T1TE KINSTON FREE PRESS n 1 C? ICCAL EilERESI IL N. HARDY TO BE SENT - BACK TO NEW BERN MARKET Mr. H. N. Ilardy, who wm station ed on the Nw Bent tobacco market few iboothe ago, and k since been buying here, la to be returned to New Bern by ble company. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were issued Fri day to two couples: White, Edgar Howard, 29, and Yky Brown, M,both of Lenoir county. Colored: George Perry, 22, and Olivia Sutton, 18, both of Lenoir county.-' . J COMING BASKETBALL EVENTS. WAS KO DEFENSE LEFT FOR CLAUD FERRELL Stole One Part ef a Hog, Had It Taken From Him and Placed la , Juxtaposition with Other . Part and la Convicted. Kinston and Dover nigh School qulnta play In Knott's Warehouse to- ttntd the larceny charge. night. The local amateurs are iry- ' Ing to secure a gsme.with recently ornnlzed team of similar class in Coldsboro. High school teams ef the section are displaying a hesitancy ta accepting invitation from the Kin ston amateurs, to play, and ao far , none have accepted. There are few other quintets of their class in towns In this vicinity and the local team la ' having trouble la staging events.' NO DELAYS BETWEEN REELS NOW AT THE GRAND THEATER . The additional machine haa been - Installed at the' Grand, and was in operation Thursday, afternoon and ' night ' There will he no more delays Incident 'to changtna reels and sav ing of about one-fourth of the time In covering the- picture program will be possible with the two machines. ' The first installment of Zudora was .. shown Thursday and attracted a large attendance. A special four-reel feat tire. "Lay down your arms" la the leader for today and tonight Next Tuesday afternoon the aerial, "Runa way June will be begun and admis sion to the first performance will be free. Ladlei and children will be es pecially welcome. ; The picture pro gram will be Claud Ferrell, colored, plead guil ty when arraigned before Magistrate C V. Peebles at the Courthouse this moming on the charge of larceny. Ferrell is a country black who sev- oral nights ago was arrested upon the complaint of South Kinston negroes who declared that Ferrell, represent ing himself to be the proprietor of a in himself to be the proprietor of a pressing club, had kept and secreted clothes given him when he solicited "work." He was jailed. Doc. Far. row, another colored man, residing some miles from here, learned of his detention and came to town and pre- He ac cused Ferrell of the theft of a sec- tion of dressed pig. ' Officers locat ed the meat in Fen-ell's possession, Ferrell was confronted with an ex hibit which took all the starch out of what defense he may have Intend ed. Lying on a table was the larger portion ef a salted hog, presented be fore the court by Farrow... On the table with it was sbout two-flfths of unquestionably the aame porker, the meat taken by the officer. The two were placed together and Ferrell squinted at the sight visibly embar rassed. The two-pieces fitted togeth er perfectly. ' WOMAN ESCAPES FROM COUNTY ROADS CAMP Sophia Midyette, Cook, Sentenced From Onslow County , Simply ,; Walked Away Efforts Be ing Made to Capture ner Probably the first woman to ever scape" from a penal institution In this section is Sophia Midyette, a ne- gress, who walked away from v. the county convict camp a few miles from the city Thursday afternoon. Shohaa suspended Tuesday Bot been seen since. Immediately af fright to make way for the preeenta- tion of the musical comedy, "The Prince of Tonight" MUSICAL NUMBERS IN THE -PRINCB OF TONIGHT. Among the hits being sung in "The Prince of Tonight,", the big Chicago success to be aefln.it the Grand The ater here Tuesday night, are the f ol- The Girls That Can Never Be Mine,' -I Wonder Who' Kissing Her Now," I Dont Want to Marry Your Fam ily," "Can It Be Love!" Tonight Will Never Come Again," "Yon Wont Know Anybody There," "You're - a Dear Old World After All," "The Best Thing g Walter Does is Wait," "Follow U JUinbow Trsll," "I Fell In Love on Monday," "I Cant Be True SoTar Away," "My Lady NieeUne, "Everything -That- Father Did Was Right", and others. The production la beautifully and extravagantly 1 mounted spectacle, with many seen It features, and 48 people on the stage at bne time." Constance Skinner said of the chorus of twenty beauties, "All the' girls are dreams." ter her departure the authorities were notified to keep a watch out for her. It is believed the woman is hiding in the woods and making her way by degrees towards Onslow county. She la described as being of slight build and i little more than five feet tall. Sophia Midyette waa sentenced to six months In jail by Superior Court at Jacksonville, under the vagrant act but waa turned over by the com missioners to the Lenoir county au thorities to serve her time as cook for the county roads gang. BOY SHOOTS niMSELF WITH SMALL RIFLE. "J. Black, Jr- the small son of General Manager 3. W. Black of the Caswell Cotton Mills and Mrs. Black, shot himself through the foot at their home on East Gordon street Thursday, while playing with a 22 calibre rifle. The .cartridge contained shot but the whole load went through his foot as easily as if it had been a bullet NORFOLK SOUTHERN Will NOT APPEAL STATION CASE The Norfolk Southern Railroad's appeal from a Judgment of Superior Court, requiring it to establish a sta tion on the George F. Psrrott farm near Falling Creek has been with drawn, it is stated on good legal au thority. The case was a notable one in court here last year. The old At lantic and North Carolina Railroad agreed to place a station on the farm many years ago in exchange for right of , way privileges, , The ' Norfolk Southern, successor to the A. & N. G, declined to live up to the contract Mr. Parrott sued and won, and de fendant rave notice of appeal. It Is said that Mr. Parrott has - been in formed that the appeal will be with drawn and the station, to be called "ParroU's," maintained. It is expected also that the appeal of the plaintiff in Mallison vs. Nor folk Southern Railroad, in which Mrs Mallison alleged injury from having to wait In an Improperly-heated de pot will be withdrawn, according to a prominent lawyer. This was an otler contested case which required some time to try at a term in 1914 With these two big matters out of the way, the appeals from Lenoir eounty to be heard by the next term of the Supreme Court will all be comparatively unimportant as well as few In number. Oliver Twist Suits For the Boys, 50 and 98c. ; . Boy's Blouse 23 and 50c. LADIES CHOICE BLEACHING 10c. the Yard O. N. T, Cotton, for 25c Chas. A. Waters Th Telephone Stora , phoaa No. bi- IIOW TO CURE A v CHRONIC COUGH Told in the Following Letter by 'a Jackson Man Who Knows from Ex perienceIlls Word la Good. Jackson, Miss. "I am a carpenter, and the grippe left me not only with a chronic cough, but I was run-down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups, but they did me no good. I finally got so weak I was not able to do a day's work, and coughed so much I was alarmed about my con dition.,' One evening I read about Vinol and decided to try it Before I had taken a quarter of a bottle I felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, all the bad symptoms have disappeared and I have gained new vim and energy." John L. Dennia, 711 Lynch Street Jackson, Miss. The reason Vinol fs so successful in such cases is because the active medi cinal principles of cod liver oil con tained in Vinol rebuilds wasting tis sues and supplies strength and vigor to the nerves and muscles while the tonic iron and wine assist the red cor puscles of the blood to absorb oxygen and distribute it through the system, thus restoring health and strength to the weakened, diseased organs of the body. If Vinol fails to help you, we re turn your money. J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists, Kin ston, N. C, and at leading drug stores everywhere. adv We Solicit The accounts of Corpora tions, Firms and Individ uals, and offer accommo dations consistent with safe banking. : .: Start the New Year with . us. ' "': '!':' : " Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston, N. C. I EVERYTHING I FDR THE BABY err tuf PLT J IL nil ir DISPLAY Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A ... THE V ONE PRICE CASH STORE JUDGE ALLEN DELIGHTED H OVER LEGISLATIVE ACT Judge 0 H. Allen ie taking week off at home. lie conducted court in Robeson county last week, and clear ed the business of two weeks' term off In half the time, thereby pleasing the people there immensely and earn ing a vacation for himself. ' Judge I : Allen la one of the Jurists most en- thusiastie about the passage by the Legislature of the act making East ern and Western Judicial districts In the State, and having tea judges in - each. The new system will, by the method of rotation In vogue, put a judge on the bench in his home dis trict one m live years, that ie for six months, smd he will never he more thaa a ceuple of hundred miles away fro rla family. Heretofore thuy have tflea.beea required to remain in district four or five hundred miles distant from their hemes for months t time. In such instances the trav eling expenses one totalled more that the allowance for inch expenses. NoMh Carolina is one of the only two States in the Union with judges trav- ding' in such rotation, Judge Allen State. -' v;,;i-v.. Vs y -;::: t iBroncJdm i.i - ii ' ., ;.i;t.;';t Caw Be Creed? stbve4 hy the New - Cateraal Vapot Trsstmeat, Doat Ul tnitnul medicine ot bblU forming dnnr toe these troabiee. Vkok's V -0-Eal" 8lre is arpliai extenuOly a&4 roUavae ty mbaUtiua m a vspor ana tr elafrtin r the skin.. Foe A--:: -ni.i I ir i arvr.mtlt a liui Tick's la "oon tni LLJn tbe vspurs, kIm rub Wr . t'tt th t innxX column to rlx tM ss Wuoe. sJe. ), ef t LOO. OKIdDS PD)Il-nSKII2S . . . BRuXIANT QUICK tASHNQ 1 v J THt f. r.OAlHV CO tTPBUrrALd. N. Y., HAMILTOW, OAW,' A. J. SUTTON Hone;34 & - Prop. NEWSPRING STYLES MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES ft? m it M MM THE NEW DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE v PRE5ENTEP BY TH& Kimton Free Pttta, Feb. 5 "" IX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET X K7 3 CartiticU W Apmci(o wilk fhr 4K- of cufliw Jm. .nil 1 tbtm tKl utiw. with nt hmtim m . Ima. mmm tm h mm K dwckn, timi. Hr d wtonnim EXPENSE 1 1 I F m M e i . f mm -vw, jjLike tllostrabons ia the tnnouncemcnts from dav to day.) i 1 y? rnnnifc I k 0,LT en,i'y MW compilation by the world's e X WOfBTl tnCIlSII (rtilMt authoritiM from Iradlnr tmivmitim i honnd in S f DICTIONASYiujl Limo Leather, flexible, stamoed in Bold on bark and X UlMUata .ides, prmted on BiUle paper, with red edges and censers j rounded : beautifuL utrons'. durable. Beside the central contents, there T r are maps ana over ow subjects Deautituny mustrstea oy tnrec i . t cdurattonal chart and the latest United State fmrai Vrrient I f t at this office SIX CeaMrati Ctrtificaea) af AsaraciatiM aad tl UoC T - - A I UztXt tBriltl Wadlmr rklek hi ta Tn J2.Q0 taw I a rajaa la La piala awia biil lac atampae M SalS Unnfri t PMlta mmt. asm Uhiatta. an.t J lta- I ar4 alata SIX Aa. I (laMrtiartaaramlit4.SlXAa if On at , ltk aiiva as ui wnii idwi eareaiaL : IJ ami lu ta l Mliani tut mm diiuatM uk ror otuiaatr U.V .... I'T . pvUDQV. t amount ta ti Are now arriving. Would be pleased to show you the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play; You can make a select- ta ton ol what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to please. Mark Cummings w aawaaiw tatasat j Z. V. 1IOSELEY, II. D. . Physiciaa and Sargeoa : OfBce next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: r to 11 a. m rhones: 8 to 5 p. m. Office. 478 8 to 1p.m. Ees. rhona 113 FOR SALE-OId Tapcra. suitable for r kindling fires these cool mornings, be a package. Free Press. 9.i.ti FIRST EXI1IOITI0N Tailoring pping... Spring Styles in Coat Suits and Minery -IN South Window - 1 t 4 J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE Mr. Herbert Sloman representinp Isaac Hamburger & Sons, of Balti more, Md., wiJj be' at out store Friday and Saturday of Ais:weekFebrS'arfd'6th Showing the latest styles in spring and slimmer clothing Gome ' in and let us show you through the line. - '. v;-- larretf & Hartsfield .( 1 . Bargains That Are Never Seen in Kinston Except at The Feb. Furniture Sale. Lux-you-ry Mattresses $11.85 $ 8.50 Iron Beds 4.95 4.00 Springs 2.95 50.00 Buffets 41.75 50.00 Parlor Suites 38.50 75.00 BeiRoom Suites 5i5.00 15 00 Library Tables 11.95 25.00 Leather Couch 15.00 Whether vou wish to buv or not we want you to come and look at the values we offer. ' ' . . Oetter's Furniture Store DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIf!TAN Reaidwteo Phona 323. 'Qffi pfc M ' - OSTEOPATHY DEFINED ' Oateopathr ia a avatem ( x - . ....fg ur aeaae by scientific manipulations, tba paxpoaa 01 naca manipulation beiu either to edjuat aom Jeraaf emeat k the poaition ef the tiaaues or to iacieut or to decrease the activity oi tome organ. It ia not a remedy lot tome particular diacMwe, but auccWuHy treata a tat able non-iurgical, acute a ad chronic J DE. T. H. FAULKNER . DENTIST ' - " Office 180 8. McLewean St Near Residence. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER. Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 - ? (Next to Postoffice) , , IRA M. HARDY, M..D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 8 P. M.j 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607 Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street f. Ear. Nan and Thraat " Uiaauea Traatad. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men suid Children. 5 ' Office hour . 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street. Phone 118.!.. ' N. J. Rouse, Edward BC Land Kinston, N. C... Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C Edgerton Building. ' r NOW -TODAY . It f ' " ii ? I . u Aor is wo I . SIXES. A. L. Hyatt, M. D. ' General Practice Miller Building DR.DAN W.PARROTT- ; DENTIST, st Crown and Bridge Work ni Specialty. i OfficeoverCot Milloffice Is the time to start your INCUBATOR for EARLY SPRING CHICKENS. If you havent one, begin how to Investigate and see the ,- CYPHERS SELP-REGULATTNG INCUBATOR In four sizes 70, 144, 244 and 300-Egg (Opacity. It U the lncubator that hatches" from 75 to 100 per cent of the fertile eggs and makes Strong, healthy Chkks that Grow Fast Only a few minutes each day required to hwt and regulate the machine. Puit it in your bed-room or other con venient place and start a flock of Spring Chickena that will lay your winter eggs next winter. , ' ; :. " . '. . The Cyphera Incubator ia nsed by most large poultry raisers, which is one of the best reasons why von should use one. ' ' We have Incubators from Six Dol-lar to Thirty-eight DoIlarsTin" sizes from fifty to three hundred and ninety-egg capacity. 5 : ' . ' Brooders, Chicken Feed, Grit ShelL Charcoal. Beef Scrap. Poultry Necessities H. E. Mdselcy Hardvare Company L AT SKINNEITS Vie Cater to Ttetadie-M' . CbiiarcS: :Vt. Ice (Cream, Soda an d Fin e Phona 149 XTo'SIar:r.& Scj "We'St;Ive to Hcase" '

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