latham was about to attack him with a knife when he used the cane. The officers found no knife in the vicinity where Latham luid unconscious on the ground after being struck. The cusc, in the opinion of the authorities, looks like a first degree affair. LENOIR ALUMNI OF UNIVERSITY SMOKER Hon. Victor Bryant of Durham Will Ik Chief Speaker Tonight All Alumni and Students Are Cor dially Invited to Attend. $10,000 OFFERED FOR SERIAL PHOTO PLAY The Thanhouser Syndicate Corpor ation and the Chicago Tribune have made a very remarkable offer of ?10,000 for an acceptable photoplay serial story. The offer states that there are no strings or qualifications but a bona-fido offer for a big idea. Any who wish to try for the money can get further information by ap plying to Mr. II. F. Sta!ling;i, man ager of the New Grand Theater. The Grand will open about January 15th, and the great Thanhouser seri al, Zudora, which has been attracting so much attention wherever it has been shown, will be one of the feat ures of the new playhouse. Hon. Victor S. Bryant of Durham is in the city the guest of Mr. C. Fe lix Harvey, on North Queen street. He will address the Lenoir County Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina at its dinner to night in Pythian Hall. The association is preparing for forty-five members and guests of hon or, and the occasion will be a notable one for the friends of the White and Blue in Lenoir. The. boys row in attendance at the University will be guests of the Alum ni. and will liven the occasion with somo of the Kongs and yells that ter rified every opponent on the athletic fields of the South this year, with one Had exception. Several talks will be made by members, and it is hoped that all will attend. Any alumni visiting in the city are cordially invited and will receive hearty welcome. It will be entirely informal as to dress. NICKLE IN THE SLOT TO GET A RAINCOAT Fayettevillc, -Ark., Dec. 2!. Tho raincoat has. taken its place along side the egg sandwich, chewing gum and insurance policies placed before the public in vending machine. The man who drops his nickel for a pack age of gum to aid in the digestion of his- nickel-in-the-slot meal, and then pays a quarter to another machine for a policy insuring him against the con sequences may soon get n raincoat from an adjacent machine as a result of the ingenuity of Miss Elizabeth Galbraith, head of the art faculty, of the University of Arkansas. Miss Galbraith has obtained letters pat ent on a paper raincoat, said to be waterproof. She plans to manu facture the coats in large quantities Snd distribute them in specially de vised vending devices. Stirring Times. "While coining back from Kuropo our ship was swept by tliu searchlight of an English crutBor." "Very thrilling, no doubt, but whllo wo were coming back from Europe uur ship was swept by a wave of Germanophobla uml thero wore enough German-Americans on board 'o put up a flyhf TRY THIS FOR NEURALGIA Thousands of people keep on suf fering with Neuralgia because they do not know what to do for it. Neu ralgia is a pain in the nerves. What you want to do is to soothe the nerve itself. Apply Sloan's Liniment to the surface over the painful part do not rub it in. Slonn's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and havo it in the house against CoTils, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give al most instant relief. adv. DUDLEY 2i inches NORMAN 2 inches AHR.OW COLLARS 2 (or ai ch. n..n, r.. a c. he u.ktr, Children's Coughs Children's Colds, Both Are Serious When one of your little ones .shows symptoms of ait approaching Cold, give it l)r. Hell's Pine-Tar-llom-y at once. It acts quickly, and prevents the Cold growing worse. Very heal ing soothes the Lungs, loosens the mucous, strengthens the system. It's guaranteed. Only 2"c at your Drug gist. Buy a bottle today. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve for Sores. NOTICE OF EXECUTORS' SALE The undersigned executors of tho estate of Dock Wallace, deceased, will, on Wednesday, December Ii0, 1914, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or approved security, certain personal property belonging to said estate, consisting of tho following: 2 mulo colts, ages, 1 1-2 and 2 1-2 years, respectively. 2 nudes, ages, 3 1-2 and C years, re spectively, the younger weighing about 1)00 lbs., and the older about I 1,200 lbs. 3 horse colts, nbout 7 months old each. 2 mares. 1 stallion, about 8 years old. One-third interest in an automo bile, two-thirds interest in a reaper, 1 hay rake, 1 hay baler, 1 sulky plow, 1 feed mill, 75 to 100 barrels of corn ami ;t or 4 stacks of fodder. Place of sale: the late residence of Dock Wallace, now the residence of Nenl Wallace, in Kinston township, about three miles from Kinston. This 9th day of December, 1914. NEAL WALLACE, CATHERINE WALLACE, Executors of the Estate of Dock Wallace. Deceased. ROUSE & LAND, Attorneys for Executors. 12-10-17-24-28-dly 12-12-19-26-sw mmmmmmf: THE. ?C JEW DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE sTf PRESENTED BY THE Kinston Free Press, Dec. 29 SIX APPRECIATION CTlf iCATtS CGJWTITUTE A 5T M i X Shaw tour endmtcmeni of Mi ,T?nt etl jcalUnal ensnrtunit r hr tuition ou th above Orttfirats of Appracinlinn wi!h fire o'hr of colvtenli.o date, and praaanttng them at ihia office, with th tft:D Unua aititmrit Heroin it oppo Jita any Mr le of DicticBary arleetad (which covets ilir iSmi of tho coit of !!. " pr from tie factory, ch.-ckin, dork hirt and other ncceaaary EXPENSE nam), and you will bo presentej with your choice of that thraa bjafca: ne Ji.UJ ( (I.jk,. illustrations in the announcements from dnv to day.) 3 i"w t. ,1,. , .,:! it..: i... -u- .i,4'.. A R.UUS. II tl'H.ISn trrc-it.t ailfhiirit lr- frrttn lnrCncr imit-ritic i KniiHH ti plCTIOIMAKYtvtii Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on hack and 2 lllnalrafcd si.les, printed on Rible parcr, wiih red edges and corners f roonded; U-autiiul, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there t are maps and over 6tX) subjects beautifully illustrated by three- t color plate., numerous subjects by monotone, 16 paftcs of I u'Jt educational chart and the latest United Strrte Cen-t. lrcsent 1 t ; St this otficc SIX Con.ctiir Certitkit. cl AapreciatiM tni tk . bC 5 Tbc $3.00 New It la xaotijr tha aama a th 04 book. Modem Enelish binfltBs whth ' i t mcnoMAatv h" toatfcae. lUoalratca I wtlh aquara owrrora. SIX Ala I O 1 n it Caatifit J tha Otv Ii MAIL OKTtRRS Any. tMk hy ptml poat. til-Kla FXTHA t crnta within 1S mlloa: It ent its t mlloa: tut mtt dtslaneea aek your poatma.tar amount to Uieiud for s pounrta. - - tv a. t vt, v. , a.. k .a, i Hwinar. - II T ICirHw raa ana ItUmuaW The tH) . l " plain cloth oiiul- 1 Mcianj ErfgHsb tpr. innar- IliuMratcd and charuarnmltt4. SIX rcialioa) CartifWataa maA tho Bf tKa MU I r.mn orwl filkta UKHiiaa of Bed ESairaEs BJown !FHEiuckynum- We Wish ber for the fl Free Suit was 598 I All Our I and J. O. Temple I Friends a Iwastheluckymanl pmperous Come again. : : i 1 B NEW YEAR Vail & Taylor I I I The Men's Store I vmmMmm 1 J.M.Stephenson I l i THE LADIES STORE gj I ifr I I ii in ! s Make Cold Nights Comfortable by using varm bed covc&r OUR SHOWING IS COMPLETE PRICES $3.50 TO $15.00 All Coats AT HALF PRICE All Suits AT HALF PRICE Chas. A. Waters Ihe Telephone Store Phone No. 89 arrett & Hartsfield af U I II A ailamajatjiff ajjiKiyiagUl'WMal I Ice Cream, Soda j and Fine Candy I J.T. Skinner & Son 1 1 "We Strive to Please" j j GOOD STOVES FOR THIS WEATHER Will drive away some of the terrors of this extremely low temperature. These coal stoves that we are selling are full nickel trimmed, with a dump grate and every convenience of the highest priced ones. They will hold a fire easily all night, and keep a room so warm that you'll forget it's winter. Small size is $7.50 with discount for cash. Large size is $9.50 with discount for cash. Wishing You One and All i AProsperous New , Year Oeftinger's Furniture Store v THE v ONE PRICE CASH STORE a; J. SUTTON I Phone34 Prop. I '" ' - - ' Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 6 p. m. Office, 478 8 to S p. m. Res. Phone 113 Going Out of KHIWTTR Safety Razors Fit All Faces. 1 Business - n v 4- Sale THE "ANGLE ft OF THE SAFETY RAZOR is so exactly proportioned that when the blade is held against the face, the edge is in the exact position for a clean easy cutting of the beard. WITHOUT HONING WITHOUT STROPPING Each KttH KU1UR blade is hardened, tempered and ground individually, insuring unnormity ot temper and excellent cutting qualities. There is no scranim? or tiTW iixc you experience witn otfter Oatety Kazors. ; (f1! Cfl '-VER GOLD PLATED ff ftft oo.ou ssi" i"e,t 's? 85.00 DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases nf Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. lair'M A complete KM tint SAFETY RAZOR OUTFIT consists of Holder and 12 sharp Norwegian- Steel Blades, packed In z compact neat covered case. Ksvi Elirfa . t . S fcr 25 Cents 5? SOLD AND CUARAMTCED BY II. L MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. Silks Galore Dress Silts, Waist safe 18c Up SALET NOW GOING : ON - TERMS CASIf ':.. m . t Jf : - : G. b: Kornegay