TIIE KINSTON FREE PRESS C2 LCCAL UJTERESI E " ' ' ' " QUALIFIES AS CONSTABLE. I 1 it ! , . . . J. B. Aldridge of Falling Creek Monday presented hi bond M consta ble of that township to the County Commissioners. - SPEAKER WOOTEN MAY t. M . COME BOMB SATURDAY It U expected by Mm of hi close friends, that Speaker ' Emmett R. Woolen will be at his homo here for the week-end. Mr. Wooten haa in. tended several times to run down to Kinstoe) froM Raleigh since the Leg islature convened, but waa detained upon each occasion. , - , , , , ,, . , , TODAY GROUND HOG DAY. Did you watch the actions today of Mr.'Arctomya MonaxT . A lot or peo ple arere doing !l arc torn ys monax halne- the scientific day for "a-round- hor," and this being hia day. Wheth er, Mr. L Bog would see bis shadow today and go back into hibernation for aix week mora of nasty weather wa th question except at the Unit ed State weather bureau. "Stuff and nonsense" is how the weather bureau officials indignantly discuss the effect apoiti the weather when the ground hog sees his shadow. FORMER KINSTONIAN VH 'U f DIES IN PITT COUNTY. Mr. Henry Bill, aged 71 years, died Monday ight about 8:30 in Ayden. Paralysis caused Ms death. Mr. Hill waa a Confederate veteran. He re sided bar several year ago and had 1 large number of acquaintances in Kinston. He waa the father of Wiley Bill and Mrs. 3. W. Webb of Ayden, and t the brother of J. F. Bill of Wayne county. : The remains -arrived here about 2:30 o'clock this afternoon for interment In Maplewood ceme tery ' FAST AMATEUR QUINTS ' PLAY HEBE TONIGHT. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN The Board met in regular session. Mayor Sutton, Aldermen Mewborn, Fort, Rouse, Webb, and Hood were present Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. :" Mr. P. A. Book er appeared before the board and withdrew application to build an abattoir on East street near the A. C L. main line. On motion'and duly seconded the withdrawal waa allowed, and the committee discharged. On motion and duly seconded, Jestpher Buret waa allowed to operate a cafe on West King street. In the matter of Dr. IL O. Hyatt's demand for the city to rebuild a brick wall on hi premise near Neuse river was re f erred to a committee composed of Aldermen Webb, Mawborn and Fort to investigate and report back at next regular meeting. It was moved and seconded that Section 3, Ordinance 14, is hereby void. . It was moved and seconded that the ordinance sroveminir tb removal of dry closets be extended until April 1, 1915. , It was moved and seconded that a committee of three be appointed to investigate the city manager plans. The mayor appointed Aldermen Webb, Rouse and IIoo das committeemen. In the matter of the mayor and clerk negotiating a loan of 33,000 to meet January 1 city bond interest is hereby approved. The franchise submitted by the Kinston Manufacturing Company, and published according to law, was read, on motion and duly seconded, passed Its second reading unanimously. Bills against the city were read and ordered properly O. K.'d and paid. Report of collections by City Clerk for the month of December: Genl. prop. 4 poll tax...... f 1,418.94 Bond interest tax 986.56 School tax 1,020.40 School bond in t tax... 286.61 Sinking fund tax , 159.25 Electric light rental ....... 2,550.38 Electric construction ...... 800.64 , The 'Commodores,' the new Kin ton basketball five, will play Dover In Knott' warehouse tonight at 8 o clock. Aa admission will be charged to defray the expense of the game and help keep up the organization of the local quintet. Dover ha In high school teacher two former college tar, while the Kinston team has a bunch of material experienced and fast. The game is beginning to gain In popularity hero, and It ia likely that much good sport may be had be fore the close of the aeason. Water rental .., Privilege licenee Water tap 767.92 135.70 138.10 Cemetery lota 193.00 Grave fee Sale of Coal , Fee By , Chief of Police Beath ...... Police Officer Dupree ...... Police Officer Stroud . . Police Officer Kennedy ..... Police Officer Skinner , Police Officer Rouse ....... Special Policeman Boyett.. 12.00 X0 26.60 84.80 72.80 52.40 65.40 25.10 22.40 MIDWINTER THUNDER , STORM "PULLED OFF' The midwinter thunder storm was i "nulled off" some time in the wee i hour this morning. The detonations were not aa hard as during the ordi nary summer electrical storm, but there were several severe claps. The flashes were sharp frequently. The lightning . and thunder lasted for some minutes and were followed by i a downpour of almost cloudburst pro portion. A hard wind prevailed in termittently throughout the night, as j did. the precipitation. The tempera ture was almost oppressive, as it had been during the entire day preceding. ART Loan 28 Interest 29 Interest Balance 2,985.00 $4,558.03 1,075.00 2,932.31 650.72 Dec. Dec. $4,558.03 , Sinking Fund Account: 1 Balance , $ 740.98 , Graded School Account: 1 Balance $ 04.90 Amt received from clerk 1,020.40 Amt received from county 604.30 Loan from Bond account 900.00 Amt. received from superintendent .. 14.75 To amt paid out for. vouchers, 1546 to 1566 'f.' Balance on hand. 2,686.62 357.73 GRAND WILL SHOW "RUNAWAY JUNE" GREAT SERIAL PICTURE The management of the Grand The ater announce that they have secured the right for tha popular serial, "Runaway June," and the first in staltmant will be shown next Tues day afternoon., Tha door will be j thrown open promptly at 2:30 p. m. and a complimentary ,;, performance win be given throughout tha after noon. All ladles and children are in vited to aet the first installment as guest of the management ? Tuesday night the "Prince of Tonight" will be shown. 1 i Tha Gardner and Lawaon Company pleased the patron of the Grand on Monday night when in their opening Performance they gav a clean exhi bition. The manager of the company announced that all the entire week' hill waa without objectionable . and Suggestive feature. Tonight "Dr. Cartwright," a black-faced fare com- tdy, will be given. The picture bill for tha matinee and night today will be a "Magnate of Paradise" In two VmIi and To'vtXIn inaln.t trim in on reel. I ' HERE IS GOOD NEWS FOR STOMACH1 VICTIMS. Soma very remarkable results are being obtained by treating stomach, liver and intestinal troubles with pure Vegetable oils, which exert a cleans ing, aoothing and purifying action bpon the lower bowel, removing the obstruction of poisonous fecal mat ter and gases and preventing their absorption 'by the blood. This done, tha food la allowed free passage from the (tomaeh, fermentation cease and stomach troubles quickly disappear. George II. Mayr, for twenty years i leading Chicago druggist, cured himself and many of hia friends of stomach, liver and intestinal trouble of years itandlng by this treatment, and ao successful waa tha remedy he devised that It haa sine been placed ia the hand of droggtsta all over the country, who have sold thousands of bottles. ;Y, - Though absolutely harmless, the af fect of the medicine ia ufficient n to convince anyone of ita remarkable ef fectiveness, and within twenty-four hours tha sufferer feel like a Dew person. Mayr Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading drugglate every where with the positive understand irg that your money will be refund ed without question or quibble if ONE bM'.Ie fal's td fcive you absolute sat-i- faction. . ... adv.- $8,775.40 City Treasurer's report of receipts and disbursement for December: Dee. 1 Balance., ........ ..$ 131.78 . Amt received from . Clerk 6,322.58 $3,044.35 Graded School Bond Account: Dec. 1 Balance on hand. . . .$ 000.22 Police Report: J. C. Beath, reports: arrests, 17, to court 4, fines imposed $7.00. Fees, $26.60. J. E. Dupree reports: arrests 22, to court 4, fines imposed $10. Fees, $34.80. F. D. Kennedy, report : arrests 30, to court 2, fines imposed $12.00. Fees, $52.40. J. F. Skinner, reports: arrests 35, to court 8, fines imposed $29. Fees, $65.40. Richard Stroud, reports: arrests 39, to court 3, fines imposed $45.85. Fees, $72.80. G. K. Rouse, reports: arrests 10, to court 4, fines imposed $6.05. Fees, $25.10. $72.80. W. F. Boyott reports: arrests 17, to court 3, fines imposed $2.00. Fees, $22.40. No other business, the board ad journs. 357.65 766.51 206.74 1,232.47 86.00 823.26 86.62 208.99 $6,454.36 Disbursements: Electric extensions Electric construction Water works extension Operation Maintenance Streets acct Cemetery acct Fire acct . ... Sanitation acct 231.68 Expense acct 82.10 Health acct Appropriation acct Police acct Salary acct Property acct Sanitary sewer acct Balance on hand . Bond Interest Account: Dec. 1 Balance ...........$ 586.47 Amt received from Clerk ........... 986.56 50.00 12.50 475.00 166.00 1,080.00 143,55 445.39 Prompt Action Will Stop four Cough When you first eaten a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough), break it up at once. The idea that "It does not matter" often leads to seri ous complications. The remedy which immedaitely and easily penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" is one of many honest testi monials. 50c at your Druggist adv 1 DUDLEY X Inches tia' NORMAN 2H loch. ow I. LARS AR.R. CO IS k r t i.fV..W.W,-!.W,'.V.,W,Y.W. VffJ. DDERniSHENGLSHli ski DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BY-THE Kinston Free Press, Feb. 2 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET Im Cattifieato af Appreciation wttk firm nhmn 9f ctutW otatw. aa4 i, aatu.t thai at thia Mttca. with tha utian.a banns mount harm aa aippa. mm mmr atrta at LXrtwarr aalaatal IwMcaamnUi, RaaMafth caat of (n aapraaa tVaam ha taUa, , , fcaekh. clark tiira ajwl atr a i .,aarr EXT 1 !. mmt rm am aa r pack rtNSK Will ha faaiHj with yr ahaka aJ thaaa the a nkt I oo oooooooao ooooo ooo a aoaooaaooaaooeoaaaoo'S x T MaOO. XlJke illustrations In the announcements from day to day ) ? t., , . . . p-i.v h tun vni.1 cniunj iin mmpiiuwn oj inc wuriu MOuBTn tnifnSII ara,a nts.,i.u . i. : f DILTIONAKYfuU Limn Leather, flexible. itimnrH in tm)A an hark an J 2 f tHaaatl llaal .wIm - Dl. .u i 2-i m - -l f. ui.iv wi uiun 1 1 OTitw a iiu w. uti rounded ; beautiful strong;, durable. Besides the general contents, there ' r are maps ami over oUO sub ects beaut fa Iv illustrated h three, i ' I color plates, numerous subjects by monotone. 16 pages of I n1". f at this office SIX Ctctl Cwtificata ai AMracUtka mi laa W ' . T r 9Sc; Th 12.00 Jl au u book, ax- : . . . ti in tna t ji of 1 laiinui w" aile aduaracnrpiarm. SIX A a. I aaal tba aaaf 81c Tha $2.00 la la plala cima bbut- , tat, fma tm tati . mszn tnriisji tp. un uia- DICTiaMABV bat , m.-, . , a Of th Ml- praaialiaa CartiTMatM mni Ik. loC ' m'!Tv t TVm "lat I" sraal.r 4iauuMaa uk roar Boatauurtnr ? laovii 10 wciwia ur a pounds. bco ine-. " - rmpT a II HEW STYLE "" " , hXMIKI llllu Itila ri n inii mm n tiunui i iuh i nil ni i im r i ' i ii i avaa a . - II - U fin nanlaif irtnur V,m ftulni in I'll I H $2, $3 ' ' L Coat Suits and ' S ' - a-. I K tlillinaru I I and ill es l;;C. DAIL&C0: South Window n . n ,: J. M. Stephenson I n loiny U3V I e u1 store I o NEEDLE Willi All put up in packages. Includ ing design material and thread. Packages complete! V Consisting of children's dresses, night gowns; caps, pillows, pin cushions, tie cas- and numerous other niecpQ THEY WILL INTEREST; YOU. Prices 25c to $1.00 Each arrett & Hartsfield 13,044.35 Garments Coats, Capes and Hats. All Prices. O. N. T. Cotton, 6 for 25c Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No, 89 RIC RAC AND CORONATION BRAID MIDDY BRAID, IN WHITE AND RED EMBLEMS. IN WHITE. RED AND BLUE v THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUH0N Pkonel34 Prop. 1 . The February Furniture Sale Offers a chance to purchase anything you may need for the home at a saving of ap proximately one-fourth. For instance if you buy $75.00 worth you have saved about $25-and you have selected furniture as dependable as is made. : : : $8.50 Iron Beds at $4.95 $15 Lux-you-ry Mattresses 11.85 $4.00 Blue Ribbon Springs 2.95 And so many other bar gains that we can't begin to name them. dr;r fitts OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. 'Office Pta OStEOPATHY DEFINED Otteopathy i a lyttem of heIintfr aeaae by acientihc manipulation., th purpoae of each manipulation bejt either to adjust m derangemeatia uc iiuaiiion or ne naniea or to increaae i uccicmj uie activity oi tome orgaa. It u not a remedy for some particnW disease, but successfully treaU all an able non-surgical, acute and chrooic diseases. .,. Oettinger's Furniture Store DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. MeLewean St Near Residence, - IRA M. HARDY, M. D, ; Physician and Surgeon v1 Office Hours: 9 to. 11; 2:30 to 6 . P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street ye. Ear. Now and Throat ' Diaeaae. Tntated. NEWSPRING STYLES MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES Are now arriving. Would be pleased to show you the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on fis- play. You can make a select ion of what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to please. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY , Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Officii .105 E. Caswell Street Phone 11S. N. J. Rouse, ' Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C.GoIdaboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsbero, N. C Edgerton Buildinj. marK tummings The Home of 0081117" H. a TURNER, Contractor 'and Builder " Phone 459 J; sf ': LX- " A. L. Hyatt, M. D. General Practice ' Miller Building DR.DAN W.PARROTT . DENTIST, -: Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ' Office OTerCot. Milloffice Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nunt 303 E. Vera A. Phoae 133 P&O STALK CUTTERS The stalk cotter with a self faisinB drag hook. Tha stalk cutter with reversiMe axles ia tha cutter htmd, which when worn out can b reversed and made new. The hubs -.cwnaa, canoe repiacea wnea worn out lhia w.U,sava buying new wheel, wluch saves about $5.00. , : , s The hitch has a impression spring, therehv rertering the jar and snatch on your team. Ihe double tree mad. that you can give the small team tha long end of the double tree. Iha seat m adjastabU for light or heavy driver and the neck yokes adjustable - il i ?' Urs f 7 TK mwhine U fully hooded to protect driver from Eying stalk and keeps stock from getting cut when machine ia not in use. Compression grease cups on cutter bainnn and tw... :n 1 i n n . i ot steel. But the main feature and the best one is it cannot choke when in use Come kl4,,un,,dyM, this ia true. Made in 7 and 8 Don-reveraible H. E. Tiloscley Hardvare Company AT SKINNER'S 2MO We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy i Phone 149 j.T. Slibncr & Sea "We Strive to Plewe"

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