TOE KINSTON FREE TRESS THE DAILY FREE1 PRESS 1 . iPubliM Every Day Except Sunday) KINSTON FREE PRESS CO, INC, KINSTON, N. C, H. GALT BRAXTON... EDITOR AND MANAGER v (United Press Report) - -xrcJ at the potofflce at Kinnton, North Carolina, as otend class matter under act of Congrvf:, March 3, 1870.) '". TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTMENTS 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) One Week $ .10 On Month 35 Three Months 1.00 Six months 2.00 Twelve Months 4.00 Subscribers arc requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. ' SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 18, 1915 Cotton on the local market pnsxed the $ mark Fri day. : Looks tike a return of good timeu to thin district. Flour in Liverpool has taken a jump f 24 cents a nark and the flirtation with the wheat market up around Chi cago goes cn without hindrance. to cop wttn the situation. The State Board of Health ha been doing a splendid service in educating the people to take ordinary precautionary measures for the preven tion of the spread of this dreaded disease. But the Health Department has been handicapped for lack of funds. Ths sanatorium work has, as far as it has gone, been bene ficial, and it was hardly the intention of the Governor to suggest that the work already inaugurated at Mont rone be abandoned. Ilia theory is based upon the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of . . . ......... cure." The sanatorium is a necessity lor, wnere cases are given proper treatment in time they respond, and quite frequently cures are effected. The old idea that con sumption is incurable has been largely dispelled as well as the hereditary one. That tuberculosis is highly c oritur ious and that its spread is made largely possible by the carelessness of its victims in expectorating promiaououaly is an established fact in the handling of the dreaded mat ady. When people lecome educated to the point of res pecting the lives of their fellows and cease entirely the dirty habit of spitting on any and verything, regardless, the problem will have been more nearly solved than it can ever be without the co-operation of the people in this res pect There are a great many people who do not yet subscribe to the germ theory and who turn a deaf ear to any doctrine that contains such a suggestion as germs. Nevertheless science is agreed on the theory and its awful toll of human life. There is no reason why victims of tu herculoxis should have to take extensive trips, very trying on both their systems and pockelbookx. They can be treated successfully at home if only they conform to the rules of health, which they are made to conform to when they go to sanatoriums and other health-seeking resorts The campaign of education should be carried on and the hrullh department of the State should have ample meant with which to keep up the fight unabated. f TODAY'S COTTON MARKET New York, Jan. 16. Today's cot ton futures quotations were: March 8.35 8.34 Muy 8.55 8.54 July 8.73 October 8.92 8.95 December 9.08 .... LOCAL SALES. About 150 bules, from fi 1-2 to 8. WISHED SHE COULD DIE AnJ Be Free From Her Trouble j, tat Find. Better Way. AT. AUCTION Business and Rcsi dence Lots, Friday, January 22d. Burton Bros. Realty Co. WHAT OTHERS SAY If Kinston had not had a meat and milk inspector Fri day, one hundred and fifty pounds of "apparently" good pork, but nevertheless infected with tuberculoid: germs, would have been sold to Kfnston peopje and eaten by them. A few discoveries by Dr. Foley like tho one made Friday ought to secure the endorsement of even the most an tagonistic, of meat and milk inspection. If there A M0ST PRACTICAL SUGGESTION have been any doubts as to tho neressity for such I Richmond News Leader: "It is estimated that when the protective measures, the Friday incident should dispel I spring opens 2.r,0()0,0!)0 khaki uniforms, mnde of cotton, them. I will be needed in Europe," whereupon, "Why should not American mills do the manufacturing of the material as Tho Carmans have taken on new lifo in the western I well as American planters furnish the raw utaple?" quer- battle arena and their work in pushing the French linos lies a contemporary. And Southern mills at that?" back across the Aisno Is regarded as the most important work that has been done by either side since the winter nOME FOR FALLEN WOMEN ADVOCATED set in. The Allies are apprehensive for fear it opens up I Winston-Salem Sentinel "The idea of having a State a possibility of another attempt on Palis. In the mean-1 home of refuge for women, along the lines of the Jack-1 timo the Germans have found Warsaw too well guarded on Training School for boys, seems to us to be a good to continue their efforts against it, arid it is reported one and it ia to bo hoped that the Legislature will see its that troops will bo sent back to the wentcrn field to help way clear taprovidc funds for that purpose.Where such back up the work that has been done there. institutions have been established excellent results have ' . .' a 1 1 . i I been accomplished. The West Virginia prohibition law hns been upheld by the united blatea court or Appeals, and that provision a CAUS EFOR CONGRATULATION which says that the place of sale is the place of delivery progressive Farmer la pronounced u. K. by a unanimous verdict of the court run tiwr ( m xna wtfcn o m f xmi kmu H miu-f dMetM xjt to.-rtlit-r. r.wl until ! i4 cw Jn a suf.Mit U Im UH-uraUii ft. fcr? ftjuif rmn d-Wfl pfonowi-tl it . oral I nfcTtbrd ;jrol rfmntkn i.l Li .in.umy tuHm o rare with lol In .tm.iu. .r n..u,.o 1 It HirtHj It Irlrnra haa pmwn I'uUrrh tu Or r ulitiitiu. i tf ani nxiuln nmxmulluoiU t.mthtrnl lair. (At.rrn Cu-a. 'luimfariu..''! by J. " J Co., TiilMlo. (Mint K llir CriwdMllunal i-uro "H Oia n.arrt. H la Uicn 11, dim In.m i' iron, tu a tjATMNj:trul. It .tin 0 '.i-tiy cn O muMMia rjiliifr-. '.' Ui ny.w .n. Th-v l;r lundrt-i dollar f a.iy raw it mim .j ttft it: rlrrulani aud Utli iiinlul Addrrw: F. J i.'HKNKY CO.. loU.lo. Otv miI br rmiu.lou. 7se. The Liver Regulates the Body A Sluggish Liver Needs Care Someone has said that people with Chronic Liver Complaint should be shut up away from humanity, for they arc pessimists and see through a "glass darkly." Why? Because mental states depend upon physical stales Billiousness, Headaches, I'iz zinoss and Constipation disappea after using Dr. King's New Life Pills, 25c at your Druggist. adv Columbia. Tenn. "Many time," i$ays Mrs. Jessie bharp, of this place. "I wished f would die and be relieved 01 my (suflerinp, from womanly troubles, i could not cct up, without pullitn' at something to help me, and stayed In bed most of the time. I could not do my Housework. The least amount cf work tired me out. My head would s amii. and 1 would iremole lor an hour or ninrc. finally. I 'ook Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I im not bothered u!h p-ins any nioe, ind 1 don't have to k bed. In fact, 1 am sound and well of all my trouble." Cardui rocs to all Ibi weal: spots and 'lelps to make then s!r ys.g. 11 acts will nature not ngainst her. It Is for the 'ired, nervous, irritable women, who feel s if everything were w rong. and need cnithing to quiet their nerves End .trengtlicn t!u worn-out system. If you a womr.:i, r.uffcrlnu from any )f f!ie numerous symptoms of womanly rouble, lake Caidni. It will help you. t all druggists. ldliOry Urt,'. , C ,.-l 'mtru. th-Ht f "1 V"J' rreotmt.i: lur Wjin... . m Wtl:dnt Co.. LidX Toi.n.. Kir . i . 4 iiaii hook. "'Hiilr. WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACFT IN SERTION MINIMUM ir CENTS FOR SALE Nice lot Stable Manure. G. T. Sullivan. 1-12 14 16-Dly FOR RENT- don street. -Garage on West Gor Apply to J. F. Taylor 1-8-tf-dIy TWO Nice Office Rooms for rent in Whitaker building. See D. V. Di on & Son. 1-11-DIy-tf ' Solicitation of orders within the State, either by salesmen , or letters, is forbidden in the Slate law, and the court up holds that portion, too. From what has been said of the West Virginia law, it is about the most far reaching and effective measure that has yet been adopted by any State 7 and the appointment of a commissioner, whose duty it is to set that ths law is properly enforced, has proved, from ' all reports, a very efficient method of accomplishing that end. , v It anybody thinks the moun tain section of North Carolina is not progressing let him tako a look at Madison County. Within the last eighteen months it has put in a farm demonstration agent for the j first time in its history, has employed a whole-time county superintendent of schools, has inaugurated a successful annual corn show, and has voted $300,000 in bonds for road improvement We congratulate Madison. Nir FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping or to roomers. Apply to North Queen Street, care Free Press. 1-12-lwk-Dly FOR RENT Part of my home on North Queen street; Mrs. Julia C. McDaniel. 1-12, 13-2t FOR RENT Four ground floor, new Mrs. Alice Hunter. nice rooms, brick building. 1-14-Dly-tf UNFORTlWATE, INDEED IS THE SPECTACLE WilmonStar: ' "The 'Philadelphia Record notes: IIT.fl A I) 1 . I I. i : i . ...t ii I President Wilson's Indianapolis speech seems to have , ""fc "'uvo 8.""' "" . ... ,, , , , , , ., . , I chance to be on the same train." They may go in the same I penetrated into the very gizzards of some of tho "stand I ' 8 patters" and they have found his sayings a little tough for digestion without squirming quite a good deal. What Mr. Wilson said, fortunately, is well founded on the histqry of the achievement of the party during the past FOR RENT Guod four-room resi dence, corner of Independent and Washington streets. Apply to Mi.s i.aura M. Wooten. A 1-8-tf-Dly Hv virtue of the assessment . of Moseley Creek I'rainage District, of Craven county, in my hands for col lection for the year of 191-1, and in default in the payment, according to tho provisions of the existing law, 1 have levied on (he lands of the follow ing named persons in said Moseley Creek Drainage District, and will sell the same at the Courthouse door in Kinston, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., Mon day, the l?t day of February, lfil.", to satisfy saiil assessment and costs on same. R. B. LANE, Sheriff Craven County. This 1st day of January, 1915. J. H. Barwick, 2! acres, $22.79. Stephen Colih, fS acres, $79.97. Lesa Dunn, 4 acres, $3.34. Daniel Frazier, 'M acres, $33.93. Joe Hargett, 8 acres, $8.13. Joe King, 2 acres, $3.94. Joe Lovick, 90 acres, $128.10. P. T. Nobles, 18 acres, $84.86. W. H. Smith, f() acres, $68.72. Moses Spivey, 305 acres, $445.45. Joe Tilghman,, 70 acres, $128.10. Alex. Tilghmun, 15 acres, $13.01. Seth West, Estate, 2,624 acres $3,537.32. Timber holders of Seth West, Es tate, $1,992.52. l-l-30t-Dly I, I I Lessons Come Easier TF the child has a biar. generous light to ' 1 study by.. The j&y&i LAMP, saves eye strain. It is kerosene light at its best clear, mellow, and unflickcring. The RAYO does not smoke or smclL, It is easy to liht, easy to clean, and "easy" fcT rewick. Tlie RAYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any. price. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wa,Mncton.D.C. (NEW JERSEY) CWIof.N.C, RkhLd."v. BALTIMORE curial atc?v mm w.i wwm Tffff THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON has been and will continue to be Me policy of this bank to k"P the " wheels of industry moving ' AT AUCTION Kiminess and Resi dence Lota, Friday, January 22d. Burton Bros. Realty Co. ill W S I if I s OFFICERS N. J. ROUSE, Pres. ' DR. H. TULL, Vice Pret&n D.F. WOOTEN, Chr, J. J. BIZZELL, Aw't Cashier, T. W. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennady David Otfiinger I H. Tull J. H. Can ady L. C. Mose!ey J. F. Parrott . C. Felix Harvey n. c. ivioseley J. F. Taylor H. I I McCoy S. H Isler N. J. Rouse NEW ABSORI'TION METHOD. -to ll you suffer from bleeding, itch ing, blind or protruding Piles, Bond direction, but they do not go together in doing so. It ought to be a mortifying spectacle to Americans to ob serve that two men who have been President of the world's tn0 yU1' address, and I will tell you greatest republic ignore ench other after the manner of how to cure yourself at home by the " w amt.1,Dn,t Mtk; ,! ,l, !V. . 1 Mcaujiuin,, aim will two years, and was not as array of high sounding prom- , , v" " send some of this home treat Iscafcf what waa to como-ond which has never come "'""-"'" r. iuIls crean, n isn t nient freo for triaU with refert.nce any of his fault. Ambition that is about on a par with from your own locality if requested. la spite fence in Spatville is the cause."' front tho party of Messrs. Cummins and Ilornh. The Jack on Pay speech will be causo for tho "opposition" -'tting up and taking notice for some days to come, i ne Presi dent Btood flat-footedly on the record of what hns been done,' and challenged the Republicans to Bhow anything in the shape of achievement that the people would con sider favorably In comparison with tho Democratic rec- NOT ABOVE THE KNEES Charlotte Observer: "The New York Journal of Com merco manifests some nervousness over tho four that the cotton farmers may go into the acreage curtailment busi ord. 4Mr. Wilson's was the report of a worthy steward 'ltss w ,0H muih vengeance. It admits the necessity and the harangues of his critics arc but empty ex-1 for (liverHity f crops, but is disposed to the belief that 'in cusea' fur havinji been weighed In tha balsnre and found the KrPnt sttHle, for which there is a universal demand wanting. the farmers have an exceptional advantage which they need not forego." When planting timo comes the farmer AN APPEAL FOR THE mi,y ' depended on to size up the situation for himself, SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND d if prices are ns good as there is room to exject, the Principal John E. Ray of thp North Carolina School forootto" furrows are going to crowd the wheat fields. The tho Blind, located at Raleigh, has issued an appeal forSou,n s rKon trousers next year will hardly be cut off better methods for the care and prevention of blindness, ul,ovo the kees." and Calling upon the legislators to provide sufficient funds RIDDLE OF FIRST PLACE PROPORTIONS inicago Inbune: "1he service standard recommende.! with which to carry on the work of the school in educa ting .those who are blind. Mr. Ray's statement is printed elsewhere in today's Free Press, and this paper is very by the Imard of traction to the city council for adoption gian w can special attention to it. A significant state- seems to The Tribune to represent a dream of the unat mumn air. nay appeal is that at least .'10 per cent, of tamable. A seat for every passenger in non-rush hours the blindness could be prevented if properly handled in is like a promise of rain in the Sahara, and the suirsres- .!. , ...... I . . . . . uu.,fluuiw eu-iKinK point, ano. one mat should com- M ton that in rush hours the cars may be so operated as to mimq iuhuj lo every ciuxen of North Cnrolma is that 80 prevent overcrowding appears as rational as a notion that per nu or the graduates of the State School are self- a snowball would remain congealed in a hot furnace. upporung. , wore than one hundred unfortunate blind "Nevertheless The Tribune believes that the establUh- cn-mren m me diate are necessarily on the waiting list ment of a service standard is the only rational procedure because there fc not sufficient room nor means to accom- open to the council at the present time. There ought to nonaio were at the school. There are other strong points be a service in non-rush hours which would permit of com in faror of larger aupport for the institution, which Mr. fort at least Any casual observation of the operation Ray hat emphasised. The School for the Blind has been now would show that there is no comfort. What can be ably managed ty Mr. Ray and is deserving of support. done in rush hours is another question, but let's have a j $ sianuara established and see what happens THE -WAR- AGAINST THE -It l.i.: . .... , j ...,MV .iiw lutiipanws snail iur- nish and the ritv h w t4 it. ... ... . Governor Cnl In hia maM h. i... .v . .. ' ' w,ln c- " won mai mere snail t adeouate servica Th j.nmn.n;. week, emphasize th. responsibility of th. State in pro- interpret adeouacy in the terms eg. LtT .,d,ng for the ght against tub.rculo.ia. ; His recom- ,.y prwisely wh.t '. mcndatiofl was that systematic camrmion t t,.,f V. ... ' 0 Iorce w - - . - . vvuiiwiues lo lumifln ir u raw mm I. fcv i . . .. . .. . w ... lv injrsicaiiy posstoie. Users report immediate relief and upeedy cures. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. Notre Dame, Ind. (advt.) DEMAND FOR THE EFFICIENT Alert, keen, clear headed, healthy men and women are in demand. Mod am business cannot use in office, fact ory or on the road, persons who are lull, lifeless, inert, half Sick or t'red. Keep in trim. Be in a condition that wards off disease. Foley Cathartic Tablets clean tho system, keep the itomaeh sweet, live active and the bowels regular. Sold by J. E. Hood & Co. adv. a Tired! Ar yem tired ? ma down P nrrransF It rrthiu yoo do ma effort? Net It U M l.ila.oa. Yon ar ill. Year TMa b Jt tonio. Your 9t-Mha Kidnr aud rnrnl allrriag up. Nothing1 will do this bettor tfeaa Electric ltters SOo. and S1.00 AODrMUbto HAVE ARRIVED BY EXPRESS AT MITCHELL BROTHERS KINSTON, N. C. Among them bein three pairs large percheron mares, several nice matched teams of mules. Give us a call when you wish to buy the best stock on right terms, and a guarante that is made good. j& j& MITCHELL BROTHERS The Leaders for Fine Stock at the Bight Prices ing the people in the means of combatting the disease would be more effective than simply depending upon the aanrteriura al Montrose, which was entirely inadequate "Thereby will be demonstrated the phytical limitations of the systems and the need o, other means of transpor Ution will stand apparent.. 1 , s- WATCH FOR CHICHESTER S PILLS 'eT-v .the iitiun ruml a 1 hl -- - . u i ' I ft int.m 'auk of : Winston imm Willi ' 1311 R0GRESS AS BEEN ADE in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and bu s iness methods ar modern. Let us do businestogether to our mutual edntige.' " ? Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, SQO.OOOXMf 1-111 "THE OLDEST A?1D SIRONGEST 1!1 THE C0D11IY." oaiasruvERreiaic - -

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