T1TE KINSTON FREE PRESS WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN. .. . SESTION MINBIUM 15 CENTS J f,2f RENT Garaj. on West Gor. doa street . Apply to J. F. Taylor. -rr FOR RENT Threo or four rooms at 206 East Peyton avenue. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. 1-23-Dly-tf FOR SALE About 100 Turkeys. Frank Taylor, phone 852. 2-24-lwk-Dly FARMS FOR SALE We have sst- BrSI small farms for sale: terms reasonable. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SWltf if'"' r ' ' " .' :' "" " ' 'J FARM FOR RENT 2-horse farm. f ' good buildings, good land, good lo- j cation Becton and Douglass. 'V2-17.Dlv&SW-tf ' LOST About a month ago. Came - Gold Pin,, , Finder please return to ' residence of Mrs. Georgia Meacham. ';.""," , , : 2-20-3t-Dly FOR SALE Dry Pine Wood, sawed ana split In '.lengths ready for 1 the cook stove." Sam Taylor, Phone 852. V:; 2-ll-3wks-Dly I' i i I. iti.i.i 'mi .mi ii ' WANTED At oneg white woman, 25 to 40 years of age, to do general housework. ' Small family. Must have good references. Good home and salary for right party. Mrs. or DM. Jones, Rocky Mount, N. C . 2-20-4t-Dly TO REMOYE EVERY v rnii.m m nniiiBriiHH i IMPORTANT MEETING OF H. E. LAY COMMITTEE. A very important meeting of the Committee on Lay Activities of Queen Street Methodist church will be held in the Sunday School room of the church tonight at 8 o'clock, the pur pose of the meeting being to formu late and perfect plans for putting on the Every Member Canvas for Mis sion contributions next Sunday. CHURCH ROW BEFORE MAGISTRATE TODAY. Magistrate H. C. V. Peebles heard the matter of the Woodington negro church trouble on Sunday at the Courthouse ; this morning. Clarissa Taylor's case for breaking in the door of the meeting house was continued. Will Roberaon; who locked the door, was discharged. .' The magistrate de cided to give the' congregation a chance to preserve the peace in future. ROTARIANS AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Feb. 23w The tenth anniversary of International Rotary Club was celebrated here today when the conclave of the eastern division. comprising seventeen clubs, met Fol lowing adjournment of the afternoon session the visiting clubs will see the city on a sightseeing" tour. -, SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mr. J. G. Dawson spent yesterday in Raleigh. Try This Simple Home Treatment 1 It Surely Makes the Hair Soft i , . Fluffy and Lustrous. If your hair is not pretty, if it is losing color, too dry, matted, falling out or if your scalp itches, you can quickly overcome all of these condi . . . - turns at a trifling cost and only a few moments' time. Just get from J. X Hood & Co. or any drug coun- : terp some Parisian Sage a most help ful and invigorating' tonic that sup plies every hair need. . It is easily applied, absolutely harmless and is as inexpensive as it is beneficial. "Im provement begins with the first ap plication for Parisian Sage not only nourishes the hair roots but stimulates your hair to grow long, thick, soft, fluffy and lustrous. It immediately removes every bit of dandruff and stops itching scalp. Be sure to get Parisian Sage for there is no other so effective and this will surely give -your hair new life and beauty. T' adv NOTICE QF EXECUTRIX The un dersigned having qualified as exee- eutnx of the estate of Mrs. Martha J. Stanly, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Par ties indebted to said estate are ex pected to make prompt settlement This February 2, 1915. . s. BERTHA ROUNTREE. . Executrix of Martha J. Stanly, de ceased. v ROUSE AND LAND, Attorneys. MAI ttlDHCTa USB lADBB : ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect Feb. 14, 1915.) ' N. B. The following schedule fig ures nublished as information only. and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound U:tt p. nu "Night Express," Pull- , . man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a, m. Daily, , for Washington and Norfolk. Con : nects for all points ' , , North and West Par ' lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound t 5:40 a. m. Dailv for Goldsboro. 10:03 a.m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:33 p. m. Daily for uoidsboro. t or complete information or servation of 'Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson. Agent Kinston, N. C HTsT'Leard, General -, Passenger Agent J.- D. STACK. General Superin tendent Norfolk, Va. , , BBS Mr. I. B. Smith of Pink Hill is in the city.' .'."'V4 "' . Mr. Eugene Harris of Washington was here yesterday. ', , , Mrs. Mary Rhodes has returned from a visit with relatives in South Carolina. ' , . .';;? : 'y: : m a a .J Mr. Tom Lindsey of Durham has been a visitor in the city during the past few days. ;V B B .wW The Booklovers will meet with Mrs. Albert Rountree on Mitchell street, Wednesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. Messrs. George Turner, L. P, Tyn- dall, Thad Turner and Lonnie Smith of Pink Hill Were Kinston visitors today, . ' - B 8 B ' Gildroy Roper ' 1 Engagement Announced. The engagement of Miss Mabel E, Roper, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Roper, Who is well-known in so cial circles throughout North Caro lina, Virginia, Maryland and some of the Northern States, to Elmer C. Gil droy of Hazleton, Pa., has been an nounced. The nuptials will be cele brated at Roper. N. C, on April 21. ' ' B B B ' Mothers' Meeting Wednesday Afternoon Miss Mildred McDaniel, superhv tendent of the department asks all mothers who have children in the Be ginners' Department of Gordon Street Christian Sunday school, to meet in the beginners' room.' Wednesday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. ; Every moth er is urged to be present and those who cannot conveniently leave, their children at home may- bring them. They will be taken care of. Other mothers who have children under six years of age are cordially invited to attend the meeting. HONOR ROLL OF PREIARY SCHOOL ledge, Edith Spencer, Mary Taylor, Louise Tyndall, Louise Stanford, Cra ven Brooks, George Croom, Jennlngi I Dow. Errol Dixon. Philin Fordham ' . . I Sam Hayes, Hilton Harrison, John viuiurca w ww urun 91 vy Kilpatrlck, Gerald i Smith, Charles Schools Who Made Excellent Records During Fifth Month of the Present Session. Mentally Unhappy Physically, Dull 1 The Liver, sluggish and Inactive, first shows itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Never is there Joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by using Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your stomach, cure your constipation and purify the blood. 25c at drug gists. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve ex cellent for Piles. adv. TURNED RAGE TO LAUGHTER How Resourceful Man 8aved City of Madrid From Fury of Revolu tionary Mobs.. It was In the year 1868. after a bat tle In the Spanish revolution of that year, and the streets of Madrid were filled with angry crowds that were bent on destroying everything and everyone, suddenly an unicnown mu appeared at the city hall. "Give me a band of musicians," ne said, "and before nightfall I shall con trol all Madrid." Ha must have been a man of rare personality to have been able to per suade the authorities in mi oar hour to give him anything. But ha cot the musicians, and went out with them to wander through the city. While they played, he sang popular street songs, or some old na tional atr. 1 When these bored the lis teners, he mounte old boxes and totd funny tales. By nightfall peace reigueu m w city, and the mob broke up and went borne to bed. The man's name was Felipe Ducazel, and he was only twenty-two years old when be cleverly achieved this result ' ; ; We sre told a deal about heroic things In saving countries by long, terrible rides at night or by the sac rifice of oneself by dying in some body's stead, but few of us hear of anyone who saved a town by laughter. Youth's Companion , Napoleon Anecdote. ' "While I was at the military school I tried, I don't know how many times, to overcome the vertigo caused by waltzing without being, able to suc ceed. Our dancing master had advised I us when practicing to take a chair In our arms instead of a lady. I never failed to fall down with the chair, which I hugged so affectionately as to break it - The chairs in my room and those of two or three of my com rades disappeared one after another." Unidentified clipping from a scrap Dook. Superintendent Barron Caldwell to day gave out the honor roll of the primary grades of the city schools for the fifth month of the session, as follows: . 1 ' Grade 1A Alma Alexander. Velma Johnson, Ann McGee, Lettie Mitchell, Ruth Phillips, Nannie Alice Taylor, Erma Weeks, Charles Bagby, Jr.. Robert Curtis, William Hlnson, Hy- man Tyndall, ;;; ,V , s. 'Grade IB May Fordham, Cather ine Hill, Jessie Lee Heath. Martha Jobson, Elisabeth Rountree, Winnie Stricklin, Doris Wooten, Jack Tyn dall, Wiiliam Stanley.'- ;Vi Grace 1G Eleanor Edwards, Hul dah Hardy, Louise LaRoque, Cather ine Parsons, Clyde Sutton, Edith Wal ters, Clifton Brown, , Wilbur ' Cum mings, Roland Dail, Frank Heath, Oliver Hayes, William Mewbom, Ell as Sullivan. iyjl ' ' Grade ID Helen Brown, Irene Jenkins, Christine McDaniel, Mildred Stanford, Dorothy Wooten, Albert Allcox, Robert Faulkner, Willie Gar- vey, Ernest Huggins, Delmar John son. Carlysle Phillips, James Pratt Edward Waters, Roy Waters. , - Grade IE Dorothy Britt, Blanche Johnson, Lillie Stanley, Verner Ab bott George Aldridge, Lester Cum mings, Orbett Cavanaugh, Roy Grif fin, Jimmy , Johnson, Jesse Potter, Lester Mereadith, Joe Simon. Leroy Tyndall, Warren Jenkins. Grade Adv. First Sybil Allen, Tiffany Bursell, Lillie Bell Potter, Ol ive Sutton, Nellie Spencer, LoweH Ballard, Vernon Cowper, Robert Sul livan, Henry Palmer, Willie Smith, Troy Taylor. Grade 2A Grace Brown, , Fannie Bruton. Lois Brown, Eliza Jackson, Ruby Lee Leggett, Minnie Lou Ro- chelle, Ethel Taylor, Elizabeth Tripp, Thelma i Wooten, Preston Spear, Clyde Simmons,' Isaac Stadiem, Rob ert Nash. '."Robert Langston, Basel Happer, Fred Horton, , Leo Dough ety, Kleber Denmark. Grade 2B Ernest Hines, Rosa Mooring, Emma Lee Taylor, Louise Tyndall, Richard Bell, Edward Cook, Jasper Grady, Otho Hughes, William Miller, Virgil ' Rountree, - Charles Rouse, John Oliver, Albert Simon, Rudolph Smith. " , Grade 2C Edna Faulkner, Nancy Hinson. Helen Haskins, Louise Pop lin, , Sadie Stadiem, Dorothy Suggs, Juanita Waters, Joseph Campen, Lloyd Cummings, Frank Doughety, James C. Dail, Jr., Edward Hill, Bruce Harper, Thomas Grainger, Roy McLawhorn, Robert E. Lee. Grade III. Doris CummingSi An nie Louise Gainop, . Estelle Grady, Dolph Allen, " Charles Buck, Carl Gregg, Norman Harrison, William Moore, William Westbrook. ' . Grade 3A Mary Vick, Mary Belle Weeks, Louise Sellars, Amy Jordan Parham, Estelle ! Hood, Elise Gray, Mary Alice Faulkner, Carrie May Dunn, Maud Bissette, Hilda Adler, Earl Worthington, Richard Rober- son, T. J. Parker, Clarence Parker, Fred. Pittman, Harry Long, Matthew Heath, Morris Foxman, Louis Far mer, Clarence Clarka r. D,tto,IkB.S mer, Clarence Clark. Grade 8B Cynthia Bagby, Clar- esa Britt Elizabeth Churchill, Helen Faulkner, Mary Langston, Mary Oet tinger, Josephine Shaw, Dollie Rut- Clark. Grade v IV Marguerite i Waters, Verna Bell Sullivan, Annie May Hor ton. Lorna May Wilson, Beulah Wor thington, Rosa Simon, Annie Palmer, Helen Adler, ' Reba Collin ' Ellen Rouse, Henry Hill, Burwell Temple, William Nash, Harold Stanley, Geo. Jones, Alton Edwards, Norwood Bis- sell, Lin wood Harrell, Coy Stroud, John Davis. ; . . - Grade 4A Vivian Cowper, Ruth Faulkner, Julia Grady, Martha Har dy, Emma Langston, Ruth Palmer, Helen ' Poplin, Adelaide 'Randolph, James Butler, Sidney Hart, Thomas Martin, Leroy Robinson, Clayro Smith, Melvin Smith, Jack Turner, Frank Tilghman, Randolph West STOP THE CHILD'S COLDS They Often Result Seriously Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough are chidren'a ailments which need im mediate attention. The after-effects are often most serious. Dont take the risk you dont . have to. Dr. King's New Discovery - checks the Cold, soothes the Cough, allays In flammation, kills the Germs and al lows Nature to do her healing work. 60c at your Druggist ' Buy a bottle today. ' ' ,. adv. Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone! This la lb .otiml nuHM f 1... Croman, 6anU Rosa, Cl., with the worn aeriul v. V. i. rrcaarlptlon. D. D. D. la tha nrovan Bnumi rSira tl mild waah that irlvaa tnataat rallat to all forma of akin troubla. viaanaaa tna aKin or all impurltlaat Waahea awav blotehaa and almnlu. leaving- tha akin aa amootli and haaithr a that of a child. - Gt a (Oo bottla of this wondarfut BcMma Cure today and kp It la tha , Wa know that D. IX D. will do U tka Ui olalmad for it J. E. HOOD (EL CO. DRUGGIST 0 MILLINER IS ERE 1 and we are now ready for business New Spring hats are now , being a u .1 worn in otner large placeswhy not in this. Prices Moderate Mrs. M. L. Braswell GUY C TAYLOR Special Representative New York Life Insurance Co. Hookerton, N. C. Children Cry for-FIstsfjcr'a (PA It gmi!). m ! ir 1 1 I 11 hi 1 1 i i I The Kind Ton Ilare Always Booght, and vMch haa keen L 1 r over " Jn Dome tha sl?natnro of ana naa oen tuoue nndei Lis per aunal innontilnn lnla ' 44C-A4L Allow no ona tni)Mla vim n ila. AM Counterfeits, ImltaUona and M Just-aa-good ' are but Experiments that trine with; and endanger the bealth of lalantt and Children Experience against lperimenta What lo CASTORIA Castorla la a harmless snbstltnte lor Castor OO, Pare x s;orio. Drops and Soothing Syrops. It Is pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor 'ether Karcotlo substance. JLts ape is 1U gnarantee. It destroys Worm , and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use lor the relief of Constipation.' , Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething" Troubles and Diarrhoea. It resmlates the Stomach and Bowels. ' 'llm', the Fpod, flying healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. - GEMUiriE C ASTORIA always; Bcara th Signature of . 4At : In Use For Over 30 Years" TlM Kind You Have Always ' Dought The Grand Theatre G HOUSE WGSHOW it ' ! TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Tom Grimes with his "Southland Girls In Hth Class VaufatUe. ToJay'i iilh "JlPjllR OF KIDS." Comedian Giimet was formerly associated with DeW olf Hopptt and is one of the leading fun makers In the countty. Ht is ably assisted, by 3)crtle Grimes Elizabeth : 'Dunbar, Hairy Schuler, Dan Mullin and six Tretty Chorus Girls, TOD AY'Runaway June." Third Installment,- ' '. . 1 v, "An, Invitation and an attack-" A fe' Edison drama featuring Marc McDcrmott, WEVNESDA Y-"Tht Dollar Mark." With Robert Wavolck. A big fioe-reel World's Film Company feature. THURSDAY Fourth Installment of "ZUDORA." . ' " ' ' Matinees, dally Evenings 5 and 1 0 Cents . in j in l-FTrni 1 t3 1 KIIISTOI! LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. Inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" UmoCULLKN. ' mmnmgar - .. At . vTwc separate and distinct entertainmenU daily. Two performances at every entertainment. An opportunity to see and hear somethinthat : is really worth while. Endorsed by the best people. All season tickets will be reserved for the entire three-day program, and are mterchange able. The committee have agreed to give the profits to the Children of the Graded School for a worthy purpose. The Concert Companiw; Lecturers and 'enterialners who will appear in these programs are known to Chautauqua audiences all over America and are always reeved ;with" the gmttsi .W asm. They will brn$ to us three whole days of clean, decent, amusement, new ideas, Sood cheer, and teptahon. No man nor wcman.r.o boy nor 5ri. J thw comm miss a single event GET YOUR SEASON TICKET TODAY. - - , THEY ARE GOING FAST. - TOMORROW MAY BE TO 0 LATE. n-o,ori Ari,.if Qnnrnn T.vimf xi .so. -Children Gl.CO All School CIiHiIrcn W4WWV n - - i Aft-oS ADULT 35c. Cver.in5j ADULT 50c. Tickets May Ca llsd Frcm f T MV r 0 fill V. . 4

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