T7IE KINSTON : FREE PRESS iw aassaaassssi ss C2 LCCJUL HTOUESI " : , - h MARRIAGE LICENSE 4 On marrtare lfcenM Vu "Issued "this morning, to Joseph Cogdell, '24, 'and Vm? B. Edmundson, 21, color oth M lltoston." - -BEGINNING OF LENT". ' Today k'Ash Wednesday,' the first day of Lent ' A service held In "St. Mary's Episcopal church at. 10:30 and another ,wil be held this evening at 7:45. ... MEETING OF FRATERNAL . " ' MYSTIC CIRCLE. The' Fraternal Mystic 'Circle will ' meat tonight in the Woodmen's Ball at T;30 o'clock. A full attendance is rBAYEB MEETING TONIGHT "' AT FIRST BAPTISJ CHURCH. - Pastor Elanohard U desirous that a large attendance be had at aha reg- alar mid-week prayer service tonight at the church beginning at 7:30 o clock.,- - . BUSINESS SESSION OF UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION "''A bttsinesa session of the Unlver aaUsi Congregation i to be held to night m tha harch at T:30 'clock Pastor Bodell is anxious that as many of tha members he present as possl tile foa business of importance is to come up: " , . ' t, " ' : 'jn ill' 7 ' ii XL TBOVATORE TO BE ' SUNG IN GREENVILLE. . It Ja anohable that number of . Kinston ptop wiil go to Greenville tonight t hear Verdi'a I1 Trovators" aung by an all-star company. Such artisU as Mirth Carmen and Arthur Deant are in the out. Greenville ' lied to put up a guarantee of $700 - lor 800 to secure the attraction or one(ntght ' . f - ,rf,.a .f; j.l SWIFT CREEK WILL SEND CATTLE TO FAIR BCKE. - ' Swift Creek, in Pitt county, is ship ping rattle .of Jblue ribbon grades and t axrened to make a large exhibit tf live stock at the wctlonal fV here rtext falL The stock growers there, It is eaid, lay claim to having some wT the finest blooded stock in Eastern Carolina, and are anxious to get .chance to participate county exhibition. in the inter- COURT SEVERE ON FEMALES OF UNSAVORY CHARACTER. J Josephine Melton and Roxey Hin toa, negreeses, who, the authorities ay, have been a menace to white youths of tha city, ware summarily ferdered to leave the city within 24 boars or serve 80 days on tha county roads, where they would be worked as 'cooks or laundresses, by the City Tuesday night The women are char acters of some notoriety in the col ored ecfona, h i tu -. '-'-"" ' ' PRAYER SERVICE AT ? THE CHRISTIAN (GBCJlCTl j J-The mid-week prayer meeting of the Christian church will open at 7:45 this evening. The leader is Mr. II. E. Moaeley. The topic is "Christ's Breadth." The service closes at 8:30 and choir practice follows: i !"The room is well lighted, but no light shines in your eyes. The chairs are unusually comfortable. The room is' well heated. Everybody will be glad to see you. Why not comeT ' V "THE PASTOR." M ' ' " PAMLICO'S C0UNTTT8 ONE PRISONER IS AT LARGE. i .VT. H. Jackson, a negro, has escap ed from the Pamlico county jail at Baybore for the second time within two years. He was awaiting trial in Superior Court on the charge of steal ing a hog. He left a letter in which i ha exonerated the jailer of "compli citn" but did ot state how he man aged to get out, which is a mystery." That Pamlico county officials are ex tremely anxious to get Jackson back; sine he 'Waf the only person in jail there, may be some radically-inclined persons in the community who might want to' abolish the now temporarily useless institution. J f ,"7 FEATURE FILM AT THE . 4 v GRAND THIS EVENING. :Whea Broadway Was a Trail'' will be the motion picture topliner at the Grand Theater tonight The satject is a five-reel feature by the World Film Company, with its scenes laid on Manhattan Island in the ear ly days, f ' ;-,' The "Southern Rosebuds Musical Comedy Company, featuring Elliott and Elliott, trick dancers, will give a change of bill The vaudeville offer ing is clean and fresh, and at the sec ond presentation of a week's engage neat on Tuesday night Seemed ' to please. Specialties of unusual Inter- -ft will accompany the usual bills during the last half of the week. WHERE AND HOW WILL YOU SPEND THIS EVENING (Contributed.) Tonight is prayer-meeting night The houses of worship will be heated and lighted for the comfort of those who go. What are you going to do about HT Are you going to prayer meeting or to the moving pictuie show? Or will you loaf in the stores? Will you indulge yourself in the comfort of a good warm place by 'your own home Are or, like one who really means business in follow ing Jesus, will you deny yourself the comfort of home for a while, face the weather, and like the Mattter, go to "the place where prayer is wont to be made?" You need the pray er meeting and it needs you. Why not get together, that both may be Letter? You are responsible for the separation." , "Where do you want Jesus to find you tonight, at the prayer meeting hour?" TWO TRIED FOR AFFRAY WITH DEADLY WEAPONS George Wingate and Shade Parker, colored, were given a hearing in Mu nicipal Court Tuesday night on the charge of affray with deadly weap ons. The men are employed on a shifter crew on the Norfolk South ern yards as brakeman and fireman, respectively. Wingate cat Parker with a knife, and it developed that the latter defended himself with a hammer or some other heavy imple ment The altercation and affray followed a request from Wingate to Parker to move a locomotive from one track to another, which the fire man declined to do in the absence of the engineer. "NO SPITTING" AND "ANTI- FRUJT PEEL" PLACARDS UP. The police this morning commenc ed the placarding of the city with no tices calling attention to the ordin ances ttgainst spitting on sidewalks and throwing fruit peelings in the streets. This advertisement of the laws upon these matters called forth complimentary comment The Free Press has during the past few days several times advocated editorially stricter enforcement of these ordin ances designed for the protection of the public health and pedestrians' limbs and necks. - i- i A SERIOUS CASE OF MALICIOUS MISCHIEF Acase of vandalism of the rarest sort is reported from the Atlantic .Coast Line depot here today. Not re venge upon the railroad nor any of Its employes, but sheer destructi.e ncM, Ihe officials believe, led i im.-ty, or parties, to sever a tube leading from a locomotie to .t-. lender, an I break two windows and a door in a coach of a passenger train standing idle on the local yards. When the train was about to be groomed for its run, which begins here soon after 7 a. m., tho crew dis-cove.-ed that the water had all es caped from the tender through the cut lube. The train was held up 30 minutes for repairs and to refill the tank a. No clue has been had. The official arc particularly anxious to secure one in this rase, because of the meanucrs I Spring Coat I Suits... Mr. W. A. Pierce of Weldon is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Grain ger, here. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASXORI A STOMACH MISERY Mi-o-na Will Quickly and Safely Rid You of Indigestion. When your stomach is out of order your food lies like a lump of lead fer menting and surely causing that feel ing of fulness, sour taste in ihe mouth, coated tongue, biliousness, and many other warning signs of indi gestion, which is often a dangerous ailment It is needless for you to suffer, for any druggist can supply you with Mi-o-na, a harmless and efficient rem edy for all bad stomachs. These small tablets give almost immediate relief, while a few days' treatment strengthens and stimulates the diges tive system. The flow of gastric juices is increased, then your food is properly digested; sour and gassy Stomach, sick headaches, restless nights and other distressing symp toms quickly vanish. j If suffering any stomach distress do not wait-i-let Mi-o-na give you quick and lasting relief. J. E. Hood & Co. sell it with guarantee of money back if you aretot aatisfled." adv m 7m. M ' ''''''' m : 3 How your ndoTMmwtft of thU grott educattnna! opportunity br ci tting out tho obovo Certificate of Appreciation wtth fivo othars of conaertitivo date-., and praaontina than, at thia allica, with tha oxpanea txraua amount haroin ' eppo- y atte any atria f Dictionary aelactoa) (whioli cover the ilom. of tha coat of park- t lna. ampreej from tha factory, checking, clerk hire and other nocetaary EXJ'ENSE . llama, and you will be prmented with your choico pf these three book : R The $1.00, Like illustrations in the announcements from dny to day.) aW T la tUm ftv, V nlirwlv vtfu jtiiti l,v tti UTtrM's muuuiu i.iiKiiaii greatest aumonucs irom icaume universities; is noum; w l A THE NEW -m DICTIONARY CERTSFJCATE PRESENTED BY THE. Kiipton Fr Press,7 Feb. 1 7 J SIX APPJtEOATlON CERTIFICATES CDMSIITUTE A SET mi Si!1 crcatest authorities from leacNnc universities: is Iioiiik: 'f DICTlONABVfuH Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in go! 1 on back and iiai..a ...I l : 1. 1 ...:.v. ...i ...l..... .,. . i rounded; beautiful, strong, durable, Besides the general contents, tlicrc F are man, ami nv,, raHl auhieeta nenittifiillv ilin:trnif.r1 hv three m coiar rtiatei, numerous educational chart" and the at this office SIX Coetaeatlra Cntiiicato oi anjecis ueauimiiiy inusiraiea Dy inrce r; i snbjects by monotones, 16 paws of BonuTrf if ' s latest United Stalls Ccus'.k. rresent I e n ? , Th 'h.CK ak . m. ... V"!' a H9 i Moaars tnei sn hmam. which i lb nmiAaiaow nan iratner, d a a ana luooaa oi tly the Mine 0 hook, ex In the atyle of la 4 with aqusj earner. SIX As I Of preciation Cartifteatee and tha OJtV Appreciation tv ,j -... S5 la lo plain viotn bind- Sf Inir. atamped la fruKl ? artil tilank? linn ami ft ? Modern tnelish ip. niuti- The $2.00 New tlnua, but all of tho ool orofl plate. and chW are omltti-d. SIX Ap preciation CertineKtcc and the UICTIONAUV Illustrated ttuona of 48c i MAIL ORUKRS) Any book hv parcel poet. Include EXTRA T cent within 2 1 ino miiea; u centa iso to ids rui:a, for greater dlitancea aak your put:ita,'er AC amount to include tor pnunda t ; . TIRES We offer you the following prices on United States Tires delivered. Let us have your, order as it is time to re-tire. Buy at Home and save money. Nobby Chain Plain $14.40 $10.70 $9.00 $18.80 $14.00 $11.60 $21.60 $16.00 $13.35 $30.80 $23.45 $19.05 34 x 4 $31.45 $23.95 $19.40 36x4 $33.50 $25.50 $20.50 36 x 4y2 $44.50 $32.85 $27.35 37x5 $51.90 $38.90 $32.30 Kinston Garage Inc. Telephone 414 Another Ship ment Today. SEE THEM, Chas. A; Waters - The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 . , r-pr-;l ijJSf I yija,fii.jMlfl.a.l4aiajiilipiiiL ii i mm,,,mm.,Kvvmmim, wywyr "'" ' ni i a n m a m Vi.m n lararsa ar u vj , n a I . : I Barrett Ve Solicit The accounts of Corpora- - tioni, Finns and Individ uals, and offer accommo dations consistent with safe banking. : . : Start the New Year with us. Fanners & Merchants Bank Kinston, -- N. C. KABO- "The Live There's One For Every Figure. New Lot Just Received. v THE , ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUH0N Phone 34 7 , Prop. NeW Flare Skirts In Navy, Black, Checks. Sand and Putty. Sec them be fore buying J.M.Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE Shi i 1 In Silk and Satin. Prices, $1, $1,50; $2 diid $2.5 Newest Styles-See Tfiem-Iliey are : Good i r-,' ".-v'NJ.-.''l- J NEWSPHN6 STYLES MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES We are kgents for the famous Scotch Wool Rugs Rugs thatare made thru and thru of wool, of the most durable kind; in more than 25 colors and 10 patterns. They are ideal for bed-rooms all the year round, and may be used with great satisfact ion in the library, living room or den 1 SEALY MATTRESSES $20 Oettinger's Furniture Store DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED ' 0teopa&7 ia a system of healing it aeaae by scientific manipulationa, the purpose of each manipulation being either to adjust tome derangement the position of the tissues or to increaie or to decrease the activity of some organ. It it not a remedy for some particular disease, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. II Are now arriving. Would be pleased to show you ? the newest thing (or early Spring weai in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play. You can make a select ion of what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to please. Sp J&Bsft irleceivegi asswssBsasasasasamsmseaBassWBBBsaasWBm A New Line of ring Shirt Waists Values up to $1.75 Your Choice $1.00 OUR NORTH WINDOW Adler Brothers NOW TODAY IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to (1 P. M.: 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Eesidence 507; Office '479. 102 West Caswell Street r, Ear, Nom and Throat Diaeaaea Treated. Mark Ciimmings "The Home of Quality" affaT, M7J. ' f t ,J 1 aos l TWO m N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston) N. C. .Goldsboro, N.C, ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: ,7. Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, 303-301 Borden Building, DR. CEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. We Appreciate Your Patronage GRAY WATERS BarberShop In Hood Basement Z. Y. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m . Phones: 3 to 6 p. m. p Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. 7 Res. Phone 113 AT SKINNER'S Dr. O.L. WILSON Derttet i Office orer J. S. Hood & Cot Btor. H .C TURNER, Contractor and Builder Phone 459 J. Is the time to start your INCUBATOR for EARLY SPRING CHICKENS. If you havent one, begin' now to investigate and see the r " CYPHERS' SELF-REGULATING INCUBATOR In four sixes 70, 144, 244 and 890-Egg Capacity. It is the Incubator that hatches from 75 to 100 per cent of the fertile eees and makes Strong. healthy Chicks that Grow Fast" Only a few minutes each day required to adjust and regulate the machine. PuH it in your bed-room or other con venient place and start a flock of Spring Chickens that will lay your winter eggs next winter. , , - . - ' The Cyphers Incuba tor is used bymost large poultry-raisers, which is one of the best reasons - why you should use one. We have Incubators from Six Dol-lars to Thirty-eisrht Dollars, in all sizes from fifty to three hundred and ninety-egg capacity. Brooders, Chicken Feed. Grit Shell, Charcoal, Beef Scrap, Poultry Necessities H. E. Moselsy Hardware Company We Cater to The ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone.149 J.T. SKier & Soa ' "We Strive to Please" ...