TTIE IONST0N FREE PRESS WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN-. EERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR RENT Five-room house on Mc- Lewean street Appiy w aiisi jm- b Rasberry. ; ; Z-l-2t-DIy FOR RENT -Garage on West Gor don street. . Apply to J. r. Taylor. .y ', 'y ' Vl-8-tf-dly FOR RENT -Three or four rooms at 206 East reyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A- Holland. y M-23-Dly-tf FOR RENT rive-room dwelling. with water and lights, on North McLewean street Apply to Dr. Dan farrott 2-Z-15-U James u. Menegnn, tieiiaDie cxpeii need Piano Tuner. Phone 184. ; Fac tory representative for high grade Pianos and Organs. y. t 2-3-lt For First Gas Mending and Darn in if, call on Miss Mary Gardner, 314 East Blount street Charges rea .onable. ; - 1 1-28-Dly-tf I DON'T price a $250.00 piano at $400, and I don't price a $275.00 Piano at $450. See roe if you want a Piano or Player Piano, and I will give you a square deal. J. B. Leonard, at Caswell Hotel. WANTED Position by competent bookkeeper and stenographer; Bey. eral years' experience. Best of ref erence furnished; reasonable salary. Write Miss Esther Pate, Goldsboro, N. C, 317 Park avenue. 1-30 to 2-5 HAVE YOU LAND FOR SALE? We subdivide land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts and seell at auction. If you want to con vert your property into cash and in terest bearing notes, write or wire us, Southern Realty and Auction Co E. M. Andrews, Manager, Greenybovo, N. C. 2 3-4t-Dly Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A NOTICE OF ENTRY State of North Carolina Lenoir County. .,,'., .. To C. W. Pridgen, Entry Taker, for Lenoir County. The undersigned, L, B. Humphrey, of the County of , Craven, and J. H Huggins of the County of Jones, and State of North Carolina, have enter ed and laid claim to the following de scribed piece or parcel of land in South West Township, Lenoir County, North Carolina, the same being vac ant and unappropriated land and sub ject to entry, Viz; Bounded, oi he North by the lands oi M. U. Stroud, on the Worth East by the lands of Thomas Sutton, on the South East by the lands of A. F, Becton, on the South by the lands of ' Freeman Civils, and on the Wes by the lands of Samuel Loftin, Dec'd and ff. B. Bectoh. Containing by esti mation Two Hundred Acres more or . less. ' L.' B. HUMPHREY Entered this 2Dth day of January, 1915. ;.. J. H. HUGGINS tvrc more ct.t.vrn m tna section a ; Bit eomtr. ftu til other diseases itut toKetber, end unttl Wie las' fc yeara u cuppoged to Iw Incurable. or a grm mut wan ducton pronouccrd It i" iocal disease Jtefmtied rommtlea, aod b r.3fcuiV.y XaiUiv to cufe with local treatment, pronounced It ir.curuMt wluuce luu proven Catarrh to be a difc s. an j therefore ruquiroa eoustitutloaal treatment Hall Catarrh, cure, tnanufacttircd by F. J. Chene: On, Toledo, Ohie, to the or.iy Constitutional cure r U market, n b taken Internally In doses from I crops to a teanpoonful. Tt acts d rectly on th blot Jid mueoua am-farec of tiie aysteoi. They oiler on tumlml dollars (or a.iy cant It Jails to am. Seit B: circular and tcetlr.xmlala. t Address: K. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. OUa Hold by Dnundsta, 75e. . vak au' .tiIy tar oamiiortlm. . V . Last Call For Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of n n r cr-a New' and Up-to-Date Line of Shirt waists. SOCIAL 'And::: . PERSONAL , Mr. J. M. Howard of New Bern is businesi visitor in the city today. B H B Messrs. F. C Dunn and J. W. Black have gone to Baleigh on a business trip, '. : " , ; ; n q ea Mr. P. M. Kilpatrick of Smithfield was a Kinston visitor yesterday on business.'. ''.".:':' .: : .;' R G9 S Miss Vivian May, who has been on a short visit to her parents at Bea ton, has returned to the city, ';uv-i.'',' -a a a . . r-: . Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Jenkins, left for New Bern, yesterday; where they will make their home. Mrs. R. A. Lomax returned to her home at Goldsboro last night, after a short visit in the city to her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Euss. , a a a:-'.';, : Mr. Meriwether Lewis, wh ohas been on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lewis, has returned to his studies "at Chapel Hill. AIL PLANS FOR HUGE DRAINAGE PROJECT MADE "The Shepherd of the Hills," Har old Bell Wright's novel dramatized, will be the attraction at the new Grand Theater, tonight, and the first dramatic offering yet staged there. In making a play of his famous novel, Mr. Wright, with the assistance jf Elsberry W. Reynolds, has retain ed all the dramatic moments of the story and enlarged upon the charac ter of "Preachin' Bill," making a character of him that will be long remembered by theater-goers. Nat urally the love between "Sammy Lane" and "Young Matt" is the pivot upon which the play revolves. Messrs. Gaskill and MacVitty, the producers. have "mounted" the play in a sump tuous manner and given it a cast that is unique in the matter of types. The seat sale for "The Shepherd of the Hills" has been large. No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out your rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment Need not rub it in just let it penetrate all through the affected , parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get the ease at once and feel so much better you" want to go right out and tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a "bottle of Sloan's Liniment lor 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give al most instant relief. Buy a bottle to day. ' adv. 0,000 Acrei of Rich Alluvial Lands In Louisiana, Partly In New Or-t leans, to Be Reclaimed Will ' Be Worth fS.OOO Acre. (By Walter Parker.) ; New Orleans, Feb, S-Gushing 1,- 000,000 gallons of marsh water a minute when President Woodrow WU son touches the button In Washing. ton on February 13 five huge pumps. the largest in the world, will begin the colossal task of draining 40,000 acres of land partly In New Orleans and which will reclaim and make ready for habitation and farming delta alluvial soil as rich as the val ley of the Nile, This gigantic work of conservation, backed by the State of Louisiana itself, is part of the vast scheme of systematic reclamation of alluvial lands which, put tinder way a few years ago, will eventually bring into us 10,000,000 acres of land now idle and waiting for its ages of ac cumulated richness to be put into service for the benefit of mankind. Holland drained 40,000 acres of her soil after seventy-five years and with an expenditure of $3,200,000. This so-called "drainage district? of Lou isiana, with an equal number of acres, will be drained in three days after the pumps are started and after a year of construction. The cost will be $234,000. Land which heretofore has been normally valued will be worth $3,000 an acre1 and, as a matter of comfort in human living and health, the mosquito will perish as the waters fall. . This Titanic job, as that at Pana ma, is the work of one man. Aptly his name is Hero. Some years ago George A. Hero, a wealthy citizen of New Orleans, conceived the vision and placed his name and reputation against the task. . Laughed at as a dreamer, derided by Skeptics as, ' a rainbow-chaser, he persisted in spite of all drawbacks, discouragement and defeats, until today, his task com pleted, his State- has asked no less a person than the President of the United States to flash the electric spark which will set in motion a new economic destiny for Louisiana. Fin ancially, the task was a simple one, and from an engineering standpoint the obstacles were few. The land owners of Orleans, ; Jefferson and Plaquemine Parishes, embraced in the drainage district, voluntarily sub mitted to a drainage tax of 75 cents per acre per year for forty years. State bonds were issued,1 with intel ligent laws so framed as to make the land stand securely behind the bonds, the issue was floated and the work commenced early in 1914. In less than one year by the simple process of drawing off the water, the $8,000,000 valuation of the district will have 1 - ..... . .. w . " - . & 3 -I FS ... - .'ij. r r t ' ' i g awww?iiiniiiiiiiiniiii,Nyw.;geawiMiwi it H? t Mf t, f 1 4 r & J:'JX- "a rf XL -p v . rt jf v ' X v X r4f : 'Tt ; .1 i The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed 4":4 , V : V Cliew w vt 5c the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. little tnmgs these 'Bobs,,!M pep; and the mint of the peppermint, all the chew of the gumwith fine white coats of candy, and made heart shape 'cause everybody loves them so. ilobs" Qm you real flavor A quartet of real dancers in the Musical Comedy Company, Prince of Tonight," to be shown at the Grand February 9. The WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET HERE The 1916 meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the North Car alina Methodist Conference will be held with the churches in Kinston. The society has just closed its annual meeting at Rocky ' Mount The con vention there excelled in attendance and interest all preceding meetings. The new officers of the Woman's Missionary Society ! are : President, Mrs. R. B. John, Smithfield; Vice Presidents, Miss Lillie Duke, Dur ham; Mrs. N. H. D. Wilson, Golds boro; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sallie Lou McKennon, Maxton; Treas urer, Mrs. N. E. Edgerton, i Selma! Superintendent of Supplies, Mrs. Ida Wilklns, Weldon; Superintendent of Publicity and Mission Study, Mrs, Harvey Boney, Rose Hill; Superin tendent of Social Service Work, Mrs. W. H. Speight, Raleigh. YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed- Only 2."c at your druggist. i ' .V. "ady AN ABSOLUTELY TRUE STORY Of now E. L. Marshall of Shreveport, La., Was Cured of a Stomach Trou ble That Kept Him Out of Work for Months. Shreveport, La. "I had a bad stomach trouble for years and be came so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was very poor, then my food would not digest, I bloated and was very weak and ner vousj end it seemed impossible to get any relief. I was so bad I could not work for months at a time. I tried , too many remedies to name, but with- j out help. I saw Vinol advertised and tried it, and soon noticed an improve ment. I continued its use and now my stomach trouble is completely cured. I am a well man, enjoying perfect health and have gained ' in weight" E. L. Marshall, Shreve port Ea- ' VT .;" The recovery of Mr. Marshall was due to the combined action of the medicinal tissue building elements of the extract of cod's livers,' aided by the blood-making and strength creat ing properties of tonic iron, contain ed In Vinol, which seldom fails ' to strengthen and tone up : the tired, Overtaxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and remove the trouble.' J. E. Hood & Co, Druggists, Kin ston, N. C, and at leading drug stores everywhere. '" ' , ' ' ' adv been transformed to $120,000,000, and a swampy wilderness become habit able to man and ready for the plow. For this part of New Orleans is rur- aL It is situated in the west bank peninsula opposite the city proper, where on the higher, lands along the Mississippi river front ; famous orange and sugar plantations of an te-bellum days thrive and where liv ed many of the wealthy aristocracy f New Orleans. The big pumps are ust sixmiles from the head of Canal street across the river and blueprints are long since prepared lor shell roads and electric trolley systems to tap this new area in the natural ba sis behind the old plantations and to bring it into the big market across the river. ! - Louisiana, to aid such projects as these has passed intelligent laws. Money invested in land mortgages is free from taxation. So also is mon ' in hand or on deposit with banks and homestead associations. Bue bus iness men of the State saw to that The great State-owned cotton ware house, which can care for one-third of the South's total crop, as a part of the publicly owned port terminals, is another factor of economic im portance. And all indicate a pro gression toward efficiency which in recent years ha3 registered in the government figures the metropolis of New Orleans as the second port of the United States, ranking next to New York. ;" Thousands of strangers, visiting New Orleans at the Mardi Gras time will witness the opening of this new achievement for North America and realize even while the carnival, spirit is making a temporary national play ground of New Orleans, that big, constructive and potential forces are in operation under the mask and domino of transient frivolity. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A TO THE FARMERS: ' KEITH'S GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product petrified fisK clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost cotton eed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. Fat prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. a NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The un dersigned having qualified as exee cutrix of the estate of Mrs. Martha J. Stanly, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Par ties indebted to said estate are ex pected to make prompt settlement This February 2, 1915. . : BERTHA ROUNTREE, Executrix ofL Martha J. Stanly, deHI ceased. ' - -: ' ROUSE AND LAND, Attorneys. ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect October , 1914.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only, and are not guaranteed. . TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound lltfl p. m, "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all point North and West Par , lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. . West Bound 5:40 a.m. Dsil7 for Goldsboro. 10:28 s. m Daily for Goldsboro. 7:35 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or . " servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J, Nicholson, Agent Kinston, N. C . H. S. Leard, General v Passenger Agent . . GUY C TAYLOR . Special Representative New 4 York Life Insurance Co. J Hookcrton, N. C. The Big House i The OlgShow TONIGHT "The Shepherd of the Hills" THURSDAY First Installment "ZUDORA." "The Birth of our Savior" Edison. "The Finl Law' Olograph. , "Fable of How Uncle Brewster" Ernnay. r V . tl t ALL THIS WEEK EXCEPT TONIGHT GARDNER & LAWS OH lY3usical Comedy Company FEATURING GEORGE GARDNER, King of all Comedians !''"v' AND ' . MAY LAWSON, with their Beauty Chorus Matinees 5 and 10 Cents Evenings (Except Tonight) 10 and 20 Cents STOMACH. MISERY.'"". Mi-o-na Will Quickly and Safely Rid You of Indigestion. When your stomach is out of order I your food lies like a lump of lead fer menting and Burely causing that feel ing of fulness, sour taste in the mouth, coated tongue, biliousness, and many other warning signs of indi gestion, which is often a dangerous I ailment It is needless for you to suffer, for any druggist can supply you with Mi-o-na, a harmless and efficient rem edy for all bad stomachs. These small tablets give almost immediate relief, while a few days' treatment strengthens and stimulates the diges tive system. The flow of gastric Juices is increased, then your food is properly digested; sour and gassy stomach, sick headaches, restless nights and other distressing symp toms quickly vanish. If suffering any stomach distress do I not wait let Mi-o-na give you quick and lasting relief. J. E. Hood & Co. sell it with guarantee of money back if you are not satisfied. adv iraoudl TBneaftire Tuesday Nighty February 9th The Show That Left All Chicago Talking LE COMTE & FLESHER OFFER THE GORGEOUS MUSICAL SPECTACLE "THE PRINCE OF TONIGHT" BY ADAMS. HOUGH & HOWARD : -260 TIMES AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE CHICAGO'S MOST POPULAR PLAYHOUSE OVERFLOWING WITH SONG HITS AND STUNNING SHOW-GIRLS METROPOLITAN CAST with TOM ARNOLD , ! Supported by Mtbel Lffin, Ev Phelps, Vers LaVere, Frank Hanh, Tom Butch, Lew NaJco, Charlea Cotwia and the Princeta Prize Beauty Cborua Pony Ballet . , of Wonderful Dancer. 50 PEOPLE FK MURES: The Blue and SUver Ballet, Delft Fore in the Land of the Moon. Lithe . Fiirici Dancing in an Emerald Gloom, WaterFete and Banquet- , ' ' Grand Illumination. "- '. ..';::;: ? . v Special Feature WILKINS wdBURCH in Whirlwind tad Society Dancei PPIPFQ' $150, $1.00, 75c, Children 50c iliiULO. seats on Sale Friday, at Grand Box Office WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS THAT THE OF M. Adler & Sons HAS BEEN SUCCEEDED BY TIIERS WE ARE NOW GONDUGTING OUR I! SALE AT TRE OLD STAND AND WE ASSURE YOU ' THE SAME COURTEOUS AND FAIR TREATMENT ' AS HERETOFORE. :, i i Adler Brothers ,ff""in' ' m KTQUlCWEEKLYIJMERiaC m There wt amtn, b thi'nuol hoae wife, badly needed a Range. So they came 01ST0IIE And that they hadn't come before " They aow think, ia exceedingly strange. BUY ONE OF OUR NEW, MODERN RANCHS And you'll wonder how you got along with that old stove ao long. THE O. K. AND THE LOTH'S are splendid makes, haying every desirable improvement The ymrying styles nd aizes make a RANGE of prices suited to all pocket book. ARRANGE TO HAVE ONE OF OUR RANGES D. V. DIXON & can

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