TIIE KINSTON 1 FREE PRESS WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN-. . SECTION ;, MINIMUM 15 CENTS ' fOR BET- Garage oa West Gor '. don street Apply to J. F. Taylor. - '' ' ' FOB RENT Tares or four rooms at 200 East Feyton areou. Apply to Mrs. N. A. Holland. 1-23-Dly-tf FOR SALE-About 100 j Turkeys. Frank Taylor, phone 352. 2-24-lwk-Dly. FARMS FOR SALEW hart sar ml small farms for sale; terma reasonable. Becton and Douglass. 2-i7-DiyASWip : .; - , FOR RENT Upstairs for ' small family, lights and water. Ill North Queen. Dr. follock. ; 2-24-St-Dly FARM FOR RENT 2-horso farm, rood buildings, good land, good lo cation. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SW-tf LOST About a month ago, Came Gold Pin. Finder please return to residence of Mrs. Georgia Meacham. 2-20-3t-Dly FOR SALE Dry Pino Wood, sawed i . r 1 T. M ana spilt in lenguis reuuy lor uie cook stove. Sam Taylor, Phone 352. 2-ll-3wks-Dly WANTED At oncg white woman, 25 to 40 years of age, to do general housework. Small family. Must have good references. , Good home and salary for right party. Mrs. or D. M. Jones, Rocky Mount, N. C. 2-20-4t-Dly KNITTING MILL wishes women to take orders for guaranteed hosiery in full or spare time; big profits; Ex perience unnecessary. International Mills, 3038 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-19-eod-16t Children Crr FOR FLETCHER'S STOMACH MISERY Ml-o-na WU Quickly and Safely Rid Yob of Indigestion. : ; When your stomach is out of order your food lies like a lump of lead fer menting and surely causing that feel ing of fulness, sour taste in the mouth, coated tongue, biliousness, and many other warning signs of indl gestlon, which is often a dangerous ailment It is needless for you to suffer, for any druggist can supply you with Mi- o-na, a Harmless and efficient rem edy for all bad stomachs. These small tablets give almost immediate relief, while a few days' treatment strengthens and stimulates the diges tive system. The flow of gastric juices is increased, then your food is properly digested; sour and gassy stomach, aick headaches, restless nights and other distressing symp toms quickly vanish. . If suffering any stomach distress do not wait let Mi-o-na give you quick and lasting relief. J. E. Hood & Co. sell it with guarantee of money back if you are not satisfied. adv ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" (Schedule in Effect Feb. 14, 1915.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as Information only. and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: : East Bound llu"! p.nu "Night Express," Pull man bleeping cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7;E0 a.. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West Par lor Car Service be , . tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:33 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or " servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agent . , J tendent, Norfolk, Va. 5 0 CI At And PERSONAL v U COLORADO WOMEN MAT " ' JUDGE JUVENILES. Mr. W. H. Bayne of Salisbury was a Kinston visitor today. B 83 8 ' Mr. T. C. Etheridge of New Bern was in the city this morning. a h h Miss Elolse Pankard of Sumter, S. is spending a few days with friends near the city. Mrs. H. J. Odom of Portsmouth, Va., is spending a few days here with friends and relatives. B Miss Cieo Baldree, milliner for Ad- ler Brothers, has left for Northern and Eastern markets to study the new springs styles. a b a Miss Corinne Bell of Morehead City passed through this city last night en route to Goldsboro to visit relatives for a few days. Denver, Feb, 24. Colorado may have a woman juvenile court Judge. A bill has been introduced In the Leg islature here at the request of Judge Ben E, Lindeey to make Mrs. F, Gregory "associate judge" of the court which has ; become famous throughout the country. Mrs. Greg ory now assists Judge Lindsey in the trial of cases, and advises him. but she Is not legally authorised to ren der judgments. EDUCATORS IN CONFERENCE. Cincinnati, Feb. 24. Public school superintendents from many cities of from 10,000 V to 1 25,000 population, gathered here today in response to a call by the Federttion Education Com missioner. The meeting is in connec tion with the convention of the N. E. A. superintendents. Mr. C G. Bell spent yesterday at Snow Hill. FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable for kindlinir fires tnese cool mornings. oc a package, t ree mas. V-14-U MOTHERS OF ' DELICATE CHILDREN AMERICANS WILL CUT OUT CHEWING GUM. New York, Feb. 23. The recent increase in the cost of wheat bread and flour will not cause suffering among the poor, in the opinion of C H. Canby, president of the Chicago Board of Trade, who testified today at the investigation of the New York State attorney general into the causes of this increase. The witness also expressed the belief that there will be a surplus of wheat at the end of the crop year June 30. "The poor will not stop eating bread because it is raised in price one cent a loaf," asserted Mr. Canby, "but they will economize." I TKe G S BIG HOUSE rand Theatre COL. C. P. E. BURGWYN DIES IN RICHMOND. Richmond, Va., Feb. 23. After an illness of several weeks, Col. C. P. E. Burgwy, 63 years old, widely known civil engineer and native of Northampton county, N. C, died early tonight at the home of his nephew, Dr. H. B. Baker, No. 1 East Grace street, death being due to paralysis which followed an attack of fever. Col. Burgwyn's death occurred in the same house in which his brother, Col. W. H. L. Burgwyn, died suddenly two years ago. Another brother, Colonel Harry Burgwyn, fell in action at Get tysburg, at the head of his command, the 26th North Carolina Infantry. TODAY "THE DOLLAR MARK" With Robert Warwick- A big five reel World's Film Com- pany feature. j4 fascinating story of a desper- ate attempt to get a valuable mining property. rrF ' t . . i sr .i .if. f ine love story entwmea an or as a thrilling ro- MARKETS mance. Tom Grimes with his "Southland Girls' In High Class Vaudftille. Today's bill: "WEST POINT CADETS." Comedian dimes was formerly associated with DeWolf Hopper and is one of the leading fun makers in the country. He is ably assisted by 3ertic Qrimes, Elizabeth Ttunbar, Hairy Schuter, Dan Mullin and six 'Pretty Chorus Girls. THURSVA Y Fourth Installment of ary shoto at 2:30 p. m-program. "ZUDORA." Compliment Also shown in Chautauqua Matinees, daily Evenings . . ,. "5 and 10 Cents 10 and 20 Cents TODAY'S QUOTATIONS PRODUCT Wholesale Prices Reported by the Kkieton Peanut Company Fork 12 Lard 14 Potatoes, sweet 60 ;Eggs .....15 Country butter 30 Hens, pound 10 Broilers, pound ,. 12H Roosters, apiece ............ 25 I Corn, bushel .................. 81 Today's Cotton Market New York, Feb. 24. Today's fu. tures quotations were: Open Close March . . ....... . . . . . .8.10 8.22 May 8.34 8.46 July .....8.59 8.67 October ....8.88 8.95 December ,..,.9.02 8.99 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Train Ho. 21. Leaves Goldsboro 8:45 a. m., for Raleigh. Durham, Greensboro. Ashevlllo and Waynet- Vllle. Through, train, to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesville. M akea connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all western points. Train Ro. 139. Leaves Goldsboro 2,-tlO p. m. for Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro. Handles through Pullman Bleeping car from Baleigh to ltlanta, arrives Atlanta 6:25 a. m making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all westers points, also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all northern and eastern points. 5:05 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connec tion at Greensboro with solid Full- . . M (If - man sleeping car, train zor w&sa- ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all eastern and northern points. Connects also at Greens boro with through tourist sleeping ear for Los Angeles and Ban Fran cisco. . '"'..' , " Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman sleep ing car Raleigh to Winston-Salem. Makes connection at ,: Greensboro with through train for' Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connection for Asheville, Chattanooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all western points, " S ? H. F. CART, Gen. Pas'g. Agt., Washington, D. C S. H. HARD WICK, P. T. Mgr., Washington, D. C. Should Read the Following Letter Mrs. Slack's Story About Her Child's Recovery Is Entirely Re liable. ; Palmyra, Pa. "Three years ago my little girl had black measles which left her with a chronic cough and so awfully thin you could count all her ribs, and she coughed so much she hsd no appetite. ,, Nothing we gave her seemed to help her at all until one day Mrs. Nei bert told me how much good Vinol had done her little girl, so I decided to try it for my little one, and it has done her so much good she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she Is stouter and more healthy in color, and this is the first winter she has been able to play out in the snow, coasting1 and snow-balling without any ill effects." Mrs. Alfred Slack, Palmyra, Pa. We know Vinol will build up your little ones and make them healthy, strong and robust, therefore, we ask parents of every frail and sickly child in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vin ol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oiL It we can induce you to try a bot tle of Vinol as a body-builder and strength-creator for your child, and you do not find it is all we claim, we will return your money on demand. J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, Kin ston, N. C, and at leading drug stores everywhere. adv IT..;; .-.. . Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OUR fnlLLIHER IS HERE i and we are now ready for business, New Spring hats are now being worn in other large places-why not in this. Prices Moderate Mrs. M. L. Braswell GiewingGum ' ever uiiewea : y a 5 ..U1 U - L r if , NX TT TT V w Chew 5c the packet or two "Bobs . for a , cent at all the better stands and stores. - HAT are theyj. Ernestine? ; Why, little heart-shaped hunks of the chewiest chewing gum. all coated over with peppermint candy a new chew - to the gum and a new pep to the peppermint ; : ei( All Dealers Sell aBobs,, Head Stopped Up? Can't Breathe? Try the Vick Vap-0-Rub Treatment Applied la Salve Form Over Throat and Chest Relieves by Inhalatloa) and Absorption. Vapor treatments are best for inflamma tions ol tne air passages. : -i ne vapors carry the medication direct to the Inflamed surfaces wiinont auinroing tae stomacu, as internal medioines will do. A very con venient vapor treatment is a good applica tion of Vick's "Vap-O-Rub" Salve over the throat and chest, covered with a warm flannel cloth. The body heat releases vapors that are inhaled with every breath, opening the air passages, loosening the phlegm, and healing the raw enrfaees. For deep chest colds, first apply hot wet towels to open the pores. Vick's is then absorbed through the skin, taking out that tightness and soreness. 25c, 60c, or f 1.001 OemdMhs thtsltasV Ol J?te VKFtmUb KarTTT Carload of Extra Fine MuIgs Just Arrived At Cppeland BrotBieirs .., In this lot you will find mules of the very best quality, " all broke and sound, several pairs of heavy mules well mated 'J , and of the right age, b fact a better lot of mules has never been on this market Come and look at them before you', buy, we will make prices right and terms to suit purchaser. We also have a plenty of PLANT BED GUANO use ours and get the best results. Will be!glad to furnish you your supplies on tune. Come to see us before making .r your arrangements. Cop eland Brothers Kinston. - - N. C. DR.DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated with A. Cbeney, Gv3 Engineer, at A. Cheney's Office. - KINSTON, N. C (5 t Ull SI TO 4 -w MEEK is really worth while. Endorsed Two separate and distinct entertainments daily. Two performances at every entertainment. An opportunity to see and hear something that dorsed by the best people. All season tickets will be reserved tor the entire tnree-aay program, ana are intercnange- able. -The committee have agreed to give the profits to the Children of the Graded School tor a worthy purpose. : : : : : The Concert Companies, lecturers and' entertainers who will appear in these programs are known to Chautauqua audiences ail over America and are always received with the greatest enthusi asm.' , They will bring to us three whole days of clean, decent, amusement, new ideasgood cheer, and inspiration. No man nor woman.no boy nor girl, In this community, can or miss a single event. GET YOUR SEASON TICKET TODAY. THEY ARE GOING FAST. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE. 35c. Evening' ADULT Children $1.00 Reserved Adult Season Ticket SI -5 O. sf n J 1- Afternoon ADULT iUITllbblOn. CHILDREN ISc. . CHILDREN 25c. All School Children 50c. Tickets May De Had From TT MftVl-P fTo Phona 11G. LAsi LkU J vji