THE KINSTON FREE PRESS 'CM Hit 18 31 3 '.. r;.n '1 id' IV V 1 1 .HI id unv fl OF LOCAL INTEREST ' RED MEN MEET TONIGHT. Kami, Tribe, No. 25, I. O. R. M. Vrill meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock. BEST-FED FIGHTING MAN IN THE WORLD IS FRENCH SOLDIER SEWER EXTENSION. The water and lijrht tlprtment is laying 300 feet of 8-inch sewer main on South street J. W. WOKLEY ILL. Mr. John William Worley, a prom inent Pink Hill nlantcr. well known here, is reported to be seriously ill With pneumonia. FOUR FINED FOR ROUGH CONDUCT IN EAST END Bvron Aldridire. Luko Crane, Lee Booth and Will Conway were fined I $2.75 each in City Court Thursda tiieht for disorderly conduct in East Kinston. I'YTHIANS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS AND SIT. The Kniifhts of Pythias Thursda night installed the new officers elect ed in December, and following the at tendant ceremony enjoyed an oyster (upper at Skinner's. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Licenses to wed were issued thf following couples, all white, Thurs day: Joseph H. Roberts, 21, and Katie Brown, 18, both of Lenoir county. Coj Taylor, 22, and Lila Jarmnn, 20, both of Lenoir county. James West, fi4 and Susan Bland, 47, both of Kinston NO DEARTH OF OYSTERS ON THE MARKET NOW The oyster famine on eastern Caro lina markets immediately following Christmas was a far different condi tion from that existing today. It it estimated that between 35 and t( boatloads were discharged in th tidewater wholesale markets Thurs day. ALLEGED CAMP PERRY RETAILER ARRE8TEI Homey Jones, colored, was arrest ed by a United States deputy mar shal for selling whiskey at Cami Perry, the big Onslow county timbei woods settlement, and Is now held b; the Federal authoritieswho are mak Ing a determined etrort to oreak u the sale of intoxicants among tin Woods workers. ONSLOW COUNTY CONVICTS TO SERVE TIME IN LENOIR Herbert Hardison and Walter liar ris, to do six and twelve months, res pectively, for larceny, were taken-1 the Lenoir county roads Thursday evening. The men are blacks sen tenced from Onslow county, and won brought here by the sheriff fron Jacksonville. TURNAGE TO JAIL IN DEFAULT OF BOND Leslie Turnage, who was arrested in Wilmington last week at the re quest of local authorities for shoot ing roliceman frank ifursell, was late Thursday bound over t Superioi Court from Municipal I oi i, ami in default of $400 bail, went to jail. Tur nage wounded Bursell, since resigned from the force, when the latter went with another officer to arrest him on Chestnutt street several years ago. REV. C. A. UPCTIURCH SPEAKS IN NEW BERN. Rev. C. A, Unchurch, who several years ago was stationed here as pas tor or ine first isaptist church, nnil is remembered by many Kinstonians. made an address to the members of Tabernacle church at New Bern Thursday night. Rev. Mr. Upchurch is now enlistment worker of the Bap tist Home Mission Hoard. His ad dress followed up a four-days' tench- era institute held in the First Bap tist church at New Bern. By William Phillip Simms (United Press .Staff Correspondent) With the French army at the front Nov. :S0. (Hy mail to New York) Probably no army in the world, act ually in the field, was ever better fed than is that of the allies. Every French soldier in the field is entitled to 2.1 1-'! ounces of bread a day; 3 1-3 ounces of rice, beans or pens; 10 ounces of meat; 1 1-?! ounces of sugar; one ounce lard; 2-3 ounce salt and a little more than 2-3 ounce of coffee. These articles constituc the daily ration under ordinary conditions. There are times, however, when cir cumstances are extraordinary, when fresh meat, new bread, dried vege table and regular coffee can not be lelivercd daily t the soldiers. Under such conditions the French fighting i i . i ti . ft man rails back on nis "reserve ra- ions, which are: Ten ounces of "biscuit," or "war read" as hard tack is known in the French nrrny; 10 ounces of canned meat; 2 2--'! ounces of sugar 1 2-.! iiinres of soup essence, in cube form; t 1-1 ounces of essence of coffee, also In cube form, and .OIJ25 litre (1 l-(i f a quart) of brandy. Hack of the fighting line the French oldier has never had to fall back on his "reserve" rations. He always has his fresh beef, mutton or othor meat; lis coffee made from the coffee bean; lis fresh bread and the rest. Further nore, these things arc quite good. I have lived for days with the private oldicrs and eaten their food, so can five personal testimonial as to its ex ellence. I have eaten their "re erve" food also, their canned meats ("monkey meat," the soldiers call it) nd tackled their hard tack; drank heir "cube" coffee and perhaps of he bullion made of their soup cubes, t is also wholesome and nutritious, fhc brandy is good and stimulating nd, administered in medicinal doses, s the good Marianne of France ad ninisters it, can not harm the brave 'cllowa standing in trenches which are lot and cold at one and the same imo. Some of this brandy if. of the 1EW YORK OFFICIAL PH0T0GRAPHER "scapes Nervous Breakdown His Strength Gradually Ebbing Away Made Well and Strong hy Vinol. New York City: "I have found ,'inol to be a godsend as a reronstruc- ive tonic for a run-down constitution, am an official photographer and for i long time I suffered from weakness nd general debility, and soon realiz- d that my strength was fast leav- ng me. I tried dillerent tonics with- uit benefit, but one day I saw Vinol dvertised and decided to try it. l!e- ore 1 had taken two ootlles 1 Had ained in health and strength so I ould do 100 per cent, more work than efore. Vinol is the best tonic I ever took .nd I cannot say enough in its praise o do it justice." William Kohlhoff, I Irving Place, New York. It is the combined action of the ru- ative elements of the cods' livers aid- )d by the blood making and strength renting properties of tonic iron con tained in inol which makes it so successful in overcoming .such condi tions. If you are weak, sickly, run-down, und overworked try a bottle of Vinol, nur delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, with the understanding we will return your money if it does not help you. J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, Kinston, N. C, and lead ing drug stores everywhere. ndv I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STANDS READY FOR CO-OPERATIVE WORK. (Continued from Page One.) i ing committees for his incumbency, shall appoint a committee on immi gration. Numerous applications for information about the advantages Kinston and the section offer to out siders are being had, and this com mittee will treat such applications with the care they deserve. Dr. B. W. Spilman of the publicity commit tee, made the report for the commit tee, outlining an idea for an adver tising policy to induce the location here of more manuacturing enter prises, etc. 'calvados" brand and is made of fine, usty apples, and in sipping it, the smell and taste of the apple are quite noticeable. . The revictualing of the Allies, un der ordinary circumstances, is car ried on by England and F ranee sep arately. That is France feeds her own troops and England feeds hers. It rarely happens though the cir cumstance is now known that the French have to feed the English or vice versa. The English eat more tinned goods than the French, one eason being their means of trans port are more difficult. I hey also consume tea in enormous quantities whereas French are not addicted to the tea habit. In France I heard this story of an English mother who had just received a letter from her son at the front: "My poor boy" exclaimed the moth er, "lie is undergoing enormous sac rifices and hardships! He writes me that a few days ago he was obliged to go from 9 o'clock in the morning until 0 that evening without lunch and no tea was served that day at all!" Spring Ginghams Bright, New and Snappy Patterns. 10 to 15c yd. Cms. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 Children Crjr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SOFT FLUFFY HAIR IS FIRST AID TO BEAUTY If your hair is not fluffy, soft and lustrous, is falling out, streaked, fad ed, brittle, or full of dandruff, and if the scalp itches, do not think it must always be that way, for pretty hair is only a matter of care and the use of the proper hair dressing. Your hair is like a plant if neglected it soon dies, while with a little atten tion it keeps fresh and beautiful. Parisian Sage is a scientific prepa ration that supplies just the elements needed to invigorate the hair to grow long, thick, fluffy, soft and lustrous. It removes all dandruff with one ap plication and quickly stops itching head and falling hair. It is the ideal hair tonic and scalp treatment con tains nothing injurious und is deli cately perfumed. J. E. Hood & Co. or any druggist can supply you with Parisian Sage it is inexpensive. You cannot be dis appointed with this delightful and helpful toilet necessity, for it will surely give your hair the beauty and charm of youth. A. L. Hyatt, M. D. General Practice Miller Building WATCH FOR ZUDORA B B i Ht SKINNER'!! The Ladies and I ! Children. : : Frp Trpa tn. Snrla I and Fine Candy Phone 149 ll ii I I llll I T CI C C . Ill j. i. omnner oc oon II "We Strive to Please" 1 I NEW LOT rinni nn 1 III SHOES I THE ,-1 I ll fiNF pmcf mn STflRF I I! 1 IZ I A. J. SUTTON I iPbone34 j& Prop. I jf JANUARY 1 " OUR SALE Still continues and and $25.00 Coat Suits are now go ing at $ 5 . 9 8 and $9.98. Come and Look Them Over J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE 4 f J i CLEARANCE SMI Three More Days Sale Closes Saturday Night Everything Reduced Rarrptt lartsfielri When Company Conies The Duof old Davenport will save any worry about where to put them. This handsome piece of furniture is doubly con . venient-serving the purpose of a sofa in the day time and a bed at night. Easily operated and fully guaranteed yet the price is no higher than the ones which are not so good. I Oettinger's Furniture Store INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) ELDERLY COUPLE WEDDED: CUPID CI TS UP A HIT. James H. West and Mrs. Susan Bland were united in marriage Thurs day afternoon at the home of the bride,- on Adkin street. East Kinston, Pastor E. N. Harrison of Caswell Street Methodist church, officiutinR. The official record pives the njrcH of the groom and bride as 01 and 47, respectively. James H. Rohorts and Miss Katie Brown arranged to (ret married in the sheriff's oHlce at the Courthouse Thursday evening, so as to have the protection of officers, it is "officially stated." The young lady was just 18 by a day. The relatives of the bride, who intended to be whether or no, discovered that the nuptials were o be pulled off despite their objection, and withdrew it. The ceremony was performed in the home on Caswell street, by Magistrate IL C. V5 Peebles., The bridegroom is a prosperous young fanner, and Mrs. Roberts is a very attractive young woman who, until her wedding, was in school here. jltrlODERNKBENGLISH 1 I9k DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE kOTA PRESENTED BY-THE i Kinston Free Press, Jan. 8 I SnRKIATlON A SET Show Tour rndarwnMint of thl. imt .dur.tioiul opportunity by cutting out th .bov. Crrtific.t. of ApprcLtion with fiv. othrri of convMuliv. dat.t, ond pr.intinii th.m at thia office, wit Ii the pxpni bonus .mount heroin rt oppo it. n atria of Dictionary Mloctwi (which th ilom, of Ihr cost of Pck in., Mprm from tho factory, checking-, clerk hire anil other nectary EXPENSE item.), and you will be presented with your choice of the three books: ? S-l.Uv ( l.ikf illnf r:ition in the amirami'mpiii s (mm ilv in Hiv II A n Cnid'eH ""' entirely rtw coiupu.ituin oy ine worm s MOOSfn tnptSrl greatest authorities from lcadlns universities : is K und in DICTIONARY f till l.inip Leather, flexible, stamped in Rold on back and lllastratetf yides. printed on Hible paper, i:h red edi;e and corners rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Ileidr the jieneral' contents, there i urr tuaps unu unr t miiijccis t'eautimiiy iiuistrateti ny tnree- i i color jilatcs. numerous sul'jeets hy monotones, Hi (Kitres "flfp'3s cuiicattonHi cnarts and tne latest I niteJ Mates temus. rresent 1 at this ofrice SIX Contatiy .1 ApsmUtwa mi th UoC Tb$3.00 ..'.fVe'ai rept to MorJori English Mndtnt . DICTIONAKY ' 'hr; e umr book, .1 th. tt'l of hlch la In The $2.00 New 1. In plajn cloth bind ing-, .lamped Is (old an.t Klalr. a - - MODem tnellSu PPr. aam. Illu.tta- nir-TinMAuv ""n. u tu, V . 1 i - , I' iu. of . iwe or , omhI nlates precis tioa CertiBcare aed tho IT , "qn'"' ""7,r SIX Ad. I C!ndehsrtr.omltt.! SlXAp- wt p""" ve-mivii mmn in vm' 48c: ' itl. tiKlir k.n Any hoo hy pifwt p.wt. Inetmle FXTR v T cent, within " 111 mile..- i cent. 15. to lee mile; for ureoter dlatance. ak jodr o.tmMtsr Amount la Include for t pound. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Is now going on. Every- thing in Winter Goods reduced to almost Cost to make room for New Spring goods that will soon be arriving. Now is a good opportunity to supply your needs for whatever you want. Come early and get the best. Yours to please, Mark Cummings "The Home of Oualitv S3 Riding Attachment for Walking Plows Just what you want. Put it on any one of your walking plows and ride. You have all the comfort of a riding plow. Call and see it We f, ad all t.V runutes u rrgulata t'i nishcyrrthinf needed-Wheels, Asles, Layers, Seat and Sen! Spring, connections. 1 1". bo : en any walk cg pluw ( any in.ike in a fc w mo. Yon don't have to bore any holes. It ciam ps to tlw beam. You can depth with the lover. Why walk all day when It rrct n little n riA.. Vouw'II winder how yoo ver tood (tie walking after usiuvj one of these ridiDB IsLUWCUIl, Dr. 0. L. WILSON De'.Ht Office orer J. E. HoodA Co'a Star. CARTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS H. L MOSELEY HAIK CO. Headqwartars for All KxaAiof Up-to-Date Farm Nlachinery 3C DC ID DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED O.tmrjathv is a av.tem of hlin J: j ..g ul. sense by scientilic manipulation., the purpose or each manipulation being either to arrest tome derangement in the position of the tissues or to increase or to decrease the activity ol some organ It is not a remedy for tome particular disease, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. Z, V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office,' 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 I DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street. Phone 118. N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C.,. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORN E YS-AT-LA W Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. (X, Edgerton Building. IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. PI; ones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Strest. r ye. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Treated. "Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped t Handle Your Orders for High Gr-ie Job. Printing. Orders Carefully and Promptly Executed We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL. ' ENVELOPES,, POSTERS. 4 We! have Connection with. Engraver and Blank Book Maker which en able u to Promp t Handle Orders for Engraving and all kind of Blank Book . Making. ' Kinston Free Press Co. , lacarparaltd . "' PnbHsIters and Job Printers "Everyimng m turning'