TOE KINSTON 1 FREE PRESS C LOCAL INTEREST MARRIAGE LICENSES, Marriage licenses Luued at the Courthouse elace last reported were to: WhiUi Arnold M. Fields, 22. and Mary Eliia Anderson, 18, both of Lenoir county. Colored: Leo Cog dn, 19, and Helen Brown, 17, both of Kinatoa. INTERESTING STORY OF THE 17TH N. C. COLORS Saved From Hand of Sherman's Men By QuIck-Witted Teamsters Flat Presented to Hall of History br Mm. Lamb. REFORMATORY FOR FALLEN WOMEN GIVEN LOCAL IMPETUS HERE PRATER MEETING IX CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 1W midweek prayer-mcetins: of Gordon Street Christian church Wed nesday craning will ba conducted by . Mr. E. G. Barrett. The subject will be "Going Forward." Thin is the first of a aeries of prayer meetings to t conducted by the official board of the church. FUNERAL OF J. A. LONG WEDNESDAY MORNING. The funeral of the late J. A. Long, who died in Augusta, Ky., Sunday night, wiB be held tomorrow morning in St Peter's Episcopal church, con ducted by Rev. J. H. Griffith. Inter ment will follow in Maplewood ceme tery. The remains will arrive here tonight. BLACK HELD FOR BURGLARY SENT ON TO HIGHER COURT. Isaac .Bedding, colored, arrested in Georgetown Saturday night for first degree burglary, ia held in jail in de fault of bail for Superior Court. Magistrate IL C. V. Peebles Monday i found probable cause. Redding is al leged to have entered the home of an other negro, who claimed to have found kia cap and a pocketknife which the prisoner dropped in leaving the iouse when he was in danger of be ig discovered. " Clf? COUNCIL MET TODAY. ,City Council, called to meet at 4 'clock Monday afternoon to finish up Its part of the transaction with the Security Trust Company ef Spartan burg, S. C, for the city'a $100,000 is sue ef improvement bonds, did not ait as was expected. It was discovered that the mayor was out of town, and the meeting was postponed until af ter his arrival , Mayor Sutton, who waa In Tarboro on private business, returned Monday night, and the meeting of Council was set for this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Norfolk Virginiun-Pilot, unde a two-column picture of the donor, tells of the preventing of the color of the Seventeenth North Carolina Regiment by Mr. Wilson G. Lamb of Williamson, well-known here, to the State Hall of History, where it now being exhibited as one of th most valuable relics in the great col loction. Mr. Lamb formerly kept the flag in a glass case in his home. Saved from surrender to the Fed eral troops under General Sherman near Greensboro in 1805, when it was wrapped in the saddle blankets of teamster, the flag passed into the possession of the then Regimental Adjutant Lamb and remained in his care for half a century. When the regiment surrendered to Sherman Tteamster Thomas of the headquar tera wagon told the adjutant he couh save the colors by wrapping them in the saddle blankets upon which he rode when driving the wagon. With the flag thus hidden. Lamb and the driver passed through the Federal army at Chapel Hill on their way home, but were not examined. The Seventeenth Regiment was In the Army of Northern Virginia for many months, serving there as a part of the division of Major-General Hoke, father of Mrs. W. I). Pollock of Kinston, and one of the most prom inent of his class of the generals in the service. Later it was transferred to this section and did efficient ser vice at Wilmington, and on the bloody Aeld at Wyse Fork near here. At Bentonsville it withstood many furi ous assaults by Sherman's men, and being withdrawn by order of John ston, retired to Smithfield depot, and, passing through Raleigh, marched to Center church, soon afterward sur rendering. NEW YORKERS DISCUSS STATE TAX PROBLEM BILL AT DIXIE THIS WEEK IS PARTICULARLY GOOD. tThe Glff Watson , Peerless Maids, the vaudeville attraction at the Dixie this week,- is very good, and many who saw the Monday night perform ance, say it ia the best company that has played here on the "movie cir cuit." Nick Reynolds' yodllng was so appreciated that the audience insist ed upon his returning aeveral times. Those who are accustomed to attend the performances at the Dixie know mat encores are rarely necessary or I Called for, and that fact alone at tests the good work of Reynolds. The house was crowded. (By the United Press) Albany, N. Y., Jan. 19. Immediate, drastic and radical revision of the state's tax laws was the keynote of the fifth New York State Conference en taxation which opened today. Men representing all branches of state and city government are here to aid the conference In framing suggestions which will undoubtedly be presented to the legislature before adjournment. Those attending the meeting feel encouraged in their work by the ref erence to the state's tax laws made by Governor Whitman in his initial mes sage to the legislature. All agree with the governor that the tax laws as they now stand are nothing but a patch work, sadly in need of simplification. SMALL YACHTS GO ASHORE OFF SOUTHPORT Southport, Jan. 18. Two little yachts, southbound, were driven ashore today near Cape Fear life sav ing station. One went to pieces; an other is anchored just off shore. Each had a crew of two men, these being rescued by lifesavers. Meeting of Representative Citizens Held Monday Night to DImcuss the Proposition, Endorsed the Principles of the Plan. The proposition to establish a home for fallen women was given local im petus Monday night at a called meet inging of representative cititens of the city held in the Baraca class room of the Gordon Street Christian church, Rev. G. B. Hanrahan. the pastor of the Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian church, presided. The McGeachy bill, now pending before the General Assembly, and which will have a hearing Thursday, was not endorsed or discussed at length because the provisions of the bill were not known to those present, no draft of it hav ing been sent here. The principle in volved was heartily endorsed and a sub-committee was appointed to draft resolutions setting forth the local in terest and endorsement of the propo sition in a general way. These reso lutions will be prepared by the com mittee, composed of Rev. G. B. Han rahan, Messrs. John G. Dawson and A. Herndon, and forwarded to Ra leigh before the issue is drawn on Thursday. If possible in the short time allotted for arrangements to be made for a delegation to go to Ra leigh, the appointment of such a dele gation was authorized and Chairman Hanrahan will see to it that Kinston is represented if he can secure a del egation. The discussion Monday night was not of the sensational kind, but the sentiment manifested clearly indicat ed that there is a widespread interest among Kinston people in this reform matter, and that the need for a rem edy for the vice problem, now threat ening not only the young men, but many of the homes of the people is becoming more and more appreciated. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to our Tailor ing Department We are prepared to measure you any time, and give you a satisfactory garment in every way. SPRING SAMPLES READY J. C. DAIL & CO. Successors to Dail & Taylor The lien's Store YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold Is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's PIne-Tar-IIoney is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your druggist adv NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. SIT WAISTS SILK and VOILE FRESH and CRISP Just in Today Our Price 98c Entire Change of Patterns Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 I OUR SALE Silfcliiegy . FOR MEN AND WOMEN J Suits are now go? m . J ' ALL COLORS AND , SIZES Come and Look I Prices 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 J.M.Stephenson I n n 11 I g Barrett & Hartsfield 1 1 " iii 11 in WE SELL WHAT WE ADVERTSE I WE SELL ADVE RISES 1 ALL EFFORTS TO SEARCH OUT CRIME HAVE FAILED. 4Mn bnarp, coioreu, nan been re leased from the county jail. He was held for a couple of weeks by the authorities in the belief that he had committed a murder somewhere. Sharp's actions were auspicious. A Aegrosa , with whom he boarded de clared she saw the ghosts of his vic tims, seemingly two or three, tortur ing him in his sleep, and heard Sharp in his slumber talking of the crimes. The authorities, however, took the man to be the slayer of a Edgecombe County farmer, who was murdered a year or so ago. Later he was accus ed of being Simon Jones, who killed Edward Caho, colored, near Pink Hill, In 1914. Evidence was had finally, however, entirely disproving it, and Sharp waa released. MARLEY IVi IN. DEVON 2W IN. ARROW COLLARS 2, FOR 25 CENTS curerr fcabodt cqinc trot hy. Notice Is hereby given that ' the partnership heretofore composed of J, C. Dail and A. N. Taylor, doing bus! ness in the City of Kinston, under the firm name of Dail and Taylor, was, on the 4th day of January, 1915, dis solved by mutual consent, and that on and .after said date the said business will be conducted by J. C. Dail and P. Hemby, doing business as J. C. Dail & Co. The new firm assumes all i debtedness of old partnership and all amounts due said partnership should be paid to new firm. This the 5th day of January, 1915, J. C. DAIL, A. N. TAYLOR. In Time of War Prepare for peace, by send ing our old carts, wagons, buggies; in fact everything that needs to be repaired or rebuilt to Arch Harrel. We do thebest work for least money. We can fix it HARREL BROTHERS AT FOOT Or PARROTT'S BRIXiE New Silk Waist In the White Maize and Flesh Colors It is our endeavor to sell only such goods as will give the utmost service 'and sat isfaction to the user. There is no article in the store that we cannot recommend as being full value for the price we ask. Ask The Man Who Buys Here v THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON PJone34 & Proo. Oettingers Furniture Store WILSON MAY FOREGO TRIP TUUOUGH CANAL .Washingon, D. C Jan. 18. While plana for, President Wilson's trip to I the Panama Canal and Pacific coast , are proceeding, the President made it Clear to callers today that conditions .home or abroad might prevent his departure. Invitations to speak on I the way back from San Francisco are l-einf answered with the statement Uat it may be impossible for the ' President to leave Vanhington at all. - , Colds art Of tern Most Serious Stee Peasible Complies Ueaa ;,Tm disrerard of Cold has often brought many a regret The fact of I JSneexing, Coughing, or a Fever I . should be warning enough that your I ' system needs immediate attention. I Certainly Lee of Sleep is moat se- . rioua. It la warning given by Na- tore. It ia man's duty to himself to assist by doing his part- Dr. King's New Discovery ia based on a acien-1 ti.1c analysis of. Colds. EOc. at jour Dn;iat. Buy a bottle today. . adv. a Modern; ENGLISH DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BYTHE Kinston Free Press, Jan. 19 BBSBSBBM SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET Shew your eneferaanent of thU iml achieatiana opportuakjr kjr cuttias eu tha above Certificate af Appreciation with live other, of eoiuecutive data, and (ham at thi off ieo, with the aipenaa bonua amount herein aa oppo Mta aar atvie of DwtkMarr arlectaal (which mn tko itaaM of the coat of pack iara from tha factory, chackim. ctara kira aad other aacoaaary EXPENSE ad ran wtU bo pr .a.atod wtth your choica of thcaa M book. i Int. aara i kemaj.uad The $4.00 New Modern English .(Like illnstrationi in the announcements from day to day.) ii u me oifLT entirety mw compilation by the world s II.Vviier',,'st horitics from leading universities; is bound in i DICTlONAKYfull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on hack and i -iocs, prmtea on Bioie paper, with red edge and corners i rounded ; beautiful, strong, durable. Beside the general contents, there 1 v -mm v.n "w auvjcvia iMTHuiuuiiy iiiusiraieo oy tnrcr- i 1 h coior oiaies. numerons suoject ov monotone. 16 imbcs of I pw? 4 a.I 1 l I .1 f . ... T T ' . a . Liidn ami mr laicsi unitea Mate vensna, tTrcnt at this office SIX CJtmti-a CortLBc-taa AynciaiiM aad Ike V dt 98c: U Tkc I!LQO iy tha i ft- las ft M book, ax- j "P im ut a 171a or I MMsTI EngUSI kl4ln--wkth ht la I.ta-atlata-l Htl t.ipoajao wltkaqtwranvn SIX Ap. I Ofn Th $2.00 New , BaCni tnf I1S9 "4ar. aaana lllaatia- DICTIONABiV Uo I la plain cloth bind- 1 ! nampra in oia aaa aan, of tka rol- ytatra f aad eharl. ar -ut-d Six Am- I A On yraalali.a Cnraiataa amd aha IOC amount t lnriada for S aounda . . a. Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped U Handle Your Orders (or High Cr-Ue Job Printing. Orders Carafylly d PrMiplly Eircitcd We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES, POSTERS. We have Connection! with Enoravera and Blank Book Makers which en able ut to Promptly Handle Order for Engraving and all kindi of Blank Book ' -Making.: Kinston Free Press Co. lacaraarattd Pnbliihers and Job Printers "Everjwing in rnnnng INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postof f ice) P & O STALK CUTTERS We Appreciate Your Patronage GRAY & WATERS OarberShop In Hood Basement - 1 -l . si 1 - - n .klLV"tL"yr"8drat. The stadk cutter wUh re-ersible axle. Vhkiir.U 15.00 -nwo .? wui -Te buying siw wheels, ! Th! Jonkutl?mp,t!50,lprin8- UePefcy ni8 tk.iar.nJ .natch , your tern. t Tk. tr?- f t'?" the n.U tram th. long end of double .rrJ V?!- T" U f"r ood.d protect cbr frorn flying ' cup. orrc 'SZL..9 "f- Copreion gre.. i of atiM-L R. tk- f . " j , , "P" m mmla waeew ajj small pvt. made d Hi Z I!!! JT ?,d.tlle i e.nnot chok. when in uZ-Come I . "vuurc eassva jva wiu inflW thta a Itma WlM t I a -i i fcniwpai fu.YA ,uau ' w o ncm-rerefSaDie fHTFV KfmrpvDiTic MVau lUVltUI J. alAO U f SB a m . H E Moseley- Hard ware Company DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAM Retidencc Phone 523. 'Office Ph0 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Osteopathy is a svstem of hMti- J: sease by scientific manipulations, th, purpose of each manipulation ban. :tkr j " the position of the tissues or to inctesM vi iu uca caac me activity oi some organ. It is not a remedy for some particular disease, but successfully treats aQ car able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surges Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607; Offica 479, 102 West Caawell Street ye. Ear. Nose and Throat Uiaeuea Treated. DR. T. H. FAULKNER Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. DR. GEO. K KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo- - men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street. Phone 118.' Z. V. MOSELEY, 3L D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 6 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 I A. L. Hyatt, M D. General Practice i Miller Building Dr. O. L. WILSON DcKttrt Office arer J. E. Hood A Co's Stars. AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : - Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J. T. Planner & Soil . "We Strive to Please" '