TIIE KINSTO N FREE PRESS. WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN. SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS Corned Hams at Bird's Market, Phone W8. ' , l-21-2t-Dly LOST Solid gold eajneo brooch, Sat urday afternodn, possibly in motion nicture theater or on street Finder please return to this office. 1-21-ltDly Kfc. 1 f our-roo bouse on Apply to the FOB . . East Vernon avenue, owner, II. C. Edwards. 1-18-dly-tf TWO Nice Office Rooms for rent in Whitaker building;. See D. V. Dix on & Son. Ml-Dly-tf FOR RENT Garage on West Gor don street, Apply to J. F. Taylor. s 1-8-tf-dly nn nfVT Clntv fmir.rnnm ral, donee, corner oi Independent and Washington streets. Apply to Miss r r . t a am ni- Laura IU rvooteii. i-o-u-iiy FOR SALE Ond seven-room cot tage and one five-room cottage on East Gordon street Waller. Apply E. R. 1-16-tf-Dly We have moved our. piano store to No. 4 West Caswell street We now have an up-to-date line of pianos anil music. Come to see us.' Household Furnishing Co , Forrest Smith. WANTED An energetic ambitious active man to establish permanent business. Health and Accident In surance. Immediate cash returns and future. Address National Casualty Company, Detroit Mich. 1-18, 20, 22Dly SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mrs. J. E. Weyher has gone to La Grange to visit relatives. ; H M a ,Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Spotswood of Norfolk came yesterday to make Kin ston their home. a a a ' Mrs. J. A. Humphrey, who has been Visiting t Newport News, Va.. has returned home. a a a ' Miss Bessie Braxton left yester day for Chapel Hill to visit her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Stroud. a a a Miss Ida Bell Williams of Wash ington was a Kinston visitor yester day, en route to Snow HilL una Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jackson have returned to their home at Murfrees- boro, Tenn., after a visit in the city to Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ellis. HONOR ROLL OF - KINSTON SCHOOLS Pupils Who Made Excellent Records During the Month Ending January IS Special Meatiosi Scholars Aa They Come la Grades MRS. STANLEY'S REMAINS DETAINED IN PHOENIX The remains of the late Mrs. Mar tha Stanley, who died in Phoenix, Ari- sona, last week, will arrive here next Wednesday, it is expected. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY SOLD. Miss Sallie-Kilpairick Professional Nurse 309 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 Burton Bros., auctioneers of real ty, this morning sold in five parcels piece of ground on the south side of Gordon street between Queen and Heritage for $170" a front foot They are this afternoon auctioning off res idential property at West Blount and Pollock streets and Pollock street and the Central Highway. They have the sale of desirable property on Herit age street, between Gordon and Cas well in charge also. A BAD COUGH FOLLOWED GRIPPE A Lot of New LOWERS and SHAPES CALL 111 AND SEE THW ,r, Mrs. M. L B RASWELL James Martin Tells How Yinol Stop ped the Cough and Restored His Strength After an Attack of Grippe. Wapakoneta, Ohio. "I am a farm er by occupation and the grippe left me with a bad cough and in a nerv ous, weak run-down condition, and ' could not seem to get anything to do me any good. I decided to try Vinol, and soon began to improve, and al ter taking one bottle 1 feel like a new man. Vinol has built me up, and my cough and nervousness are all gone. and I can truly say Vinol is all that is claimed for it." James Martin, Wapakoneta, Ohio. The many letters which we are con tinually publishing from reliable peo ple should prove to you that Vir.ol is a reliable body builder and strength creator; in fact, we feel 3afe in say ing that we have never said in cur score a more dependable, upb'iilding tonic for the convalescent, weak and run-down than Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil. Therefore, if you need such a medi cine, we ask you to try a bottle of Vinol, and if you don't think it helps you, we will return your money. J. E. Hood & Co., druggist Kinston, N. C, and leading dealers every where, adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A GRAND THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT I "The Dancer and the King' With tCedl Spooner in Role of King, Big Feature Today. The itory is of a young king, who becomes enamored by the charms of a dancing girl, who is of he peasant class. She intercedes in behalf of her people against a burdensome tax and thereby stirs up the animosity of the king's advisers, who contrive to put him out of the way. The dancing girl, Lola, frustrates the plans and saves the king. The wind-up is very pleasing Saturday Matinee and Night "The Man Of The Hour," the famous Broadhurst production in five acts, will be the top liner : . . All next week the Gardner and Lawson Musi cal Comedy Company will be the vaudeville at traction. This is unquestionably the best mus ical comedy company ever appearing in the city The great serial "ZudoraV by Harold MacGrath will be started next week. Matinees Each AfternoonShows begin 3:30 First Night Performance begins 7:00 o'clock NURSES ARE ALLOWED TO BRING CHILD ; REN TO OUR MATINEES Following is the honor roll of th city schools for the fiscal month end ing January 15, as given out by Su perintendent Barron Caldwell today: Grade 1A Magruder Byrd Robert Curtis Alma Alexander Velma Johnson An Magea Lettie Mitchell Mabel Nash Nannie Alice Taylor Theo WilBon Grade IB Sam Bloom May Fordham Elizabeth Rountree Grade 1C Mary Eleanor Edwards Clyde Sutton Catherine Parsons Clifton Brown Wilbur Cummings Rowland Dale Morrison Ferrell Leinster Ferrell Olive C. Hayes Earl Jarman Doc Mitchell Frank Parrott John C. Wooten Grade ID Helen Brown Flossie Cox Martha Denmark Dorothy Wooten Reginald Conway Robert Faulkner Ernest Huggins Delmar Johnson Jasper Mason Carlyle Philips Ray Waters Grade IE Ralph Baines Jimmy Johnson Milton Smithwick Leroy Tyndall Evelyn Rawles Blanche Johnson Advanced 1st . Nettie Adams Syber Allen A. T. Baldree Nellie Barnes Vernon Cowper Lyman Hart Lillie Bell Potter Ruth Pate Forest Redd Nellie Spencer Troy Taylor Grade 2A Ray Becton Ralph Becton Kleber Denmark Leo Daughety Lawrence Gatlien Frederick Horton Basel Happer Tommie Kennedy Robert Nash Isaac Stadiem Preston Spear Thurber Wade Fannie Laura Bruton Grace Brown Eiiza Jackson Ruby Lee Leggette Lucy Mooring Elizabeth McLahorn Minnie Lou Rochelle Ethel Taylor Elizabeth Tripp Thelma Wooten Grade 2B Bluebell Barfield Ernest Hines Rosa Mooring Nannie Pate Emmalie Taylor Louise Tyndall Hortense Waters Richard Bell John Conway John Irving Flythe Robert Gainer Jasper Grady Otho Hughes William Miller Charles Rouse John Oliver Albert Simon Clarence Wetherington Rudolph Smith Roy Lee Nunn ! Grade 2C Joseph Camper James W. Black, Jr. Remus Askew Loyd Cummings James Dail Edward Till Helen Hoskins Roy McLawhorn . , Robert Earle Lee Melba Nunn Eldred Rhem k Jnanita Waters Neta Williams Christine Waller Helen Wade Nancy Hinson Edna Falkner . ' Sadia Stadiem PRICES Matinees Evenings :l.:....i 10 and 15 Cents I. -. 5 and 10 Cents N. J. Bouse, Edward It. Land Kinston, N. C,. .GoUsboro, N.C, ROUSE & LAND ATTORN ETS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. G, GoLLiboro, N. C, - . Edgertoa Building. Grada .- ,- -j Dolphus Allen V George Brown : ! ' Doris Cummings t Elisabeth Dunn Maxina Harris William Moora ; Wailam Wtstbrook Grade SA Clarence Clark touts Farmer Harry Long Fred Pittman Clarence Parker Earle Worthlngton Hilda Adler Jennie Chaney Mary Alice Faulkner Elisa Gray Estelle Hood Josio Lee Marquette Carrie Sutton Mary Virginia Vick Grade SB Claresa Britt Elizabeth Churchill Eunice Cox Helen Faulkner Mary Langstod Maud McLawhon Josephene Shaw Edith Spencer Mary Taylor Laura Waters Craven Brooks George Croom Jennings Daw Errol Dixon Philip Fordham Sam Hayes Hilton Harrison Simon Hodges John Kilpatrick Gerald Smith Mitchell Wooten Grade 4 Norwood Bizsell Alton Edwards Linwood Harrell Henry Hill Clyde Morris William Nash Coy Stroud Quincy Sutton John Taylor Burwell Temple Helen Adler Isabel Baker Carrie Brown Johnnie Byrd Reba Collins Annie Palmer Ellen Rouse Rosa Simon Thelma Sutton Verna Belle Sullivan Ruth Turner Margueritte Waters Beulah Wetherington Lela White , ( Lorna Wilson .," Grade 4A Louise Baldree Clara Baldree Sarah Emma Clayton Vivian Camper Ethel Beamon Julia Grady Ruth Palmer Helen Poplin James Butler Thomas Martin Leroy Robinson Wilfred Sparrow Blanchard Fulford Jack Turner Clayro Smith Melvin Smith 3" THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Genuine Merit Required to Win the People's Confidence. Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon for gotten? The reason is plain the ar ticle did not fulfil the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medici nal preparation that has real curat ive value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for example, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to rec ommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify.. No other kid ney remedy that I know of has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the suc cess of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact that it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liv er and bladder diseases, corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample botUe of Swamp-Root by parcels post. Ad dress Dr. Kilmer in uingnamura, N v . and enclose ten. cents; mention the nanaum Press.".;", "';-'-':".-.;v'.'V also Free adv ., flow This? Wa off On. inmdrtd Dollai tjr anf Mank ft r. J. CHRnCT CO-TotrV. - - - - k... tnowa P. 1. Ckroa mod Mltva kBa partrcUy bar. iiMaMrtIW.tw- mmi by ha Sna. VllBUl. KtMrx Mahtih, Wh0k,1.Dro1offcnaJT0todaO MairtCatarrk Cor, to tkm bwiallT. JS!i Ttanl.ia f ftm rnai 7. BM BT xtM. Hut 1 a DruntoU. " The Thinkers of the Country Are the ; Tobacco , Chewers ' .. said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced. 'v " Says the Editor : "A political editorial to write and almost time for the presses to start. If ever I need calm, clear, quick thinking I need it . now. ' 1 will key me up to just the right pitch and there won't be any letdown afterwards. , . The big thing about PICNIC TWIST is the naturally'' sweet, long-lasting satisfaction of the mild, mellow part of the leaf. You can chew more PICNIC TWIST than you can of a dark, rank, "heavy" tobacco, and have no. "come back" on your nerves from it That is what men all over the country are findinrr out about this convenient, soft twist that's as mild as tobacco can beJ . . r If , , 1 1 M w w rm Jl CHEWING TOBACCO "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewen It comes, also, in economical, freshness-preserving drums of 11 twists for 50c. (iitoMHHMMMaH.HiHtoiHBMH..IM MaiHH.MaaHMtotoHHaHaHHaBaBHHaaHHHto.HMBa0HHMBHIHMtoH By virtue of the assessment of Moseley Creek Drainage District, of Craven county, in my hands for col lection for the year of 1914, and in default in the payment, according to the provisions of the existing law, I have levied on the lands of the follow ing named persons, in said Moseley Creek Drainage District, and will sell the same at the Courthouse door in Kinston, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., Mon day, the 1st day of February, 1915, to satisfy said assessment and costs on same. R. B. LANE, Sheriff Craven County. This 1st day of January, 1915. J. H. Berwick, 29 acres, $22.79. Stephen Cobb, 58 acres, $79.97. LeBa Dunn, 4 acres, $5.34. Daniel Frarier, 30 acres, $33.93. Joe Hargett, 8 acres, $8.13. Joe King, 2 acres, $3.94. Joe Lovick, 90 acres, $128.10. P. T. Nobles, 48 acres, $84.86. W. H. Smith, 50 acres, $68.72. Moses Spivey, 305 acres, $445.45. Joe Tilghman,, 70 acres, $128.10. Alex. Tilghman, 15 acres, $13.01. Seth West, Estate, 2,624 acres $3,537.32. Timber holders of Seth West, Es tate, $1,992.52. l-l-30t-Dly ' H.C TURNER. Contractor and Builder Phone 459 J. - GUY C. TAYLOR Special Representative New York Life Insurance Co. Hookerton, N. C. THIS $4.00 DICTIONARY FOR READERS OF THE FREE PRESS Full Limp Leather Bound 1300 Pages mi KeJactd IllsitraUoa ef Uw S4.00 VIom FREE For Six Appreciation Certificates You are only required to show your in dorsement of this great educational oppor tunity by cutting out the Certificate Appre; elation printed in today's issue with fire oth ers of consecutive dates, and presenting them at the publication ' office with Uhe" expense amount as mentioned in the coupoin (which covers the items of the cost ofpackingf ei-r press from the factory, checking,; clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items.) , Mail Orders Any book by parcel post include EXTRA 7 cents within 150 miles, 10 cents 150 to 300 miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster amount to include for 3 pounds. ' MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFIED ( NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY

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