WANTfADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS WORKING OUT WAR ' PLANS ON "GAME BOARDS" CLEVER IDEA Bf Rurton K. SUndish (Written for the United Press) Washington, Jan. 6. Stored away iii the vaults of the army and navy PHONE 312 for Nice Native Beef, I department today are secret plans Pork and H resh Sausage. l-&-6t-DI I for war. These show just what FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable fot kindling nres inese cool mornings Be a package, tree Press. 9-14-tf FOR SALE My Store Corner. Terms arranged to suit. G. E. Kornegay. l-2-Dlyto8 FOR RENT Store on North street, next to corner store occupied by Har- vev Hines. N. J. Rouse. 12-22-d-tf NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the National Bank of Kin gton will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. Tuesday,, January 12, 1915, at theii banking house, for the election of offl cers and such other business as maj properly come before them. J. J. STEVENSON, Cashier. 12-9-dly to 1-12 NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. H. Carr, de ceased, all persons having claim claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before th undersigned on or before Decembe 3rd. 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1914. VIRGINIA CARR, Executrix of M. H. Carr, Deceased. By E. R. WOOTEN, Attorney. 12-3, 10, 17, 24. 31, Jan 7 Stateof North Carolina, Lenoir Count NOTICE The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as admini strator of the estate of James Gab tiel Cox, late of Lenoir County, Nortl Carolina, all persons having claim: against said estate are requested anc hereby notified to exhibit the sam before him on or before the 27th da; of November 1915, or this notice wil lie pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estati will please make immediate payment This 27th d$y of November, 1914 J. W. COX, Administrator of James Gabriel CiiX, deceased. Dec. 1-8-15-22-29-January 5. NOTICE OP EXECUTRIX. v,'jlce is hereby given that the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of John Fields, Jr., late of Lenoir county, North Carolina, have been duly admitted to probate before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lenoir county, N. C, and now ap pear of record in his office, and that the undersigned, Bettie Z. Fields, was named as executrix in both the said will and the said codicil. Notice is hereby further given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned executrix on or before the first day of December, 1015, or this notice will bep leaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, November 20t.lv 1914. BETTIE Z. FIELDS, Executrix of the last will and tes tament and codicil thereto of John Fields, Jr., deceased. LOFTIN & DAWSON, Attorneys for Executrix. Nov. 23-30 Dec. 7, 14, 21, 27 An Excellent Place, Mule, , Wagon, Cart fenr sale. See DR. HARDY. moves this country would make in event of hostilities against our shores Every possible plan of approach of an enemy has been considered, and with it has been evolved by the military strategists a method for meeting such an attack. Not until the recent agitation over national security was it known that this nation is prepared for war, in the sense of having such carefully laid schemes of defense and offense, Asst. Secretary of Navy Roosevelt himself disclosed one of the secrets when he indicated that fully 50,000 more men would have to be added to the navy, if a foreign power were to make war on this nation. But for the most part, the views of and the strategy of the military planners is guarded with jealous care Back of all these confidential war moves lie two great organizations the army and navy war colleges. Their "game boards," in conjunction with the fleet have developed these war ideals to a nicety which officials believe would stand the nation in good stead in case of actual practice instead of theory. The relation be tween the "game-boards" and the ictual fleet operation, in the navy for instance, has been admittedly weak in recent months. But the Navy De partment has turned its attention to making these problems of attack and defense as practical as possible. To this end, work is now under way to make the relations between the theo rists and the admirals and captains -loser and more practical. The "game board" is just what its name signifies a huge board on which the game Tjf destruction is olayed by men trained to the arts of leath. The United SStates navy is repre ;ented by miniature ships of a cert tin .color. The ships of an enemy are lesigned by another color. They are moved around like chess men, but the lements of mathematical calculation, f unerring acuracy, of navy strategy inter into every movement. One tactical mistake may destroy the miniature United States fleet. To err on the game board is serious busi ness for it means that the man in charge might do the same were he engaged in a life and death struggle. Then make the board play more re alistic, the intricate problem suggest ed by the board are transferred to commanders of the big dreadnoughts. There, these ideas are put into act ual practice when maneuvers are pos sible. Problems suggested by the naval encounters of the European war have been transferred to the game board so that America's strategists may ben efit from the spectacular feats of British and German vessels alike. And the army, too, works out man euvers along the same line. SOCIAL And PERSONAL NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National Bank of Kinstoif will be held at 3 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 12, 1915, at their banking house, for the election of offi cers and such other business as may properly come before them. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier. 12-ll-ltawk-4wks-dly NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore composed of J. C. Dail and A. N. Taylor, doing busi ness in the City of Kinston, under the firm name of Dail and Taylor, was, on the 4th day of January, 1915, dis solved by mutual consent, and that on and after said date the said business will be conducted by J. C. Dail and P. C. Hemby,, doing business as J. C. Dail & Co. The new firm assumes all in debtedness of old partnership and all amounts due said partnership should be paid to new firm. This the 5th day of January, 1915. J. C. DAIL, A. N. TAYLOR. 1-5-12-19-26 Mr. Corny G. Tyndall is in Char lotte on business. h a a Mr. "Buck"' Taylor of Trenton is a Kinston visitor vnday. a K S3 Mr. G. G. Mathews of Caswell is in the city today on business. a a a Mr. J. H. Bell of Morehead City is visiting relatives in the city. a a a Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Copeland have gone to Richmond, where they will visit for a few days. a a a Mrs. F. M. Pittman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Ras- berry, on Peyton avenue, returned to her home at Wilmington yesterday. a a a The following young men have re turned to out-of-town schools, after spending the holidays with relatives: Messrs. A. Hobgood, Ray Jordan and Henry Canady. a a a Mrs. Frank M. Provonga returned to her home in New Bern yesterday after a visit in the city to her par ents, Mr. and MrsJ. B. Cummings, on King street. a a a Miss Sadie Braxton has returned to Raleigh to resume her studies at St. Mary's School, after spending the holidays in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Braxton, on North Queen street. a a. a Mrs. L. O. Gross and children re turned yesterday from visiting rela tives at Goldsboro. Mrs. Gross was accompanied by Miss Alta Perkins, who will be her guest for several days. a a a Mrs. Barron P. Caldwell return ed this morning from Cliffside, N. C, where she and Mr. Caldwell spent the holidays at the home of her fath er. Mr. Caldwell came back several days ago. a a a Miss Jennie Barwick Becomes Mrs. W. F. Harper. This morning at 7:30 o'clock a mar riage of unusual interest took place at the home of Mrs. N. A. Barwick, on North Mitchell street. Miss Jen nie Barwick became the wife of Mr. W. F. Harper of Grifton. The wide acquaintance of the' two and the very high esteem in which both are held, gave to the marriage an interest beyond the ordinary. Though the invitations were limited to as small a number as possible, rel atives and close friends, yet the house was filled with admiring guests. The bride, attractively attired in travel ing suit of blue, came into the parlor upon the arm of the groom. The cer emony was performed by Pastor Ber nard P. Smith of the Christian church. Immediately after the marriage the happy parties left for the Norfolk Southern station, where amid show ers of rice, they boarded a train for Norfolk, from which place they will go on to Baltimore and other points upon a bridal tour. Mrs. Harper is one of the most highly esteemed young women of this city and Mr. Harper enjoys the con fidence of all who know him. It will be a pleasure to the many friends in Kinston to know that Mr. and Mrs. Harper will live here for the present at least. SUSPEND SLAUGHTER TO ALLOW SOLDIERS TO PREPARE TOILET FOR SOUR STOMACH GAS OR INDIGESTION Use Mi-o-nt and Get Immediate and Effective Relief. When you have heartburn, pains in the stomach, and taste undigested food, it's a sure sign your last meal is not digesting, but fermenting, At Times Enemies in West- caufing Poionou8 eases 80Urne88 nd aciu siomacn ern War Theater Become-Almost Friendly Good-Natured Barter Ex changed by the Soldiers Prompt and lasting relief for any stomach distress is a simple inexpen sive matter if you will only try the harmless Mi-o-na prescription easily obtained from J. E. Hood & Co. or any druggist Mi-o-na is especially prepared to neutralize excess acid and stop fer mentation which surely sours your foodfi causing sick headache, dyspep sia, biliousness and bad dreams. Mi-o-na not only corrects sour, acid and gassy stomach, but improves the entire digestive system so that By William Phillip Simms (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the French army at the front, Nov. 29. (By mail to New York) At places, here in the Ar- es are so close together that in the the blood, nerves, muscles, and skin weeks the two armies have been thus receive increased nourisnmein, face ta faro. th anl.Ho . -ft,, n causing clear complexion, bright fashion, personally acouainted with eyes, and that delightful sensation each other. I of "feeling tit. Here, the fizhtinir has berome Get some Mi-o-na tablets today systematiBed and follows a routine. ' they do not banish every sign of At certain sections of the trenches indigestion they will not cost you a the French and Germans have reached penny, an agreement that before a certain hour in the morning there is to be no killing; in the opposing trencehs the men are to be allowed to wash up and make their toilet for the day. After the gong taps, figuratively speaking, any head showing above the GO NO FARTHER The Evidence Is At Your Door . Kinston proof is what you want, level and the statement of this highly res- of the ground gets promptly taken pected resident will banish all doubt: off. Mrs. T. A. Mitchell, 809 E. Chest- Rock battles often take place be-1 nut St., Kinston, says: "For some time tween tho opposing sides. The men my kidneys were not acting as they grow tired of having nothing to shoot should and the kidney secretions were at for hours at a time and in order h regular in passage. Pains in my to amuse themselves they bombard back and limbs bothered me night and each other without the thrower ex- day. I read about Dean's Kidney posing his person to the bullets of the Pills and got a box from the E. B. enemy. Marston Drug Co., and began using The old fashioned grenades have I them as directed. The backache soon come back into style with this close left and the kidney secretions became trench fighting, the Germans using regular in passage. I passed several them frequently. They steal up to gravel stones while using Doan's the trenches in the night or through Kidney Pills and since then, I hape the heavy fogs now of almost daily occurence in this region, and let go into the midst of a crowd of men. At times the enemies, however, be come almost friendly. felt much better generally. I think as highly of Doan's Kidney Pills now as I did when I first endorsed them." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy- "Say, over there 1" a German shout- j get Doan's Kidney Pills the same ed from his trench, .i "Have you guys got anything to smoke?" "Sure!" the chorus came back from the French. "Have you?" "Not a crumb!" "Too bad. You ought to write the Kaiser." that Mrs. Mitchell had. , Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. PERSONAL MENTION OF FORT BARNWELL'S DOINGS. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R 1 A Colds are Often Most Serious Stop Possible Complications The disregard of a Cold has often brought many a regret. The fact of Sneezing, Coughing, or a Fever should be warning enough that your system needs immediate attention. Certainly Loss of Sleep is most se rious. It is a warning given by Na ture. It is man's duty to himself to assist by doing his part. Dr. King's Children Grr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A New Discovery is based on a scien- ' title analysis of Colds. 50c. at your py IT ITVNFV Pll 1 2 Driest. Buv a bottle todav. adv. WlJ-'l llUlLl f 1Ma3 Mr. W. T. Jones organized a farm ers' union here Saturday night.. Misses Annie Wilcox and Vina Parrott, after spending the holidays here with relatives, have returned to Littleton College. Rev. W. M. Huggins stopped at New Bern Saturday morning on his way to Vanceboro. Miss Myrtle Rhodes after spending a few days with relatives in New Bern Saturday after spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hellen had a nice New Year's present, a fine son. Miss Eunice Steward after spend ing a few days in Charlotte, returned yesterday. Miss Minnie Croom returned to Askin Saturday after spending a few days here with relatives. Messrs. Penn and- Hobson Lane spent Sunday evening in Dover. A crowd of the people met at the church here Thursday night to wel come the New Year. Mr. Ersell Croom made a flying trip to Grifton Monday afternoon. Mrs. G. B. Caraway and son are spending a few days here. Mr. Clay Croom of Dover spent Sunday evening here. Dr. Herndon of Dover was a visit or here Monday evening. Mr. W. R. Sauls has improved so as to spend New Year's night with his father, Mr. J. J. Sauls. A Lot of New FLOWERS and S H A PES CALL IN AND SEE THEM is. M, L. Bbaswell WAIT FOR ZUDORA How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRII.INR Is the trade-mark name given to an Improved Quinine. It ia a Tasteless Syrup, pleas lint to take and doea not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Alao especially adapted to adulta who cannot take ordinary Quiniue. Doea not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing; in the head. Try It the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask lor 2-ounce original package. The name FEERILINE ia blown ia bottle, 35 ceata. Only a few more days remain during which you may pur chase Brassware and Fine China At Cost We Still Have a Very Complete Line Work in a Warm Room "X7HEN you take your T ? sewing upstairs, takei the heat along too. Thej Perfection oil heater is easr ily carried anywhere. You' draw it up beside you and work in comfort, even if the room has no other source J of heat. r V PERFECTION SMOKELESCam HEATERS The Perfection is solid, good- 1 y-v-vL- mnr .oocYr t-r rAwyry on-l lr a s ' w Aisurwiu) va.ojr ivj xii auu laivv wiw of. It is smokeless and odorless. At hardware, furniture and general stores every wnere. Look for the Triangle trademark.' STANDARD OIL COMPANY W.ibiifteo, D. C (NEW JERSEY) Ckariatta, It i tUX BALTIMORE I ' ' --r - , i ' ; rcrcrc NOTICE! Our home office has requested us to make room for our large line of Spring and Summer goods coming to Kinston by the end of January, 1915 uWe will continue giving away AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS ABSOLUTELY FREE with every Suit or Overcoat ordered, until further notice, in order to make room for our Spring and Summer Goods. No More ,LS.OQ. No Less lav. It will pay you to take advantage of this free offer. G oip o i? at t i o rn 134 North Queen Street i m it

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