I i CENT A WORD EACH IN- 1 MINIMUM 15 CENTS TIIE KINSTON FfiEE PRESS NEUTRALS LEAVE ALSACE FOR RENT Garac West Gor don street Apply to J. F. Taylor. fOR KENT Six-room house, 110 E. Bright street; water works4 and lectxie Kght. Apply - A.,; Diamond. Berne, Switzerland. Feb. 0. The exodus of neutrals from Assace end ed late today, as the result of extra ordinary precautions taken by the Cer man government, which ordered that all neutrals must be out of Upper Alsace by the morning of February 10. j Before being allowed to cross the fron , tier, they must spend a fortnight on ' the- right bank of the Rhine, failing in hich they are threatened with one years imprisonment. I s o ci a 'y. And PERSONAL KOTICE-i-A secondhand Ford Car to be sold at auction at Courthouse, Saturday at noon? P. A. Hooker. . 2-9-15-tf LOST Between Banton & Lawrence Barber Shop and Barrett & Harts field's, one $10 bill.. Reward for re turn to Asar Hawkins. 2-8-2t-Dly f OB RENT FiTe-room dwelling, with water and lights, on North McLewean street Apply to Dr. Dan Parrott. , : 2-2-15-tf . LOST Sunday, " between Goldsboro and Kinstoh, Goodyear Tire (blown out), rim and ' inner tube, 32x3 1-2. Reward if returned to Dr. Albert D. 45 HOURS WEEK INSTEAD OF , ) ; HALF TIME AT SPENCER. r Salisbury, Feb. 8. The large shops of the Southern at Spencer today be gan working five 9-hour days a week instead of half time, which has pre vailed there for several months. Farrott. 2-9-15-2t-dly 1 DONT price a $250.00 piano at 1400. and I don't price a $275.00 Piano at $450.. See me if you want a Piano or Player" Piano; and I will give vou a square deal , J. B. Leonard, at Caswell Hotel. VJu,, . HAVE YOU LAND FOR SALE?- We subdivide land into town' lots, or large farms into small tracts and well at auction. If you want to con vert your property into cash and in terest bearing notes, write or wire us. Southern Realty and Auction Co., E. M. Andrews, Manager, Greensboro, Jf. C 2 3-4t-DIy TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S . GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product petrified isk clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for til crops on any soil, can.be used slone or mixed with compostj cotton teed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, write' B. F., Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C t' SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Train no. 21. Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m., for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Ashevllle and Waynes Villa." Jhrongb. train- to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesvuie. Hakes connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, ' and at JuhevillewithlCaxolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all. western pints. . rll.f Train No? 139. Leaves Goldsboro : MO p. m."; for:?, Raleigh, Durham, Hid Greensboro. Handles through Pullman sleeping car from Raleigh to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a, m.. making connection for New Orleans, Teias, California.; and all western points, also connects at Greensboro with through trains. for ell northern and eastern points. 'A ,-V"; . , 5:05 p. m.i for Raleigh, Durham and GrttnsbcrOy ; Makes direct connec tion at Greensboro with solid Pull man sleeping car, train for Wash ington, Baltimore, "Philadelphia, New org and all eaaternand northern points. Connects also at Greens boro with through " tourist Bleeping ear for Los Angeles and 6an Fran- Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro.' Handlea Pullman sleep ing car Raieign to' Winston-Salem. Makes connection ' at Greensboro ith through train ortAtlarita and New Orleans, 'also makes connection for AshevilleCtattanooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all "stern points. '"TTT """ H. F. CART, Ben. Pas'gAgt.; Wftfeliington, D. C . H.IUBDWICK, P. T. 11m, Washington, D. C. , O. i V YORK, KEEP IT HANDY FOR , RHEUMATISM. ' No nsa to squirm and wince and try to wear out your rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in just . let . it penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get the ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the bouse against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give al most instant relief. Buy a bottle to day, adv. RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect October 4, 1914.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only. and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound HSl p. m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. ' folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington , and Norfolk. Con- nects for all points North and West Par- lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:35 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro.. For complete information or - servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent. Mr. J. E. Cameron left yesterday for Raleigh on a business trip. :; H 29 8 Mrs. Kleber Denmark has returned from Greenville, where she has been visiting for some time. B R , Mrs. E. A. Heath returned to Win- terville yesterday, after a visit in the city for several days. a a es ' , Misses Zodia and Melissa Dawson have returned to Greenville after a visit in the city to their mother, Mrs. Edith Dawson. , BOB Miss Alice Kilpatrick left yester day for Raleigh. She will enter a hospital there in preparation as trained nurse. f BBS 4 Miss Lydia Taylor of' Goldsboro, ar rived in the city yesterday afternoon, and left this morning for Greenville, where she will visit, B B B Miss Helen Julian of Thomasville, who has been the guest of Misses Martha and Alice Hines for some time, left for her home yesterday B B B Mrs. C. A. D. Grainger of Wilson has been visiting in the city for sev eral days. Mrs. Grainger has a host of admiring friends here, and she has been dividing her time at their homes. FLYING FISH GAVE HIM ! : IDEA FOR FLYING BOAT New York, Feb. 0 Albert S. Ja nin, cabinet-maker, has quit his Job. It was a good job and paid him five dollars a day, but ha doesn't need the money now.' For the next ten years of his life, at least, he can sit back in his easy chair and watch the mon ey roll in. I The other day the Board of Exam- J iners in Chief of the Patent office sent i Janin a telegram. It informed him 1 that he, and not Glen H. Curtiss, was I the inventor of the hydro-aeroplane. 1 The board's decision was unanimous,! WOMAN DEFIES BOERS WHO STOLE HER HORSE London, Jan, 23. (By mail to New York) How she defied a party of De Wet's rebel commando is told by Mrs. Eleanor M. Ceach, writing from Steyn- rust, Orange Colony, to a friend In London. 5 "When De Wet's men passed through here they stole everything they could lay hands on," she says. "For a time we managed to hide our horses, but at last they spotted them. I clung to the animal and defied them to take him. I just did give it to them straight from the shoulder, and they left. But soon five of them returned V it r. Children Cry for Fletcher's 3 a a m m javeaa, m bbjv v vi " if tA-r-i rn n . Tlo Kind You Hare) Always Bought, and which baa been lu ujjo for over 30 years, Ims borne the sifrnatore o T jnv and lias been mado under his per fj&XjPffi&h .nal sapervlslon since Its Infancy. : ' -T7 Allow no one to deceive you lrUhU. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Jast-agood ' are but ' ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of , Infants and Children Experience against lperimenU ODDITIES IN THE DAY'S WAR BRIEFS every hydro-aeroplane that has been manufactured, is being built now, or will be built within the next decade. Jt.nin has been living at Rosebank, Staten Island and he says he will con tinue to live there. "We will stay here, where I was born and reared," he declared, but no more of these flats for me. The first thing will be to get a home with plenty of ground around it for the kids' to play in." "I've' got the knack of inventing things in my blood," . he said. "My great-grandfather, Antone Janin, in vented the percussion cap for cart ridges, in France years ago. I got my idea for the hydro-aeroplane when I was a cadet on one of the Ward line coastwise steamers. Standing on the bridge I used to watch the flying fish and seagulls, and I wondered why a flying boat could not be invented that would rise from the water in an arc like a gull. My friends luughcd at my first drawings, made in 1900, but one capitalist gave me $3,000 to buy a motor." and rATrttrfk urA mi11 nravanf ff turA and now Janin will get royalties on I f Aera the u away. : . . "Then the other three came to the house, grinned, and one held out his paw. I put my hand behind, looked him up and down, and said, 'I don't, take the hand of a thing like you.' This riled them, for it is a big insult to refuse a Boer s hand. Then we , went at it. I called them thieves and liars. They rode off, but came gal loping back with their rifles ready to shoot at me if I offered any further resistance to their going into the store and stealing. They' made our Kaffir man, at the point of the rifle, show them where reins and Waters were, which they stole. "Two weeks after,, our dear old horse found his way home. He had been wounded in the head and nearly ridden to death." What is CASTOR I A TWO BIRTHDAYS TODAY I WAS RUNDOWN, NERVOUS AND WEAK Cause? Chronic Cough A Friend Advised Me to Take Vinol I Did It Made Me Well and Strong London, Feb. 9. A member of the crew of the Glasgow who was in the fight with the Leipzig and the Dresd en off Chili says the Germans scored only seven hits out of a thousand shells fired. Amsterdam, Feb. 9. A despatch from Strasburg Bays that anyone us ing the French language in shop- window signs there now is liable to one year's imprisonment. The prohi bition also applies to business let ters, accounts and receipts. Amsterdam, Feb. 9. The Alge meene Handelsbald has now shared the fate of the Telegraf, its sale be ing forbidden in Belgium. No lead ing Dutch paper is now allowed to ap pear in any part of the invaded country.- Amsterdam, Feb. 9. All the bows and arrows in Belgium, where archery was formerly a favorite sport, have been confiscated by the Germans, ac cording to the Telegraf, because of the discovery that arrows were be ing used to shoot messages across the frontier. Washington, Feb. 9. Representa tives Dixon of Indiana and Claypool of Ohio today celebrated birthday an niversaries. Dixon is 55 and Claypool 56. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT- FORE THE CLERK. -BE- North Carolina, Lenoir County: In the Matter of the Will and Codicil of Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner, Deceased. HOW FRENCH PEOPLE CURE STOMACH TROUBLE 0l ? TVP. A, Raleigh, N, C Tired! A T thtiT rmu Uw? rrwf a wntUM yaa 4o uUmnt Nl M lulu Ym ar ilk Yaw ".! toal. YwStaHik, aMaay. UJ LKm Mrf Mirrlaf up. MoUlM 1U S tUa fcattae tkaa Elecjtric : Bltiers: -SOo.aodSl.OO AaDr.Ut. Jennings, La. "I was run-down, nervous, weak, dizzy, and tired all the time as a result of a chronic cough which kept me awake nights for months. . I hnvn fnur in mv fnmilv. and I 'was not able to do my daily j n .of the leading housework, f All the different medi cines I had taken failed to do me any good until a friend told me about Vin ol. I took it and within a month I felt so well and strong I could do my own housework. I -would advise all weak women to take Vinol." Mrs. A. Freyou, Jennings, La. Why will women In this vicinity continue to drag along day in and day out. all run-down, pale, thin, nervous, weak and all tired out when we are continually publishing letters from hundreds of reliable women which prove how Vinol overcomes such, con ditions and creates strength. - " We ask every weak, nervous, run down man or woman to come to our store and get a bottle of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, with out oil, and if it fails to help you we will return your money. A household remedy of the French peasantry, consisting of pure vegeta ble oil, and said to possess' wonderful merit in the treatment of stomach, liver and intestinal troubles, has been introduced in this country by George H. Mayr, who for twenty years has down-town duggists of .Chicago and who himself was cured by its use. , So quick and effective is its action that a single dose is usually enough to bring pronounc ed relief in the most stubborn cases, and many people who have tried it de clare they never heard of anything to produce such remarkable results in so short a time. It is known as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and can now be had at all leading drug stores. It is sold with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satis faction, adv Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA To Core a Cold la One Day rata LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It itopt tM Cooch and Headache and woi ka off the Cold, Oracgiaa refund rwney if it faili to tore. C W. CJtOVE'S tnatnra e-i each box. "Sc. SEdm Siiiffcrcrs-Rcad! VTt want all akin mv fferere who hava Buffered for many yaara tha tortures of aiaeasa ana woo have aought maaicai aia In vain, to read thia. .-. ; 'We, as old established druggists of this community, wish to recommend to yoa a product that has given many re lief and may mean tha and of ' your agony. Tha product Is a mild, simple trash, not a patent medicine concocted of various worthless drurs, but scientific compound made of well known antiseptic Ingredients, It is mads In the D.D.D. laboratories of Chioas-o and la called tha BAA Pieaulutloa for Ecsema. -. This Is a doctor's special prescription nna that has affected many wonderful cures. Tha affect of D. D. D. Is to soothe in stantly, as soon as applied; then It pene trates the pores, destroys and throws off all disease germs and leaves the akin clean and healthy. Wa are so confident of the marvelous power of D.D.D. that ws have taken advantage of the manufacturers guar antee, to offer you a fuU-slza bottle ca tHai You are to Judr tha merits of tha remedy la your wa partlealar ease. If It doesn't help TO. costs yoa nothing. ' - f' " D. D. r. Soap Is made of tba same healinff Ingredients. AJsk us about it. NOTICE To Jesse Lassiter: You will take notice hereby as an heir at law and a next of kin of Mrs. Lucy . J. Joyner, deceased, that Joseph Elnsey and George L. Taylor, execu tors under the last will and testament and codicil thereto of tha said Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner, will-on. February 18, 1915, offer the said will and codicil for probate in solemn form before the clerk of the Superior Court of Len oir county, North Carolina, at his office. You will further take notice hereby that a notice has been heretofore is sued to you, notifying you that the said will and codicil of Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner would be offered for probate in solemn form in the manner and at the time and place above mentioned, which notice was delivered to the sheriff of Lenoir county, North Caro- that you were not to be found in said county. And you will further take notice that it having appeared to the satis faction of the court that you cannot, after due diligence, be found in the State of North Carolina, that an or der was made authorizing that you be summoned by publication. You will therefore take notice here by that you are required to appear before the undersigned, clerk of the Superior Court of Lenoir county, North Carolina, at his office on the 18th day of February, 1915, when and where the last will and testament and codicil thereto of Mrs. Lucy J. Joy ner will be offered for probate in sol emn form " by the executors therein named, nd contest the said last will and testament and codicil thereto if, you shall think proper to do so or be thereafter forever barred. This I5th day of January, 1915. J. T. HEATH, Clerk, Superior Court, Lenoir County, N. C LOFTIN & DAWSON. ; Cnstorla la a hnrmlcaa anbstitnte for Caator Oil, Pare porlc, Drops and 8othlntr Syrnps. It la pleasant. - It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narootlo ' substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years It . r has been tn constant use for the relief of Constipation. ' -Flatulency, Wind Colic, aU Teething Troubles and,' Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels. asMlmilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.. , ; v The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. .. . . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears thft Signature of YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW : A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your druggist. H v , adv In Use For Over 30 Years" The Kind You Have Always Bought . GRAND YMEATOE The Big House The Dig Show Last Call For- Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of mm New and Up-to-DateLine of Shirt waists. is. HI. L Bui. " TONIGHT "Prince of Tonight" WEDNESDAY"Across The Pacific." A great World'Film Feature in five acts. The story is an orphan girl's love for her benefactor, which causes her to follow him to the Phillipines where a happy culmination of the pretty romance takes place. THURSDAY-Second Installment of "Zudora." ' FOLLETTE AND WEEKS VICTORIA GIRLS Will be seen in High Class Vaudeville last three days off week. Matinees Evenings , 5 and 10 Cents 10 and 15 Cents Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentist Office oyer J. E. Hood ft Co's Store. H .C TURNER, Contractor and Builder Phone 459 J. THIS $00 DICTIONARY FOR READERS OF THE FREE PRESS Full Limp Leather Bound FOR KENT Three or four rooms at 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. 1-23-Dly-tf FOB SALE Old Papers, soluble for kindling fires these cool mornings, 6c s package. Free Press. 9-14-tf 3 tats or omo orr roLXDo. i . .! Lecu COCKTT. f ' Patnc i. Camrr make aata that fee a) ami Mituer of Um arm el V- i. Caron Co.. doins buVivM si Uki car Toledo. Cxx.cn r and sum alonaaid. and that Mid arm wlil par U sura o ONB HCNDRKO DOLLARS tor ear and evo on at Cataibu thM iwt at mnd byikwa Swnra to keton me Md woicrftwd m axj praxooa IhM IU tr Sceoakst. a. r Uw. I A. W. ttLCASOH. f ; ';' ;. KoiatPuLio IH.'iri Catarr Cora ti taa totersany and trm abrtir vpoa taa Mood and srafoaa awtaccs ot tit -d to MWU . sra. I tnM hr all rmaartou. 7Sc 300 Pages Mi i n il IlOJi'! mi -Mil KtaacaJ Ulsttraliaa af A $4.0 Valaaw F REE For Six Appreciation Certificates You are only required to show your in dorsement of this great educational oppor tunity by cutting out the Certificate Appre ciation printed in today's issue with fire oth ers of consecutive dates, and presenting them at the publication office with the expense amount as mentioned in the coupon .(which covers the items of the cost of packing, ex press from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items,) 5V Mailorders Any book by parcel post include EXTRA 7 cents within 150 miles, 10 I cents 150 to 300 miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster amou n o include for 3 pounds. . - MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFIED J. E. HOOD CD. CO. DRUGGIST NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY

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