THE StCRET OF SUCCESS " SOCIAL . And PERSONAL Genuine Merit Required io Win the People' Confidence. Have you ever stopped to reason why it ia that bo many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon for- tee did not fulfil the promiaes ofr,. ,r . ... . , tki evening from a visit to relatives at u.o -" Trenton. pin utumi w iiicuuuic. n iiivjuiui-I rg m r .1 u I w sa B3 nu. lUr,. Mrfl John Fiejd f :o vuliiA BlmnRt anlla lfulf nu 1 !L. I ... UM ii i v j Itlon is the guest of Mrs. L. A. Cobb .tj k- 4v v. v. ' m the c,ty .... i I Mr. Corny Tyndall returned yester . . ' J ' " . , ' . I day afternoon from a business trio . r t7,V .... to Charlotte, for example, ur. mimer s awamp Hoot, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to rec ommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify. No other kid ney remedy that I know of has so laiKO a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony , of thousands who BOB Mr. Van Wyck Hoke of Raleigh is visiting in the home of Col. and Mrs. W. D. Pollock here. H M H Mrs. H. H. Grainger and children have gone to Wilson, where they will visit Mrs. Grainger's mother. h k a Mrs. ii. W. Mewborn and rlaiiirk have used the preparation, the sue- te, Miss vi..a nf Mnu rif cess of pr. Kilmer's SwampRoot is visiting Mrs. E a Moore fa th ' n b h Messrs. Matt Hardee and Lee Shcl- burn returned to their homes at .luc to the fact" that it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liv er and bladder diseases, corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by parcels post Ad dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention the Kinston Daily Free Press. adv WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS PHONE 312 for Nice Native Beef, Pork and Fresh Sausage. l-5-5t-Dl FOR RENT Garage on West Gor don street. Apply to J. F. Taylor. 1-8-tf-dly FOR SALE-My Store Corner. Terms arranged to suit. G. E. Kornegay. 1-2-Dly to 8 FOR RENT Four-room house with bath and lights. Apply to Mrs. Burrell Stroud.- 1-8-ltdly Greenville yesterday, after a visit in the city. a h ts Mr. R. L. Crisp is on his way to Maysville, Ky., where he will be locat ed during the remainder of the win ter in the tobacco business. B a k Mrs. H. Gait Braxton and children, Carrie and Carter, who have been visiting Mr. Braxton's relatives in Richmond since early in December, returned Friday night and are at home at 301 East King street. a a a The Lenoir county committee of the Colonial Dames of America will meet at the residence of Mrs. W. T. Hines on King street, Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. a a a Home Wedding This Evening. Mr. Fletcher Bizzell, the son of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Bizzell, and Miss Ma ry ijee rort, tne popular young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fort, will be married at the home of the bride's parents, on East Caswell street, this evening at 6:30 o'clock PROMINENT WILMINGTON MAN FOUND DEAD ON STREET. Wilmington, Jan. 7. J. A. Foun tain, former superintendent of the Wilmington division of the A. C. L. Railroad, died some time last night or early today of heart failure. His body was found lying in a street here at 6 o'clock this morning. This morning several workmen found the body with the pockets of his clothing turned wrong side out and all of his valuables gone. Thi led to a report that Mr. Fountain had been killed and robber by highway men. Later the coroner examined the body -and declared death was due to heart failure. It also was learned that a friend of Mr. Fountain had found the body 1 and taken the valu ables for safekeeping while he went to summon aid in removing it. Mr. Fountain was fifty-six years old. TO REPLACE MEMORIAL TO PROF. MITCHELL Asheville, Jan. 7. The members of the faculty and student body of Wea ver College, Weaverville, yesterday pledged themselves to go to the sum mit of Mount Mitchell as soon as the weather permits to build over the last resting place of the late Prof. Elisha Mitchell, a suitable monument with the enduring stones of the peak on which the distinguished scientist lost his life, to replace the memorial re cently destroyed by unknown van dais. NEW YORK LOVERS " OF GOLF MAKE IT FOUR-SEASON SPORT WIVES OF DEMOCRATS OBSERVE JACKSON DAY PERSONAL MD LOCAL NOTES FROM DOYER FOR RENT Store next to Dr. liar-' grove's office, on Queen street. N. J. Rouse. 1-7-Dly tf FOR SALE-i-75 barrels of corn in shuti. Will be here tomorrow, fnake me an offer. James Moore. 1-8-Dly-tf FOR RENT Gcod four-room resi dence, corner of Independent and Washington streets. Apply to Miss Laura M. Wooten. 1-8-tf-Dly I Will Be Closed next Monday and Tuesday to ' take Inventory and move, my present place having chanf ed hands. Vill open again Wednes day in the building just vacated by Harvey C Hines on North street. F. D. Tillcy. l-8-2t-dly WAIT FOR ZUDORA Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nurse 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 An Excellent pair of Mules, Wagon, Girt for sale. See DR. HARDY. Dover, N. C, Jan. 7. Mr. L. "R Rich of Seven Springs returned home Monday after spending several days with his sister, Mrs. J. B. Griffin. Mr. Lee Evans made a special bus iness trip to Greene county last week in view of a land purchase. Mr. E. E. Daughety suffered by fire suffered the loss of barn, stable and a small amount of feed. The loss is estimated at several hundred dollars. Mr. J. R. Griffin made a business trip to Kinston Wednesday. The many friends of Mr. Earnest Glover will be glad to learn that he is able to be out again after a long spell of illness. Mr. H. L. Wooten of Jacksonville, N. C, returned home Sunday after spending a few days with Rev. C. R. Smith, near Dover. Rev. Mr. L. B. Pattishall filled his regular appointment here Sunday. I Mrs. Seth West lost a tenant house Tuesday by fire. The fire originat ed in a pile of trash in the cooking room of the house. Mr. J. B. Griffin sustained a small damage by fire in one of his tenant houses Tuesday evening. The cause of the fire is unknown. Mrs. T. C. Griffin and two children returned Sunday to Wilson after spending several days with relatives , and friends here. j The Goldsboro Lumber Company . has shut down its plant and caused j many workmen to look around for . work. All the merchants here report business dull as a result. ! Washington, Jan. 8. "Jackson Day" will be celebrated here tonight by a Pan-American ball given by the ( Women's National Democratic League composed of women of Democratic of ficials and congressmen. DEMAND FOR THE EFFICIENT Alert, keen, clear headed, healthy men and women are in demand. Mod ern business cannot use in office, fact ory o. on the road, persons who arr dull, lifeless, inert, half sick or tired Keep in trim. Be in a condition that wards off disease. Foley Cathartic Tablets clean the system, keep th( stomach sweet, live active and th bowels regular. Sold by J. E. Hooc' & Co. adv NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. H. Carr, de ceased, all persons having claims claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before December 3rd, 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1914. VIRGINIA CARR, Executrix of M. H. Carr, Deceased. By E. R. WOOTEN, Attorney. 12-3, 10, 17, 21. 31, Jan 7 By Hal Sheridan (Written for the United Press) New York, Jan. 8. Golf enthusi asm has run riot in the United States. For some years owing to weather con ditions in the northern states, it has been only a three season sport. The indomitable spirit of the golfer how ever has overcome even bud weather condition and for the first time sev eral clubs will hold winter tourna menta in the territory around New York. The first of these winter tourna ments was staged on the course of the Lakewood Country Club. Most of the players turned in low scores and all of them vowed that their game was just as good during the cold weather as during the summer. The only draw back is the roughness of the greens. It slows up the putting considerably, but this one disadvant age is overbalanced by long drives and snappy approaches. A feature that has aroused inter est in winter golf was the tourna ment held on the roof of the Astor Hotel recently. The fans who had put their clubs up for the winter thinking it was too cold to play, have had a revival of interest after see ing a number of experts using their clubs on the glass enclosed roof. The roof tournament was a play for form and was attended by many social leaders. Golf in the southern states will have the benefit of the two prominent professionals who have started a twelve weeks tour. M. J. Brady of Wollaston and Gii Nichols of Wil mington start their southern tour at New Orleans going from there to Beaumont, Houston, San Antonio and El Paso. California will also see some if their playing and if time permits, they may go over the links at the Denver Country Club. These two golfers expect to cover more than 10,000 miles on their trip lespite the fact that Nichols was in jured so badly in an auto smashup last summer that his life was de spaired of. In some of the' middle western states, winter golf has been indulged in at least up to the first heavy snow. The Omaha Field Club and the cours es at Des Moines and St. Paul have had their following of winter golfers this year and plans are being made to keep the links in condition up to the last minute. Ice yachting suffered a late start this year owing to the poor ice con ditions and lack of favorable breezes in the past fortnight. On at least a dozen different days when ice fleets were scheduled to sail off the cup events in rivers and bays in New Jersey, the sailors sat around the stoves whistling for a breeze and re hashing the races of other years. From this time forward, however, the pros pect is good for some exciting events. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL WONDERFUL. . EFFECTS OF MAYR STOMACH REMEDY j. E. Erwin Says Mayr's Stomach Remedy Brought Him Aston ishing Relief. WANTED Roomers; married cou ples preferred. Apply to Miss Nan nie Randolph. l-8-6t-dly thousands of others in all parts of J. E. Erwin of Winston-Salem, N. C, was for a long time the victim of serious disorders of the stomach. He tried all kinds of treatment and had many doctors. One day he took a trial dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy and was astonished at the results. The help he sought had come. He wrote: "I am satisfied through personal use of the life-saving powers of your Wonderful Stomach Remedy. You have saved my life. I could have liv ed but a few weeks more had it not been for your remedy. I am inclos ing a list ot mend sufferers who ought to have some of your remedy." Mr. Erwin's experience is a proof of the merit of the remedy. Just such enthusiastic letters come from the Country who have found relief in the use of this remarkable treat ment. The first dose proves no long treatment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to suf ferers from stomach, liver and bow el troubles. Many say it has saved them from dangerous operations and many are sure it has saved their lives. We want all people who have chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long stand ing, to try one dose of Mayr's Won derful Stomach Remedy one dose will convince you. This is the medi cine so many of our people have been taking With surprising results. The most thorough system cleanser we ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy is now sold here by J. E. Hood Drug Co., and druggists everywhere. " The Thinkers of the Country Are the ;. Tobacco Chewers" said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced. V"V ft- Says the Pilot: "Nosing a big stern wheeler along a muddy river with sand bars reaching up to grab her-- that's when you need real steadi. ness. When there's nothing but your judgment between your boat and a shoal, take a chew of PICNIC TWIST." In every convenient twist of PICNIC you'll find the true tobacco uplift without the letdown that comes from iii i i ..... . aarK, ncavy, ranK tobacco. i'IUNIU 1 WIST is a light colored, soft twist of the mild, mellow parts of the leaf. Men accustomed to "strong" tobacco will be surprised how much they can chew of this mellow twist with its sweet, lasting taste. m tit m ftdic f CHEWING TOBACCO "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers" It comes, also, in economical, freshness-preserving drums of 11 twists for 50c. mmm jtl . 7 vnm . rf no in nu ii hi A Lot of New FLOWERS and SHAPES CALL IN AND SEE THEM is J.L.B RASWELL I Manny SpDenDdDdl (StanrgaiDDS Leffft Why pay more, when you can buy the same goods here for less money. I M. Adler 6c Sons IP E3 C X A Xi C 23 v Our home office has requested us to make room for our large line of Spring and Summer goods coming to Kinston by the end of Januaryl 1915 We will continue giving away AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS ABSOLUTELY FREE with every Suit or Overcoat ordered, until further noticein order to make room for our Spring and Summer Goods. No More S15.00 No Less Marvl at It will pay you to take advantage of this free offer. : ,134 North Queen Street