, TOE KINSTON I FREE PRESS MARRIAGE LICENSE. C7 LCCAL CiJEItEST MASONS TO MEET. .' St John Lodge, No. 4. A.' F. end A. M., win meet in regular commu nication this evening at 7:30 o'clock. On marriage license Wat Issued to Harry Grubba, 24, and Marion Har- diaon, 18, white, both of Lenoir coun SUFFRAGISTS MEET TUESDAY. DOG BIT BOYS,, City Veterinarian J. T, Foley has tied up vicious dog which on Sun day bit the small ton of K. M. Har ria and C E. Earner. , Neither of the boys waa seriously bitten. Dr. Foley dedarea the animal waa not rabid. ;.;f ; ,ti, 1 y ; ;f 4 There- will be a called meeting of the Equal Suffrage League Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of Mia Sybil Hyatt on Queen street All member are urgently requested to be pre tent, aa there ia important bui neaa to be taken op. FUNERAL OF F. R. HODGES. TOREK ARRESTED FOB ; i : - i AFFRAY ON SUNDAY Go Shivers, Oscar Tyndall and Pete Phillips, three whit wen, were rreated by p deputy sheriff at place near the iron bridge Sunday , after noon far affray. .The officer waa pn the scene when the tight started. , The ttio were ordered to trial this evem- ing at o'clock.' ' OLD SOLDIER TO HOME. Veteran Jimmie Jones of Content- net, Neck township; was aent to tne State's Homo at Raleigh thla morn ing by Gerk of the Court Heath. Comrade Jonea is eighty yeara of age and a veteran of the 87th North Carolina regiment. Comrade Jamea Banks, now at home on furlough, is the only other Lenoir county man at the home. , . , Hundred of. friend and relative from throughout the county attended the funeral in Maplewood cemetery Sunday afternoon of the late F. Ro land Hodgea. Other member of Mr. Hodge' family were laid away In Ma plewood cemetery before his demise, and that waa the reason for bringing the remain here, although hi home In Institute township waa nearer by six miles to LaGrange. ' Mr. J. C Caldwell, president of Atlantic Christian College at Wilson, assisted Mr. C W, Howard and Mr. B. P. Smith in conducting the funeral There were many friends gathered to pay the last tribute to their departed friend, and perhapa there was never more largely attended funeral In the history of Kinston. CIVIL 8ERVICE EXAMS. A. S. Taylor, local secretary to the United State Civil Service Commis sion, annoonced today that competi , tive examinations under the rule of the commission will bo held through out the United States on March 10, between March 11 and May 17, and on April 14, for something like 76 positions In the government service. Prospective applicants can get detail- ed Information from Mr. Taylor at the postoffice, " , , ENGINEER WHITE EXPECTED TO COME ABOUT MARCH 1. r Gilbert White, the noted consulting engineer, who waa retained by the offi cial to supervise the extensive street, lighting and sewerage improvements to be made next summer, ia expected to arrive here about the first of March with his plans, specification and contracts all ready to give out The 100,000 bond money ia confident ly expected to be available some time thi week. Mr. White may advertise for bida a soon as he receives notice that the money is in hand and actual work, it ia expected at City; Hall, will be commenced not later"thftn March 15. :: MRS. DODSQN'S BODY ,1 . , TAKEN TO RICHMOND. The remains of the lata Mrs. Chas. R, Dodson, wife 'oftne prominent to bacconist, who passed way at her homo iq Jtforth Kinston Friday of apo plexy, were taken to Richmond Sun day ' morning, with, , the : expectation that the funeral would be held about ;S0 o'clock that afternoon. ' Mr. Dodspn, who was summoned home from the Kentucky tobacco region, missed a connection and met the remain in Weldon. '. If a better cough syrup than Fol ey's Money and Tar Compound could be found, we would carry it We know tills reliable and ' dependable medicine has given satisfaction for more than forty years? therefore we never offer a substitute for the genu ine.' Recommended for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchial and lagrippe coughs. No opiates. Sold by J. E. Hood ft Company. ; adv. MATERIAL TO COMPLETE ' 4 PEYTON AViL PAVING. The city authorities have ordered enough Lillington cement-clay-gravel material to complete the improvement of a block on Peyton avenue between Queen and Heritage streets. A car. load of the material presented by the manufacturers , to f the city paved about a third of the block, and it was decided to order about twice as much l more. The demonstration proved everything the makers claimed for the composition, it is said. Bryant Taylor, the county roads superintend- I ent, declares it is the best material ' for roadways he has yet seen. Its cost is about 40 cent a square yard. or less than one-sixth the cost of brick. The pavement somewhat re sembles asphalt, is smooth and eas ily placed, and . if oiled frequently enough can be easily rendered water proof. The mixture is made at Lil- .lington N, Ci-'.S.;;; NEGRO ACCUSED OF FORGING A CHECK. A negro named John Watson, from the Smithfield section, was held and committed to jail in default of bail by Municipal Court Saturday on the charge of forging a check. Watson had been employed by Amos Becton, the well known Jones county planter, who had been in the habit of paying the negro with checks. He gave an order on a bank lor sou bearing a good imitation of Mr. Becton' signa ture, to the management of the Oet- tinger furniture store. It wa cashed and Watson disappeared until late in last week. The authorities are look ing for a negro who had been Wat son's intimate, whom they suspect of complicity. ison Corset .SIS M Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO RIA NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore composed of J. C Dail and A. N. Taylor, doing busi ness In the City of Kinston, under the firm name of Dail and Taylor, was, on the 4th day of January, 1915, dis solved by mutual consent, and that on and after said date the said business will be conducted by J. C. Dail and P. C Hemby, doing business as J. C. Dail A Co. The new firm assumes all in debtedness of old partnership and all amounts due said partnership should bo paid to new firm. This the 5th day of January, 1915. , i J. C. DAIL, A. N.TAYLOR. etOOD PROGRAM AT GRAND IS TODAY, MATINEE AND NIGHT The Grand's program today and tonight Includes some of the best pic tures shown in the city. "The Wish- . na; Ring," great Shubert feature in four reels, is the top liner. "Dear Old Glrr and Uenrat gelif features win complete the programseven reels in au. Tuesday afternoon the manage- mennt will introduce their great se rial, "Runaway June,'' , with a com plimentary presentation during the afternoon. Everybody will b admit ted free. Tuesday night the musical eomedy. 'The Prince of Tonight," will Jba shown ... vy&t 4 if CASK STRONGER AGAINST f . ,JtrOSTLR TOM MILLER. I The State's case against Tom Mil ler, apostle of the unique East Bright atrect aegro, religious suit now in trouble with the authorities, has been 1 raade stronger it is asserted, by the discovery of new evidence which will . make another and distinct charge .against i hint .possible.. Abduction, adultery, disorderly conduct, and the iew charge, If It i brpught, make the "Rot." Tom's little affair with , the 'authorities rather complicated. His .second hearing, set for Saturday, was postponed. It is supposed that the I Action wQl progress far enough be( ore the next term of Superior Court .to have kirn Indicted then, since it sems almost certain that "probable .cause" will be found la some of the .counts at least AtlbPric Automobile Value Here'a the car that has all the features of a $1,000 car, and The New 1915 Model Has 17 New Features I n -i 1 l : ! i m , j . ...... Sims real hlgh-tenaion magneto; sliding gear transmission ; left-hand drive center control, anti-skid tirea on rear, and all high priced car features. The easiest car in the world to drive. i A great big, handsome, powerful, swift-running REAL auto mobile. The greatest hill climber in the world. The car that has act the whole country talking. With electric starter and electric lights $55 extra. the Holds Road . SEYENTl SEYEN YEARS OLD . Ceorge )F, Clough, Prentiss, Miss, who ,had .suffered greatly with kid ney frtubJv write ;FoIey Kidney PHI are the only remedy that over C I me any rood at all." Just think of the relief and comfort that means to Lim. Foley Kidney Pills are rec ommend J for plerp disturbing blad der troubles, pain in sides or bark, rfc :-&.: m and kidney and bladder a. rwnU. For tale bv J. E. Hood at SO miles an Hour 1 1 " 1 i ilinston Garage - KINSTON, N. C adv. . (Ui We Qaim few as good and noon better ; . - ' . 50c,$l,$1.50,$2 Chas. A.' The .Telephone Store , ,. Phone No, 89 :. VSe Solicit The accounts of Corpora tions, Firms and Individ uals, and offer accommo dations consistent with safe banking. : : ' : Start the New Year with US, SJJ--i- i,-5gg Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston, -- N. C. Spegials j laignj: 0neniij:. 8c Best Apron pinghams, 1 5c yard wide, percale 10, V : I2V2C yd. 8c High Grade Sea Island v k Homespun 6V2C I2Vc Androscoggin Pleach- . ing 10c. O, N. T. Cotton, 6 for 25c 1 5c Quality Uwnsdale 1 22 . Spools Clarks O. N. T. Cotton 25c. 1 5c Aromkeag Gingham 12 I -2c Terms Cash t i 1 1 ; " , 'J' y'w J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES STORE more, mam m - ifriqay Mr. Herbert Sloman representing : Hamburger & bons, of Balti VMd nwill be ; at t our store indSatuiav .1 , ' I , .1 : ' ' of this week-Fcb. S and 6th. Showing the latest styles in spring and summer clothing. Come in and let us show you through the line.l-' ' " : Barrett & Hartsfield EVERYTHING I FOR THE BABY : SEE THE :,i OlSPUf The Last Week of The February Furniture Sale. if i v THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE 17 Phoned After today there will be just five more days to avail your self of the opportunity to secure such j dependable furniture at such low prices Come Tomorrow and merely look at the price attached to each ar ticle in the store. No ar gument of ours could be as convincing : : Oettinger's Furniture Store NEW SPRING STYLES AND LADIES' SHOES Are now arriving, Would be pleased to show you ,the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also my lines o "TsJoruig are now on dis play, You can make a select' ion of what you want and have it pome when you want it. Yours to please. Mark Cummings The Horn of Quality INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) NOW TODAY D MADE m TWO I ' i till. 1 Z.y.BJOSELST,Jt.p. Pajaldaa anal Sorreoa OtBei next to Lemoir bng Co. 1 e? ?mXT Offico hoars: : 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 6 p. ia. i to 9 p. at. Phoaes: Office, 478 Bas. Phono IIS Isthe time to start your INCUBATOR for EARLY SPRING CHICKENS. II you haven't one, begin now to investigate and see the CYPHERS' SELF-RGULATING INCUBATOR In four aixea-tO, 144. 244 and S90gg Capacity." It is the Incubator that hatches ron 75 to 100 per cent, of the fertile eggs and soakea Strong, healthy Chicks that Grow Fast Only a few minutes each day required to acjust and regulata the machine. Puit it in your bed-room or other eon venicnt place and start a flock of Spring Chickens that will lay your winter The Cyphers Incubator i. used bymost large poultry'rabera, which Is one of the best reasons why you should use one. We hare Incubators from Six Dol-Iars to Thirtyight DoUarsI in afl irm nuy to xnree Hundred and ninety-egg capacity. Brooders, Chickei Feed, Grit Shell. Charcoal, Beef Scrap, Poultry Necessities H. E. rloseIcy Hardware Company 'tolet kidney pills DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Reidence Phone 323. -"Offica Phona BO OSTEOPATHY DEFINED V OsteopaW is mtem of kiwlin. :. ease by cientic snanipulatioii, tb purpose of each manipulation bemg either to adjust some deraagemcnt ia we position qi mm tissue or to incisa oj to aecrease the activity ol some orgaa. k is not remedy for some particular awease, duc successfully treats all cw able noQ-suxgical, acute and ckrooie diseases. DR. T. H. FAULKNER ? DENTIST . . Office 120 S. McLewean St Near Residence. IRA M. HARDY, ML D, Physician and Surgeon ' umce Hours: to 11 2:80 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street &n, Ew. News mod Thrast Uuestes Trestmi ' N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C,. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: " Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in , Diseases , of , Wo men and Children, Office hours 10 Jo 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street . Phone 118. A. L.Hyali M.D. General Practice Miller Building DR.DANW.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ' Officeover Cot. Mill office AT SIUNNER'S We , Cater to The Ladies and Children. Ice Cream. Soda and fine Caiidy Phone 149 " v J.T. Skfonsr & Son , .."We Strive. to PJcase" : I