u "aw TITE KINSTON 7 FREE TRESS I C7 LCCAl EOIREST FREE WILL BAPTIST QUARTERLY MEETING The quarterly wotting of the Fre Will Baptist church will be htld at Woodington next Saturdsy. The paa tor of tht Woodington church. Elder 1L Cunningham wjlj conduct services. REV. EH GRIFFITH ASKED MEMBERS BE STEADFAST Romans 1:1a, Text of Strong: Sermon Preached at St Mary'a Episco pal Chnrch Sunday Morning By the Rector. THE PRIMARY PUPILS DELIGHT THEIR FRIENDS MARRIAGE LICENSES. LkenMi to wed hav been Issued by the Register of Deeds since last re ported, to: White: Frank Mitchell, 22, and Mary Croom, 18, both of Lenoir county. Colored: McKlnley Brooks, 19, and Mary Ethel Harper, 18, both of Lenoir county. ANCIENT DWELLING DESTROYED BY FIRE. A home owned by C E. Foy of New Bern one mile from Pollocksville and destroyed by fire late Saturday sight was the famous old Bristol resMenre. The damage was about $1,700. The dwelling was in almost perfect pre servation until the fir, although nearly century old. MAGIC LANTERN LECTURES ON LIVE STOCK INDUSTRY Dr. M. G. Smith, a United Statet government live stock expert, is lec turing to the farmers of Craven county .this week, using a stereoptlcon to il lustrate his subjects. He spoke at Clarke today, and will during the week visit Thurman, Dover Ft Barn well and possibly other places. GOOD WEATIIER FOR . BASEBALL THIS Half a hundred youths" caught the baseball fever with the Spring-like temperature Sunday afternoon. 1 The practice on the (rounds at the old Athletic park, from around which the fence has been removed, included some real fast work,' according to a cluster of blacks who sat upon the trestle of the A. C. I ft asie distance away and wished that they had the privilege. THE SOUTHLAND GIRLS AT GRAND FIRST OF WEEK Tom and Gertie Grimes head "The Southland Girls," at the Grand Thea ter for the next three nights. Grimes was formerly in the same company with DeWolf Hopper as comedian, and is reputed to be one of the best in Jhis line on the vaudeville stage now. The chorus of ten girls is a bevy of good-lookers. The picture bill for (Mi evening la comprised by ' "The Ambitious Baron,? a two-reel Essa r.ay, and "The tfearst-Sellg News," Illustrating current events. The bill OA the whole is strong. TO WORK UP PIECE OF BIG TUCKAHOE CYPRESS ' A special article in Sunday's Char lotte Observer dealt with the State Museum at Raleigh and gave a para graph to an exhibit mentioned as one af the most interesting In the mus eum which was tent from Kinston $ aectipn of famous cypress of Tuck- hoe swamp. The monster tree was cut out by men employed by a local lumber concern in 1913 and brought here in sections on a special train. Its year rings show it to have been around nine hundred years old, and he museum will have a side of its section polished to make the counting easier. A piece of the giant cypress Sits against the front of the Court I poQ.se nere. C7nCH?S0FY.P.S.CE (."STALLED SUNDAY NIGHT 1 Tht .Young People's ? Society of Christian Endeavor of the Gordon Street Christian Church installed their officers fir the ensuing term Sunday evening at the prayer meet ing houi( Mr. H. Gait Braxton had charge of the exercises, which con sisted in reading the constitutional duties of the several officers and a few words of encouragement Those installed were: President Lee Ed .wards ; Vice-President, W. G. Morris; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth Tocker; Recording Secretary, M lis Hortense Moseley; Treasurer, Miss ;IjabeHe Nunn; Chairman Lookout Committee, Mrs. W. G. " Morris; s Chairman 'Prayer Meeting, Miss Dwilla Heath; Chairman of Social Romans 1:16: "For I am not asham ed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation, to the Jew first and alto to the Greek," was the text used by the Rev. John H. Grif fith for the morning service at St Mary's Sunday. Mr. Griffith preach ed a particularly strong sermon, urg ing his brethren to be more stead fast In their service to the church and in their civic responsibilities in or der that the moral tone of the city might be kept up to the very highest standard. He spoke of the great pos sibilities of the church, if those, who composed it, fully realised the res ponsibilities that rested upon them, and did their full duty. He took to task that class of church members who failed to appreciate their obli gations and the necessity for parti cipating in the activities of the church life, being present at the reg ular exercises and rendering the ser vice necessary to . the conduct of the work. Speaking or the Lenten pe riod, Mr. Griffith said, that as it was the first Sunday in Lent it was the time for stock-taking, and he wanted his hearers to look over their past year's work, see what had been ac complished, the shortcomings, where the improvements could be made, and resolve to do better work during the coming year. Mr, Griffith's sermon was, listened to attentively and en joyed by his audience. RECOVERED A STICK PIN LOST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Mr. W, F. Harper, a well-known North Kinston man, about 25 years ago lost a gold dollar stick pin in his home in the country. The other day Mr. Harper was surprised to have the pin handed to him by an uncle who had been doing some carpenter work about the house. It had lain for a uuarter of a century in the duan on a sill. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL' The Song Festival in Honor of George Washington's Birthday Was En- Joyed by an Audience Which Packed the Auditorium The children of the Primary grades of the city schools gave a very inter esting song festival, commemorative of the natal day of George Washing ton in the auditorium of the primary school Monday morning from 11 to 12. The room was packed with the friends and parents of the children and their offerings were liberally ap plauded. The exercises were under the direction of Primary Superintend' ent Miss Hattie Farrott, and the Mu sic ; Supervisor, Miss Muffly.' They were assisted by the various teach ers. AH of the numbers were most creditably given and are deserving of special mention.' The flag drill given by the little tots of the first year was particularly good and drew forth much applause and favorable com ment",;,: : -' ; ,' . The children all demonstrated that they had been carefully trained and their response was equally as note worthy. FLOOR COVERING) 9 x l2 Matting Drujgets $2.98 36 x 72 rugs to match 39c Each 9 x 12 Crex Druggets Plain $7. Fancy $8 Rugs to match-All Sizes and Prices. Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 USED COUNTY BRIDGE , FOR A SPEEDWAY. " Albert, alias "Tinker" Patterson, in an automobile, and Andred, alias i ?Dude" Pierce, riding a motorcycle, both colored, were held up by a coun ty officer at one end of the Iron bridge i over Neuse river Sunday afternoon for speeding across the bridge. How ever, there was some doubt if the cou ple had actually exceeded the speed limit and they were allowed to pro ceed. ' ' ,-; ' Washington, Feb. 22. Today la the birthday of the "Father" of the Unit ed States. ' Washington celebrated the day quietly, but tonight a program of speaking has- been arranged and Sen ators from many States will speak. Senators Jones of Washington; Ken yon of Iowa and Weeks of Massachu setts, were scheduled. i nhiifirfin : nrv FOR FLETCHER'S CAS.T.ORIA We Solicit The accounts of Corpora tions, Firms and Individ uals, and offer accommo dations consistent with safe banking. : : : Start the New Year with us. : : : , : Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston, -- N. C. S THE NEWEST THINGS IN i s MflBERflgMIGll LADIES JUS RECEIVED T A Large Ship ment of Royal ftliddy Blouses Price 98c See North Window J. M. Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE Fleishers Knitting i In White, Pink and Blu Glad to Show You. Barrett Harfsfielcl i isLiiJUjjwn We Welcome Suggestions for the improvement and betterment ofHhis store. If at any time you can toll us of any way in which we can . make tholstore of more service and satisfaction to you, tell us about it, and wo will try to make the improve ment. Wo want you to feel that our constant aim is to serve you, and to do this with the greatest efficiency and the utmost satisfaction. II m 1S II ll I DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE II Kinston Free Prei&Feb. 22 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET CHENILLE NECK CORDS IN LARGE SIZE- r THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE I Modem Enellsk (Like illustrations In the announcements from day to Jy.) it IS tne only entirely new compilation by the world Shaw your ndorwiuvnt af tht gratt duct: wl opportunity hf cullinx out Ik aba Ceetfkl ai AtpreUlio with ihm 4hra ui cncutle maim, uii f wtfa thm l thU Hic. wllh th axpvnai knaa amount kenin ui oppo ito mm atvl of Dictionary Mlectod (wklcli cvn th Hmt f tit eoat nl Drf InC, mprcM from lh laclory. cheekinc. clrk htr nt othar necesMkry lrlXPcN5 kmmti, m4 yoa will b srntJ with yur cWm at thw thr book; A. J. SUTTON Hone 34 & Prop. ereaten authorities from leadinsr uti versitie : u lioiiinl i:t 'it DICTIOIMAB Yfull Limn Leather, flexible, stamped In Kold on Lock ami 11 iiin.imi.j :. . i i . t . ! . i . : . i . .i i . founded t beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general foments., tbr.-s 4P ir mint inn river NX) Humeri hmiitifuilv il nirat! hw thr"!". .. .t color nlntei. numerous sttliiccts m monotnnes -16 nno-e of I t f educational chart and the latest United States Census,. Frewr.t r f The f)(t It i Mutely tit amo H" . r ta tin ityl of Motferi Encllsh """e-hich t i E with Mimrteomori. SIX HIT ilia ii and p 98c That flA 1 In pin.u wm liimi nirtiflMinv '. vi. 4 iw w s ir-j"e SaA nldlia II It til 111 n iMSJltrli!a Cntfictt4 m) tl 0-8UtHlchsrtiirt.rmlu..(t. SiX Ar- i AQf& y f--l prctink CrtiflcM ui tb M3C II MA If. fillMsTH)U.An hnttr U nmwet t..u t.t...i. wsbi t u.i. . L K W milMi cent to IA nxi v rtti autuitct yv&t l(..it,ucnv $f 1 amoaui to nciuti tor poandv, , OMIdron dry t . I f LtTC" . TO : ! A We offer you the following prices on United States Tires delivered. Let us have your order as it is time to re-tire. Buy at home and save money. 30x3 30 x Z U6 X 072 33x4 34 x 4 36 x 4 Nobby $14.40 $18.80 $21.60 $30.80 $31:45 $33.50 36 x 412 $44.50 37x5 $51.90 Chain $10.70 $14.00 $16.00 $23.45 $23.95 $25.50 $32.85 $38.90 Plain $9.00 $11.60 $13.35 $19.05 $19.40 $20.50 $27.35 , $32.30 Idnsioh Garage, Inc. Telephone 414 NEWSPRING STYLES 'OF' MEN'S AND LADIES1 SHOES Are now arriving, - Would be pleased to show you the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play. You can male a select ion of what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to rjlease. el ' r.:-..f III i Oetfinger's Furniture Store DR.F.FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. 'Office Phone Ml OSTEOPATHY DEFINED Osteopa'iy U a lystent of healing di sease by scientifuv manipulation., tlu purpose of each manipulation being either to adjust some derangement u the position of the tissues or to increase or to decrease the activity of some organ. It U not a remedy for some particular disease, but successfully treats all cur , able non-surgical, acute and chronic diseases, v-: ' ' -. DB. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Sesidence. , IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 0 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M, Phones: Residence 07; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street - ere. Eur. Nose and ThriMt UiseuM Trcteci. - ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON has been and will continue to be the l policy ' of this bank to keep the wheels of industry moving OFFICERS N. J. ROUSE, Pres. DR. H. TULL, Vke PreiicW, D.F.WOOTEN,Cejliar, J. J. BIZZELL, Ass't Cashier, T. W. HEATH, TeUer. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oetlinge H. Tull T. I J. Canady L. C Moseley J. F. Parrott C. Felix Haivey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S.Hlsler N. J. Rouse N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C4. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. G, Goldsboro, N. C. 303-304 Borden Building, ; DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY ; Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. . Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS 1 Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m ' , Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. ;" Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. ' Res. Phone 113 Mark Cumminsfs Tie Home of Quality' Dr. O. L. WILSON Depart Office arer J. E. Heoi A Cot '-' Store. - H .C TURNER, Gntractor and Builder PL tone HijJ J. C. OETTInGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 ' (Next to Postoffice) m ttto!Biiiwa!PM s. mum We Appreciate Your Patronage GRAY & WATERS Barbershop ' ' In Hood Basement P. & 0. Reversible Disc Harrow The Disc Harrow with every needed change on it The Disc Harrow made of steel in its constructive parts; this means a big saving in your repair bills every year think- about this before you buy. '. The Disc Harrow with a double frame which puts the disc under the center of frsme, and keeps it well balanced no neck weight on neck of team. The P. O. Disc has an axle th at is 1 inch in diameter and an extra large washer on the end of the axle and relieves the end thrust on the in side blade. The seat is adjustable for heavy or light driver. Sold in 16, 18 and 20 inch sizes with six or 8 disc, and with two. three or four horse hitch, with tongue or tongue truck at your option. See this machine before you buy it's money in your pocket to do this. H. E. Moseley Hardware Co. 1 AT SKINNER'S I " Ve Cater' to The Ladies and Children. : ( ' I I Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy j - Phone 149 j j J.T. Sttzzzr & Son r ' "We Strive to Flease"