TOE KINSTON FREE PRESS WANT AHS 1 CENT A WOED EACH IN. EEKTION j t-,-c MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOB RENT GrC oa "West Gor don itnet Apply to J. F. Taylor, -I ; 1-8-tf-dIy. f OR KENT Three or four rooms at wwi East reywn avenuo. audit lo Mrs. N.'A. Holland. , 1-23-Dly-tf -. l iif . FOB KE X ive-rooro owcuinf, with water ana iignis, on worm McLewoan street. Apply to Dr. Dan Parrott r- ' - z-.i-10-u For First Clasa Mending and Darn- ing, call on man jaary uaraner, 314 East Blount street Charges rea dable. ,. V- ' . 1-28-Dly-tf I DONT price $250.00 ' piano at $400, and I don t price a i2o.uu Piano at $450. See me if you want a ! Piano or Player Piano, and I will give vou a square deal. J. B. Leonard, at Caswell Hotel. SOCIAL .fi- J-VT And 'r?!'':r PERSONAL' , Elder Cunningham of Deep Bun is a Kinston visitor, today. ' - H '": WANTED Position by competent kWAPner and stenoe-raoher: sev luunaav w ' ral vears' experience. Best of ref erence furnished; reasonable salary. Write Miss Esther. Pate, Goldsboro, N. C, 317 Park avenue. 1-30 to 2-5 HAVE YOU LAND FOR SALE? We subdivide land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts and seell at auction. If you want to con vert your property into cash and in terest bearing notes, write or wire us. Southern Realty and Auction Co., E M. Andrews, Manager, Greenvboro, N. C 2 3-4t-Dly IRFOLK-uOlMRN ROUTE OF-TIIE "NIGHT EXPRESS" tSAeAv in Effect October 4. 1914.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only, and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: 11 1 p. m-"Night Express," Pull- . mnn - Klefminir Cars New Bern to Norfolk. !: fr.1V. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and west, far lor Car Service be tween New Bern and 4:41 p. nu Daily ; for Beaufort and - (,v Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a. m.-Daily for Goldsboro. 7:35 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. tfnr pnmnletji informninnn OP " mvatinn if Pullmnn SlaeniTMy Cnr Nce, apply to W. J. Nicholson, . Aeent, Kinston, W. U B. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent ' NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The un dersigned having qualified as exce- cutrix of the estate of Mrs. Martha J. Stanly, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit he same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1916, or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of recovery. Par ties indebted to said estate are ex pected to make prompt settlement. This February 2, 1915. BERTHA ROUNTREE, :, Executrix of Martha J. Stanly, de ceased. " , ' I ROUSE AND LAND, Attorneys. , Jlr. R. H. Rountree returned to his home at New York last night v. H S3 B -;:yy . Mr. M. Lang of Norfolk U a bust ness visitor in the city today. a B B , Mr. J. II. Banks of Raleigh is welcome visitor in the city today. ;' ;." " B B B Mr. Marion Tucker of Ormonds ville was a Kinston visitor yesterday, Miss Velma Harrington returned to Ayden yesterday, after a visit in the city to her parents. yl b n b Mrs,, W. M. Lang of Farmvillo is visiting her sister, Mrs. James L. Mur phy, on -East Blount street - rj-;.' S H B ; -'-A Mrs. E. O. Burrouehs of Bethel. N. G came yesterday to fie at the bed side of her sister, Mrs. Robert F. Gainer, who is' ill at her home at 313 East Blount street B B B Mrs. George M. West of Richmond Visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Gait Braxton Mrs. George M. West of Richmond, Virginia, arrived Thursday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. Gait Brax ton. Mrs. West is Mr. Braxton's aunt She has been away from her home for several weeks, visiting in Wytheville, Lexington and Lynchburg before coming here. Mrs. Braxton and children spent the Christmas hoi idays in Richmond with Mrs. West MRS. C. R. DODSON DIED SUDDENLY TODAY. EFFECT OF GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY IS SOON REALIZED I feel it my duty to let you know what Swamp-Root did for me. I was bothered with my back for over twen ty years and at times I could hardly get out of bed. I read your adver tisement and decided to try Swamp Root Used five bottles, and it has been five years since I used it, and I have never been bothered a day since took the last bottle of it I am thoroughly convinced that Dr. Kil mer's bwamp Koot cured me and would recommend it to others suffer ing as I did. My husband -was troubled with kid ney and bladder troubles and he took your Swamp-Root and it cured him This was about five years ago. You may publish this letter if you choose. Very truly yours, MRS. MATTIE CAMFIELD, R. F. D. No. 3 Gobleville. Mich. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th of July. 1909. ARVIN W. MYERS, Notary Public, for Van Duren Co., Mich. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Send Ten Cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of val uable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure, and mention the Kinston Dai ly Free Press. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. adv. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Tuesday Might. February 9tSi The Show That Left All Chicago Talking LE COMTE & FLESHER OFFER THE GORGEOUS MUSICAL SPECTACLE "THE PRINCE TONIGHT" " BY ADAMS. HOUGH & HOWARD , TIMES AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE CHICAGO'S MOST POPULAR PLAYHOUSE j , OVERFLOWING WITH SONG HITS AND STUNNING SHOW ; GIRLS METROPOLITAN CAST with TOM ARNOLD Supported by MaW Laffin. Ev FVlps, Vert LaVere. Frank Harsh, Tom Butch, Lew ; Nadca, CWtt Gxwio and the Princess Prize Beauty Chorus Pony Ballet ' of Wonderful Dancers. 50 PEOPLE 50 rXATURS: The Blue and Silver Ballet, Delft Forest in the Land of the Moon. Lithe Fairies Dancing ia an Emerald doom. Water Fete and Bmxjuet ' :. . - ' Grand Illumination. . ' j Special Feature . WILKIN'S uJ BUSCH ia Whirlwind and Society Duces Seats on Sale Friday, at Grand Box Office KuCfS: Airs. C. R. Dodson, wife, of the well-known tobacconist, died sud denly at her home in North Kinston this afternoon at 1:15 o'clock. She was a victim of apoplexy. Mrs. Dodson was about forty yean of age, and a native of Richmond. Her tiother, Mrs. Crouch of Richmond, wat with her at the time of her death. No children survive. . . . The husband was absent from home. Mr. Dodson has been in the Kentucky tobacco field for some time. He was telegraphed for. FIREMEN GUESTS AT AN ENJOYABLE OYSTER ROAST About 65 city officials, policemen and firemen were guests of the man agement of the Kinston Cotton Mills at an oyster roast at the electric light plant Thursday night The affair was in remembrance or the valian ser vice rendered by the firemen a few nights ago when the Cotton Mill's quarter million dollar plant - was threatened by a blaze. Alderman L. J. Mewborn and Manager J. F. Tay lor made talks. THE TOM MILLER TRIAL ON "Rev." Thos. R. Miller, colored, apostle of the "Church of the living God" on East Bright street, faced the Municipal Court this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the- charges of disorderly conduct, immorality, etc The trial promises to be long drawn out. A number of husbands of women who the authorities say were enticed away from their homes by Miller were sum moned by the prosecution. The Apos tle Tom. followed by many women in a "column of twos", marched down to City Hall some time befre the hear ing, the leader clad in a robe of many colors and the procession as a whole, a curious spectacle. FIRE COMPANY MEETS TONIGHT The Caswell Fire Company will meet this evening for a business ses sion and drill with the life belts and scaling ladders. CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY 0 1 1 : n-xx.. . :- J NEW HEIR TO GERMAN THRONE The Stork is Expected to Make a Visit to the Crown Prince's Home Within the Next Few Weeks. The occasion marks the fifth visit of the "Good Old Bird." - t ! V r r ' 1 , - -lit . ., . , y , ..... T - .. 1 1 4 - vH 1 4k 1 A &Jf Uf ri i v MI . ? , VI Aw l x ,1 1, HIII.V 1 at Dancing Number in the Grand Theater, Tuesday Musical Spectacle, "The Night, February 9th. Prince of Tonight," ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Wind sor Dail, deceased, late of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to him at his residence in said . County of Jones, on or before the 28th day of January, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment.. This the 23rd day of January, 1915. W. L. DAIL, " Administrator Of Windsor Dail, de ceased. ? W. D. POLLOCK, Attorney for Ad ministrator. Relief at last for YOUR pain It doesn't matter whether you suf fer from a bad cold, or cough, neu ralgia or pneumonia, there is a way of aoDlvine Nixon's Menthol Balm so that it gives relief to your pain AT ONCE. Don't - confuse , THIS remedy with ordinary Menthol For Nixon's Menthol Balm is a physician's prescription compounded of several penetrative, antiseptic and healing medicines it's not a "patent medi cine." You would be surprised if we published the name of the noted high priced 'specialist whose prescription this remedy is prepared after. The Nixon Laboratory paid a high price to get the right to sell it for bo lit tle at 25 cents a bottle. It ia splen did also for Sore Throat, Headache, Earache, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Rheu matism, Swellings, Stiffness, and Soreness. Used externally only pleasant, too. In Kinston, N. C, void only at J. E. Hood's 25 cents a bottle.- ... , . dr Children Crr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pile Cured la 6 to 14 Dy Your dniintfrt will refund owner if VST OINTMENT fails to core ot of Itchm, r.lind Weedins or Protruding mtH if SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Train No. 21. Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m., for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Ashe ville and Waynes ville. Through, train, to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesville. Makes connections at Greensboro foi all points north and east, and ai AiheviJJe with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all westers points. Train No. 139. Leaves Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro. Handles through Pullman sleeping car from Faleigh to Itlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all western points, also connects at Greensboro with through traino for all northern and eastern points. 5:05 p. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connec tion at Greensboro with solid Pull man sleeping car, train tot Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all eastern and northern points. Connects also at Greens boro trith through tourist sleeping ear for Los Angeles and 6 an Fran cifico ' v v ? Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m.; for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman sleep ing car Raleigh to Winston-Salem. Makes connection at Greensboro with through train, for Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connection for Asheville, Chattanooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all western points. H. F. CAET, Qen. Pas'g. Agt Washington, D. C ; . . S. IL IIAKmVICIv, ' -P. T. Mgr., Washirscton, D. C. , O. F. YOIIIm rr Tt r r j, t p IT . ' jO. v''.'."-'..-r.-i."t;T:v . , s. Jt : y"rni iii 11 a 1 h, k - .;.kJji Culi '.If I'M t iii J ki; l "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers" said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced , Says the Farmer: 'When a man asks me what take for my cotton I don't, even Deem to imure unui Ye had a chew of PICNIC TWIST. 1 When your answer means something, it's then you want somethincr to helo vou do some quick, clear, sure thinking before you say anything.' Last year the farmers made $9,000,000,000 worth of crops. They did some thinking, and PICNIC TWIST helped. Do you want a tobacco that will give you the "punch? today without the "bump" tomorrow? ' Then try PICNIC TWIST. In it you get only the mild, mellow part of the leaf. In these soft, convenient twists there's more satisfaction than there is in any dark, "strong" tobacco. t (G CHEWING TOBACCO " The Thinners of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers PICNIC gives you a sweet, long tasting chew with none of the " heavy " tobacco's " comeback m mm You can get a freshness-preserving drum of PICNIC TWISTS for 50c. 11 ea... (; 'Jwv;i-.1 v:v.-v.'.vv HOW FRENCH PEOPLE CURE STOMACH TROUBLE! A household remedy of the French peasantry, consisting of pure vegeta ble oil, and said to possess wonderful merit in the treatment of stomach, liver and intestinal troubles, has been introduced in this country by George H. Mayr, who for twenty years has been one jot the leading down-town duggists of Chicago and who himself was cured by its use. So quick and effective is its action that a single dose is usually enough to bring pronounc ed relief in the most stubborn cases, and many people who have tried it de clare they never heard of anything to produce such remarkable results in so short a time. It is known as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and can now be had at all leading drug stores. It is sold with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satis faction. ' adv The Big House : : The Dig Show TONIGHT Great 4 Reel Feature "LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS." From the novel byBaronness Bertha Yon Suttner, depicting the horrors of war. ' ' "Hopeless Game A Lubin 2 Reel Feature. ".,,.! GARDNER & LAWSON Musical Comedy Company Complete Change of Bill SATUROAY-"Mr, Santa Claua." 2 Reel Vitagraph. "Broncho Billy's Mission." I Reel Eaeanay. MAT J NEE. TUESDAY First Installment of the Serial ' "RUNAWAY JUISE" Will be shown. Door Open at 2:30 p. m. and EVERYBODY WILL BE AD MITTED FREE during the afternoon. Ladies and children are especially invited.- Last Call Matinees 5 and 10 Cents Evenings 10 and 20 Cents -For- Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of fU si New and Up-to-Date Line of Shirt waists. LiES. 0. L Dr.ASV.'ELL THE FIRST liAT!9!IAL BANK OF KlIISTOil has been and will continue to be the policy of this bank ' keeP e wheels of industry mooing 1 ' . orncixs ' N. J. ROUSE. fW ' " ' DR. H. TULL, Vice PretatOat, . ' D. F. WOOTEN,Cihier, , J.J.BIZZELL. Ajs'tCasIuer, . T. W. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W, L. Kennedy RTuIl , David Oettiner LH. Canady G Moseley . J. F. Parrott G Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley ayior McCoy J. F. Taylor H.H. i Uler S.HIs N. J. Rouse