TOE KINSTON 7 FREE PRESS " " ' ! I v A- v. a - thayer service.-- i t at . Queen .S,treet tfctpodist ch rch'toc&ht at 1: t& ,Y are eer- MAIUIAGR LICENSES. The only. marriage Lctte issued duHng the last thirty-six hours wm Ve ebl 4 couple,.! e the, ?- 'tjijj Rabirt Rouse, 21; and Annie 12o$eley, 11 . . '.,,.' , .. ' I- - -' - "' .'' AllECED UOOXSnLVERS so color he arreitea Vfihe of pperat!!g an, tfdL tyB4aj afternoon V6 Jl.U.towuttWtre Koiday gfcen a Mryurerort tf boms, and held fa konJ of 1200 each J SuptT jyff'rVd !rf rift E2AYY DOCKET FOB NEXT WONTUaY COURT. V(hn the first civil tern of Sup rkr Cour aine fes fell held t,ere la March, the calendar that will greet Judge R.B. Peebles, will be pretty well filled. .' The entire calender that waa postponed whjn the January Urn was annulled; in, n.a,ttejra tied since then will rive the court and the lawyers a plenty to do. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ; -m DEATH OF C. W. BABSON. ; la Crtven county Buperlot Cour M N- Bern Tuesday, Judge Frank Cart murdered the discnarge oi j. h F ndcjs and Leon Scott, accused of bring responsible, for, the 4eatf of George W. Babton. Babion , wai ctuihjd to death while working tin- 4'r Norfolk Southern freight car f ne nohtbs ago. Soma onf negiert e.i. to put op ; the danger signals, k front of the car and an enging bjwk4 irto. Scott and Sanders were dis (f red bf the coroner's Jury. i:j TILLMAN TO. FACE . i,l T5UiFOa:M.Oj?OTWN,. 1- J o ( TlSnjaft, , whit la under $20p fc"i to .appear b. , Unite , States f -rt fSr the illicit sale and manu f lure of spiltuous liquors. Till i n was arretted by. United States I yuty ' Marshal, C. II. .Ange and ught befora Commissioner A.' ; J, f 'tin, who found probable cause. H near Laewen, vaie mu was t ilgned on a similar charge, but i evidence was not strong enough 1 1 hold him. It was within 400 yards t ' JUU's home. In Sand Hill town .V it li said, that SheiK Taylor ' cited two negroes In the act of I itpg whiskey at V'l VW i ;tfracists thank IT: '- SUPPORTERS OF BILL. The KI5lgn, Fual &UVr,ag League T, -xtday aneraeon passed resolutions r?' thank t tha members of the )te 'H9ii l Represetatijyas ijtho, p February S, "supported the bill for (luiTrag aiaendment introduced by f ,e women of North Carolina will ' ;aya ba prou to honor frera de- r red yeoltlote X i Tha auffsagifta ;arded their "belief that the bill f t defeated bacajtsa It waa UJUq, up I Jenly without sufficient notice to j ' friends and rushed to a vote with r i, fair opportunity for. discussion. ejr "deprecate the fact that any i irth Carolinian should have been i fenced by prejudice, against the ,men." VTURE PICTURE AT THE GRAND TONIGHT. ) cross the Pacinc will be the lion picture topliner at the Grand ter tonight This is a Charles Llaney 'feature in five reels, and story spans the ocean from, the U totha PhillpplneA,, AV; et discovers a little chlj over the bodies of "her parente 1 XX lli'm te 1 Woptann wU; ::m theservice, becomes a miner, ' "1 S fW sna,turev CaQa fa il2t her. When former Lieut ' - t-'-i aai atesta Cos taa Phik the heroine discovers that the ' A I' s Mtter pj f be, 'in l ..a, follows and enliU and , f avfnttyrf, U the v,..:,rfiea ensue, with the c!t c j ,. t f i-vry rni who 'sees ; ' ' .-re J Lave, it .. r 1 VricVs and their Vic ; i i le tv e vaodeviiU I' - '-y. FrUay and -!a ir.;e ef V'J A rTTTi inriMTii Dinrn CALLS TO; PD INCIDENT Cf CVCOLONIAl DAYS " Sunday's Philadelphia North ' Am erican taxied a. story of ai Jpcldent wblcB Happened in niM par ojr norm Carolina ovec a century ago, which most of the present generation nevr heard of. but whk-fc waa one of the oio't momentous events of the period in Which It occurred! Alone with the account of the duel "betf en ' john btsnlv and Kichard. I'obbs oaiirnL fatal to the latter, the North Ameri can printed tha pcturea of those two prominent .Carolinians of the State'f early days. The victim ws a i?ame sske of Governor Richard Dobbs. TW encounter between and 6t7 occurred, on Scptem'jer 5, 180 Hon. Richard pobbj , gpabjtht, who was borj) In 178, hs sf rygd in the Continental afmy, was a member of tha N,ofth CaVolioa Legklnture, sat In the Continental Congress, occu pied, tha gubernatorial chair soon af terfl Kichard aswilj of Klnsf jii va cated it, Inderved In the Fifth and Eisth ''Congresses 'If(s anUpcnist, Stanly, was. youngar. man, having been bom In 1774. He serve! In the seventh and. eleventh Cpngrej;s, was tcf many years a member of the Leg islature, and died in 1833. Stanly and EpaJght were both Craven coun. ty ncn. ' Said the North American: ''John Stanly is still recalled in Noi th Caro lina. He was a man ; ox great power, noted for his sterling ?o- a'i- tlea and vitriolic sarcasm. It it lat4 that when General Lafayette wa touring the country John btanly ws a member of the House of C m mons, and Introduced a resolution ap propriating a suitable sum of money te provide for" the'entertalnme.tAof Lafayette. Some member of the ouse from Westcfn Carolina called (or the aye and nay vote. Mr. tan ly aros and said: thank ihe, gen tltman for his motion and' arise to second it It is due to the honor of North Carolina to show in tha most solemn form that there Is not i man m our midst who hesitates to do ail that that honor enjoins, and if there be such a miscreant Jn out body, let 4 opportunity ha offered for tflbb jt: ing his name high upon the pillar of Y famy." The rexolution passed tnan piously. 8palght bad been 4, candi date for re-election to the ' Seventh Congress. Stanly Defeated him. Dur ing thf canvass they nad engaged in various' personalities, and this result ed iv tha duel Good-natured friends carried tales from one to the other. men fought on the commons at New nern. Most of the inhabitants looked on. '.''Soma would have inter fered, but one of Speight's seconds Swore he would shoot any man who attempted to do so. Both fired five hots before Stanly's took etfect. Gov- emor Spaight was' mortal! wounded and died the next day. , " s F. R. HODGES WILL PROBATED. such a large amount of property. It Tuesday, received for , probation the will of the late Ff Roland Hodges, at the home of the widow, Mrs. Julia. M Uodgii, ln( Institute township' Mrs. Hodges was named as the sole-exe- euirU without bond. Brothers of the M deceased . witnessed uie instrument, which ClerV Heath declares is the brief Sai ha has eve seen to convey such a large .amount of pronerty, I?t teo.k 99 hut a page of letter-size pa per. No items were contained and thlwtojurValuation of the 'estate' is not known.? Mr. Heath estimates it at a lUtla oa tha uaddr side 01275, Tho Ucztts t and Dilr.tiest S h i r t H WabtY?'' Shown ; : r..::-;i'. ' J ' il , I. I I ! f S L -! 11 .I'L1!1, . '.' "!! " Ot H.TttXUto,' tot 25c iba Tesepbana Btora ,7 Phone No. 4 1 j'l'.f'" jjiecials Children Orr CAS TORI A ' M, M CONGREGATIONAL MEETING TONIGHT AT GORDON 8T; ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The regular mid-week prayer ser vice will not be held at the Gordon Street Christian church tonight but instead a congregational meeting to discuss plans and means for the en suing year's work. Tka occasion will be informal and a socjal Joi will be arranged. The jladies 'witT , serve refreshments, and the spirit of gjt- acquainted wm prevail. V Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OA3JQRIA WcQotictt TEfl cMnts pf Crpora--: on- Firras and Indtvid . yaltv tulj,q8qtr iccopuBo ( (rJyicon5Btent with, safe banking;-i?: ,N?.4';'i- i i. gtoiar:vyith Farmsrs & f'arctents Misisisv sw T N. C. Dozen Fancy Vofle, and PatisteShjraists, a ac w iTrimmed.' Prjlj j ' 4Qc, Fancy VotIes jan4 Batistes (or 1 q-icl 01-25 Embroiderie OioiSUk, Price ; . S2.00 Fancy Fkwred Silk, price $1.75 Oepe De Chine $5.00 J. M. Stephenson THE LAPlE?h STORE " ' ' f r t ' ' ' " ' " " "' Art Needle Work All put up in packages.' Including dp. tign material and thread, "Packages corn plete, Consisting of children's dresses, night gowns. :, caps, pillo&s, :pin cushions, uncases, and numerous. f oci pkcts. They Will Interest You. ': Prices 25c to $1.00 Each Barrett & Harisfield i Wonderful Values In Beautiful Rugs Dr. 0. L. WILSON Denttrt Office over J. X. Hood Ces e:;;vstora.-;' ;- Mnw I At: u ew snvw ; ''lEKfP JUVENILE We Appreciate Your Patronage CRAY & WATERS . Darber Shop Iq Hood Basement I m w -" 'mt,. ' . . -it-ft' , DS'j. B Colon absolutely fast Tho Best r?; IttUB HYDE- At Now Pride The low prices cannot give you an idea pf the excellent values becuse the tjugs are all of per fect quality, exceptionally beau tiful design, and exceedingly pret ty colorsiy Many of them are new thi year-all of them are as new s the fall season, ; $25.00 Rqgs $22.50 Rugs $15.00 Rugs $12.50 Ruga are now are now are now are now, $21.50 $17.80 $12.35 $10.75 'THE"' rr I ONE PRICE mi SJORE Oettingcr-s Furniture Store AtItsPricef$G95,tlieVorld'sGreatest ; s Automobile Value v Hera'a th car that has y the features of $1,000 car, and Th? Hew 191$ Model Has 17 New Features Slma real high-tension magneto; sliding gear transmission;, left-band drive; center control, anti-skid tires on rear, and all high-: priced car features. The easiest car In the world to drive. . A great big. handsome. rowerfuV'swift-runnin REAL auto mobile. The greatest hill climber In the world. The car that has set the whole country talking. With elccrfc atater and electric light $55 antra. Holds tfc Road af: GQtf.fiki an Hour ArJ. SUCTON SMSfjasjsjBJI ajpawwaBsi SBasawsrp eMaja J - - a uu 'V : ,, iievspri::o STYLES HEII'S AND LADIES SHOES ' - K Hilt f-.f':.M: Are now arriving.' Wonld be pleated to show you the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also, my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play. You can make a select ion of what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to Dlease. INSURANCE. OF ALL KINDS C. QETTINGEn, Manager (tlnston Insuranco a Realty Co. TiiepJbmeq a ; t (Nextto Postoffice) mW TODAY Mark Cui muz 'The) Home of QuaLty' llinstoft Garag'6 pi 2. V. ilOSELEY, ILJX PayslcUa Surgeo ; " Office next tft Lenoir Drug Co. Office Iwawj-,',-9 to 11 a. n Phones: S to S p. la. t)21ce 478 S to 9 p. m. Bes. Phone 113 luLSY IUBNEY FILLS Is the time to start your INCUBATOR for EARLY SPRING CHICKENS. U you haveut one, beijn bow to Investigate and see tha v ... CYPHERS' SELF-REGULATING XNCUBATOR .tH-lt'S.: w ,.r ' T f. - , . v. y In four sues Tq, 14 244 nd SOO-Egg Capaiiity It Is tha Incubator that hatches from 75 to 100 per cenlV of the fertile eggs and makes Strong, healthy Chicks that Grw. Fast Only a few minutes each day required to adjust, and regulate the machine. '-.JPuitif In' yow bed-room or other eoiv yeoient plce and start a flock "of Spring Chickens that will lay yonr winter eggs net winter. ' '. .; The Cyphers' Incubator is used by most large poultry raisers, which Is on of the best reasons why you should psa .one. We hare Incubators from Six Dotlara to Thirty-eight Dolkrsl In all sites from fifty to three hundred and ninety-egg capacity. . Brooders, Chickea Feed, Grit ShelL Charcoal, Beef Scrap, Poultry Necessities H E. r.locclcy Harclvarc Coxapan;' DR. F, FTTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. 'Office Phon M OSTEOPATHY DEFINED 0teoffSqr is qrttenr of heeling Jj. ease by scientific manipulation, tie purpoae of each- manipulation henw either to adjust some derangement ia petition of tna rusue. or to incretw or w aecrease ue activity oi pme organ. It ia not a remedy for tome particular a'ae. out succeaaluuy treaU aU en able nonsurgical acute and ckruiic diseases. . J . r T- ,, - ' DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST ; . Office 130 8. McLewean St. Near Residence, ' IRA M. BARDY.M. D, . " Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to t P. M.; IjtoJ P. M. Phones: Resiaenceo57TOfflce 479. 10Z West Caswell Street tye, Ear J Nom and Throat Ujhmu Traat.d. N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Enston; N. C. Gbldsbof i N.C, t. ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Kinstou. N. O, Goldsboro, N. C. 303-304 Borden Building, .PB G.EO,, SL KORNEGAY, Specialist in Diseases, of. ,Wp men and Childrea. Office hours i 1 j to 12., Office , , 105 E. Caswell Street . Phono 118." . dr.daKw:parrqtt -DENTIST, r1 ": , Crown and Bridge Work - 1 Specialty. -" OfficeoverCpt Miiloffice t 1 General Practice ' "A Millet Building AT SKItlHElVS 7i We Cafct, tQ Thz lilies and Ctilrc2 a - s and Rns C?zAy Phone 149 J.T. SInr:r.:r Scj we .oe

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