AdvanceH Spring , Styles, m Kyi's Chamberlain & Braxton Caswell Building WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN rrERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR RENT tiara on Wert Gor don street Apfly, fo J. F. Taylor. ft.., - FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable for kindling fires these cool mornings, 6c a package. Free rasa. v-l-u FOR RENT Three or four rooms at 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. : 1-23-Dly-tf FOR SALE Dry Pine Wood, sawed ana split in lengths ready for : the cook stove; Sam Taylor, Phone 352. , a 2-ll-3wks-Dly LOST Sunday, between Mrs. Bar wick's and Christian church, Ma sonic Emblem, with date on reverse eiie, May 2fc 1887.? Finder return to this office for'reward 2-15-Dlytf To whom it may concern: All debts contracted by my son, Eugene Til ley, will not be paid by me. All per sons owing me iare requested not to pay 'the - accounts to him. F. D. ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect Feb. 14, 1915.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published ' as .-.information only, and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound p. m. "Night Express" Pull- man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. folk. H-At ' 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington , and Norfolk. Con i nects for all points -i a North and West Par "lor Car Service be i tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound' . ' 5:40 a.m. Daily for Goldsboro. W:03 a. m. -Daily-for Goldsboro. 1:33 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or emtion of Pullman Sleeping Car pace, apply to W. J. - Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, fN. C. H, S. Leard, General Passenger Agent J. D. STACKS General Superin tendent, Norfolk Ya. uarry at tatshrdh atashrdlu u radl A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. , tf..;ii, t r , , 1 V Augnsta . (Ky.) Tobacco Board of Trade Pays Tribute of Respect and Sympathy to Mr. C. R. Dodson of Kins ton. ' "Mr. C R. Dodson, resident buyer for Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Com pany, in Augusta, Ky., and Ripley, O., received a message on Friday, February 6,' at noon, announcing the death of his wife at their home at Kinston, N. C. "" "Mrs. Dodson was an accomplish ed woman, a loving and devoted wife, and member of the Presbyterian Church, South. : She leaves her hus band and mother and many friends to mourn her early and sudden death. "The sad news came to Mr. Dodson while he was in. line, buying tobacco at the Ripley market, and in no wise expecting the death . messenger to visit his happy home, as his wife was in the best of health to the instant of her death. ' .'.-... ;;..v; "... "Mr. Dodson, during his stay here and in Ripley the past three years, has by his uprightness and courtesy SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mrs. J. C. Heath is ill at her home, 801 Water street a b Mr. N. J. Rouse left this morning for Columbia, Si C, to be gone sev eral days on business. b a a ' The Round Table will meet with Mrs. E. B. Marston Tuesday after noon at 3:15 o'clock. a a a Miss Gladys Hartttfleld, who is teaching at Falling Creek, spent the week-end with her parents in Kin- s ton. " . , ana Miss Helen HarrelL who la teach ing school at pink Hill, spent Sat urday and Sunday here with rela tives. V;'. . ". a a to all, won a place of affection in the Migg Mary Tapp haf at Dur hearts of all who knew him, and many were the expressions of sympathy for him in his sorrow, "The members of the Augusta To bacco Board of Trade were called in extra session on Saturday evening, February 6, and adopted the follow ing resolutions " 'The members of this association hereby express their sincere sympa thy to their fellow member, Mr. C. R. Dodson, in his sad hour of affliction and grief over the death of his splen did wife, and regret that we cannot at this time do more to comfort and console him in his great bereave ment'" . , . ::' . 1 Reasonable Assumption. "I always have my doubts of the man who defends honesty by declar ing that he hasn't a -crooked bone la his body." "You think be may be exaKiterat- tag?" 'Yes. I'm afraid that he may not know any more about his own'short- comings than he does about physiology." THIS WOMAN WAS VERY UNHAPPY. Physically and Mentally Worn Out Tells How Nervous and Crying Spells Were Ended by VinoL Monmouth, 111..- "1 was weak, wornout and nervous. I had no ap petite, and was getting so thin and discouraged, one y ay I just broke down and cried when a friend came in and asked me what was the mat ter. I told of my condition and how frothing I took seemed to do me any good. Vinol was suggested. ,1 got a bottle and before it was half gone could eat and sleep well. I con tinued its use and now my friends say I look ten years younger, and I am well, healthy and strong. I wish could induce every tired-out, worn- out nervous woman to take Vinol." Mrs. Harriet Gale, Monmouth, 111. There are many over-worked, tired- out care-worn, nervous women in this vicinity who need the strength-, tissue building, and vitalizing effects of Vinol, our delicious cod liv er and iron tonic, and so sure are we that it will build them up and make them strong that we offer to return their money if it fails to benefit Vinol is a delicious preparation of the extract of cod liver oil and pepto nato of iron and contains no oil. J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists, Kin ston, N.i C, and at- leading drug stores everywhere. adv CASTORIA For Infants and Children' In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of GRAM THEATRE BIG HOUSE , , BIG SHOW ALL THIS WEEK HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE : Elliot & Elliot--Soathern Rosebuds Fresh from Engagement at Casino in Washington and other . large exclusive Vaudeville Houses. Tango and whirl-.- ;wind daflces- Today's Bill: A Musical Comedy . V "SHE CAME FROM ALBANY" TODAY'S PICTURES 'THE LIEUTENANT GOV- V) ER1SOR." 2ReelEssanay.; HEARST SELIG NEWS. I Reel ' ' TUESDAY -Tracked by the Hounds." 2 Red Edison Feature. "The Greater Love." I Red Vkagragh. "Zudori? eVfcry Tbur.y. "Runaway June" every Taesday. Why did June i , Runaway) . A Shobert & Erdy Feature Tery Wednesday by World Film Corporation. Wattes, dally .... J t...J w v . . - 10 cr. J ZOC ham, where she attended the initia tion exercises of the Greek letter fra ternities of Trinity College. Her. so rority, the Alpha Delta Pi, admitted two new members. B H H Mr. Mark Taylor of the Albritton section was a' Kinston visitor Satur day. a a a Messrs. Hubert Bell and - Jack Saunders are in the Memorial Hos pital for operations. , IB! The Reviewers will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. II E. Moseley. BBS Miss Julia King of Wilmington, who is teaching a school in the south ern end of the county, was here Sat urday. f a b a v Miss Bessie Maxwell of the city schools spent the week-end with friends at Sandy Bottom. a a a v Miss Charlotte Howard, who has been the guest of Miss Vida West returned to her home in New Bern Saturday. . a a a Mr. Ed. Hamilton of 703 East Caswell street who has been serious ly sick from a complication of the grippe and pneumonia, is slowly im proving. h a a :. .-. Exposition to Open Saturday. The following . official ' announce ment has come to The Free Press; "The President and Board of Di rectors of the Panama-Pacific Inter national Exposition beg to inform you that the exposition celebrating the completion of the Panama Canal will be opened to the public with ap propriate ceremonies Saturday, Feb ruary 20, 1915, in accordince with the Act of Congress- and the Proclama tion by the President of the United States. The exposition will on that day be complete in every detail, in cluding the participations of the na tions of Europe, of the Orient and of all the Americas. "Very cordially yours, "CHAS. E. MOORE, Prest" .IB ;. ; '' ' ,Nt vN. ' ' ' ' . -... ,y V i : , IJm i v. - . The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever I ihevea ' .V . . A 4' CAROLINA RAILROAD I ' TIME TABLE NO. L ; Effective October 4, 1914, 6:00 a." m. Firet class freight' and, passenger South Bound . ' North Bound 332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 a 7:29 f 7:16 s 7:11 8 7:01 6:55 6:45 STATIONS i: - - rf!K.,,. Ar Kinston Lv. 33J Daily. P. M. 6:00 5:07 f 5:21 a 6:32 s5:43 f 5:50 6:00 MEETING OF CHURCH BOARD. The official board of Gordon Street Christian church will meet at the home of the pastor this evening at 7:30 o'clock. YANKEES ARE GREAT OLD BLUFFERS, SAYS DIE POST Hinea Junction',. Poola ' Dawson Glenfield Suggs Siding' -Lv Snow Hill Ar All trains goverened by the Nor- flok Southern rules while using the- track from Kinston to Hines Junc tion, and subject to the orders of its superintendent '; The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WM. HAYES, General Superintendent R. A. HONEYUTT, V Superintendent Kinston, N. C. . A. JONES, F. & P. A. Snow Hill,- N. C. Berlin, Feb. 14. Berlin newspa pers continue their comment on the American note concerning the Oer man admiralty's sea war zone procla mation. The editorials generally are friendly. Conspicuous exceptions, however, are furnished by Die Post, and th eTages Zeitung. "When something does not suit the Yankees," says Die Post, "they are accustomed to adopt as threatening and as frightful a sabre-rattling tone as possible. They reckon that the person thus treated will be frightened and give in. If this does not come to pass, however, if the person thus threatened replies with the strong est expressions and shows that he is not scared and will not let himself be driven into a state of funk, the swag gerlng .Yankees calm themselves and quiet down." ''vV- 1 Last Call -For- Children Ory v- FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The un dersigned having qualified as exee tutrix of the estate of Mrs. Martha J. Stanly, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Par ties indebted to said estate are ex pec ted to make prompt settlement :, - This February 2, 1915. . BERTHA ROUNTREE, ' . Executrix of Martha J. Stanly, de ceased. FCUCZ AXD LAND, Attorney. - Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of Mr New and Up-to-Date Line of Shirt waists. ' - fllRS.fl1.LBuL Biggest Jewelry Opportunity Kinston Has EverICnown Trustee Sale of Rleber Denmark's -Stock Now In Progress ; ; . Every article in . the store is marked in plain figures at and below cost, and must be sold. CHICHESTER S PILLS VTffjV Ak J..I- lfc(lM lb A ft kUBMia,(JiPiniaBMaJ llrmmAJ Fills ia Kf-el ml netailiA boxes tatted Villi frit til4au 1 Tk M Mbl. Bur mT vmb Irarar4. Ak far C 1 1 1 t III- K.Tr yu kaoini as Best, Street, Alway KelicbM soEifcni'cciSTSEviRr.'.iiLri . 4- Nothing Reserved-All Must Go-Regardless Creditors Must Be Satisfied - An opportunity to buy Silver and Glassware, Watches, Jewels,' Rings and Jewelry of all sorts, which has made the stock of this house replete. .... V -. ;-..;') i 1 . ' . '1;..,.,... ;, . .. , .i '. , i You may not need Jewelry now, but it will pay you to lay by in store for the future, . : ' ' , J Gome' - See - Buy Plato Collins; Trustee Klebsr Benmarlc--feweler