THE DAILY FREE PRESS , , i : ; (Publahad Ervy Day Excpt Sunday) KINSTON FREE PRESS CO, INC., KINSTON, N. B. GALT BRAXTON EDITOR AND MANAGER (Ualto4 Pwm Report) - at th poitofflc at Kiniton, North Carolina, ai Meand claas matter nnder act of Congresi, March 3, 1879.) V TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTMENTS-75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( Payabla In Adranec) On Wadk On Month Thraa Month! 8tx month 2.00 Tw1t Montha W Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22. 1915 An attorney named Beer has talked too much, it seems, from what the various gentlemen, of whom he spoke, have to say. That is not unusual for beer; it very often talk too much and says nothing. 1 If General Garza's proposition, to make Mexico City neutral and hold there the parleys of the various factions, prevails, the capital of the rebellion-torn republic will become known aa the "convention city." There will prob ably be about 99 separate and distinct confabs held daily. . I The Free Press is in receipt of a list of House com mittees, appointed by Speaker Wooten, The Kinstonian la making a record for dispatching the business of the lower branch of the General Assembly, and his work b receiving the favorable comment of the press of the State General Gara, the latest provisional president of Mex ico, is already looking for a soft place. He now proposes to make Mexico City neutral ground, where the parleys of the opposing factions can be held. The idea is a pretjty good one, If the capital's neutrality didn't have the same fate a poor Belgium's did. '. Another march on Paris is anticipated, if the Germans succeed in recapturing Soissons. It Is needless to say that the French will fight to the last ditch to hold the ground they now occupy, but then in this game of see-saw who knows but what the Kaiserines will be on the run toward Berlin again tomorrow? ductd is, The Free Press believes, unnecessary. The contention of the papers in the State, advocating this plsn, is that the voters will appreciate the saving of twenty thousand dollars by curtailing the session twen ty days. Most assuredly tney will appreciate sucn a sav ing. Why not let the leaders see to it that the buitiness is attended to and that all unnecessary delays are eliminated nd adjourn just as soon as the essential matters have been disposed of? It might be found that more than twenty days could be saved or might be necessary to run fifty days. Some of the forty-day sponsors are even suggesting that those, wno votea against me proposi tion in the Senate, will be held accountable by their con stltuents. The Free Press doesn't believe that there is any constituency in the State that would be misled into disapproving the record of its representative if the evi dence at the conclusion of the session proved that he had performed his work faithfully and well and had taken the necessary time to do it If the legislators earnestly strive to transact the people's business in the shortest possible time there will not be so much grumbling back home as some would insinuate. Results are wanted and not dem onstrations for the galleries. VOX P0PULI , Villa , continues to give assurances that the life and property, of Americana in Mexico, so far as his ability to do so goes, will bo protected. And so far, Villa has shown no disposition to go back on his word. The ex-outlaw is 'just about as dependable as any of his countrymen so far as the outsider's observations go. '2'' ; ::j .' '': Senator Burton is trying to prove himself to be the "iron man" of the Senate. He doesnt even halt his talk fest for lunch, but has raw eggs brought him, which he wallows while some of his colleagues play for time with a parliamentary query. The trouble about this talk is that it is not so cheap. The people are at an enormous expenso to maintain a three-day session of the Senate to listen to a wind-jammer's efforts to block the majority's program. Perhaps very few thinking people regarded the rumor that Secretary Bryan had threatened to resign if Sulli van received President Wilson's endorsement, very scri ously, anyway. And now comes the emphatic denial from the White House that any such attitudo had been assumed by the Commoner. Aa a matter of fact, Mr. Wilson's support of Sullivan in the recent elections was somewhat contrary to what public opinion felt should have been. and Mr, Bryan's "dislike" for the lllinoisan would prob ably have the approval of most of the people. The Raleigh News and Observer's Washington corres pondent writes his paper that Mr. Howard A. Banks, pri vato secretary to Mr. Daniels, will sail via the Panama Canal on January 27 for San Francisco, where he will have charge of the Navy Department's exhibit Taking this in connection with the story printed in the Greensboro News a short time ago to the effect that Mr. Banks would succeed Mr. Britton as editor of the Raleigh paper, when the Utter gentleman was appointed postmaster, it looks like Editor Brit ton's chances of appointment are not so rosy as they were. THE PRINCIPLE OF DOING AWAY WITH "HOT AIR" IS ALL RIGHT. : Tht principle of getting down to business and elimin ating, the "hot air" period of the General Assembly is all riffl t. The placing of a forty-day limit on the session beforo any of the important legislation has been intro- MINOR OFFICIALS NOT NECESSARILY AFFECTED. In changing the system of city government from the mayor and aldermanic administrative plan to the com mission form or city manager plan, the various depart ment heads would not necessarily be affected. A city man ager would have to have assistants, and there would be no reason for changes where the present incumbents are giving efficient service. Some of the friends of present department heads are understood to be making inquirj as to what effect a change would have on their particular friends. The Free Press would most assuredly urge the retention of capable officials and department heads, where they could be used under a new plan. The Free Press believes that unquestionably a capable city manager would find it necessary to drop some of the present employes and heads of departments. It would be quite out of the ordinary should that not be the case. A most remarka ble organization, that, which would have no weak places, to be strengthened. The question at issue is not a per sonal one; it is not so much man against man as it is system against system. The object should be to find and utilize that system by which the public's business could be carried on most efficiently and most economically and thtt regardless of any personal eliminations or changes. The Free Press believes that a committee of Kinston's successful citizens, appointed to act as an advisory body to the committee of councilmen would conserve the ends of justice, all things being considered, far better than could any other course. The matter is one that should a be given most careful thought The people, as a whole. are not in position to pass intelligently upon the best plan. The committee plan is the only feasible one, and the selection of the committee should be made very care fully, and with a view to obtaining a wide range of thought and advice. The council could not, The Free Press feels very certain, appoint a committee composed entirely of its own members, who could handle the ques tion as well and with the fullest confidence of the people in theif judgment aa with a citizens' committee, working with the councilmen. There should be a united and cor dially co-operative effort made in solving this question. It is a get-together time by all means. Let personal feel ings and dislikes be put aside and all heads be put to gether to devise the best wuy to govern Kington. ENDORSES "PRAYER NESTING NIGHT" SUGGESTION CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. L Effective October 4, 1914, 6:00 a. m. Firrt class freight and passenger , South Bound North Hound WHAT OTHERS SAY MIGHT BE VIOLATION OF LOTTERY LAWS Charlotte Observer: "The proposition for a voting con test for the naming of the White House baby, is about the yellowest that has been sprung on the country. It is like an invasion of the sanctity of the home." GIVE 'EM TIME TO THINK Greensboro Daily News: "The view of the Daily Newn is that if the gentlemen now assembled in Raleigh have the capacity to think, they should have the time and the opportunity to think." HOW OUR BREAD IS BUTTERED Wilmington Star: "If we were putting up houses and barns all over Eastern North Carolina for Belgian or other settlers, every carpenter and bricklayer in this part of the State would have plenty to do. Nobody hears that farm labor is out of a job in North Carolina. Nine-tenths of the counties in the State report that farm labor is scarce. When farm labor is scarce it means that agricu1 turil production and development is necessarily halted in No-th Carolina. We have the lands, but producers are few. .We attach a great deal of importance to industrial developments without thinking that agriculture is on of our chief sources of wealth. All our resources need de- clcpmpnt, and none more than the State's immense agri cultural possibilities. MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS PRODUCE the , Wholesale Price Reported by - Kiastoa Pesaat Compaay Pork .'. . . i . , .......... 12H Lard 7..... 14 Bacon, aids 15 Bacon, ham .................... 20 Bacon, shoulder ............... 15 Corn, bushel .. ................. 80 Potatoes, sweet ............. 60 Eggs ........................ 30 Country butter'...,.......... SO TODAY'S COTTON MARKET New York. Jan. 22. Today'e tures quotations: Open ......8.65 8.78 ......8.96 ...9.17 ..9.38 .......... .9.50 Local Sale Today About 20f bales. to S cents. January March .. May .. July ... October , December fu- Close 8.42 8.62 8.84 9.02 9.24 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FRANK AWAITS COURT APPEAL Atlanta, Ga Jan. 22. Instead of twinging on the gallows today, Ler M. Frank, thrice convict i of muni ciinj, Mary Phagan, a younjr factory git! in April 1913, was in hi. c;ll hope full awaiting tht lesult of his ; vvl f tin united States SuD.vmi . wrt allowed by Justice Lamar. This was the day last set for Frank's execu tion. It was the third time he had been sentenced to death. , The writ granted by Justice Lamar automat ically stayed the execution of the death penalty today until Frank's ap peal is determined. - To the Editor of The Free Press: Please allow me space in your val uable paper to most heartily endorse the suKgestion made by "A Church Member" on the creation of "A Pray er Meeting Night." I also wish to express my appreciation of your edi torial comment on "A Church Mem ber's Appeal." Will not every church member in our city take these sug gestions seriously and help to make the idea real. Nothing will more quickly revolutionize the spiritual condition of the community than for the Christian people to really take on the nourishment to their spiritunl life that would come from regular attend ance of these devotional meetings. Men of affairs, most of all, need this tonic after the conflicts of their dai ly toils. C. W. BLANCHARD, 1332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 s 7:29 f 7:18 7:11 s 7:01 6:55 6:45 STATIONS 333 Daily. P. M. 5:00 s 5:07 f 5:21 s 5:32 s 5:43 t 5:50 6:00 SUFI FLU Fr I I1AIK Ia5 FIRST AID TO BEAUTY Ar Kinston Lv. Hines Junction Pools Dawson Glenfield Suggs Siding Lv Snow Hill Ar All trains govcrened by the Nor- flok Southern rules while using tho4 track from Kinston to Hines Junc tion, and subject to the orders of its superintendent. The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WM. It AXES, General Superintendent R. A. HONEYUTT, Superintendent Kinston, N. C G. A. JONES, F. & P. A. Stop! Look! Listen! Three important words, equal to a long message. The settlement tf. Home-making Question is easy.-so easy. Settle it right here at home. There's a Reason. : Quality Furniture, Latest Design Reasonable Price, Stoek on the lloor Satisfaction guaranteed-Where? At If your hair is not fluffy, soft and lustrous, is falling out, Btreaked, fad ed, brittle, or full of dandruff, and if the scalp itches, do not think it must always be that way, for pretty hair is only a matter of care and the use of the proper hair dressing. Your hair is like a plant if neglected it soon dies, while with a little atten tion it keeps fresh and beautiful. Parisian Sage is a scientific prepa ration that supplies just the elements needed to invigorate the hair to grow long, thick, fluffy, soft and lustrous. It removes all dandruff with one ap plication and quickly stops itching head and falling hair. It is the ideal hair tonic and scalp treatment con tains nothing injurious and is deli cately perfumed. J. E. Hood & Co. or any druggist can supply you with Farisian Sage it is inexpensive. You cannot be dis- aDDointed with this delightful and helpful toilet necessity, for it will surely give your hair the beauty and charm of youth. NORFOLK-SOUTHERN Unecda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and nourish the body.. Crisp, clean and fresh 5 cents in the moisture proof package. Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate for luncheon, tea and dinner, xo cents. ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in EIT. ct October 4, 1914.) N. Si. The loliowing scneauio ng ... i - . i ures published as lmormauun oniy, and nie not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Hound 11:21 p. m. "Night Kxpress," Pull man bleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West. Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. Vest Bound -5:40 a.m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a.m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:35 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or re servation of Pullman Sleeping Oar space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Ainston, jm. c H. S. Lea i d, General Passenger Agent i n r rt r - JpT Wmmm si an-- E WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE 10 OUR FRIENDS PATRONS THAT THE FIRM OF: M. Adler & Sons HAS BEEN SUCCEEDED BY "Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped t Handle Year Orders for High Grie Job Printing. Orders Carefully and PrMiptry Executed Zir Zu Prince of appetizers! Makes daily trips from Ginger-Snap Land to waiting mouths every where. Say Zu Zu to the grocer man, 5 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Alwaya look for that name We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FCH ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES, POSTERS. We have Connections with Engravers and Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly Handle Orders (or Engraving and all kinds of Blank Book Making. WE ARE NOW CONDUCTING OUR INAUGURATION ' SALE AT THE 0L0 STAND AND WE ASSURE YOQ THE SAME COURTEOUS AND FAIR TREATMENT AS HERETOFORE. , , , Adler Brothers QQQ353a9Q Kinston Free Press Co. Incorporated Publishers and Job Printers "Everyuimg in ranting-' Pm Quinine That Does Not Affsct The Head Because of it) tonic and laxntive effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE a betterthan ordinary ! Quinine and does not eause nervousncsa nor I ringing in head. Remember the full nnme and took for the signature oi U. W. GKOVii. 25c. If it is STALK CUTTERS and CUTTA- WAY HARROWS ybu want," 5 we have the , ' " SCingman 9 Bin if e Cutters and 16 inch, 18 inch and 20 inch Harrows There are none on the market that can beat them for Price and Service D. V. DIXON ' WM. fr II The National of ICinsiosi EAT R0GRESS AS'BEEN ADE FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS $100 Reward, 1O0 Td mdm of this paper M TlMx-d t leara tbat thee M at kat om tltvadrd illmn that Selene haa bmt aide In Vtmt in all lis staa. awt Ibat H Catarrh. Il .lt'a t aisrrH Cure la the wit? iKKltlre run lfcttr knowii 1H rh-J-tcal fratrenitT'. Calarrk Mns a eim.iitnil.miil oiwaav, mmirsa a cutk-tltutHmal trvatn;eL liana Catarrh Car t tatea hi:. mslly. aetinc nreiy ar ta Maotf ana tiaxHii snrfae-n of tk ajrateak tbejr itrwro.rli th fimiu-'arlt a at the Vrae, matt rl.lna the rtlnt 9truth bT balldlnf B the e'msUtKtloa aa! K-wVlKe aa. tap to Mn It Work. Th iMvwVt-r Kre aa. flth hi lt ewnttve. p'rrr that thr enW Mtr lltnlr't l!l-r fre air ej tljt U (alia t tor. ,! ! It wt t . nl Address 1 J. rilKXCV & t.W C.', rWJ tr nil Unir-M.. J:. ; -.. ; ' t Tk UU fc raadlf P'.iU fV -Wk t Vim. ? I III 1 - '"aaaa . ' ' "T " isii in business metHctfe, 'and this bank; has Kept pice with; them. . v t-.'' While conservative in the terest of: SAFETY, our huipment -and -b usi ness lethods are modern, lciio do business together to our mutual sdvantjge. ; : " Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $00,000.00 "THE OLDEST AND STROIJSEST OAKS. Ill THE - CCIII1TY.

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