THE KINSTON FliCE PKESS C? ICLU LiTERESI EVENING SERVICE IN ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Lenten services will b conducted ly th rector, Rev. John IL Griffith, in EL Mary's Episcopal church this evening at 7:45 o'clock. CliniSTUNS rBATEB MEETING Mr. 3. M. Qulnn will conduct the regular midweek prayer meeting aer- vice In Gordon Street Christian church this evening at 7:45 o'clock. The ar vice will last three-quarters of an hour. The topic will be "Christ's Op timism." . '" :.' MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Two licenses to wed were granted to colored couple here Tuesday. They were: James Arthur Rouse. 24, and Ellens Phillips, 19, and AlonU Lovick, 24, and Laor Davie, 24, all of Lenoir county. NO WORD FROM SPEAKER WOOTEN THIS MORNING, No message was received her Isst night or '.this morning from the bed- sido of Speaker E. B. Wooten, In Ra leigh, and for that reason it is pre sumed there has been no change In his. condition, unless for the better.! CITY COUNCIL TO MEET TONIGHT CONSIDER COURT City Council will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the office of Attorney J. G. Dawson to receive front him the bill for the proposed recorder's court for the city. This meeting was to have been held Tuesday evening, but the attorney was absent' from the city, having been detained in Raleigh by matters with which he is concern ed there. ' ' ' ; . It Is understood that a delegation from the Bar Association will appear before Council to , recommend the in clusion of civil jurisdiction for the recorder in the bill J ; It is presumed that Mr. Dawson has by this time completed the bill which he wss authorized by the Al dermen on Saturday night to draw up. It will be modeled along lines ex plained In The Free Press Monday, unless the suggestion of the parties who would have civil jurisdiction In cluded is adopted. Should this be declined the Aldermen are expected to find little fault with the bill as of fered by their attorney and to order it forwarded Immediately to Raleigh. LAST BASKETBALL . . . GAME OF SEASON. The Commodores will engage with the New Bern Colts this evening In tiw last basketball gam of the sea son In Knott's, Warehouse. The man- 4 ager of the New Bern quint, Tom Daniels, has promised a strong line up for the event ; The locals are declared to be in better condition than at any time in the season, despite the fact that their star man, Eastin, has left. Eastin has returned to his home in Henderson, Ky, . , "ZUDORA- WILL BE SHOWN FREE THURSDAY, 2:30 P. M. Manager Stallings of the Grand announces that he will give a eompll. mentary ; presentation of the fourth episode of ?Zudor Thursday, bet- finning at 8:80, in order that those who am Interested to the aerial and who do not expect to take in the Chautauqua, may have the opportun ity to see it The film will also be shown hi the Chautauqua program. STEAMER STRUCK SNAG .-. IN RIVER NEAR HERE. The steamer "Ellen S which runs from New Bern to uprlver points, has been on the marina railways In that city for repairs to her bottom. The steamer struck a snag in the river near here a few days ago. r She is ex pected to resume her service In a day or two. .t..1, IMPROVEMENTS TO NEW BERN STREET RAILWAY. New Born, Feb. 24 Officials of the company controlling the New Born Ghent Street Railway are here from Richmond to supervise its extension A. trolley system will be Installed , and mora track laid. The cars are nay operated by storage batteries. More cars and faster service will be instituted ,when the extensions, mak ing a complete belt line, have been finished. "' ' NOTICE Or ENTRY . EUU t North Carolina - Lenoir County. To C. W. Prldgen, Entry Taker, for Lenoir County, - ,e The vndertlgned, L. B. Humphrey, I of the County of Craven, and J. II. I Huggina of the County of Jones, aad Stata of North Carolina, have enter ed and laid claim to the following de scribed piece or parcel of land tin South West Township, Lenoir County, Norh Carolina, the aama being vac ant and unappropriated land and sub ject to entry. Vis; Bounded on the North by the lands I ef li. C Stroud, on the North East by, the lands of Thomas Sutton, onl tit South East by the lands of A. F. E. 'on, on the South by the lands of Frfematj CSvils, and on the West by the lands of Samuel Loftin, Dec'd and W, B. Beeton. Containing by eU rr. '.on Two Hundred Acres mora or . i L. B. HUMPHREY j r .tered this 25th day of January, 1::: J. IL IIUGGIN3 i Olilldron Cry r:? FLETCHER'S , i.Mi.TORIA Ha 6 f 14 Pays J refund nvwy If t rie tn ra-r of l!hur j:f--.!n -'if t il. a tv f H U i NO BUTTONHOLING. AT NEW BERN'S ELECTION. New Bern, Feb. 24 The City Al dermen met last night to eal) a prim ary for the selection of candidates for city officers. The new primary law will prevent the selection of candl dates for city officers.' The new pit mary law will prevent candidates ap proaching within twenty-five feet of polling places on election day, and re quires that all candidates' names be printed on a single ticket ; This Is In tended to prevent "buttonholing" and the voting of two or more ballots for one man by unscrupulous voters. CASTOR I A For Infants and, Children ( In Ute For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of vi.aus antivji A iJUiAj LIBRARIAN GIVES OUT :"; LIST OF NEW. BOOKS The following books have been plac ed in the Kinston Public Library since last reported: ' . "Personality Plus," Edna Ferber; "Martha by the Day," Julie Lipp'man; The Woman Worth While," Susan na Cocroft; "Whoso Findeth a Wife," J. Westlcy Putnam; "The Pastor'a Wife," by the .author of "Elizabeth and Her German Garden"; "Love In surance,," Earl Dcrr Diggers;; "Mar tha and Cupid," Julie Lippmun. A list of recent additions for chil dren: 1" f Boys: Fifty books by Horatio Al ger, Jr.; forty by G. A. Henty; 10 Tom Swift books by Victor Apple ton; 12 by Edward S. Ellis; 12 Boy Scout books; 12 historic novels by Muskk)- seven by Oliver Optic; six by Cap t May no Rcld; "Boy Forty niners,", by Everett McNeill; "Mid shipman Ralph Osborn at Sea," by Commander Edward L. Beach; "The Motorboat Club at the Golden Gate." by H. Irving Hancock; "Double Play' and "Winning his Y," by R. H. Bar bour; . "Breakers Ahead," by A. M. Barbour; f Prodigious Hickey," by Owen Johnson. Girls: "Palace Beautiful" and olh ers by L. T. Meade; "Fanny the Flow er Girl," by Selina Bunbury; "Kate Rayburn," by Constance Cross; "Un cle Remus and His Friends," by Joel Chandler Harris; "Little Sister Snow," by Francos' Little; ; "Little Lame Prince," by Miss Mulock; "The Beautiful Story of Doris and Julie," by Gertrude Smith; "Black Beauty," by Anna Sewell; "Ilolen and Her Cousins," .A by Stanley J. Weyman; "Five Little Peppers" series, by Mar garet Sidney; "Mary Cary," by Kate Langley Bosher; "Anne of Green Ga bles" and "Anne of Avelonea," by L. N. Montgomery; "Captain January, by Laura E. Richards; "Rebecca of Sunnybroow Farm" and "The Birds' Christmas Carol." by Kate Douglass Wigginj "Jewel" and "Jewel's Story Book," by Clara Louise Burnham "Little Colonel" and "Little Colonel Knight Comes Riding," by Annie Fel lows Johnston. II TEDDY 'BEARS Knit and Cambric. Tight and Loose Knee 50c and $1.00 Spring Suits Arriving Almost , Daily , . , ; ChaSsAoVatees The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 e JUST RECEIVED A Large Ship ment of Royal Middy j Fleishers Knitting n . ; - ' t v louses Price 98c Sec North Window In White, Pink and Blue. Glad to Show You. We Solicit The accounts of Grpora tions, Firms , and Individ uals, and offer accommo dations consistent with safe banking. : : : Start the New Year with us. : : : : Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston. - - N. C. J.M.Ste THE LADIES' son STORE arrett Hartsfleld (i Ik m 1 A SMw mmm SV 9 THE NEW DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE Kinston Free Press, Feb. 24 SIX AFPRLCIATION CERTIFICATES CCX57fTL!TE A SET Sfcav rar m)on.inf of hfa (tmI rlocttnnal opportunity tqr on h. bor Crtict. of Appreciation wuh lav. ohr at coMtcutlr. una mwriiM th.m .1 tht tltc, wkU In iiu basiiu .mount kinn BP Jt. Mr Myta al Dietioiwry MlccleJ (wkirh txntn lb bonu of tH cc of Melt' Int. sprM from ihm (aitarr. luicklnir.cUrk hfae.r- .1 elhf.- ii.:ooj;iury HAI'LWjE, .mi jrou will b praMUl.d with yeur tboice of ttiac tiire. UhiIi; .VVv (Like illttHroltons in the mmotiUccntrnts from any io day ) l! . 1? r - k 1 fc the ONlv entirely kEW compilation by the world's 4l trrcatrnt authorities from Icaiimsr universities; js Imnna 11 i.i DJCTIONAKYIiill Limp Leather, flxiUc, stamped in Rold on Uwk nc! M. PIsmrlM si'les, priirted on IIU.e paper, witn red cls;e3 ami corners 4? rounded: beautiful, strona. diiraMc. Hcsidos the pcntml luinints. there 1j ? re maps and. over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by thrcu color plates, numerous suiijfct ny miinotonis, 10 paRts cdtirstionid chart and tl'C latest United Stnlt: tlnsns. ' I'n:: t st this olfice SIX CmmcbUvs CcrtifiMUt ai AnincUtiM mi- 'rtjctnt.l nout Uoctuaf 98c ! $3.00 It I. cx.etiy in Mm m a ih. II nn tM.lp - cw mt la tli stvl. al Modtm English btn.UBir-wbl5!h 1 to mctionahv ";; r.n?y with win&r eorn.ra, SIX A p. CeHi(kt and Uaa T?ie 82.00 New l Mi pUm tiuin btnd loss, t.ultd In ulil A t F tlU'tJsff fc.M ait Hltral ; rfiMil ort!if. oBilttid.S!; t V ! BrvcUiloa Orlific.t- am tlur.'. but all M . 5 Id - ..I V .i 1 mllrjit 1 e-tt I5 io oi) ml'e.; tot grtauot o.;met aelc four oj'.:nrjur ? amount to liud lor S poumta, . - ;i t TIMB We offer you the following prices on United States Tires delivered. Let us have your order as it is time to re-tire. Buy at home and save money. Nobbyr Chain Plain 30 x 3 $14.40 $10.70 $9.00 30 x 3JA $18.80 $14.00 $1 1.60 32 x 3V5 $21.60 $16.00 $13.35 33x4 $30.80 $23.45 $19.05 34x4 $31.45 S23.95 S1940 36x4 $33.50 $25.50 $20.50 36 x 4y2 $44.50 $32.85 $27.35 37x5 $51.90 $38.90 New Silks for Spring Attractive Wash Suits for Boys in the Latest Style THE . ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Ptone34 js? , Prop. It has always been an understood fact that no state ment made by any of us at this store should be misrepresented. It is a principle, rather than a rule, and we live up to it That's one reason why we have a long list of customers who buy here and come back to buy againand that list is in creasing every day. If wc say' an article is mahog any we state whether it is veneered or solid-and if it is just mahogany finish we sell it imitation ma hogany; and so on with everything we sell. : DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Residence Phone 523. 'Office Phone 80 OSTEOPATHY DEFINED O.teopa'L-jr U ayatem of healing di aeaM by scientific manipulation, th purpose of each manipulation beinf either to adjust some aerangement in the position of the tissues or to increase of to decrease the activity ol some organ. It is not remedy for some particular disease, but successfully treats all cur able non-surgical, acute) and chronic diseases. '.,. DR. T. H. FAULKNEB ' DENTIST ' Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Eosidence. Oettlnger's Furniture Store IRA M. HAEDY, M, D, . Pltysiclan and Surgeon ? Office Hoars: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones! Residence 607; Office 479. 102 Weat Caswell Street.' f.vm. Eur. NommmI Tkraal Hat. -1n-afiaril.Vtitf;l IIEWSPRIKG STYLES MEN'S AND "LADIES' SHOES THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON has been and will continue to be the policy of this bank to keep the wheels oj industry mooing . If OITICERS N. J. ROUSE, Pre.. DR. H. TULL. Vice Praidcat, D.F. WOOTEN. Catlier, , J. J. BIZZELU Ass't Cashier, T. W. HEATH, Teller. DIRECTORS. . r W. L. Kennedy ' David Oetlinge Tull . 1 Canady L C Moseley . r. Farrott C Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H.H. McCoy S.HIsler , N. J. Rouse Are now arriving. Would be pleased to show you the newest thing for early Spring wear in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play. You can make a select ion of what you want and have it come when you want it. Yours to please. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTInGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoff ice) : N. J. Ron se, - Edward M. Land Kinston, N. Cn. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. G, 303-304 Bordcit Building, . DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. , Office hours 10 , to 12. Office , 105 E. Caswell Street , Phone 118. Z. V. MOSELEY", M. D. 1 Physician and Surgeon Olfice next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: s 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 8 to 6 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 Mark Curnminss The Home of Ouallfv' :l . r Ikiriston Garage Telephone 414 Inc. H .C TURNER, Contractor and BuUder Phone 459 J. Dr. a L. WILSON OQce erer X. E. Hood A Co's Ftor. P. & 0. Reversible Disc Harrow The Disc Harrow with every needed change on it The Disc Harrow made of steel in its constructive parts; this means a big saving in your repair bills every year think about this before you buy. The Disc Harrow with a double frame which puts the disc under the center of frame, and keeps it well balanced no neck weight on neck of team. The P. it O. Disc has an axle that is 1 inch in diameter and an extra large washer on the end of the axle and relieves the end thrust on the in side blade. The seat is adjustable for heavy or light driver. , - .Sold in 16, 18 and 20 inch shes with six or 8 disc, and with two, three or four horse hitch, with tongue or tongue truck at your option. - . Sec this machine before you buy it's money in your pocket to do this. H. E. 'Mo-sley Hardware Go. We Appreciate Your Patronage GRAY & WATERS Barber Shop In Hood Basement ' AT SKINNER'S We Cater to TbeLadi&and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Slnnnrr & Ssa "We Strive to flease"