I THE KINSTON FEEE PRESS ' THE DAILY FREE PRESS (rL12ihd Iw; Day Ipt Sand) itcston free rsiss co, inc. kinston; n. & JL CALT tHAXTONf. ... . .. .EDITOR AND MANAGES k (UalUd Preaa Baperta) (aearr4 at the pottoffic at Kiniton, North Carolina, as aeond claas natUr under act of Confress, March 8, 1879.) TELETHONS ALL DEPARTMENTS 71 IUBSCRIPTION ILiTES (Payable Za Arrases) 6m Waak ......... .10 Cm Hob ..... ..................... M ffeee Months .... 1-00 tlx months .................... t.OO Tvelra Months ................. ......... i'M Subscribers tre requested to notify, bj Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delirery or inat tention whatsoerer on the part pi the earritn. :v..v-":-. ; ' ' ' :V TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23, 111$ Heap much bad Injun" la at hla old trlcke In the wildi of Utah.. Posses ara reported to be hurrying to tha re cue of aettlera In sparsely populated communities whera tha Indiana art on tha war path and tha Gorarnmont has atartad a detachment of troopa to quail tha rebellion. Tha majority of tha Indiana, ho are left, ara civilised, but thtn there la a considerable amount of savage left In tome of them, and it will crop out every now and then. 1 1 '.. ,. 'n a j f , The lint American ship sunk since tha opening of hos tilltiea in Europe waa tha Evelyn a cotton laden boat bound for Bremen, Tha Berlin dispatches aay that it is out of the question to think that the dlaastar to tha ahip waa' of premeditated German origin, for Germany needs cotton too badly. Certainly there could be no good reason why a ship bound for a German port on a friendly mis sion would be attacked by Germany, and tha British claim that a German aubmarina waa the probable cause ia most logically without foundation. There ia no need for ex citement ia this case. It appears that tha ship met its misfortune far removed from the recent war tone, des cribed by Germany, and therefore would hardly have any connection with the plan. An investigation la being made and In due time tha matter will be cleared up.' -a 'The manager of a well-known typefounders company, with headquarters In Richmond, recently made a trip through North Carolina to make tha personal acquaint ance of hia customer, and since' returning to his office ha write aa follows! "I have just returned from my tripb through your beautiful State, and waa much pleased with the outlook for future business, as, In my opinion, the business depression will ba entirely gone within tha next , sixty to ninety daya." There la little doubt that tha busi ness outlook la better, Traveling men generally ara re porting Improvement Business Interests are adjusting . themselves to tha new order of things made necessary by tha condition due to tha great European war. There has been no particular reason for he depression in America and a return of confidence Is apparently all that la neces sary to start tha wheels of industry moving in their nor mal way. Help the return of prosperity by shedding opti mism and doing your little best! , ' r ' a , ' THE POSITION OF TUB FREE PRESS. In Monday'a Issue of Tha Free Presa waa printed a let- ter from tha Chief of Police, in reply to the editorial in Saturday's paper. The Chief says his first letter waa not suggested by anybody else, but the expression he used was well known to many, who had neither heard of the University nor Senator Benton, Its author. The Free Press la very glad that the Chief now understands that Ita criticism la not directed in a personal way to him or any other Individual, hut to the city's constituted police authority and power. : Tha paper haa repeatedly taken . tha position that tha laws now on tha statute book are adequate to meet tha exigency and with tha support of . such laws it la possible, In the opinion of this paper, to : eloao up the vice dens in Klnston. The Free Press has as Ita authority for this position the opinion of some of tha best legal talent In the State, both on and off the bench. There la no desire on the part of this paper to stir up the ill-will of the present city authorities and its demand for law enforcement haa no such purpose. It is the pur pose of the paper to co-operate with the authorities in enforcing the laws and ita endorsement of the work of the officials will be forthcoming as soon as a determined and co-operative effort to clean up the segregated district ia made. 1 VWlunWudge Daniela first came here and called atten tion t t&Sfi'2Iuti; It waa shown that the women of the eegregatal 'district had been rounded up about once a month and presented to the municipal court whera they submitted to a nominal fin and returned to their places to continue their work for another thirty days. That f plan was a failure. The course pursued did not carry out the spirit of tha law. For certainly the law's intent was to get rid of the evil and ita application haa been rather to foster It by licensing immoral women to practice their vile' business here.' , ; , c"f . .' What The Free Presa wants, and it speaks for the moral ' and best thinking people of this community, is to see the segregated district closed up. The houses nailed up and guarded by policemen, if necessary, to go so far, in rid ding this district of a curse, which the law says must not exist It haa been intimated that the Superior Court will not under tha direction of Judge Peebles, take as drastic action aa was the case with Judge Daniels. Be that as it may, the city authorities can put a atop to this menace to our society if they will to do so. The question is will theyT .' v.VV ; ' THE LATEST PROPOSED . RECORDER'S COURT. ' Tha City Council met Saturday night and authorized the City Attorney to draw a bill providing for the estab lishment of a recorder's court for Klnston, having crimi nal jurisdiction in the city, and within a radius of a mile and a half of the city limit. . The proposed plan is to cut loose from the former idea! of a county court and was prompted, it ia aaid. by the action of the citizens of La Grange in making a fight for a separata court for Moseley Township. It is proposed to tlx the salary of the re corder at twelve hundred dollars and require a daily court session. Tha plan also contemplates the Increase of the mayor's salary from eight hundred to one thousand, in as much a tha fees, which are now accruing to the Mayor from the Municipal Court, would be cut off He is to have charge, of the various city departments and ba held responsible for their proper conduct The Free Press sees several : objections to this latest plan. First It is a matter of serious doubt whether at this lata date in the sitting of the Legislature the neces sary consideration can be given by the friends of the re corder's court to insure a satisfactory bill, and then, whether the Legislature will find time to pass it The proposed salaries for the Recorder and Mayor are out of proportion. The Free Press believes. The duties of the Recorder would probably only require an hour or two, at most for tha daily sittings, and six hundred dollars, The Free Press thinks, would be entirely adequate In view of the fact that the judge would have the larger part of his time left for other remunerative work. The salary of the mayor should certainly be mora than that paid the Recorder. It may not be necessary for the Mayor to put In hla full time in the service of the city, and if the proper man is found he can, most probably, maintain an effective oversight over the affairs of the city, insure a business like administration of the work of all departments and still have some time for his private affairs. If this ia the case the lapsed salary might be all right At any rate, sufficient pay should be given to make It possible to secure an efficient man. The Free Press believes that there is little probability of a bill, which will better the present system of govern ing Kinaton, being enacted at this session of the Legisla ture. The best thing to do now js for Klnston people to find a candidate for Mayor, who can give the city an effi cient administration under the present system. There are apparently too many irons in recorder's "fire" to make it possible to get the desired relief from that source. ' ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE HONORED. S. Lee Sadler, a student of Atlantic Christian College, won the State oratorical contest in Raleigh last Fridaj night in competition with representatives from the Uni versity, A. A MV Trinity, Wake Forest Davidson, Elon College. Guilford College and Lenoir College. This is perhaps the greatest intercollegiate honor in the State, and a most signal one for the Wilson institution. The Free Press Is informed that one of Lenoir's worthy young sons, Joel Vause, received one of the three votes in the preliminary competition to select a representative for the college, which fact it feels will be of especial interest to the many friends of Mr. Vause in the county. Con gratulation to Mr. Sadler and President Caldwell. "A. C C." has added a bright star to its achievements. i: , V'-'Jp.,-::.. s . -,:.;";'; i:'- WHAT OTHERS SAY AMENDMENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED. The Raleigh Times: "Kaiser to Go to Helgoland." Headline. Do we hear a motion from some English friend to amend by omitting the "go" and the "and"? "TheThinkersofthe Country Are the Tobacco Chewers ksaid ono of the greatest thinker 'this country ever produced. Saya the Carpenter t "Every time you. . 4 . t n!nf St mpina soma Caf tj. 1 7 1 . fF: H "U f center has put in tome clear Lill7Vj I thoueht and followed it up -$- & uWh steadv. sura band. "It's when you have a tick 7j.Ii :k tn An thit vou need a (chew of PICNIC TWIST to "whet" brain and hand to a cutting ' 1 1 iv . . eage wunoui any dulling aiicr encvu . You can take chew after chew of PICNIC TWIST and get all the uplift without that after effect of heavy, dark tobacco. , Only the mild mellow part of the leaf goes into this toft, convenient twist. 1Tiat's the secret of its aweet long-baling flavor and its extraordinary mildness. ' OUEiSPR CHEWING TOBACCO 1 l"JT Thinker of At Country An Of Tobacco Chcwtf Yon Can also gel PICNIC TWIST in 50c freshness preserving drums of 11 twins. lit. STOMACH SUFFERERSl READ THIS: - ; , So many stomach sufferers have been benefited by a Bimple prescrip tion of vegetable oils which cured a Chicago druggist of chronic stomach, liver and intestinal trouble of years' standing that we want you surely to try this remedy. It is known as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. One dose will convince you. It usually gives complete and permanent results even In the most stubborn cases. One dose will convince you. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading druggists everywhere with the positive under standing that your money will be re funded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to' give you absolute satisfaction. adv. CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. V Effective Octocer 4, 1914, 6:00 a. m. Firrt class freight and passenger South Bound North Bound 332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 a 7:29 f 7:16 8 7:11 a7:01 6:55 6:45 STATIONS 333 Daily. P.M. 6:00 a 5:07 f 5:21 a 5:32 a 5:43 f 5:50 6:00 Ami Mm u.tarm m mm wenon o: m rrnnw a all athw dlmn put tutMher. .ltd mil II ui aut tow ion wm nippomi to b Umirblfc Wot a Krvu) tauiy yean doctor, pronounced H ov .1 (iliw MerlMd lotl rcrncdlov uid t wnauuitr (aMUu to our. will local treatment, prnooaned It tncurabk Scleoca liaa pmven Catarrh to bo a ruistltuttonal dio aoj tneretora reuuirai cooniUiiiooai trvaimrat H.U'a Catarrh Cure, niaaufacturnl bv F. J. Oienn Co.. Toledo. Ohio, la the only Ccnatltutkmal cure tlx market. It la tnkat Internal? m dom from ti Iropa to a teafrnoonlul. It act d reetrr on Uk- tloot tod mueona aurlacer of toe a.tein. They offer ora mod red dollar for any ease It Jaila to curw Soeh b! elrculari and tctluonlnla. Anureai: vutoNax a iaa. -itueao. uui Sold by Pruinrtiitii. 7S. talw HaU'a t'uaur PHI ft eoMtlnatlnjh Ar Kinston Lv. Hines Junction Pools Dawson Glenfleld Suggs Siding Lv Snow Hill Ar All trains goverencd by the Nor flok Southern rules while using the1" track from Kinston to Hinos Junc tion, and subject to the orders of ita superintendent. The above schedule is given as in formation only, and Is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. -WM. HAYES, General Superintendent R. A. HONEYUTT, Superintendent G. A. JONES, F. & P. A. Snow Hill, N. C CONTINUES WEDNESDAY! New Line of Dry Goods, Notion! Millinery just in and ready for your inspection. We have a gobd' line of shoes. -; Every article in our Dry Goods, Notions and Millinery Stock is fresh from the Northern Markets. KVr J. Ilirshfield Company Our New Store Next to Kinston National Bank SGOTT & WALLER CO. "The Old Reliable Slate and Tin Roofing of all kinds.;' All Work Guaranteed-; Quick Service ; on Short Notice. Telephone 189 WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated with A. Cheney, Gv3 Engineer, at A. Cheney's Office. KINSTON, N. C Constipation I to be dread.!. It leiilp M Hrima iimenta. rarer, anaiceatioit. jruw Hiek Headaoh. Fsiioa.il Sratn. aad aoor. oi other troubla follow. Don't lot CoBitipatioo bat. Kaop your KidaT. Liv.r aad Bowol b.akhr.od aotiro. . Rid yoor ayatoaa oi formaatad. Swaf iooda. Notblag oottar thass''-' DrvKing's NewLifePffls AH DrutfUist 25 cents BENTON :& HOOK Architects Wilson, ft- c. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, '" Crown and Bridge Work Specialty. u. OfiiceoverCot. Milloffice MIGHT CURTAIL CURS. SUte Journal: "If a tax on dogs will make fewer dogs, why will not a tax on horses make fewer horses, nd a tax on houses make fewer houses f Surely, there ought to bit a way to raise public revenue without discouraging industry. A tax on vacant lota would mean fewer vacant lots, but building up vacant Iota and making them pro ductive cntourairea and crestor induntrv. SAVES DAUGHTER AJrico of Mother no Doubt Pre- Tent Daughter's Untimelj End. Reudr. Kv. " I waa not shl- in An Invthinff (or nearly six months " urit. mra. uiura nraicner, ot tnis place, "and was uown in oea xor tnree months. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my neaa, ana wiin nervousness and womanly troubles. : , Our family doctor told my husband he vuuiu uui uu me any gooa, ana ne naa to eve .it up. We tried another doctor, At last, my mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. I thoueht It was no use for I was nearly dead and nothing seemed to do me any good. But 1 took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able to do all of my work and my own washing. , , .1 think Cardui is the best medicine in larf rEjiKi.1? e'eM has increased, and I look the picture of health. It you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui today. . Delay is dangerous. We know it will help you. for it has helped so many thousands of other wmu in the past Q years. , At all druggists. ' ,Dw- C""". T.rn., fcr sZi on Tr ott. and 64-Bara Wlr. "Hnma Woao.- (n plain wracear. N.O. l&J 111 rrwunaoi far The National Ban!, of Winston If 1 iPif Sink ' :"'v' 1 i PROGRESS I HAS BEEN StfcE MADE-', in business methods, and this bank has kept paceN with them- While conservative in" the interest - of SAFETY.I i ur equipment and' b u s in ess n ethods are modern. Let us do business together to- our mutual advantjge.',; ; ;; Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus. $90,000.00 t4THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST BANK 111 THE C0UI1TY.7 in f.IARKETS TODAY'S . QUOTATIONS PRODUCS TTooUmU Prieaa Keprtd by the " liaatoa Paaaat Casspaay ' Park ....................... HH Lard H rotatosa, awaai . 60 Viz W Co--ry butter SO . V r nd ............... 10 : , : - -' irt r r 25 : ft ; Today's Cotton F.Iarket I New York, Teb. 23.Today,a fu tures quotations were: - v Open Close March .. .............8.83 8.13 May .. .. ............8.60 86 July .. .. ........ .8.75 8.57 October .. ..0.05 8.86 December , ..9.23 9.00 ' . Today's Local Sakat About 40 bales, from S 1-2 U 8 cents. - CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 I 1 .. V A ! '""al!,.,iH.,lBlN, mm V:- nrxn i ( Uuj j j L ...j - j:jML . Rail PQL!G.fr I ; 11 om I VJtUTZ 4 Tbo a in 1 Shin. Brines the Smite of Satisfaction! Qufck; Brilliant, Lasting. Ia the "Emsjr-Opening" Boa. tHtr. F. OALLEY COLt. BUFFALO, N.V HAMILTON. CAN.

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