TTIE KINSTON FREE PRESS OF LOCAL INTEREST - u DR. A. L. HYATT LOCATES IN THE CITV. Dr. A. L. Hyatt, son of Dr. II. O. Hyatt, hai decided to establish him self here for the practice of medicine. Dr. Hyatt ha recently been at Ham let and before that was located at BeuUrilltt. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY'S EMBARGO ON WHISKEY AVILL BE EMPHASIZED MARRIAGE LICENSES. Two marriage licenses were issued bv the Register of Deeds Monday, both to white couples: Aretus Stroud 39: and Myrtle Stroud, 28, both of thu rnuntv: Emmett Richards, 21, and Nellie Philyaw. 18. both of Kinston BIG BUSINESS TO BE STARTED AT DOVER The Dover Supply Company of Do ver has been incorporated by the .Sec retary of State to do a general mcr eantile business in that town. TV capital stock is 10,000, and the in corporators are D. W. Richardson, W B. H. Blandford and W. L. Bell, all well-known here. The action of the State Medical So ciety last June in declaring wlii.ske of no use in the pharmacopeia will be made much of nt the !i-onnial con vention of the North (Carolina Anti Suloonists in the Capital City nct week. Kinston in much interested cause of the fact that Dr. James M Parrott, the prominent local phy cian who, us president of the society started the opposition to intoxicants nmoiifr the doctors, will lie the princi pal speaker of the opening day of the convention. Dr. Parrott's speech before the Medical Society created something of a sensation in the State, and at traded attention far ind wide. It was approved by his fellow-physicians because his "advanced position on prescription writing for uleohulic stimulants" was proper, and the so ciety advised that its Icgi-dative com mittee be instructed "to ask the next Legislature to enact more stringent laws against this pernicious practice." CII A NG E M AN A GEM ENT POPULAR HABERDASHERY TEACHERS' MEETING AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH TONIGHT The officers and teachers of th Gordon Street Christian church Hi ble School, will hold their regulai monthly meeting in the Baraca Gas: room tonight. All officers and teach ers are urged to be present and helj plan for the new year. Any othc members of school or Sunday schoo' workers are invited. COSTA RICA PEOPLE ON VISIT IN THIS SECTION Mr. and Mrs. Cecil U. lay lor o' San Jose, Costa Rica, are concluding visit of several months to this sec tlon with relatives in Beaufort. The) Will leave in a day or two for New York, from whence they will take r steamer for their Central Americai home. Mr. Taylor is an auditor fo the United Fruit Company in Sar Jose. REX BEACH COULD NOT STOP AT HAVELOCK ; Rex Beach, the famous novelist, haf returned to New York from a fishing and huntiny trio. Mr. Beach waf compelled to decline the invitation Of Charles L. Abernethy and otherf to stop over at Havclock for a few days' sport, business cutting shorl his stay in North Carolina. The au thor told Mr. Abernethy that h would try to return in a few weekr to enjoy his hospitality at Havelocl. camp. Beach annually visits Ocra coke. DR. SPILMAN AT S. 8. INSTITUTE IN NEW BERN Two of the ablest lenders in Sunday school work among the Southern Bap tists are featuring the institute of the Neuse-Atlantic Baptist Association hting; held in the First Baptist churh at New Bern. These are Dr. B. VV. Spilman of Kinston and Rev. E. L. Middleton of Raleigh, field secretar ies for the South, and the State, res pectively, of Sunday school work. Dr. Spilman addressed the institute twice Monday and again today. "MA AND I ARE NOT TO BLAME." The local Equal Suffrage League Monday afternoon issued the follow ing statement: "W. C. T. U. women of Ohio, undauntud and undismayed by their 'delayed' victory, explain the results of the November 8 election "I can't vote; Neither can ma; Ohio's gone wet, Blame it on pa." "Miss Mary T. Henderson of Salis bury, chairman of the legislative com mittee of the North Carolina Equal Suffrage League, left for Raleigh January 4, to stay during the entire cession of the Legislature, looking af ter the interests of the bill about about equal suffrage." COSTLY NEW INSTRUMENTS FOR MILITIA BAND HERE. The band of the Second Infantry, located here, is to have an expensive new set of brass and reed instru ments. The outfit will cost at least $3,000. It has been only three or four years since the band was issued score or more of new horns, clari nets and drums, which are still in good shape, but the fact that the equipment was not entirely uniform Is supposed to have caused the gov ernment to consider furnishing a new Instrumentation. The chief and prin cipal musicians of the organization hava been ordered to select the de sired Instruments, which are of the most expensive make. Stop That Cough Now - When you catch Cold, or begin to Cough, the first thing to do is to take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It penetrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs and fights the Germs of Disease, giving quick relief and nat ural healing, "Our whole family de-" pend on Pin-Tar-Honey for Coughs! nd Colds," writes Mr. E. Williams, I Hamilton, Ohio. It always helps. . 23c at your drug-gist, adv. The firm of Dail ami Taylor, con ducting one of the best known hab erdasheries in the city at 21'i North Queen street, has been dissolved, A. N. Taylor withdrawing to accept the management of a farmers' warehouse here. Tho senior partner, J. C. Dail find Paul C. Heinby, will conduct the business as J. C. Dail & Co. Mr. Hemhy has been connected during the past two or three years with the tail oring department of Barrett & Harts field, ami is an experienced man in that line. The stock of the concern will be increased, and Mr. Dail will leave about the end of the week for New York to purchase new stuff. Three-cornered mixup over store leases, etc. 1'aptr.i wen Monday served upon Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knox, who con duct the "J. M. .Stephenson" store at 102 South Queen street, demanding that they vacate the building. The plaintiffs are Chamberlain and Brax ton, who conduct a ladies' shop in the Hotel Caswell building and Mr. N. J. Rouse, landlord of the store occupied y Mr. and Mrs. Knox. Justice H. C. '. Peeples will hear the ejectment proceedings Saturday afternoon at 2 MEW I HATS clock, if it cannot he settled out of court before then. the proprietors of the Stephenson store gave notice some weeks ago tliat they would va il to. and the store was soon after wards rented to Chamberlain & Brax ton. It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Knox had secured a lease on another store. ut the tenant there would not vacate, alleging that the proper notice had not been given. The three-cornered situation prom ises to become even mjre interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Knox arc placed in a istressing situation by their inahil- ty to remove to their intended new luarters, and Chamberlain & Braxton ire inconvenienced, because they can not get into their new stand. The litigation so far stems to have been without feeling, and nil the par ties in the unfortunate affair express desire that the tangle may hr ad justed amicably. 1915 STYLES NOW C.N DISPLAY AT J. C. DAIL & CO. The Men's Store NORTHERN CONTRACTORS WANT I'D. WORK HERE NATIONAL F. M. C. OFFICERS MAY COME It is probable that one or more na tional officers of the Fraternal Mystic Circle may come here in April for the annual meeting of the State Rul ing, according to Thomns .Crttdy, spe cial supreme deputy of tho order. Mr. Grady stated today that if his health would permit, F. II. Duckwitz of Phil adelphia, nt the head of the F. M. C, in the nation as Supreme Ruler, will attend the convention. J. 1). Miles, Supreme Recorder, also of Philadel phia, is expected to come. It Really Docs Relieve Rheumatism Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in nny form should by 11 meanskeep n bottle of Sloan's Lin iment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, buthe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immediately right to tho sent of pain, relieving the hot, tender, swollen feel ing mid making tho part easy ami comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any drug gist and have in in the house against ('olds, Sore nnd Swollen Joints, Lum bago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your Tioney buck if not satisfied, but it; loes give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle today. adv. Representatives of New York and New Jersey contractors were here on Monday looking over the site and plans and specifications of the pro posed Federal building for Kinston. A number of others have applied to Postmaster LaRoue for information, liids for the construction will h opened by the supervising architect in the Treasury Department at Wash ington next Monday at '! p. m. All bills received after that time will be promptly returned, without being opened, of course. Consideration of the bids had by the 11th will require until February 1 or longer, and it is not expected that the contract will be let within a month after the opening of the propositions. Middy Blouse SolidVVhite and Whits with Serge Collars 98c Still continues and and $25.00 Coat Suits are now go ing at $5.98 and $9.98. Come and Leek Them Over J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE anuaryGlearaiiciile OPENED TODAY And Continues Until lanuary H9iS iarrsfi H BJ'J ii 1 rfin MIUUV I B Square and Half Square 50c &s 1.00 Cms. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 lis lartsfield DUDLEY 2ft laches NORMAN 2)i inches ARROW COLLARS 2 lot 26 C1..H, ruhody S C. I.e. llrt WATCH FOR AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladzesand Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 ZUB0RA 111 mm THE NEW WW 9t ki DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED -BY-TOE Kinston Free Press, Jan. 5 J.T. Skinner & Soi "We Strive to Please" We are Agents in the City for the Two Best Mattresses Made THE SEALY FELT MATTRESS THE LUX-YGU-RY FELT MB The Sealy Mattress is as smooth and soft as the fmest feather bed, but does not sink in the middle and cause the excessive heat as a feather bed. There are no tufts in it, and is guaranteed for 20 yearsJ The Lux-you-ry Mattress is a 50 lb. handsomely finished mattress for $15.00. At this price it is the best we have NEW LOT ZIEGLER SHOES t i I r THE v ONE PRICE CASH STORE s ever seen. HIM ir's urn A. J. SUTTON Phoner34 j& Proo. l itHMimnuiinllHMDlmi SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE CONSTATE A SET V .r..W.n Show jout ndorment of thi gre rJuca!ifii! of pc'twitty (y ruilinn ot; tho abov CHifivte ot Appreciation with t'io cthe: t n t ruhve dates, im. 4 prentinti them at this off lie. wi.h the vxpr b-ntia nM.'nt S-vin se- opyo. tto any stylo of Dictionary soWctod ( whi h covers tho itni vl ti: tost of yr i inir. sijweM from tho factory, chec kinn. ccrk hiro and other n . o. 'wi y LX.Pt.NJU itoma and you will bo presented with your choico oi Uivkl- tlircd LkvKs - lne 0-I.UU , (Like i!liivtratins in the aiHiouttccn,. ;t li, JV "7 .. . it is the only entirely new imiv.j.iI.i i&niuuBiii Liifciiiu er, ai. t .iutl:oriiu fr IUtriO.ARYil IIIiMtralcd side tr.T!- (i.T.- (it t; in by tin- v . rl ::i'!uivr , oritu-! : is 1 ml tl''xii'!c, stamjH'il in pnlil on h.u'.i . per, Willi red i i-.cs ami ,.l... .U ! . ... T arf iii:lfte :ifiil dv.r iSl X I vnKiz-.te t nt . ' n 1 ' i I l.i . r t . . I U.. i.r,.. ruler platri. ntmieri'ii ul-jirt I'v tn.'iK'toiv. Id of clm-at tmal charts ami tin' l iui I'lptfil St .:! iVn--u.' 1'rrscr.t romiiK-d ; beautiful. I. nun l.eatlnT. ;, i r in t t-cl on Itilile si roil)?, iIiiraMo. i por.J there L Boi of T at this oHirr SIX ConjorutiTa CrtHimtos ai A DBrMil.'iAlt Mill ill The $3.00 New rv ii-j r. . tmuuein ciiiiii k . . - W . . , . , . B , I Uliulr.1.11 It ts csnctly t;n 5;m.r s the l 00 b. tt, ev rii'i tn th ! lo c( Mnillni. which U In hnll Irdth.r. . with OllT it 4 nd with uniisTfcomiTf. SIX Ap. uvd Ih. Ihc S2.00 New Modern English fp llltTIOMAKY 81c as me is, but ail of tho col- cl-nrt a-o ov!u1 SIX Av pronation Ccrifictits and tho Id lu I'tttin Cioih tnrui- 'i nn.i black; Iiai eiia e Sfi : fr. w...u iStinu? of I 48c i took prrf iv.t nr ih1.- rvTi: i 7 v w lUfl ml...; ii coma if.j to So-i miion: for ur-uur du;;t:uv4 your p wums.c-r -J amount to incUjde fur S pounds. r- - - -- - ' - . w--rw-.w- ..-,- -.Vf-',Tyrt,y .t,A--V.. INSURANCE OF ALL MS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) 1 rn 1 1 . 1 s i DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Osteopathy is a system of healing di sease by scientific manipulations, the purpose of each manipulation being either to arrest some derangement in the position of the tissues or to increase or to decrease the activity of some organ It is not a remedy for some particular disease, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. X.,' MMmrffi Safety Razors Fit AH Faces. THE "ANGLE 99 OF THE e A SEW A 7An DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. Dr. O. L. WILSON Deriist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'l Store. is so exactly proportioned that when the blade ts held against the face, the edge is in the exact position for a clean easy cutting of the heard. WITHOUT H3:;!liG WITHOUT SHOPPING Each KttH KUTTIR blacfe is hardened, tempered and ground individually, insuring uniformity of temper and excellent cutting qualities. There is no scraping or pulling like you experience with other Safety Razors. $3.50 SILVER PLATED BLACK LEATHER CASE COLD PLATED PIGSKIN CASE S5.G9 mm 4- A complete mn mm safety razor OUTFIT consists of Holder and 12 sharp 'Norwegian Steel Blades, packed in a f compact neat covered case. !isv Eiades . . .5 for 25 Cents SOLO AND CUARANTCCO BY T W!' ' I f 1 1 i " mi i ' urn If. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. 'Patronize Home Industry" JOB PRINTING We are Equipped Ii Handle Ycdi Orders for Higk Crue Job Printing. Orders Carefully and Promptly EiecnttJ We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES, POSTERS. ' We have Connection with Engraven nd Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly JJndJ Orders for Engravit nd N all kind of Blank Book Making. f . Kinston Free Press Co. ' It or pirated 0 Poblisberi and Job Praters "Everything in Printing1

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