HIE KINSTON FEEE PRESS Advanced Spring Styles in HATS Chamberlain & Braxton Caswell Building WANT ADS CENT A WORD EACH IN-6ERT10N MINIMUM 15 CENTS room. FOR RENT Nice furnished Apply 106 S. McLewean street. 2-6-2t-Dly LOST Between Ranton & Lawrence Barber Shop and Barrett & Harts field's, one ?10 bill. Reward for re turn to Asa Hawkins. 2-8-2t-Dly FOR RENT Five-room dwelling, with water and lights, on North McLewean street Apply to Dr. Dan Parrott 2-2-15-tf 1 DON'T price a $250.00 piano at $400, and I don't price a $275.00 Piano at $450. See me if you want a Piano or Player Piano, and I will give you a square deal. J. B. Leonard, at Caswell HoteL WANTED Position by competent , bookkeeper and stenographer; sev eral years' experience. Best of ref erence furnished; reasonable salary. Write Miss Esther Pate, Goldsboro, N. C, 317 Park avenue. 1-30 to 2-5' HAVE YOU. LAND FOR SALE? We subdivide land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts and eel at auction. If you want to con vert your property into cash and in terest bearing notes, write or wire us. Southern Realty and Auction Co., E. M. Andrews, Manager, Green-iboio, N. C. 2 3-4t-Dly NOTICE OF ENTRY State of North Carolina Lenoir County. To C. W. Pridgen, Entry Taker, for Lenoir County. The undersigned, L. B. Humphrey, of the County of Craven, and J. H. Hugging of the County of Jones, and State of North Carolina, have enter ed and laid claim to the following de scribed piece or parcel of land in South West Township, Lenoir County, North Carolina, the same being vac ant and unappropriated land and sub ject to entry. Viz; Bounded on the North by the lands of M. C. Stroud, on the North East by the lands of Thomas Sutton, on the South East by the lands of A. F. Becton, on the South by the lands of Freeman Civils, and on the West by the lands of Samuel Lof tin, Dec'd and W. B. Becton, Containing by esti mation Two Hundred Acres more or less. . , i , L. B. HUMPHREY Entered this 29th day of January, 1915. J. H. HUGGINS Last Call For Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of New and Up-to-Date Line of Shirt waists. :i Fi si i n i hiHSrliI. LM5RASWELL . PENSIONS FOR MINISTERS PLANNED BY METHODISTS Chicago. Feb. &-i-A broad, compre hensive plan for the establishment of old age pensions, . and widows' and orphans endowments will be under consideration here during the last week in April at a national confer ence of Methodist clergymen. It is desired to raise a fund of $10,000,000 to maintain these benefits. It is held by advocates of the pi that at the end of thirty-five years service every Methodist minister entitled to a pension amounting to one half of the average salary paid in his conference. This would mean, in Chi cago, a pension of $655 annually I asmuch as the average salary here $1,330. For men who have occupied the pulpit for less than thirty-five years, a proportionate scale is pro- nosed. The caring for widows and or phans la also considered an import ant function of the fund. . '. Pensions experts from many fields will be invited to explain various plans. Among those who will speak beore the ministers will be men in charee of the Chicago and Northwest ern Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad and First National Bank of Chicago, nonninn svstems. The Methodists themselves have al readv evolved a comprehensive plan Dr. Joseph B. Hingley is chairman of the board of conference claimants, which has this work in charge. if SOCIAL ;. And ' ' PERSONAL J AN EVERY-MEMBER MEETING, There will be a congregational meeting of the Christian church Wed nesday night Important matters are to be discussed and therefore, the pastor is trying to have every mem' ber present. After the business ses sion there will be a social period and light refreshments. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS TO MEET TONIGHT. The officers and teachers of the Christian Bible School will meet at 7:45 tonight in the church. I WAS RUNDOWN, NERVOUS AND WEAK Cause? Chronic Cough A Friend Advised Me to Take Vinol I Did It Made Me Well and Strong Jennings, La. "I was run-down, nervous, weak, dizzy, and tired all the time as a result of a chronic cough which kept me awake nights for months. I have four in my family, and I was not able to do my daily housework. All the different medi cines I had taken failed to do me any good until a friend told me about Vin ol. I took it and within a month I felt so well and strong I could do my own housework. I would advise all weak women to take Vinol." Mrs. A. Freyou, Jennings, La. Why will women in this vicinity continue to drag along day in and day out all run-down, pale, thin, nervous, weak and all tired out when we are continually publishing letters from hundreds of reliable women which prove how Vinol overcomes such con ditions and creates strength. We ask every weak, nervous, run down man or woman to come to our store and get a bottle of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, with out oil, and if it fails to help you we will return your money. J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists, Kin- ston, N. C, and at leading drug stores everywhere. r adv KEEP IT HANDY FOR RHEUMATISM. No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out your rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment Need not rub it in just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get the ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. ' Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give al most instant relief. r Buy a bottle to day. - v-. . adv. Mrs. J. F. Nobles has returned from a visit to friends at Tarboro. . : BOB Elder Henry Cunningham of Deep Run, is in the city today on business. .-Vs'v: BBS' Miss Lydia' Taylor of Greenville was a Kinaton visitor Saturday, en route to Goldsboro. , ' ' . a a a " Mrs. E. V. Webb will be the host ess to the Round table at its regular meeting, Tuesday afternoon, at 8:15 o'clock. '- .. ' ..' ; ana Mrs. J. R. Gooding and Miss Fran ces Xing of New Bern are the guest of Mrs. Burrell Stroud on Caswell street . a a a Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rountree left this morning for Raleigh, after a vis it to Mr. Rountree's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rountree, on Blount street a a a Mrs. W. D. LaRoque will entertain the Reviewers at her home, on Cas well street Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BBS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cummings of Mount Olive, arrived Sunday after noon for a visit to Mrs. Cummings' mother, Mrs. Nora Taylor, on Gor don street a a a Misses Melissa and Zodia Dawson, who have been attending the Teach ers' Training School at Greenville, are in the city visiting their mother, Mrs. Edith Dawson. a a b Charming visitors in the city Sun day were Miss Mabel Skinner of Do ver, and sister, Mrs. Hampton of Waycross, Ga., and Mrs. Hampton's baby son. They were the guests of their uncle, Mr. J. T. Skinner and family. PRINCE OF TONIGHT" TROUPE WILL COME TUESDAY MORNING. Tom Arnold, the "prince," and half a hundred other members of "The Prince of Tonight" company will ar rive here tomorrow morning from New Bern. The production they will stage at the Grand Tuesday night will be by far the biggest thing of the kind ever seen here. In fact, it is the largest and best musical come dy outfit on the road in the South to day. There isn't a Jew nor a Dutch comedian in the bunch, either, which fact will appeal to many. ' The scenic features of the beautifully mounted fantasy, principally, are: The exterior of the "Breakers" hotel at Palm Beach; the wonderful transformation scene from Palm Beach to the myth ical land of Luitania; the blue and sil ver ballet; visions of bygone sweet hearts; illumination at night of the water fete, and an al fresco banquet with banks of flowers and lights, a brilliant spectacle. There are other scenic surprises, but those named are the best of the extravagant lot HOW FRENCH PEOPLE CURE STOMACH TROUBLE A household remedy of the French peasantry,, consisting of pure vegeta ble oil, and said to possess wonderful merit in the treatment of stomach, liver and intestinal troubles, has been introduced in this country by George H. Mayr, who for twenty years has been onejf the leading down-town duggists of Chicago and who himself was cured by its use. So quick and effective is its action that a single dose is usually enough to bring pronounc ed relief in the most stubborn cases, and many people who have tried it de clare they never heard of anything to produce such remarkable results in so short a time. It is known as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and can now be had at all leading drug stores. It is sold with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satis faction. adv - : , .... :a&sifiF.& ' ' 4 " - ' 4 : ill ' i rue tmewiesi ; :g ' ChewinG Gum v ova uGrve - i m A : tii.- CASTORIA For Infanta end Children n Us For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect October 4, 1914.) N. IS. The following soneduie ng- ures published as information only, and are not guaranteed. '' TRAINS LEAVE KLNSTUIM: East Bound 11 p. m. "Night : Express," Pull- ,man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West Par. lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and unentai. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a.m. Daily for Goldsboro. :35 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent Kinston, N. (J. H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent THEATRE HIGH . BIS SHOW TODAY "THE WISHING RING" A great World Film feature in four ml with V1VA1N MARTIN in chief role. "DEAR OLD GIRL" Euanay. 2 Reel. HEARST SELIG NEWS In I Reel. TUESDAY MATINEE First iiutallment of the Serial "RUNAWAY JUNE" Ooora open at 2:30 p. m. Everybody admitted free during the afternoon. Ladies and Children are especially in vited. MIGHT "PRINCE OF TONIGHT" Matinees 5 and 10c Night Except Tuesday 10 6 15 GMinid .TGnesitiire i . ... . . . ..... j Tuesday Night, February 9th The Show That Left All Chicago Talking LE COMTE & FLESHER OFFER THE GORGEOUS MUSICAL SPECTACLE "THE PRINCE OF TONIGIir: .mi A wr BY ADAMS. HOUGH & HOWARD 260 TIMES AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE ,-mu; CHICAGO'S MOST POPULAR PLAYHOUSI OVERFLOWING WITH SONG HITS AND STUNNING SHOW, GIRLS METROPOLITAN CAST with TOM ARNOLD Supported by Mabel Laflin, Eva Phelps, Vera LaVere, Frank Hanh, Tom Butch, Ltw Naden, Charles Corwin and the Princess Prize Beauty Chorus Pony Ballet of Wondeiful Dancers. 50 PEOPLE SO FEATURES: The Blue and Silver Ballet, Delft Forest in the Land of the Moon. Lithe Fairies Dancing in an Emerald Gloom, Water Fete and BanqoeH Grand Illumination. ' ' Spec iaTFea turn WILKINS and BURCH In Whirlwind and Society Dances PMPFQ' $150. $1.00, 75c, Children 50c I HIULO. Seats on sale Friday, at Grand Box Olfiee FOR RENT Garare on West Gor don street Apply to J. F, Taylor. FOR RENT Three or four rooms atj 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. 1-23-Dly-tf Bothered by Catanhl Bronchitis, Asthma, Head or Chest Colds? Try tha "VaLp-O-RsV Trehent-Re-Eerea by Inhalation and AImoP Wo Stomach Pnainf. Ko need to disturb your stomach witii internal medicine for these trouble. Tick's "Vap-0-Bub' Balre, eombinea by a nrnrMi TTntirit TVi vmn F.TllA- IrDtoL Camphor and Pine Tar. so that when applied to the beat of the body, these in- ese soothing, medicatod rapors are in. at V !Ksw . haled all nlcht Ions throngh the air ges to tne junps, looneuum r"" soothing the inflamed membrane, and aid ing the body cells to drive oat the Invad ing germs. ' In addition. Tick's is absorbed throngh 'tv. v-m jnin iha Inflammation and taking oat that tightness and soreness. uuo. or $ i.w. m ma uiufcg Oeinmuws inisinseiMia j WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TQ OUR FRIENDS AND TAlnliNij InAI lilt rlltul Ur M. Adler & Sons HAS BEEN SUCCEEDED BY ADLER BROTHERS WE ARE NOW CONDUCTING OUR INAUGURATION SALE AT THE OLD STAND AND WE ASSURE YOU : THE S1E COURTEOUS AND FAIR TREATMENT ; AS HERETOFORE. Ad 1 e r :B r o t h e r s & KTOUR WEEKLY LIMERICK "tS There iaa a man, by thef name of Lidranjs, o'li:!-- wif. baJltf needed a'Ranae. 5 : ft 11 1 So they came to OUR STORE And that they hadn't come before . They now think, is exceedingly strange. : . DUY ONE OF OUR NEW MODERN RANGES And you'll wonder how you got along with that old stove so long. THE O. K. AND THE LOTH'S are splendid makes, having every desirable improvement. The varying styles - and sizes make a RANGE of prices suited to all pocket book. ARRANGE TO HAVE ONE OF OUR RANGES D. V. DIXON & SON Dr. O. L. WILSON OZke over J. E. Hood & Co's Store. ram X. H .a TURNER, Contractor and Builisr Phone 4Z0 J.