II I C7LCCaCfTEREST. MARRIAGE LICENSE. License te wd has Imm IsaoSd to trunk J o nes, 34, and Dinah Nsih, 28, colored, "both Klnston. ; ' ;fclAS6xiC MEETING. . ". St JoWs Lodge, No, 4, X. rV I X li, wfll meet In specM communi cation this evening at T:S0 o'clock, for wort Jn tht -second degree. ' .. . - ? j - - .' YAUDEYILLE AT THE ' ? J (HAND VUI w -m t :: J-. ' ' :'' "ThVttfletti 'and Vlci!, 'Victoria Cirfc Mn'Vlajr the lsi timlf cf this VeV it the fcrnhd Theater. ' They pen tonight with- Schults's Cabaret fihow, musical eoinedy, "constructed U please everybody." The onermg to tali to "U clean, deter nd enter taining. The second IniUllment of of "Zudors," i big continued picture subject, will be shown this evening in tonjanetiah with the sldevill) bilL THE MAGISTRATE WAS TAKING 0 1CHANCES. concern' f "William Simon, iri n4 lmon W 'Shelby B. Far rah a the leg ell paper! It, wsi closed Under in xfca'thm 1at Wed nesday. ? William Simon, one of the firm of Syrians who seemed to be the guiding genius of the stablishment, although in the hearing Wednesday morning It was difficult to determine just who was connected with the bus iness, probably Joseph Simon, hie brother,, and the man named Farrah, are all taken to be concerned. Magis trate fie'ttbtger's -decision wai ' an nounced t the rtd of the trial All Were included In the papers. Thii morning William Simon gave ah pV peal bond in the sum of 1216, wtteh enabled him to reopen. WILL PROBABLY SEND ' ' " ( WILLIAMS TO XSYLtJM 'Henry Williams, who, as was Stat ed in Wednesday's Tree rVess, was arrested for in Attack won tls fath er, D. T. Williams, Sr will be sent to1 the StaU Hospital lor the; In saine. The authorities havebeen as sured that th'- man to demented. Trior to liia attack upon Ms father 'at t!.e office of Dr. V. E. Weyher,' when t?.e elde? Williams was cut by broken g'.ass whenft flie son Shoved " him through window, the deranged 141 lob had 'thrown a hefffb throilih a door, attempted the seme thing with deputy sheriff, tried to set Are to his South Queen street krocery and suggested to i brother thst they die together, it to laid. He was armed all day. An Investigation of his con dltlon was made today. , 170IIAS ALREADY BEEN SfAItTED ON NEW SCHOOL New Leafloa On Toww fcfa Roed W1U Enable Removal of School - From Segregated District , WWn JJuiMlng l.Tteedy Wx tu Win "c&mmced oh the construction of a new sthool build ing for the colored race on Tower flill road. The frame building discarded by the white grammar school when the East Lenoir street house waa oc cupied last month will be used for the lower story. I Tho 'structure win be aairmented br another story and oth erWlte improved. - There are seven grades in the negro achoou ' There are 1,427 negro chil dren of school aire In the citv. Four hundred and iweitty-flve of these are all that are enrolled, and hot more than 70 per cent of these attend reg ularly, the Free Press to informed. ORDINANCE WHICH HAS HtLPED REDUCE fly crop To Minimize the Breeding of Ilouse Flies fa the City of Birmingham, Be it Ordained by the City CounciT of Birmingham as Follows: Section 1. That elliUlle in which borees, tnulee, jacks, jennets and oth er animals of like kind are kept in the City of Birmingham shall have hard floors made of cement hard clay, travel wood Or some similar material and Yohrtructed without cracks In which manure can accumulate, and in such manner as tljst m snore can be readily removed therefrom. ' " : Section 2.' That ill of such stalls shall at least once In each 24 hours have all manure dropped, deposited or collected therein removed there from,"' ' Section 8. That all manure when removed from said stalls In accord ance with this ordinance, when Stored, collected, or otherwise kept In the City of Birmingham, whether on the premises or not shall be deposited in 4 iwMotacte so constructed W screen- - r " t Ing or otherwise ks that house flies cannot gain access to said manure, it being tfie Intention of this ordinance to suppress the breeding of house flies In fresh manure. Section 4. It shall be deemed a suf ficient compliance with the ordinance where manure is' not taken up once in each 24 hours for said manure u be taken up on Thursday of each week and removed from the city limits. Section 6. No receptacle maintain ed In compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be so tnanitan ed as to create a nuisance, and it shall not be a violation of this ordinance for any person to use manure stored in ; compliance herewith after the lame shall have been stored for a per iod of 80 days or more. Section 7. Any person violating any provision of or contained in this ordinance, or causing or suffering a violation thereof upon his premises, or upon premises over which he has charge or control, must upon convic tion be punished as provided in Sec tion 800 of the City Code of Binning- Adopted April 7, 1909. . . H. E, SHOPSIIIRE, Jr., City Clerk. Approved April 10, 1909. GEORGE B. WARD. Mayor. Birmingham Age-Herald, April 12, 1900. ' w " C0:;!3EtoHMl MEET ; AT drJSTIAN CIIURai t'A "largely-attended congregational is eetlng was held in the Gordon Street Christian church Wednesday evening. I'r. J. F. Taylor, elected chairman Of t'.e meeting', presided, isnd Mr. Tom I.'oseley as temporary secretary, sub stuted for the church clerk, who was 1 y tlie churches of the eltyf ' The work for the coming year Was & :.,cued at some length, a budget f. U;a 'was adopted and the meai t n srr roved T'astor Smith's action S i reference to the proposed simui- t 3 c l tJ le i; g which are fexpect .4t& In a few weeks s cf Ce city. ' e t Ration's bus!' 1 ' rfj'ulred to the a t ..i period vrss . !. . : served BANK PRESIDENT RA1NE ' GETS FIVE YEARS. Memphis, Tenn Feb. 10. C. H. Ralne, who pleaded 'guilty to charges of misuse of the tnails in connection with the failure last year of the Mer cantile "Bank of this city, while presi dent, today was sentenced by , the United States Court to serve, five years in the Federal prison at Atlan ta. The allure of the Mercantile Sank, ' a State institution, involved more than (1,000,005. COMMODORES VICTORS ; IN DOVER GAtlE The Klnston Commodores bssket ball team went to Dover Wednesday afternoon and brought home another victory. The first half, which ended 16 to 13 in favor of Kinston, was fast and furious,' but the Commodores on ly got their teamwork to going in the second half, when they walked away from Dover by the score of 17 to 6, making the final count 33 to 18. It may be said that James and Eas tin were the stars for the Commo dores, but it was teamwork that won the game; all of the quintet were in it every minute. Gaston played best for Dover. Their live was simply out classed. Following was the line-up: Klnston. Temple, forward: James, forward; Eastin, (capt, center; Haw- kins, guard; Brogden, guard. Dover Gaston, forward, McKnight forward; Powell center; Waters, guard; Dudley (capt), guard. Referee Lewis. Umpire, Miller'. Scorer, Dunn. Timekeeper, Harvey. Goals from Held: Eastin 9, James 4, Temple 2, Hawkins 1, Gaston B, Mc Knight 2, Waters 1. Goals from foul: Gaston 1 and Eastin 1. , ' If": . : rl MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS ' PRODUCE Wholesale Prieea Reported by the Kbuttoa Peaatft Company Perk . ... . . . ... , . . .......... 12H Urd';....T..;....... 14 Potatoes, sweet .. 60 Eggs ... 80 Country butter .............. 30 nens, pound 10 Broilers, pound 12M Roosters, aplec . , . 25 Corn, bushel .84 TODAY'S COTTON MARKET New York, Feb. 1L Today's cot ton futures quotations were: Prompt Action Win Stop Tour Cough When you Irst eaten, a Cold (often indicated by sneeie or cough), brak it ttpUt Once. The idea that "It does hot matter" often leads to seri ous complications. The remedy which tramedaitety and easily , penetrates (ho ijaing of the throat to the kmd de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the Irritation, loosen) the phlegm. , Yon feel better at once. "It Seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" to One of many honest testi monials. 60c it your Druggist adv . ; ULfiV hlUNEY PILlfc Open Close March .. 8.57 .... Ma .8.86 8.81 July ' 9.05 9.00 October .. ............9.29 9.25. December .. ...........9.'42 9.40 Tocal Sales Today: About 125 bales at 6 to 8 cents.' BREAK IT UP NOW . A Cold is readily catching. A run down system to susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your druggist k -ife adv 'W-- li nn ATLANTA. 2 fat, hlh WHITBY, IH ia. kish ; ' RROW OLLARS HmTStH CW, TwWr t T. 1. B.lnt A ..w:r Y y..,.T,..w,T.,..,T..i,.T n. y.,.T.i. t,.t,,t.,t ,r i ,.Ti, r -a I A m ifr f . THEfi EW tiki m MODHlIlteGIGLlSt DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE Kinston Free Preis, Fek J 1 Jm. " mi I SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES tCh'STTTUTt ASET a mmmmmi: tit Hmm at lb m( or pcm bm at tUm aHica. vita taa ax; ail aay atria of Dtctiaaw aaloct (wUrh !. hmm tha faaaam atMckias, Wrfc Mra aa4 oUmt maari EXfi , aaJraa U1 ba talia trita raw caoiaa af tktm Ihtaa book toeoeoeem4w fTh $1.00 (Likt illustrations In the annonncmnt from day to day.1) 2 IX MOOBri InplSB grt-atcst authorities from leading universities; i bound in J t mtTroiMAmi lull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on facie ana i tn n ale i sides, flrlnted on Wbie psper. with red edges and corners rouhdefl: beamifuL otronir. durable. Besides the federal contents, there ft are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- i TX color plates, numerous subjects br monotones, 16 p0 t J BwnW t St this office SIX CamiicaBre CrtiGctte at ArpracUriat ar4 tta UOC T . . . I ZZZ " u the M M book, ax- crt ta tha atria I tisiBri En;fsa bde-hich i ' DICTIONARY Ita all I 4 an! laoouaa I SIX A. I ftl pi li U alala cloth bind- 9 SS eM ei .,mp4 ta couj and black: haa Ml KairrBTlTiiSB ar. tllaatta-f mrTinviiiv ttoaa. Sat all ." - ai tba nS Maa- . ar with aqaara eoraara. rliiuai Cort(Heata ao4 tha Mtl. 1KIrRt An, ol nrl Prt. hvlmto 1TTH t irMhm U1V araaUtloa) CortMeatM i , mm aim (tmuv , Sat all ; ba aot- i'.iBa.a , !ta tnn a , WHEN a man starts out to buy a new Sprfag hat he Is likcly to : isant quick action ; and sure results. 4 . It is on that basis that We are asking ydti to come in and get acquainted; with our new' Spring Stetsons: Soft and Stiff new blocks, talon, ' shapes . ; and a really 'pleas- ; a ing range of sizes. - JC Dail & Co. SUCCESSORS TO ULMflUH aUlrtS Spring Styles Small Shipment Today. See Them In Our South Window. O. N. T. Cotton, for 25c Chas. A. Waters ' The Telephone Store ' Phone No. 89 i New Lot RENFREW JUVENILE , - Colors absolutely fast the Best IRONCLAD HYDE GRADE GALETEAS , At New Prices Y THE. ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON PboneS4 & Prop. BEtlTOII & MOORE Wilson, : : II. "C. Z. V. MOSELET, M. IX rhyaidan and Snrfeoa - Office text to Lenoir Drug Co. OfBce houre: 9 to 11 a. m rtones: 8 to 5 p. m. - Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. . Res. rhone 113 H .C TURNER, Gintractor and Builder Phone AZO I Soacials 6 Dozen Fancy Vofle, and Batiste Shirtwaists, Fancy Trimmed. Price, , - 49c. Fancy Voiles and Batistes for $1 and 51.25 Embroideried - China Silk, Price ' : ; $2.00 Fancy Flowered Silk, price 51.75 (v; GepeDeOibes $5.00 J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES STORE 9 Art Needle Work All put up in packages. Including fe, i!gn material and thread Packages com. plete. Consisting of children's dresses, nightgowns, caps, pillows, pin" cushions,' tie cases, and numerous other piecex They Witt Interest You., Prices 25c to $l.00 Each. Barrett & Hartsfielt) Buy That Mattress Now Good Felt Mattresses are seldom offered at prices as low as these., Mattresses that are guaranteed in every particular-that must give satisfactory service-and that will show you a clear saving of $2.15 to $3.25 on each Mattress. Lux-you-ry $15.00 Mattresses $11.85 Royall and Borden $12.50 9.75 Peerless $10.00 7.85 Qettinger's Furniture Store ! II J INSURANCE Of ALL KINDS C. OETT1NGER, Manager Klnston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) NOW -TODAY H ADI IS TWO 1 1 I . Is the time to start your INCUBATOR for EARLY SPRING CHICKENS. If you haven't one. begin now to investigate and see the , ; ., , CYPHERS SELP-REGULATING INCUBATOR In four sizes 70, 144, 244 and 390-Egg Capacity. It is the Incubator that hatches from 75 to 100 per cent of the fertile eggs and makes Strong, healthy Chicks that Grow Fast. Only a few minutes each day required to adjust and regulate the machine. Puit it in your bed-room or other con venient place and start a flock of Spring Chickens that will lay your winter eggs next winter. - The Cyphers' Incubator is used bymost large poultry raisers, which is one of the best reasons why you should use one. We have Incubators from Six DoUlars to Thirty-eight Dollars, in all'' sizes from fifty to three hundred and ninety-egg capacity. Brooders. Chicken Feed, Grit Shell, Charcoal, Beef Scrap, Poultry Necessities H. E. r.locclcy Hardware Company DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Rcwdcnce Phone 523. 'Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Oateoparby ii a system of healing di sease bj scientific manipulation th, purpose of each manipulation being either to adjust some derangement in the position of the tissues or to mcreaat or to decrease the activity ol some organ. It ia sot a remedy for some particular diaeaatt, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. .. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 8. McLewean St Near Residence. M. HARDY, M. p, I and Surgeon j 9 to 11; 2:30 to 0 I IRA Physician Office Hours: P. Phones: Residence 507; "Office 479. - 102 West Caswell Street ; fire. E&vNom and Throat , . . DtMua. Treated. N. J. Rouse, Edward VL Land Klnston, N. C4 . .Gdldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Klnston, N. C Goldsboro. N. C, . 303-304 Borden Building, DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo-' men "and Children. ' Office hoars 10 to 12. Office 10S E. Caswell Street Phone 118. DR.DAN W.PARROTT ' DENTIST, : Crown and Bridge Work Specialty. OfficeoverCot MiUoffice A. L. Hyatt, M. D. General Practice -. . Kf illa Budding AT SKINNER'S Xh Cqffjr, to . The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda ' f ' ', r and Fee Canay Phone 149- " . .. JT QlJwaa. e le buu.u.4 U we Llnve to t icase