THE KINSTON FREE PRESS ' OF LOCAL INTEREST - I ., i. b MARRIAGE LICENSES. HEALTH BOARD RE-ELECTS DRS. WEYHER & WOOTEN s Two license to wed were issued . Tuesday, to: William F. Harper, 45, and Jennie Barwick, 35, white, both of Lenoir county; Oscar Isler, 24, and Annette Sutton, 20, colored, both of the county. A THE REGISTER OF DEEDS BUSY NOW. , Twenty deed for real estate have been filed with the register of deeds at Uie Courthouse since January 1, and against that number, 15 mort gage deeds. None of the transactions were of more than passing interest FIRE IN HOUSE ON CARAWAY STREET. The fire department was called at 8 a. u. today to Robert Hutchins' home, on Caraway street, where a blaxe which started from an un unknown cause in a closet was caught in iU incipiency. The damage was around f IS. D. G. CARRAWAY DIES IN SOUTH DAKOTA. News has been received here of the death in Bridgewater, S. D., of I a former resident of this section, D. G- better known as "Jeff." Carraway. Mr. Carraway wai a native of Craven county. Details are lacking, but the cause of his demise was given as pneumonia. GREENVILLE ALSO HAS FIRE ALARM NUISANCE. : The police in Greenville are hav ing the same trouble the local author ities were confronted with a month or two ago. A number of meddlers with lire alarm boxes are being aought by the officials. One negro has been caught and fined $26, the maximum imposed there. Drs. V. E. Weyher of the city and R. W. Wooten of the county have been re-elected members of the Coun ty Bourd of Health by the three re maining members, Chairman Church ill of the County Commissioners Mayor .Sutton and Superintendent o. C(jjm ""hools Kinsey. The term of Drs. Wooten and Weyher expirei on January 4. The first meeting o the board since their re-election will be held on next Monday. The Count v Hoard of Jiealtn as constituted iiy law consists of th chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, the mayor of the countv seat, the superintendent of public instruction, and two practici ng physicians who Khali be appointe by the first-named three. In every instance the chairman of the com missioners is chairman of the board and the superintendent of schools is secretary. The Board of Health has the res ponsibility of electing a County Hu perintendent of Health, or county- physician, which office is now held by Dr. Albert DeKalb Parrott of the city. Formerly there were two phy sicians in the service of the board, one being the county physician und the other the "quarantine officer." The last-named was abolished several years ago at the instance of then Mayor W. I). LaKoijue. The combin ing of the two offices is said to have worked out very satisfactorily and at a considerable saving to the community. DEPUTY MARSHAL ANGE LOCA.TES AT CLARKS Deputy United Statei Marshal Charles H. Ange has taken up resi dence at Clarke. Deputy Marshal Ange formerly resided at Jackson ville, hut after his appointment to the Federal job removed to New Bern, where he has lived during the past few months, lie has purchased home In Garks. MID-WEEK PRAYER MEETING. The prayer meeting of the Chris tian church will be held this evening from 7:30 to 8:15 o'clock. The pas tor wDl conduct it The subject will be "In the Beginning God." All are urged to attend this first meeting of the new year. All who are willing to assist in the song service are requested to attend choir practice in the church this eve ning at 8:15. INDICATOR COMING FOR E. KINSTON FIRE HOUSE. An alarm indicator for the East Kinston Are station is now en route and will be installed in the house as soon as it arrives. Call bells to be installed in the homes of members of the department living remote from the stations, a couple of scaling lad ders and life belts are other new equipment expected to be shipped from the factory for the local fire men In a few days. NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION The supply of dictionaries first or dered by The Free Press for distri bution on a coupon plan, as outlined elsewhere in this paper, were very quickly used up, the demand being much greater than was anticipated. A fresh supply has just been receiv ed and those who have been disap pointed in not getting a dictionary during the past week can now be sup plied. FORMER GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN ON "SOUND.' Ex-Govemor Upham of Wisconsin Is cruising on hi private yacht in eastern Carolina waters, Norfolk Southern Railroad men report. Mr. Upham 's yacht is a picture craft nnd bis favorite pleasure. A year ago I the vessel was brought down the Mis-i aissippi, through the gulf and up the Atlantic coast to northern waters, but recently the cold weather drove the former Governor and his guests to a warmer clime. Mr. Upham's home is In Marshfield, Wis. TO ASK LEGISLATURE FOR HOME FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, Jan. 5. Three bills for the establishment of a reformatory for women of the under world will be Introduced at the session of the Legis lature, which opens tomorrow one from Charlotte, one from Durham, and one from the Farmers Union. Children dry TOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BUILDING AND LOAN IN GOOD CONDITION The Mutual Building and Loan As sociation, started only two yeirs ago under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, will show in its annual statement to be issued to the share holders soon that it is in fine condition. The report will give the following figures of the affairs of the associa tion at the close of business on De cember 1: Loans on mortgages $53,450 00 Loans on shares G,3!)5 50 Cash in office and banks. . 524 45 Totul , $00,3(59 05 Installments due share holders 44,1!!8 25 Bills payable 14,000 00 Undivided profits 2,2:51 70 Total Profit and loss account: Salaries, etc Interest on borrowed money Rent, advertising, etc Taxes paid Expenses $ 1,108 01 Profits 2.231 70 CHILI) OF EIGHT WEAK AND AILING Little Collins' Girl Also Had Stubborn Chronic Cough Father Tells How She Was Restored to Health by Vinol. Lakeport, N. H. "Our little girl, S years of age, was in a debilitated, rundown condition, and had a stub born, chronic cough' While she did not have to ttay out of school, on ac count of her condition, she was weak and ailing all the time and far from well. We treated her cough, but noth-1 mt; seeniei! lo neip ner uniu we iriea Vinol. after which we noticed an im-! mediate improvement. Her appetite ncreased and now she is strong und well and we can recommend Vinol to other parents who have delicate, ail- ng children."- George A. Collins, Lukeport, N. If. What Vinol did for this little girl t will do for other weak and ailing children, because they need the tissue-building, strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic iron that Vin- contains. It is delicious to the taste. That's why Vinol builds them up so quickly, and we usk parents or delicate children in this vicinity to ry Vinol with the understanding that we will return their money if it fails to give satisfactory results. J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists, Kinston, N. WATCH FOR ZUDORA .' ....-. eM I II "52 OUR SALE CiEMfflCE SALE Solid White and White with Serge Collars 98c Middy Ties Square and Half Square 50c & $1.00 Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 Still continues and and $25.00 Coat 8 Suits are now go ing at $ 5 . 98 and $9.98. Three More Days We Solicit The accounts of Corpora tions, Firms and Individ uals, and offer accommo dau'ons consistent with safe banking. : : : Start the New Year yith Come and Look Them Over sBSBassssBsssnaHBBBssssssssssBBsaBMaiaBBaBBsseaasaeBiBsssssiSBBisaBH J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE 1 Sale Closes Saturday N IghtS; Everything Reduced larrett H Total $ :i,42i) 71 Undivided profits, 1!)13... &( 12 Interest received 2,7.'!1 51 Fines, etc 4( 0.r Admission fees 144 00 Total $ 4,429 71 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ture of llffF2 tSiif " , ... I Farmers & Merchants Bank jBBmJjjt Kinston, - N. C. I Jtlaxw&ll at skinner's! iHOdcisfcr 1 J We Cater t0 I WSSfl J ThlfftiMAllfl I'll! M0.M9 1)5 ill Fj Children.:: I fully equipped . oc7A . Ice Cream. Soda I withljnewfeatures an(J pje J The biff zest automo- II i 8 bile value ever :red H Phone 149 for leas than. 1 ,000. H . s J j 1 1 1 One of the sweetest Is . I I I Vlr.aa.aji.. A. V,v a III ! a UIlllJllC uc UUU B a "We Strive t0 jjl i Alwayi ti Signature CHICHESTER S PILLS fjBS. . THK 1MAMO.NB IIRAMt. A l.Ndie. A-b your UriiiiixKt t-t a til rhr-(rr Illuwtu. J Ttt NdA I'MUhl l.. n I ., H.ArV '''". tntiM ;th lihu KilK n T lake .. II... -r V Prtimrut. A ki .rMM.e III v.TFH 4 MVmjsi uuam ru.m.V, Ji Al kutmnfts iieit.'.viiea. a;m a K ) i. I SOlOBYDWTiniTrviPVUHii'F The biggest automo bile value ever 'Tred for less than. i ,000. One of the sweetest running Roadsters in the world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. The easiest car to drive in the world. The greatest all around hill climbing car in the world. With Gray & Davis electric self-starter and electric lights $55 extra. KINSTON GARAGE INC Business Is Fine r Regardless of so much war talk and poor business con ditions, we are proud to say that we did MORE BUSI NESS IN THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1914 than any otheMnonth since this store was established. "THERE'S A REASON" ferkfrnhl saxsnKanKaBsSB-asEKassJ Oettinger's Furniture Store 5332 j MODERtiifEHOLlSH DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED -BV-THE Kinston Free Press, Jan. 6 J SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A 5ET v Show Tour of ihn trv.t etlumtioniil opportiinilT hf ruttin out the HboY C.rtilicat. ol Apprecitton with five other, cf camrrutivr dta, And PtMcnlina them at thU olfK. with thv penw bomi. Kmount hfrin t oppo- J wt Mr akw l of DictioMry lffctd twhkh covvr Inr itoms of the crM of pcli inf. eipraw from the factory. cherkin, clerk hire and other nereaaary KM'tNSt S item.), and you will be preaented with your choice of these three book.: J Tn , (Likf illu itrations in tht? annnuncenv -ins frfm ilnv to dav ) t MTarri rnolieh lt is the ONLV n,irc'y KEW compilntion by the world's I J01' tnilisn Rrratrt autliorttics from K-ailirg tmiversitic". : is hound in 5, DICTIONARY full Limp I.ratlirr, flexiMc. staitipod in gold on hack and S Itlaatratc sidts. printed on Hitilr naner. with w ,-.lrej nn.l rnrnrr ronndtd; hoamiful. strona. dnrahlf. IVk!c the ccneral contents, there 5 are maps and over 6tX1 snhjeots heauiifu!!y ilhiMr3ted by three- . i color plates, numerous MihiecM hy monotone. 16 pas:e of Bmp2 5. educational chart, and the latest United Si a to Census, l'resent I o f at thil office SIX C xciti Ctrtifrtttta ( Aftfrrtciatioa tai tk 9oC The 13-00 It " It ta eiariiy the eauir th 4 book, ei MM. I. Ih Bl.-U I Modira English birc.inr-hieh t. i. mrTIONABV lh". I W IU-n(4 1 ? 111??. m w e m mma I With aquare SIT Am. I Ol mctatJa Cart iflea tea mmi the OIL The 52.00 New 1 In plain rinth blnrt Inr. alaraped In cold Modern EntUsh m nmatt- ? rii.-.- of the rot- Ik ored nlatM ftndefiartaara omitted SlXAp. AQnl precuneal (.ertuicatM e4 the SUe A M 411. OROKRM 4ny hnna- he nareet vr..t inetuA. itvt. 'Jl"Ma't.i- 4 k IS mile.: la rente IS to o mlire: for e-reater diataneea ak roar .i ... 4 i mount to Ueluda for S pouada. , 2 mUWt1tR Safety Razors Fit All Faces. THE "ANGLE ff OK THE mm iamm safety razo is so exactly proportioned that when the blade is held against the face, the edge is in the exact position for a clean easy cutting of the beard. WITHOUT HONING WITHOUT STROPPING Each KtiM KUttfR blade is hardened, tempered and ground individually, insuring uniformity of temper and excellent cutting qualities. There is no scraping or pulling like you experience with other Safety Razors. S3.50 ndjTibtk SILVER PUTEtV BLACK LEATHER CASE COLO PLATED PIGSKIN CASE S5.00 A complete KKH KVIttR SAFETY RAZOR OUTFIT consists of Holder and 12 sharp Norwegian Steel Blades, oacked in a compact neat covered case. Hew Blades. . . .5 for 25 Cents . ' SOLD AMD GUARANTEED BY NEW LOT ZIEGLER SHOES T THE r ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 Prop. DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523, 'Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Osteopathy is a system of healing di sease by scientific manipulations, the purpose of each manipulation being either to Arrest- nnm r rn n - -wwuuicm III I the position of the tissues or to increase or to decrease the activity of some organ If I nrtt a rmAr tViV rnnma . 1 disease, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY bpecialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours Id to 12. OlCet 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Is now going on. Every thing in Winter Goods reduced to almost Cost to make room for New Spring goods that will soon be arriving. Now is agood opportunity to supply your needs for whatever you want Come early and get l..c best . Yours to please, Mark Cummings H. E. MDSELEY HARDWARE CO.

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