C7 LOCAL EJTEREST ' , -i.ii, i ,. .!; .- r .1 I'm, "' " " DULL IN TUE MARRIAGE MART VQU TWO DAYS. There haant been a marriage U cease issued in two days in Lenoir ' county, although business had been trUk all the while from the first day of the year until the 13th. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA v t MEET MONDAY NIGHT The Daughters of America will meet Monday night and a full attend ' n la nrred. Mrs. Clara Dick of - made the discovery grunted dixap- lar. will visit the local Council on Monday, January 25th and the meet ing Monday night, January 18, in in preparation for the entertainment of the national officer. SUNDAY SERVICES IN : KINST ON'S CHURCHES 4 M ' 'tloril Programs for the Day's Worship, Where Members, Friends and Vis ttora in the City are Wekeme. ' jniartM STATE SECRETARY HERE SUNDAY Mr, 2. Fred. Jones, Stale Secretary , - for the Disciples of Christ in North ; Carolina, will preach in Gordon Street j ' Christian church tomorrow, at both, "the morning and evening services. Mr. Jones Is a man of wide experience, - and with a rich fund of information. lie has a keen sense of humor, and U ' a most Interesting talker. OUT TAYLOR'S SPEECH v The distribution of a thousand cop ies of the speech made in the Houm "' of Representatives on April 24 bj aterjresentative Edward T. Taylor of Colorado, on equal suffrage, was com saenced today fay the Kinston Equa' Suffrage League. One 1$ Intended to reach every name in tee city, au m teres ted who faO to receive copies ma Secure them by applying to the pres I denty Miss Sybil Hyatt. Joseph a rouse . ' DIES NEAR HUGO i Mr. Joseph B. Souse died Fritlaj night at 10:30 o'clock at his home near Hugo, of pneumonia, lie was VuhstanUel fcrmor of on of the eoun 'ty'a ost prosperous sections, and i leader, in his community's progrest He was well-known here. Mr. Roust , s survived by his wife and four chil- siren. The funeral was conducted thl . 'afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Rose o $haron church,' by Rev. Mr. Griffin jpastov of the Hugo Methodist church l)OES ANYBODY CARE TO v .BECOME ACQUAINTED! Miss Annie JPakowskl of No. 2- West One Hundred and Fifty-flfU street, New York City, presnmabl; wants to extend her circle of acquaint vices. Her address was found on i piece of paper Inserted in a new elec trlcal supply catalog received at tin ' water and light department's offlci this 'morning. The young clerk wh jtjia.de the discoery grunted disapprov al, Miss Annie would probably f b shocked to learn, so Superintended Weyher promptly turned the mattei jDver to The Free Press. BAITIST. First Baptist Church Services at 11 and 7:30 by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:30. ..Primitive Baptist Church, Caswell street Elder L. II . Hardy will fill his regular appointment Sunday at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. Public cordially invited. METHODIST. Caswell Street M. E. church Sun day school at 0:30. An address by Mr. Y. T. Onnond at 11 a. m. Queen Street Methodist church- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preach ing service at 7:30 by the pantor. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. by the pastor, Rev. H. A. Humble. Sub ject. "What the World Wants to See." Evening services at 7:30. Preach insr by the castor. Subject, "That Altar in the Back Yard." Public cordially invited to these services; strangers especially welcome CHRISTIAN Christian Church From 10 to 12:15 unified program of Bible school and preaching services. Preaching by Mr. J. Fred. Jones of Wilson. Etlu catlona) Day will be observed. At (1:45 p. m., Christian Endeavor meet ing in the Baraca room. At 7:30, preaching by Mr. J. Fred. Jones. PRESBYTERIAN Atkinson Memorial church. Inde pendent street Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. UNIVERSALIST Church of the Eternal Hope Mc- school at 10 a. m. F, P. Outlaw, sup erintendent. There will be no preach ing services. EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Mary's church Sunday the us ual services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 0:30 o'clock. Christ church. Sunday school at 3:15 o'clock. First Church of Christ, Scientist- Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wednes day evening services at 7:30 p. m. Reading room open daily from 3 un til 6 p. m. rublic cordially invited to all these services and to visit the reading room. LAWSUITS GROW OUT OFf OPEN DITCH ACCIDENT MRS. ANNIE HUGHES DEAD. The funeral of Mrs. Annie Hughes, who died Thursday from ' paralysis, was held Friday at her home, a few miles northwest of the city, and in terment was made in tne Hughes fam ily burying plat. She was nearly 70 years Of age, and is survived by six sons and daughters. City of Kinston and Lenoir Oil and Ice Company Jointly Held Kcs ponMible by Plaintiffs, Who Were Victims of Strain. Suits for damages have been insti tuted against the City of Kinston and the Lenoir Oil and Ice Company by Franklin Stroud and Charlie Conway Stroud and Conway, the Latter about ten year of age, were scalded by fulling into hot water in an open ditch near the company's plant, the former in December and the boy dur ing this month. George Conway, father of the boy, brought the suit in that case. Both plain tin .contend that the city and the company are jointly liable for having permitted the dangerous ditch to remain uncovered. The sum named in each ease is $10, 000. Stroud is said to have been bed ridden for some time as the result of his burns, while the little Conway bvy is yet confined with the injury which at firxt threatened to be fatal The defendants, it is said, are both denying responsibility for the expos ed sewer, each claiming that the oth er should have made arrangements to eliminate the danger. WHAT SHE WANTED "1 want to stop my baby's cough said a young mother Tuesday, "but I won't give him any harmful drugs," She bought Foley's Honey and Tax Compound, It loosens the cough quickly, stimulates the mucus memb ranes and helps throw off the chok ing secretion, eases pain and gives the child normal rest. For sale by E. Hood & Co. adv THE FREE PRESS WILL RUN THE GREAT ZUDORA SERIAL BY MACGRAT1I The Free Press will, beginning Sat orday, January 23, run the great se Vial "Zudora" by Harold MacGrath 1b fifteen weekly installments. The .story will be illustrated at th new Grand Theater in weekly install ent on the Thursdays following thi printing of the chapters in The Fret Press. Watch for the first issue oJ this greatest of all serials. Remem her (he first chapters will appear ncx Saturday, If you dont get your pa per of that data call up the office ant special copy will be sent A CARD. We wish to thank most sincerely those friends and neighbors who min iaterad to us and sympathized with us in our recent bereavement, when we lost our dear mother, Sophia West . . THE FAMILY. Miss Sallie Kil Patrick Professional Nurst 306 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 163 AT AUCTION Business and Resi dence Lots, Friday, January 22d. Burton Bros. Realty Co. Price fully equipped $670 with 1 7 new features The biggest automo bile value ever "'f jred lor lets than ,000. One of the sweetest running Roadsters in the world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. The easiest car to drive in the world. The greatest all around hill climbing car in the world. "With Cray & Davis electric self-starter and electric lights $55 extra. KINSTON GARAGE ING ii BIGGEST CROWD YET SAW. ... FINAL REEL TREY O' HEARTS . This biggest crowd that the Dixie bas been called upon to handle packet! and jammed the playhouse Friday; ulgh to see the final reels of the "Trey O' Hearts" aerial, which has been running for the past fifteen weeks there. The story was run in the Saturday editions of The Free Press and the double feature proved very attractive for readers of the pa per and patrons of the Dixie. Next week Watson's Peerless Maids will play at the Dixie. This is a mu- steal eomedy company of ten people, and ia said to bo as good as is to be found on the small theater circuit. Tonhrhl Mar Pickfotd ' will be, featured ia the pictures, and thq Reign Dear Girls "will present their Anal .performance. ' How to Cure a Lagrippe Cough ; Lagrippe coughs, demand instant treatment They show a serious con dition of the system and are weak-1 ening. Postmaster Collins, Baroegat, N. J, says: I took Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for a violent la grippe cough that completely exhaust ed me. and less than half a bottle atoDDed the couzbJ Tr It. For sale by J. E. Hood A Co .. adv. AT AUCTIONBusiness and Resi- dence Lots, Friday, January 22f. turton Bros. Realty Co. Ii ! ! ! i DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BY'TME Kinston Free Press, Jan. 16 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A 5ET 7 ,. 9g r" ." "'' f.W ITMl wiiwatiwai opportunity by cuttfati out loo obovo CoHiTtcoto of ApprocMtwo with fitro othor. ol cm.cuI!t d.lc., ond prowatiof toon t ths of hco. with tho oxdoom boot amount hervin t.l onpo. MU u, Kl. of Dictwoonr Utoi lM tmn th. item, of th. cotf of pock In. oro from tho f ooton. okockini. dork kiro oad other n.coowr tXPENSE !.. iHiyavmlii U joomo4 wtk row ckoko of tkow tkroo boiuT -i.UU, (like illustrations in Modsra Enefisli tt 1 J?1 eni,rJJr ,K,tw. conjpiUuon by the world's ' rTro.1Yf11 l? Leather flexible, stamncd in gold on lack and ''" j Jd,e- Printed on Bthle paper, with red edges end cowers rounded rbeantiful, strong, durable. Beside the general comenta. there v allu w.w luuinia ucauinuiiy uuistratM Dv three, i . tioa uo tta I color plates, numerous subjects by monotones, 16 f educational charts and the latest United States CcnMt f st this office SIX CteattatiTe CtrtiikttM af Aororul Given to our. Tailor ing Department 4 We 'are prepared to" measure you any time, and give you a satisfactory garment in every way. SPRING SAMPLES BEADY J. C. DAIL & CO. . j Successors to , Daii & Taylor Ibe JUen'p Store I o p '" m I" Still continues and arid $25.00 Coat Suits are now go ing at $5.98 and $9,981 SSL OUR SALE IIL1IMS MM I WAISTS SILK and VOILE FRESH and CRISP Just in Today Our Price 98c Entire Change of Patterns T Come and Look Them Over J.M.Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE Mr. Ryder representirig;Fineman ; and Goldsmith, of Baltimore, Md.; " will continuehe opening Way, iinaary lOtli Showing the Spnng Line of New - - Suits, c' " Come in and lock the 'line over and give us an g fder. larrett IHartsfield Chas. A. Waters the Telephone Store . Phone No. 89 " v m LOT! ti. -at "RENFREW ZEPHYR'-- ' GIW1S 32 inch yarn dyed fabrics - The colors are abjo- lutely fast. ":" THE "im ONE PRICE CASH STORE Ae J. SUTTON Plume 31 4& ; IVoo. usBsaaBnam&r JANUARY ,. CLEARANCE SALE Is nowoinon. Every. thing in Winter Cqpds reduced to almost Cost to make room for New Spring goods that will soon be arriving. Now is a good opportunity to supply your needs for whatever you want. Come early and get the best. Furniture tliat is made right; that looks right; that will give the great est satisfaction to the users for the longest time, can be bought here at reasonable prices every business day in the year. : : : DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Roidencc Phone 523. "Office Phone BO OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Osteopathy ia .yitem of healing dj. aeaae by scientific manipulation, the purpose of each manipulation being eiiner ro aqjuat sonve aerangeoaent ia the position of the tissue at to increase or to decrease the activity ot some organ. It is not a remedy for aome particular disease, but successfully treats all car able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. IRA M. HARD?, M, D, Physician end Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to I P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607; Office 479, 102 West Caswell Streat tvye. Ear, Nom and Throti Uiaeue. TrntM, pettinger's Furniture Store DB,V T. H. FAULKNER ' --DENTIST Office 130 S. ' McLewean St Near Residence. KINDS INSURANCE OF ALL C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 162 (Next to Postoffice) Yours- to plca$?r ; Mark Cutonurigs "The Horn of Quality DC xactlj tua aetna 44 kouk. u- MoilBritnii!I:lkiium-hieii u u 9 nfrrinm.v toatlisr. It lMMtriel " e r ana rn with sqnar earner gut Am. I 04 mm tmm U1V Is la ctaia cioth bintl- 1 Ing, siamMS ta void . The $2.00 mrm DICTIONAXy IUBMrart Uoaa, bat all ta n. rw tlatM and rhri. r rtt.rd. SIX A. 1 fOrt2 ' M An. nintu i w v . . : . amoaat t lnelud for S.svuada Tour PMlmular I We Appreciate Your Patronage GRAY & WATERS ..' r S a - I li HooJ Basement Riding Attachment for Walkifisg Plows Just what you want Put it on any one of your walking plows and ride. You iiave all the comfort of a riding plow. 4 Call and see ft. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 5 p. m. 8 to 8 p. m. Phones: Office, 478 Res. Phone 113 A. L. Hyatt, M. D. General Practice Miller Building I XVe furnish eYerrtbine needed-Wheels, Axles, teters. Seat andSeai Spring, and all the connections. Cia bo put on any walking plow oi any make ia a lew : minutes' time. Von don't baw to bore anjr hoies. It eiamps to f h besm. Vou eaa regulate the depth with the lever. W hy walk all day when it costs so little to ridcf Xoa will wonder bow jo arer stood the walking after using one of these riding r l B&Q CANTONPIflWS CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOwS CANTON PL01S FOR SALE Old Papers, saitahte for r kindling fires these coot mornlnjrs, 5c a package. Free Press. 9tli-t rKedqaarters for Xll Kic7Up4o.Date Farra' RlachSery v r t. ., ii Dr. O.L. WILSON , v- py.Sst " Office over J. E. Hood ft Cos Store. ' AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Ctildren. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Ctindy Phone 149 At J.T Sliinncr & Soa ";'e Sawe .to Prease"

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