THE KINSTON FEEE PRESS M n'll'H Vv C I) C E 1 n n P O Q nnn Uslamui to reason that Germany i' not LI A I L I 1 ll L t ill LU) ln t0 t,ie l,rotcf,ts of aU untri that are not now at war with her in enforcing a rule that will (Published Every Day Except gsnday) J tramhiotb, r;Kht of those countries. The German press KINSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC, KINSTON. N. C U defiant and naturally so. There is public sentiment IL GALT BRAXTON EDITOR AND MANAGER which mut bo kept in a UlliRercnt frame. It will not ; (United' Preee Reports) ' j be win for the Cormun press to Bound any peace note ZU.n at the twitoflke at Kintton, North Carolina, as with reformed tq' any country, belligerent or neutral, until second class matter under act of Congress, March 3, J879.) .", TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTS! EN TS-75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( Payable In Advance) One Week V........ Oae Month v.....; TWree Month .. ,"v.Vi. ' Six months,, I..;.,.,;.. Twelve Months ,..v 10 35 1.00 2.00 4.00 the tho Kui.A'j is ready to seek peace. Mot emphatically "war cry" must be kept in the bent of t-ne. Subscribers arc requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any Irregularity of delivery or inat tention: .whatsoever on the part of the carriers: WEDNESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 17, 1913 . Ten billion a year in oil the war is costing the Allies. A small item. 'Just a mere bagatelle. But who' to pay tho bill? The people, yes, the people, who have already been Impoverished and deprived of their means! of sup port. - . , .v . Ihe Americans and other foreigner still remaining in Mexico in an endeavor to preserve their property, had as well ";rive ,up tho; ihlp" and depart fas a more healthful rooe. The various countries have authorized their dip lomats to ask for their passports, whenever, in the Judjr went of the diplomat, it was thought nest, l or our part reservations would be made for the next outgoing train. - Mr. Wilson has put it up to Congress to make it possi bla to avoid the calling of any extraordinary session im mediately following the Sixty-third sitting. The passage of the ship purchase bill and the appropriations bill must be accomplished, the Chief Executive ruy.i, before any ad joarnment can be had, Other less important mutton, H is intimated from Washington would not be considered o urgent as to require en extra session. Kinston's mid-winter' ChAutaunua will bo held in thy Grand Theater, February 25, 2fl and 27. The licket com mittee is already at work, and the first day' experience has been very gratifying. The guarantors expert to real ize some profit, but the benefit will not accrue to them it being planned to start a fund for some school auxiliary movement which will Iks beneficial to the community. Tin attractions will be of the highest class and deserve the patronage of tho people of the city generally. Help the committee by engaging your tickets early. State Senators Giles and Cooper e following in thi footitcpi of "Teddy and Hill." It !ow heroines quitt cmbunafciug to thoae gentlemen to bo forced into Juxta position with wh other. A most awkward situation for to reniesontatfvcs of the people. Bent to tho St.ite Ah sejmbly to transact business of vital importance to the Commonwealth, to find themselves in. Senators, why no! smoke tho ponce pipe and let by-pones be by-gones? Schoolboy tactics aro out of order in the chief legislative body of tho State, ,The eitir.ens of Selma are rnisinK a "little rain" about ' tllelr depot, and the Raleigh News and Observer sayit thVy shot.ld hnve a depot which would give comfortabh accommodation to the traveling public. The Free Pros.' egreea with the idea, and would add that after the new depot is built, that the railroad see that tho agent, oi whoever la supposed to have it kept clean, to do so, Theit oro a great many depots, as well as other public build ings, which have been erected at considerable cost, bu' which ro allowed to be abused and kept in such an ur. sanitary condition as to make them almost unbearable rst , . . It was a great tribute to temperance that England"; Clicneellor, IJoyd George, paid wbtu he' declared, fulluw in); the Paris conference of the Allies, that the probihi tloh of ,trong drink In Russia had raised the eftidem-j of the people there almost fifty per c r.t. This h a!t tin mora iemn"kahlc r.nd worthy tif the thought and at ten t!o of the people of tho world when the short time in which the new order of things has been operative. No roar than ix months. In Russia prohibition prohibit' betfaUM) it is by imperial edict, and the subjects fear t, go against the mr.ndate f their sovereign. A little care K'jusnes in thai respect might mean the loss of a head. Should Kinslon secure a satisfactory jiifariojpr record er's court, which would relieve thei Mayor from the con duct of court, and the straight salary of the Mayor be mde attractive for an A-l business man to loujflaer the place, i' might solve the problem Jef "the best plan for city government for Kiitston." Should a capable business man lie made Mayor with full responsibility for the con-1 d;ict of ill the city's affairs, and with the authority for , selecting subordinate department heads, subject, of course, to the approval of the Mayor and Council, a new ki'id of city manager plan might be thus devised which would givo Kinston, better government than she has here tofore enjoyed. The idea might be worthy of considera tion ut ony rate. Those who have business with The Free Press or other concerns on the north side of Gordon street, leading west from Queen, should take the precaution to wear their boots in order u wade through the mud-pond, occasioned by the refuse obstructing the sidewalk and making it necessary to take the middjft.of the street. If the rain keeps up and the city authorities continues to permit the sidewalk and part of the driveway to remain blocked, The Free Press will endeavor to get a boat line started for the ac commodation of its friends. Seriously, why are the streets allowed to b3 blocked unnecesyarily ' In every caso where pedestrians are"' forced to take to the middle of the street, those who are being benefited by the obstruction should be required to build a walkway for their convenience around tho obstruction. A visit to the section by Mr Mayor, Mr, Chief of Police, or whoever is authorized to have the debris removed would be quite obliging. When may we expect you? They're Great!" Pat, June, 1914 HQ&SUI4 Pan Biscuits Just think of It 19 golden-brown biscuits, so much more flavory, richer and better than anything you SffK have ever bought. Sealed in glawne bags at the ftk notlew Purity Bskery TO REACH, VOUR TABLE CLEAN AND r RESU! ' XSSX&S' Dust and Odors Can t Get at This Protected Bread All the goodners and rich flavor that ore hiu.ed into this bread ARE PRO TKC TED BY THIS SEALED WRAP- PING! Why fuss and bother with home baking, or put up with ordinary bread that many hands have handled, . when vou Can have "IIOI.SUM" . Mad-3 dean, sold cLan, d bvered clean. Double site loaj, 10c. UOLSVM, JR., Sc. : , Ce "HOLSUM" with your next order I I I I :' ' , " ' " i" A FOR SALE BY W. E. Parrott & Co. RECORDS OF RAN its FOR 1911 DO NOT JUSTIFY' INTEREST ADVANCE. Tho bill introduced in the State Senate to allow hunk ers to charge eight per cent, by contract should be very carefully considered before being passed. The Free Press is not familiar with nil the details or provisions of the bill, and therefore is not in a position to discuss the safe guards being included to prevent a general increase of tho money cost in this State. Six per cent, is the maxi mum amount now allowed and should the bankers have a bill passed, which would enable them to muke general increases to eight per cent, it would mean an increase of two pet cent, in the cost of living in North Carolina. The increased loan rate would be reflected in practically every commodity , and Ihintf necessity. The proposed measure may not contemplate uny such increase, but un less due care is exercised the contract feature may be eomo obligatory on the part of small and less influential borrowers, who seek accommodation at tho banks of the State." The banks of this State, speaking generally are in good condition, and the reports of the various stockhold' ers' rnooTOgs held tne beginning oi tne year snow mat approximately the same profits were made during 1914 as heretofore. Dividends of from eight to ten per cent were paid with equivalent amounts or more added to the surplus funds. Such figures do not justify the bankers at the present time in seeking any general increase in ban revenues, WHAT OTHERS SAY THE K INDEKGAHTKN Charlotte Observer : "The Otacrvcr gives place to o letter from Mr. Ihm.-ild MacRae, relating to the efforts be- n.'I made in the Legislature for the passage of a bill es- .ablishing the branch of kindergarten training in the pub ic schools of North Carolina, together with a letter from doctor Claxttm. giving endorsement to the movement. H.'tor Clu. ton's views are of consequence, his judgment n educational matters being regarded as of the best au thorit.y The hill advocated by these friends of public c liicatloh is me which may well call for the careful con sideration of the legislators at Raleigh." INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTInGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) II THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON has been and will continue to he the policy of this bank to keep the wheels of industry mooing OFFICERS N. J ROUSE, Pres. DR, H. TULL, Vice Pretxtar, D. F. WOOTEN.Ct.Lijr. s J. J. BIZZELL, Ass't Cashier, T. W. HEATH, Tetter. DIRECTORS. W, L. Kennedy David Oetlinge H. Tuli j. I Canady L, C Moseiey J. F. Parrott C Felix Haivey H. E. Moseiey . F. Taylor H. H. McCoy 5. H Isler N. J. Rouse ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect Feb. 14, 1915.) N. B. The following schedule fig- urea published as information only. and are not guaranteed. Ths as-uranee, which come from Ambassador ""errard a; XWl'n, that the diplomatic relntions between this conn-trj-'"and Germany are not m-nr the breaking point, as Bome of the rorre.ipomlrnW would appear to be undertak ifijT to give the impression, u indeed gratifying. Holland has joined with, the other neutral' and entered a protest at the misuse of the Dutch flag, and at the proposed Ger- : 1GCHKS INDICATE EXTRAVAGANCE. Wilmington Star: "A man w:ts raising a political howl i bout tho increase in the price of bread. He was asked f he ate one lunf of broad each day, but he replied that ite rarely ever ate half u loaf a day. He admitted that he was surprised when he was shown that if he would cut out one 5-cent cigar a day, at the end of a year he would have $M.(0 more than in the increase in the price of his bread would amount to, even if he were to eat a loaf a day at a cost of one cent a day more than the for mer price. Since figures do not lie, the politician could not dispute tho statistician." VOX POPULI ANENT THE "CEDAR DELL l) BAPTIST CHURCH "Ma Editor: ' . "for two reasons, I am asking epaeo for a word about the newly con rtitu;ed church fct the Kennedy,, Home. "First, I want to thank you for iho thoughtful and lengthy write-up yen . gave f the occasion, mid then eonvct an allusion which slipped your pen unintentionally, which might Le mk&ading to those who did not fully u.iderstand the facts. In reference; to the church building to l ere?jl en' the highway near the svnol?!, ;-o;i "and wilt welcome the Bap tist's of the entire 'neighborhood ti (' '. i -within iH jot.Vi." If i.! had substituted the word "people" for l:ptist:i in your expression you would have been niost fort'ini'to. That i exactly the truth in the mat 'er. We want it to be a 'Tree by the liters of Water." which will send out its sheltering branches over t,U the community. There are none so rich or so poor of any Christian or der, or of none, who will not lie wtl tome' -thrice welcome. ; The institution is very fortunate ia having as its superintendent, El der G. I' Merrell, who U a minis ter, tried and true, and very highly esteemed for his faithful service in a'! the ' trusts committed to him. k While he, being a part of th body in construction, did not figure in the presbytery whkdi eontituted the church, he was present and wilt be a rrcnt helo find surnort to the chnr.-l .j "This church for many reasons will be a kind of 'pet' among the churches of Eastern Csrolina. It will soon be one of the leaders 4t the sister churches and a model in its standards of service. ' .'. , . , "C. W. BLANCHAKD." TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound 111 p.m. "Niirht ExDress." Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Jforfolk. folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects or all points North and West Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Udly for Goldsboro, 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:33 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, appiy to w. J. JNichoIson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent J. D. STACK, General Superin- lenaeni, XNonoiK. va. uarry at tatshrdlu atashrdlu u radl WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated with A. Cheney, Civil Engineer, at A. Cheney's Office. KINSTON, N. C. BENTON & MOORE Architects Wilson, : : N. C. "No Day is More Dangerous Ttidn the One lhatDawns Without It's 'Putti" The duty of Todayin your case w to trive to make your house a real home. One of the neces sities is comfortable furniture. Do This Now. '4 . It is easier to meet the duty of properly furnishing the home if you get in personal touch . with Quinn & Miller. ?5Jf?f Jn J if KNSTOfy A' C KT0UR WEEKLY. LIMERICK A lady couldn't think for her life, What would be nice, "for Huhbie from Wife.", Till she came to OUR STORE Where we have nice things galore And bought him a hne Pocket tCnife. Ladies. Take It From Us- Nothing Would Please Him Better. He'd Stay Home Nights and Whittle! ( We've seen him glance longingly in our Gutlery Case several times and think we know just the style that would suit him. IT WOULD MAKE A NICE PRESENT D. V. DIXON (, SON Carload of Extra Fine Mules Just Arrived At Copeland Brothers In this lot you will find mules of the very best .quality,, all broke and sound, several pairs of heavy mules well mated and of the right age, in fact a better lot of mules has never been on this market. Come and look at them before you buy, we will make prices right and terms to suit purchaser. We also have a plenty of PLANT BED GUANO use ours and get the best results. Will be"glad to furnish you your supplies on time. Come to see us before' making your arrangements. r Copeland Brothers Kinston. - - N. C. FOR SALE Dry Hne Wood, sawed anu split in lengths ready for the cook store. Sam Taylor, Phone 8?2. 2-ll-3wks-Dly C ASTORIA For Infants and Children ; In Use For Over 30 Years of NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The un dersigned having qualified as exee cutrix of the estate of Mrs. Martha J. SUnly, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Par- tics indebted to said estate are ex pected to make prompt settlement. This February 2," 1915. BERTHA ROUNTREE, - . Executrix of Martha J. Stanly, de-, ceased. ROUSE AND LAND, Attorneys. f Always bears tne Signature The OuMnr TIM Does Net Affect The Huri """" tt Khhc .ml lualir rdert. LAX A JTIVK RKOMOUt lNINKltterthaa.nlinarT Cumin ami tkc ao nr Brmnuiru mot t.nrtni I. WtikI. (rmtmlm th fnll urn, and tuo lot U (waauir ol K. W. OHOVK. lie. The National Sank off KinsSon f;P y fi its EAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methbds, and this bank has kept pace with them : Wh le conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and busine ss methods are modern: ' Let us do business together td our mutual advantje.- Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus. $90,000.00 "THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST DAliK III TIIE"C00ilTW"Ji