TIIE KINSTON FREE PRESS WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN- SECTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS R ANTED Experienced Milliner and Saleslady. No others need apply, Eli Nachamson. 2-16-3 t-Dly f OR RENT Three or four rooma at 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. J , 1-23-Dly-tf FOR SALE House and lot, opposite Knitting Mill, No. 426 Caswell St Call at or phone Lenoir Pressing dub. 2-17-3t-Dly FARM FOR BENT 2-horse farm. good buildings, good land, good Io- cation. Becton ana Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SW-tf - v V ' , FARMS FOB SALE We have w eral small farms for sale;' terms reasonable. IBenton arid' Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SWltf v.7 LOST Sunday, between Mrs. Bar wick's and Christian church, Ma sonic Emblem, with date on reverse sHe, May 27, 1887. Finder return to this office for reward. 2-15-Dlytf Anvone desiring a "Lady May" Dress Form for thetr spring sewing, write Miss Lula Penny, Wilson, N. C, and when she visits your town she will call you up. 2-17-2t-Dly 100 New Popular Copyright Fiction, just received; only 60c. Formerly S1.25 and $1.35 each. Get the book you want before they have been pick ed over. J E, ' Hood & Co, Book Store. 2-13, 17, 20-3t WILL PAY REWARD OF FIFTEEN Dollars for the return of my piano post sign and the conviction of the person who took" it away from the tenoir Drug Company corner, Sun day or Monday last Forrest Smith. 2-17-3t-Dly HAVE YOtf 1LAND FOR SALE? We subdivide i land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts and sell at auction. If you want to con vert your property into cash and in terest bearing notes, write or wire us. Southern Realty and Auction Co., E. M. Andrews Manager, Greensboro, N. C. r 2-3-tf-Dly ff ', ,1f NOTICE OF ENTRY State of North Carolina Lenoir County. " ' To C. W. Pridgen, Entry Taker, for Lenoir County. The undersigned, L, B. Humphrey, of the County of Craven, and J. H. Huggins of the County of Jones, and State of North Carolina, have enter ed and laid claim to the following de scribed piece or parcel of land in South West Township, Lenoir County, North Carolina, the same being vac ant and unappropriated land and sub ject to entry, Vi? ; Bounded on .the North by the lands of M. C. Stroud, on the North East by the lands of Thomas Sutton, on , the South East by the lands of A. F. Becton, on the South "by the lands of Freeman Civils, and on the West by I the lands of Samuel Loftln, Dec'd and W. B. Becton. Containing by esti mation Two Hundred Acres more or '.less. ' ;. ' -. ' L. B. HUMPHREY Entered this 29th day of January, 1915. J. H. HUGGINS GUY C TAYLOR Special Representative New York Life lnsurance Co. Hookerton, N. C. JONES THINKS DAY OF THE BATTLESHIP PAST Too Vulnerable to Submarine At tacks, 8aye "Little Navy" Leader Who, : However, Won't Protest New Construction for Sake of Board's Policy (By the United Prese) Washington, Feb. 17 -"Not a single battleship should be built by this country this year," declared Senator Jones, of Washington, in discussing the naval appropriation bitt "I will not make any fight to prevent one or two battleships being built for sever al reasons. , The most important is that the Naval Board seems to wish to keep up a certain program and I have no wish to interfere with that But as to the catual value of battle ships, I do not believe that the con struction of one, two, three or four battleships this year would add ma terially to the strength of the power of resistance of the United States. "This great war now raging in Eu rope, and for that matter all over the world, has demonstrated one thing very clearly, and that is that a lit tle submarine, costing perhaps two or three hundred thousand dollars and carrying less than one hundred men, can with comparatively immunity sink a big dreadnaught of the enemy that cost $15,000,000 and carries a 1 crew of about 1,000 men. When struck by the torpedo from the sub marine, incidentally, the big boat be-1 comes a mere deathtrap for her large crew, including the scores of officers which the government owning the dreadnaught had spent so much money to educate and train." e SOCIAL ' And PERSONAL Colds Relieved Without Dosing i ii ,. If yon have tried "Internal'' medicines Without success, we want yon to try the "External" treatment Tick's "Vap-O-Eub" Salve. Apply hot wet towels over the throat and chest to open the pores, then rub Vick's in well and cover with a warm flannel cloth. - The body warmth releases healing vapors that are Inhaled with each breath, and. in addition. Vick's Is absorbed through the pores. 25c, 60c, or $1.00. 22 VNWNE PtA.3 THtS TRADE MARK VAporjjB" VICK'S pSkS SALVE City Inspector J. F, Foley spent yesterday In New Bern. Baa Mr. R. B. Blalock of New Bern was a business visitor In the' city last night Mr. Zeb. Barker of . Trenton spending a few days with friends here. ' BBS Mrs. B. G. Taylor and little daugh ter, Kathleen, of Ayden, are visiting mends here. a a a fir. j. u. lurus and wire, nee Miss Kathleen Kilpatrick, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mewborn. I a a a Miss Bessie Braxton is at home af ter a stay of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Frank Strowd, in Chapel inn. a a a Mrs. W. M. Creecy and children of Wilmington, are guests in the homo of Mrs. Creecy's brother, Mr. Charles Bagby. 1 a a a Young People of Christian Church to Meet Friday Night , I The young people of the Gordon Street Christian church will hold meeting in the social rooms of the church Friday night The occasion ' will be largely devoted to the social welfare and general work of the ' young people. All the young people of the congregation, their friends and any other members of the church or other young people's societies or those interested, are cordially invit ed to be present A WAY OUT A Resident of Kinston Shows the Way.- There's one effective way to relieve kidney backache. Liniment and plasters may relieve it; But they seldom reach the cause, Backache is cause to suspect the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for disor dered kidneys. Kinston people back them up. Read a case of it. Mrs. I. S. Andrews, 513 Heritage St, Kinston, says: "About a year ago had kidney complaint My back ached and pained all the time and in the morning I was so sore and lame that I could hardly stoop over. I tired very easily and it was an effort for me to do my housework. I al so had headaches and spells of dizzi ness and my sight was blurred. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me from the first and I continued using them until I was cured of all symptoms of kidney troubles." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Andrews had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y. adv FOR RENT Garage on West Gor don street j Apply to J. F. Taylor. DOVER VICTORIOUS OVER COMMODORES. The Commodores, the local basket ball quintet fell victims to the strong Dover amateurs in Knott's warehouse Tuesday night. The score was 18 to 13, and the game was well played throughout The Dover teafn had twice before played the locals and each time been defeated, and conH dently announced a day or two ago that they would reverse matters this week. The Commodores are slated for a game with New Bern later la $200 WORTH OF TICKETS ' FOR FESTIVAL SOLD. Over $200 worth of tickets to the Midwinter Chautauqua, to be held under the auspices of the Booster Club, in tht! Grand Theater on the last three days of neat week, have been sold. There will be but slight chance to secure season tickets and have seats reserved if prospective purchasers wait much longer. They can be had by 'phoning J. E. Hood & Co. The proceeds will go to a school children's benefit . An educa tional rally is expected to be put on Friday or Saturday by the school children. YOUTH CAUGHT IN BELT, WHIRLED TO HIS DEATH. Winston-Salem, Feb. 16. Oscar Spaugh, aged 17 years, was suddenly killed about six miles from here this afternoon at 2 o'clock, yhen he was caught by a belt which he was trying to put on the fly-wheel of a saw-mill engine, wnen ne was caugnt ana carried around the first time he struck the belt running the governor and knocked it off. The governor did not shut off the steam entirely and the unloaded engine ran at a ter rific speed, carrying the young man around the fly wheel for about fif teen minutes before it was stopped. BaGIUM'S CAPITAL NOW IS IN SUBURB OF CITY OF HAYRE By William G. Shepherd (United Presa Staff Correspondent) Havre, France, Feb. 2. (By mail to New York) Squeezed ino a 11 Uo suburb, known as Nice-Havrais, is the Belgian government In the house once occupied by a. rich German ship per, the lielgian war department car ries cn its busy affairs. In another mansion deserted by a German, the forti effice holds sway and on the second floor cf long line of store buildings moat of the other depart mentvtave their temporary offices. France has timed over It is liuU sot to Belgium. Nice-Havrvs Is not Fivuch soil but Belgian, and it will remain so by the promise ct i'rnncc until the king of Belgium riiies again into .H -usui's. ' It is the Belgian postofflce that is the most interesting spot in this lit tle Belgium. The French postmaster moved out, bag and baggage, when the Belgians came, and the Belgian department of posts and telegraphs took it over. The telegraph business amounts to a little, but in the matter of posts this little office probably holds the world's record for its size. It is a paradise for postage stamp collectors They besiege the pktce, from the opening to the closing hour. They come from all parts of the coun tries Of the allies. Some of them live at a nearby hotel and day after day they repair to the little postofflce and buy stamps of all denominations which they affix to postal cards and thrust into the letter slots. It strikes an onlooker especially one who is not a victim of the post age stamp erase as a gruesome bus iness, this matter of making the Bel gian ill wind blow well for thenv selves, but this as a thought appears to have struck neither the postage stamp collectors themselves nor the pretty Belgian girl and the good looking Belgian fellow, with the brown mustache, who preside at the stamp window. They have batches of stampg including one of every domination ready for any person who comes up and says, "Give me all of them." THIS WOMAN WAS VERY UNHAPPY, iy kit-Ay 4 " '- 5 y - . n , The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed v Chew Bobs 99 5c the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. J EARTILY yours -"Bobs." The new candy-covered chewing gum. Heart- shaped, with the finest flavor of fresh pepper mint you ever tasted and it's wholesome gum you chew. Get "BobsoianyDcalcp jj ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified a administrator of the estate of Wind sor DaiL deceased, late of ta. County ' of Jones and Stat of North Carolina,' this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said do ceased to exhibit them to him, at his residence in aaid County of Jones, ofv or before the 28th day of January, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded ir bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pleas, make , immediate payment. , This the 23rd day of January, 1916. W. I DAIL, Administrator of Windsor PaD de ceased. ; . W. D. POLLOCK, Attorney for Ad-. ministrator. Plies Cared la t. 14 Days Your draft! will fund B0M7 If TAZQ OINTMENT fails to tun aar mm a Itcklna. Blind. Blatdinf or Protruding Pik la St 14 day. Tk first v plication fit u u4 Sk i0 Last Call -For- Expensive, Cheap and all kinds of New and Up-to-DateLine of Shirt , waists. Mrs. M. L Brasv.ell Physically and Mentally Worn Out- Tells How Nervous and Crying Spells Were Ended by VinoL Monmouth, 111.: "I w a weak, wornout and nervous. "T had no ap petite, and was getting so thin and discouraged, one day I just broke down and cried when a friend came in and asked me what was the mat ter. I told of my condition and how nothing I took seemed to do me any good. Vinol was suggested. I got bottle and before it was half gone I could eat and sleep well. I con tinued its use and now my friends say I look ten years younger, and I am well, healthy and strong. I wish could induce every tired-out, worn- out, nervous woman to take Vinol." Mrs. Harriet Gale, Monmouth, 111. There are many over-worked, tired- out, care-worn, nervous women in this vicinity who need the strength ening, tissue building, ana vitalizing effects of Vinol, our delicious cod liv er and iron tonic, and so sure are we that it will build them up and make them strong that we offer to return their money if it fails to benefit. Vinol is a delicious preparation of the extract of cod liver oil and pepto nate of iron and contains no oil. J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists, Kin ston, N. C, and at leading drug stores everywhere. , adv v 1 1-- ......ii-- , 1 - r-v.- Biggest Jewelry Opportunity Kinston Has Ever Known Kit GRAND THEATRE BIG HOUSE BIG SHOW TODAY World Film Feature in Five Reels "Whien Broadway was a Trail" Elliot & Elliot- Southern Rosebuds Change of Bill Daily- Thursday-Third Installment of ' "ZUDORA" . 4UncIe Crusty V-ErJiwn-r Reel. "The Wife's Stratagem"-Biograph-l Reel "Fable Proving that Spongers are Found in Drag stores"-Es8anay. Matin8esr!:dfly Evenings v',7.. Sand 10 Cents 10 and 20 Cents MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS PRODUCE the WMeaala Prices Reported by Ktestoa Peaaat Company Wmk UH Urd 1 Potatoes, sweet .. 0 Eggs 80 Country butter 80 Hens, pound ......... . ..... 10 Broilers, po-id- 12H Boosters, spiec ............ 25 Oonit bushel . . ................ 84 Today's Cotton Market New York, Feb. 17. Today's cot ton futures quotations were: , ., - Open Close March May . . July . October . December .8.45 .8.72 .SJ90 .9.14 .......... 8 8.40 8.64 9t x Children Ory ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASIORIA All Modern Society Dances Taught BY Prof. Wm. S. and Mable Rackley OPENING IN LOFTIN'S OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night, 8 O'clock Prof. Rickley and Mm. Rackley will leach the ONE STEP, HESITATION and FOX TROT.; ' In cIm teaont, three b the One Step, three in the Hentatioo sad two in the Fox Trot for $5.00 or other one of the dance in clan lenoni fat $3.00. All three duces m eight private levoat for $10.00 or three private imam m eithei dance for $5.00. ' , ' . . Any other informatioa denired can be had from Prof.' Rackley. Mrs. Rackley or Gen. eral Manager, D. R. Sim. Carry own orchestra from Norfolk, form erly Chest Club Orchertrs. A.L.Hyatt,M:D. f t .. t General Practice Millet Building Trustee Sale of Rleber Denmark's Stock Now In Progress Every article in the store is marked in plain figures at and below cost, and must be sold. Nothing Reserved-All Must Go-Regardless Creditors Must Be Satisfied : An opportunity to buy Silver and Glassware, Watches, Jewels, Rings and Jewelry of all sorts, which has made the stock of this house replete.; You may, not need Jewelry now, but it will pay you to lay by in store for the future, : : Gome - See - Buy Plato Collins; Trustee Kleber Denmark-Jeweler v..

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