I I Advanced Spring if HATS Chamberlain & Braxton Caawell Building AlINUS HIS FROGS. HE - . GOES BACK TO WORK. SU Paul, Feb, 18. Albert Kreuger, the man who carried 14 f roga in hU tummy for several weeks and found that ten of them were alive when ejected, resumed work today, after being off duty for over two weeks to think it over. " ' Kreuger la believed by Dr. R. F. Johnson of Win throp, Minn., who vouches for the story, to have taken frog eggs into his stomach while drinking water. The eggs got into the intestines, where . the digestive juices are less severe, and there they were hatched. -'.-; , WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN- V'SERTION ,1,1 MINIMUM 15 CENTS A few Nice Turkeys for sale. Henry French. Fhone 32. 2-18-lt-Dly FOR RENT Garage on West Gor don street , 'Apply to J. F. Taylor. WANTED Experienced Milliner and Saleslady,,, No others need apply. Eli Nachamson. 2-16-3t-Dly FOR RENT Three or four rooms at 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. 1-23-Dly-tf FOR SALE House and lot, opposite Knitting Mill, No. 426 Caswell St Call at or phone Lenoir rressing Club. , 2-17-3t-Dly FARM FOR .RENT 2-horse farm, good buildings, good land, good lo cation. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SW-tf FOR SALE Dry Pine Wood, sawed ana split in lengths ready for the cook stove. Sam Taylor, Phone 352. 1 .ll-3wks-Dly THE DAY'S ODDEST STORY. Philadelphia,' Feb. 18. After serv ing three weeks in the House of Cor rectionn, sad-eyed George Gree to day swore he would never wear an other pair of suspenders. . While stealing a ride on the roof of a freight car, George slipped and found himself dangling in mid-air, held by his suspenders. A passing policeman stopped the train and nab bed mm. sun nas nine more weeks to serve, but warns his keep ers never to mention suspenders to him. SOCIAL And PERSONAL GERMAN BRIDGE ROAD Mr. E. V. Webb spent yesterday in uoidsboro. ,: -; . : ;.- . a ss ns Sheriff A. W. TayTor is in Golds- boro today. b a n Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ferrell spent last evening in Greenville. Asheville, Feb. 1(1. Just as Ashe ville was beginning to forget about the big cockfight held by the sports of the three States near here more I than a week ago, fifteen who partici pated in the game yesterday submit ted to a local magistrate and paid fines of twenty-five cents and costs each for their part in the fun. VALUE OF HYOMEI. LOST Sunday, between . Mrs.V Bar- wick's and" Christian "church, Ma sonic EmblenC with date on reverse sHe. Mav 27. 1887. Finder return to this office for reward. - 2-15-Dlytf Anyone desiring '"Lady May" Dress Form for their spring sewing, write Miss Lula Penny, Wilson, N. C, and when she visits your town she will call you up. .' 2-17-2t-Dly WILL PAY REWARD OF FIFTEEN Dollars for the return of my piano post sign 'and the conviction of the person who took it away from the Lenoir Drug Company corner, Sun day or Monday'last. Forrest Smith. 2-17-3t-Dly . HAVE YOU LAND FOR SALE? We subdivide land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts and sell at auction. If you want to con vert your prpperty into cash and in terest bearing 'notes, write or wire us. Southern Realty and Auction Co., E. M. Andrews, Manager, Greensboro, N. C. 2-3-tf-Dly WANTED Information of a large tract of" land "located anywhere in Eastern,-, Carolina. Must be suit able for -development into small farms and price: must be attractive. Send brief description and details of location to C. G. Bell, Box 141, Kin ston, N. C. 2-18-3t-Dly ' f: 2tSW It's the Same Catarrh Remedy Noth ing Better for Head Colds. Do not endanger your health by taking strong drugs in the hope of curing coughs, asthma, head colds or dangerous catarrh that frequently de stroys the hearing. Use Hyomei, a simple combination of healing oils that you breathe through a small in haler. Its curative and health-giving medication clears stuffed-up head like magic. Hyomei quickly goes to all the sore and inflamed tissues lining the nose and throat its antiseptic healing be gins at once and dull headaches, that distressing choking, constant sniffling and unclean discharges surely cease Hyomei is not only a pleasant treat ment, but very inexpensive. .Be sure to get the complete outfit that con tains inhaler and bottle of liquid. J E. Hood 'and Co. sell it on the "No- cure-no-pay" plan. Surely. try Hyo mei today you have nothing to lose on this generous offer. SSJT vHITBV ATLANTA. 2tt Im- hUH WHITBY. . hUh AR.HOW COLLARS. 2 lot 28 cot. OwtH. TnMj A f... I.e. Mtlm Miss Carolina Claypoole has re turned to her home in New Bern af ter a visit with friends here. KB 8 if- Lamina rnffri V ilnl m ViiiMy' . ,."..-.'-'"'"r 3 Children Cry for Fletcher's Bridge road 646 yards long In north cm France which was built by 600 Ger- A. M. Waddell Chapter, U. D. C, man lers in five days. will meet at the home of Mrs. E.- B. Marston Friday afternoon at 3:30 o' clock. ana There will be a box party at the forest School House Saturday even- Aristocratic Glass Blowers. Glass, of which we are threatened with a scarcity through the closing of Belgian sources of supply, used at one time to be made by a most aristocratic set of workmen. A French law passed ing, February 27, for the benefit of Finder Louis IX allowed none but men the school, to which the public is cor- of nob,a birth to set up glass-blowing r a - MM uinlly invited. The teachers at Pine Forest School are Misses Carolina Brock and Julia King. THIRD INSTALMENT OF ZCDORA. AT THE GRAND. The third episode of "Zudora," the continued motion picture being feat ured by the Grand Theater, will be presented this evening. Two other subjects for the bill are "A Wife's Sfrateptm," and "A Fabfe Proving That Spongers Are Found in Drug Store?,' a short biogrnph drama and an Kssanay comedy, respectively. The Bingraph trademark, of course, establishments, or even to work th nrn. in. tor many centuries this was the only Industry which noblemen could engage In .without losing caste. The art of glass making came to England originally from France, and in early days in this country the workmen styled themselves "gentlemen glass blowers." London Tit-Bits. Torpedo Net Ineffectual. Inventors will have to find some new method of protection against subma rine torpedoes. Under the direction of Commander John K. Robinson. U, S. N.. commanding the naval tornedo station at Newport, R. 1., a test was recently made which , I " win impel many to attend tonight s mat tne torpedo net Is no longer a performances. There will be no secure defense against the torpedo. In vaudeville at the Grand during the tne experiment a torpedo with a heavy next three days. The "Southern cnarge OI "cotton was tired from ma luipeuu uuui morns wnne sue week, were summarily "canned" af- moored to ''T ter Wednesday night's concluding tarKet The tornedo wont fhrnh ijci ioi maiice. i net, struck the target and exploded. A Striking Contrast In a certain county there are, very near each other, a dilapidated rural schoolhouse and a handsomely con structed Jail, costing several thousand dollars. This Jail has sanitary drink- Ing fountains. ; shower baths, clean floors, plenty of light, good ventilation. and is otherwise attractive. Could a person from the district in which this he old school. "Cap'n," said she, while school is located bo blamed for crefer- serving DreaKiast, you nil suiien y is ring me jallT lookin' good, ralght now." Yes. Lucy," he replied. "You see, I'm drinking the right brand of whis ky, now." Lucy chuckled. Then she said: 'Well, Ah mus' say, cap'n, yoh kep' raisht on twell yoh foun' hlL" New York Letter to the Cincinnati Times- Star. 1 ! The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has Wn lu use for over 30 yeow, htU TbJmo til LlJitSjf! oCf , ' g;t nd has been niado under his per- VaArf,' .na upcrvuiIoB since Its Infancy. 'Anir'. AUow no ne to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnat-as-gooA" are but What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other UarooMo OS h.nCC J "Ft 18 lto ITnnnte4 It destroys Worms . nd allays Fevertshness. For more than thirty years It has been la nstant use lor the relief of Constipation, JHatuIency, Vind CoUe, all Teething Troubles And plarrhcea. ft regulates the Stomach and Bowels. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You H?ve Always Bought At Last He Found It Irwin Cobb and "Boze" Bulger have had a monopoly of all the new darky stories for such a long time that it Is positive pleasure to be able to re- lat one they have never heard. This one must be credited to a retired of ficer whose bachelor apartments are presided over by a Virginia cook of OhlldrftTi Clrrr v It FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TO R I A SCOn t WALLER CO. 'The Old Reliable" Slate and Tin Roofing ofall kinds. All Work Guaranteed--Quick, Service on Short Notice. Telephone 189 Jill Modern Society Dances Taught Prof. Wm. S. and Mable Rackley OPENING IN LOFTIN'S OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night, 8 O'clock' Prof. RickU and Mri FUcklrv wlUtaKK. ih ONE STEP. HESITATION and FOX TROT.' In cUm Waoni. three ia the One Step. three in the HeaUiioa and two ia the Fas Trot (or $5.00 or either ooe of the dueei' ia clra Icejont tor $3.00. . , 4 ior eitheioWe ior5.oo. ...' n AD three dtneet in ciahi prrnle Irttoot I S1U.UU or three phvtte kmu i Anv other mlarmfttion aViirad us he lud from Prof. Rackley. Mi. Rackley or Ceo.. eral Manager, D. R. Sinu. u Carry own orchntra horn Norfolk, tarra-. erly Ghent Qub Orcbeetra. '. . ... : A. L. Hyatt, M. D. ' . ": , if-'. General Practice Miller Building DR.DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, . ' Crown snd Bridge Work ' , Specialty. ' t V OfficcovcrCot Milloffica Constipation uaMBia. rarer, iMitwtiaa. miae, Slaa Ua4a.he. Paiaaawa Syataaa aa4 a im mi otha eraablee la lie a-. uaa e lae UaawtiaMliaa) laet. r.ri Kidaara. Liva mmd Mm Tea a7aa Notkias aarier thaa" . , DroKiitfj'o NewLifePillc All Dratfitieta 2S oMtta' SATISPACTIOW OK MONEY BACK TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S . GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product, petrified fisb, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost, cotton seed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. Pot prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE LastiCall For Expensive; Cheap gnd all kinds of rui UTL MIS New: and. Up-to- Date Line of Shirt waists. IBl'E'lkCELL The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Wind sor Dail, deceased, late of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to himat his residence in said County of Jones, on or before the 28th day of January, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons ia debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. -This the 23rd day of January, 1915. W. L. DAIL, !, Administrator of Windsor Dail, de ceased. ' . :. W. D. POLLOCK, Attorney for Ad ministrator, v ' . CHICHESTER S PILLS J jr THK DIAMOND BRAND. A. 0 Fill, in b.i .iwi 41mU ..ml boie. anicd wltk Mam KiUwa. i ana a. iaF. r iflnr Vnnut. Ask for III ir..Tf.R UIAMOND HRAND fll.l..tS ram kma as Bob Saint. Always RduM. SOU BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE GUY C TAYLOR Special Representative New York Life Insurance Co. Hookerton, N. C. Real Warfare. Oil, dear, I wish this dreadful war In Europe would stop," said Mrs. Was- serby. "I feel the same way," answered Mrs. Twobble. "My heart bleeds for the sufferers." s1 "Of rourse I'm sorry for everybody ho is a victim of the war," said Mrs Wasserby, "but what I was thinking about at the moment was the effect It's having on our children. My son, Tommy, Is leader of the Belgian army in our block, and the last time they bad a battle with a German army down the street he came home bruised from head to foot" MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS PRODUCE WnoUsal Price Reported by the Kins ton Peanut Company Perk 12 Lard 1 Potatoes, sweet 60 Eggs 30 Country butter 30 Hens, pound 10 Broilers, pound 12 H Roosters, apiec , 25 Corn, bushel 8J Today's Cotton Market New York, Feb. 18. Today's cot ton futures quotations were: Open Close March 8.33 8.69 May -.8.63 8.74 July ..8.81 8.92 October ....9.06 9.19 December 927 9.34 Today's Local Sales: About 60 bales, at 5 to 8 cents. Mentally Unhappy Physically, Dull . The Liver, sluggish and Inactive, first shows itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Never is there joy ia living, as when the Stomach and liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by using Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your stomach, cure your constipation and purify the blood. 25c at drug gists. ', Bucklen's Arnica Salve ex cellent for Piles. ::::-.:y.it.' Children Orr TOR FLETCHER'S C AS TO R I A "IE! KM il rz rn oo a The Only Town in the World by That Wame . . . . . y Kinston not only occupies a unique distinction in name, but in reality as a real, town. Right now it is favored by natural conditions that place it in the, front rank of commerce. By reason of its agricultural resources business is good in Kinston, while other Southern towns are up against it. Yet, Kinston and its territory are only partially developed. Plenty of room here for more folks and unbounded opportunities for financial investment The story in words and pictures will be told forcefully in the many pages of the coming OPrOU! EH OF THE DAILY FREE PRESS A copy will be settfto every fanner and to every merchant in the Kinston territory. A large number will be sent out by the Chamber of Commerce