" TOE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS are unable to ae that the laws are Jtelng violated? Th continued existence of a red lijrht district in thla com munity ia a reflection on the officers of thla city, whose sworn duty it ia to administer the law. They could by KINSTON FREE PRESS CO, INC., KINSTON, N. C properly enforcing the; statute against vice segregation w tiki nniTTntf f - rnirriD .urn uivir.FR break ud the district in short order. The Free Press '.'' ' (Ualted Preea Reporta) j doeant advocate the precipitate closing of the house : ;at4 at tfct poatofflce at Kinaton, North Carolina, a and throwing the unfortunate inmat into the atreet. eflMul elaaa matter under act of Conrress. March 8. 1879.) Sufficient notice should be given and a rigid cloning order . TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTMENTS 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) One. Week t)e Month three Month Six month i ......... Twelve Months ' Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 16, 1915 The Free Press welcomes into the Kington community church circles the new "Cedar Dell' Baptist church, which was organized Sunday at the Kennedy Memorial Home, Klnston's splendid array of churches makea Kinston a fit place to make one's home. . enforced, Kinston has a very good lcgiiilative body. The board of aldermen as a whole are men of high tone, dis- 10 posed to provide he machinery for making Kinston ap- 35 proach what it should be. The administration or tne laws is the vulnerable-point. What good will it do for the 00 City Council to" draft a law regulating the disposal" of ' manure and other fly-breeding accumulations if it is not to be enforced? The laws should be either enforced or repealed. It is not a matter of diHcretion for the admin istrative officers to determine what shall and what nhi not be enforced. Their sworn duty is to enforce the luw as they exist without fear or favor, and if they fail to do so they simply' fail to fulfill their obligations. The peo ple of Kinston have a right to expect of its admlnistra tive officers a rigid enforcement of the laws, and there will como a reckoning day. The Free Press ia going to advocate that it come pretty soon unless there 4s action, ill Condition! are somewhat strained between Japan and China. The ;f orator has mad some demands, which it .." claims will have to be complied with and China says "there's nothing doing." , Too bad If any more wars are ' started. The world has sufficiency of that cruel agency of barbarism already, and It behooves all nations, which now are at' pence, to remain so, if possible. - ' a i Greece haj Joined"' "the' United States, Italy and other neutral countries in protesting to Germany. Greece has informed the Kaiser that she is not responsible for the ; misuse of her colors by the belligerents, but that she will unquestionably expect' and insist upon the proper respect being accorded those ships which rightfully carry the , Grecian flag. Italy' protest i said to be very similar .; in phraseology, to, that of the United States. A v Sentiment pro and con in the Cartcr-Abernethy con - troversy is taking shape throughout tho State. It is un fortunate that the, matter came up and if Judge Connor, to whom the settlement has been left. And that either party to the affair was guilty of a serious breach, such action as the situation requires should be taken to pre vent any recurrence or to make such legs liable. Until a thorough investigation has been made, and the oppor tunity given both sides to present their positions, it would perhaps be best for the public to withhold their opinions. The situation appeared to be an exceedingly ugly one, and it goes without saying that the courts of the land cannot be properly administered by officials who are at logger heads. The Judge and Solicitor should work in the ful- lest unison and co-operation, and that was Impossible in the New Bern court laat week. 7--. v-i.-:V. . , ' , Kinston . is to have a fair next fall. That Is an as- , ... ,,. , .., .j urtr fact. TJie 'committee appointed at the mass-meeting last week ia actively at work in making preparations. 1 A sub-committee has been named to locate a suitable site for the big agricultural display of the bright leaf tobacco bolt in the coming autumn. The committee is considering a capable secretary for the falr Within a short time the subscription books will be open and Kinston people will be given an opportunity to do more than they have ever had the chance to do before toward "placing Kinston on the map." Mr. Burroughs of Durham impressed the committee when he old pt the great success of the first year 'Of the Durham fair. Such was the experience that thtf directors found it advisable to call for 124.175 of the $25,iC0 authorised capital, which had not been required v the n ret year. The Durham folks were rather conserva tive in trying out their proposition, but evidently were gi tally impressed with its possibilities or else they would not go so strong Xh4 second year. Have you joined the fait boosters? The charter membership is being kept , open for your accommodation. Get on the band wagon. AMERIC A IS READY FOR ANY EVENTUALITY The altitude of the German press towards the note of protest addressed to the Imperial Government by the United State is to.be regretted. One of the papers wants to know What the United States can do, if she doesnt like Germany' way of doing? Asserting at the same time that the United States has no army, and that he wruld not dare send her navy where proud and pow erful England feared to tread. This is the echo of the Gardner ilk of ."unprepurcdness howlers." The note of the United States was sent in the kindliest spirit of pro test. It waa firm and the circumstances, necessitating it, justified firmness. A situation had arisen which made it, in the opinion of President Wilson and his advisers, nec essary that Germany' attention be called to the fact that the neutral countries had rights, Which must be res petted.. The action of the Administration has been pretty generally endorsed throughout the country. Ex-President Taft I among jtbose who have sanctioned president Wil son's action. The course pursued by this country was one of prevention. It waa an earnest plea that no action be taken by Germany which would involve the rights of this country's citizens and their property. It was friendly ncteof warning, and it is sincerely to be hoped that the Kaiser and his advisers will so regard it and will yiold to the contentions of this Government, which are so manifestly just. The German critics must not be too hasty to conclude that the United States is not prepared to protect itself. The fighting strength of K nation is not always to be determined by the numbers. v, The spirit within those men is the mighty factor that brings vie tory against jrreat odds.,. Our German friends must con aider thot when the United States goes to war it is as the result of action taken by its people, or their direct representatives and not because of an imperial edict, with which the, masses may or may not be conversant or approving. ' When American men are called to arms they answer with a spirit which is dauntless in the face of all odi's. Our critics must bear in mind, too, that the colors of this Nation have never been trampled. It the Ger mans, take a cooler view of the situation. The United States doesn't want to become involved, and is not going to if there ia any possibility of honorably avoiding it. But let, that not be taken as indicating that this Government is afraid that she may not be ready for protecting her good name. She is ready and prepared for any even tuality. VICE DISTRICT WOULD BE CLOSED IF LAWS WERE ADMINISTERED ; The proper administration of the laws is a matter of if r$il concern in every community and the situation In Kltt -i.m ii no exception. There would be very much less ''!, cr ibo continual addition to the statutes if the lX vit s whose duties are to properly administer and en force the laws, were diligent in that performance. There , are' laws in Kinston prohibiting the use of the sidewalks as cuspidors and the throwing of refuse on the streets, but ihey are not enforced. No pretense of enforcing them is made.. Both, ordinances are flagrantly violated and Queen street usually looks like the "city dump" rather lhfcn,the beautiful thoroughfare that it is when properly kept "cleaned. Why is this? Is it possible that the police I WHAT OTHERS SAY , in i . DRASTIC IS THE "WORD." Wilmington Dixpatch: "Old friend, Drastic, seems fig uring quite extensively in the public print these days. whether it be in Senatorial politics, European war meas ures or Tar Heel prohibition." DIVERSIFY CROPS, SAYS HOUSTON. New Bern Journal: Secretary Houston hit the nail on the head in his address at the annual dinner of the Cham ber of Commerce, on Thursday night, when he declared that North Carolina did not need more farmers just at this time, but instead, needed more attention paid to the land which is now under cultivation, and also that which is lying idle. This is true in every sense if the word. Vast tracts of land are lying idle in this State and much of that which is under cultivation ia not giving the proper yields. Until the farmers definitely decide to diversify their crops, farm on a more scientific and more modern principle, this State will never lie able to say that it has fully developed its agricultural resources. Tho thing that has got to be done in North Carolina is to make a firm resolution right now to pay more attention to farming. make the soil work the greater part of the year, and to get results from the amount of labor expended thereon." Ll - "Zfrf X said The Thinkers of the i Country Are the Tobacco Chewers" one of the greatest thinkers country ever produced. Say the Painter: "You notice most painters chew. they didn't the paint mighjtmake . their throats too dry. , 4I rhru a Int nn.4 aiUji.i. FlCWlt: 1 WIS 1 , not only - because of its naturally sweet, long lasting txste, but because of its mildness. I can chew more PICNIC TWIST than I can dark heavy' tobacco and without any let down' afterwards." ., PICNIC TWIST is not being advertised to introduce it,- but to spread the fame of a chew that is already popular. It has lonn been adver tised by word-of-niouth praise, the best advertis ing there is. V hM CHEWING TOBACCO "The Thnlfen of the Country Am the Tohacca Cheiveri" Buy a twist and you will latle and feel the reason of it popularity. Then get one of the 50c. freshness-preserving drums of 11 twists. Ml IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BE FORE TIIE CLERK. North Carolina, Lenoir County: In the Matter of the Will and Codicil of Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner, Deceased. NOTICE To Jesse Lassiter: You will take notice hereby as an heir at law and a next of kin of Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner, deceased, that Joseph Kinsey and George L. Taylor, execu tors under the last will and testament and codicil thereto of the said Mrs. Lucy J. Joyner, will on February 18, 1915, offer the said will and codicil for probate jn solemn form before the clerk of the Superior Court of Len oir county, North Carolina, at his of fice. . You will further take notice hereby that a notice has been heretofore is sued to you, notifying you that the said will and cciicil of Mrs. Lucy J, Joyner. would be offered for. probate in solemn form in the manner and at the time and placeKtbove mentionod, which notice was delivered to the sheriff of Lenoir county, North Carb thot you were not to be found in said county. And you will further take notice that it having appeared to the satis faction of the court that you cannot, after due diligence, be found in the State of North Carolina, that an or der was made authorizing that you be summoned by publication. You will therefore take notice here by that you are required to appear before the undersigned, clerk of the Superior Court of 'Lenoir county, North Carolina, at his office on the 18th day of February, 1916, when and where the last will and testament and codicil thereto of Mrs. Lucy J. Joy ner will be offered for probate in sol emn form by the' executors therein named, and contest the said last will and testament and codicil thereto if you shall think proper to do so or be thereafter forever barred. This 15th day of January, 1915. J. T. HEATH, Clerk, Superior Court. Lenoir County, N. C. LOFTIN A DAWSON, rh Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Brcnusc of its tonic ami laxativ effect. LAXA T1VK HKOMO Ol 'N''l in belter thiin ordinary Quinine and does not cause nerwomnasa nor ringing in head. Kemcmlier the full name and look (or the sienatu'-' of K. W. GROVK. 25c Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. rhysician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: - v 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 unci A .STATEMENT For Your Convenience I have on hand and in stock new Cart Bodies, 4 Good Bug gies, Good Delivery . Wagon, 3ush Carts, Wheel Barrows, 3reak Carts, Trucks, r I and 2 lorse wagons For Sa e cheap. AH kind of Repairs done on short, notice HARREL BROTHERS AT FOOT OF PARROXT'S BRUCE 9 1 THE.NEW - BaiJ ERNlOlEHGlJSn DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED bY-l tit. Kinston Free Pre. Feb. U SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET otidown.nl of thia treat atfucatianaJ opportunity tr eyttloa out . OPo. r patU ' . . . .i i r .at f AmMMMtinn wttk fm ethara oi cawatutifa datea-And nranuiiM lhaaa at tKia affiea. wrth tha aapanaa borma amount krrwa oopo. .... ... u ai Dictiooarv aalacted (which covara Mama ot Utm eaat or pack. . ina. axnreaa fnim Ka factory, chackias. daric bira ud other aocowary EXF U.m). and ym will ba praawt.d wub your ckaica oi tna wraa ix-n The $4.00 (Like illustrations in tlie annocncCmrnt from diy & day ) New ' It u the only entirely nbw compilation by the world'i i Modem English greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in f DICTION AKYfull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on hack and t rounded; beautiful, strong, durable, besides tne, general contents, tucre are maps and over ouu suDjects Deaumuuy uiustruicu vy imiv r -suhiects bv monotones 16 pages of SZ'7. .a. .,fr.nniVvirta nnt thi. latest United States Census Present I ' at this office SIX Cometntira Certiiicatn oi AppwUtiia 1 t IjoC 11,- Oft la IB ploia aioin. bind IC A." in- ,tmPed ta .old V il B lekj ha aon.a and charts tra onilita SIX Aprf I IQn pr-clation C-rtificBtca and lb IOC i ir.ir Auiiviui Anw Ku.u I. if ti.t-i-Al t.f.ict. hictiHta FTTtTnA T eestla with In Tl 150 milea: 1) cenla ir, to S ml a, f-r srater dlaUincaa K your iMlnuritar amount, ta InIuao fur 1 DOUTlda. , V - 'V . C4 AH il ' exactly tha aamo ice . ,h, ,4 00 booit x. ' New cf-Pt in tha atyla ot Modern Enpsh bindin-hich u m DICTIONARY iVl K liliutrated j a and j"nu of , with Muarecorn.ra. SIX At- I fi-f a 1 praetutiaa CartifioHa aaJ tha 5 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF. KINSTON has Been and wiU conlmutfo hijjit policy of this bank to $ fp the ' wheels oj industry moftirig.. omciRs N. J. ROUSE. Pre. , DR. H.TULL, Vice Preticent, D.F. WOOTEN.CatbUr, , 8 J. J. BIZZELU Ast Cashier, T. W. HEATH. Teller. " --' '. -.... J DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oettinger H. TuII J. 1 1 Canady L C Mose'ey J. F. Parrott C Felix Harvey . . H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy s.Hiser:;. N. J. Rouse Dr. 0. L. WILSON D&st Office over J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. H.C. TURNER, Contractor and Builder Phone 459 J. , ; BENTON & MOORE Architects Wilson, : : II. C. w The Eafiona! BanEi of Clmsfton Beware of Ointments for Cata rh that Contain Mercury, iBMTury a Ml mrcly cimtroy tha arrow ot tnn mi cwnpteti-ly diTamm the whul avstatn hu iiurlna it i.trntKh tln mu.tnta mrta va. Hurt irttrm ahmiM iwver Ik uanl rrrpt oa pnwrli. km tltn r-Mlt!llilr phyktruttia. m tho Mien Min tm do Is t-n tuhi to tit. tnMHt i,ti otin ptmnbly da- iiw'to. ttiuis fstarni nirf. manumctum. r V. i. Chwwy A , ItiUnlo, i., ontnlna no wt ut-, aixt la uiken lulrnmliT. artlnr itlnxtly upor da t.lnl anil miiriHui mirtan-a of thc ayirtMn. I uytxt Una irrB nrr tm mm you art l oulna. II ti faikrn Internally ami nwilj ta l'cl.' . by r. J. h.wy A no. traimior.iala Irea. itva or Jirumims. lTkcf. Itt. art hotila. 'i'akr ilrfil'f l.'Wili tut (or mwuna-Moik . 111 mMm m tep H -111 1 F Hi 1 EAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, bur equipment and b u s i n e s s rr ethods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advanr jge.' f , ; Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 "THE OLOfST AND STRONGEST BANK III TIIE COUIITr III : 9 MARKETS TOHAYH5 QUOTATIONS PBODUCK Wholeaale - Prieea Report! ky Uie ; , KLaetoa reaaiit Cesipaay rrk 1214 Lari 14 rc'itoea, sweet .. ............. 60 r. ....................... so c. butt ..v...U.r.l.;sa:'i I' found ................ 10 r . rs, round '..'..V.Jm.....'" I -i, fica ? r , ! .. ft Today's Cotton Market New York, Feb. 16. Today's fu tures quotations were: Open Close March ...8.4 ; 8.50 May .. ...... 4. Ui..'.;-.t.7S-:-. 8.T7 Jury . . .......... V.;..8.9a ; 8,94 October i. .. t.19 9.1$ December .9.36 - 9M ' Local SaWa Today: ' Eijht bales at from Se to 7 8-tc CHICHESTEnrSPILLS A" Wr ajoM.stat-a-fcM.. ---" a MnwiUWl4i.iLAlt,uUv 1' 1 WHITE I V IW II 1 1.10c I. For the Easiest, Quickest 'Most Brillianf and ' I-astinffShine--Choose 2 in 1 Shoe Polish! In the , rEasy-Opehing"Box. AUIalers,10c.pej-p. ' ' ' ' 'The F: F. DALLEY' CO.! Ltd. BUFFALO. HAMILTON, CAN.

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