TIIE KINSTON ; FREG PRESS WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SECTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS PH0J7 M tor Nice Nstire Beef, TStk nd Sausage. Lee'i Market , V 2-25-2t-DIy JICE Nstire Beef, Pork and Saus . age at Lee's Market. Phone 812. ' 2-25-2t-Dly -"J' ' iK KING HOUSE FOB BENT Twehe - rooms and kitchen. Apply to R. B. West. : 2-25-St-Dly FOB SALE About . 100 Turkey. Frank Taylor," phono 852. ; 2-24-lwk-Dly. x . - FARMS; FOR SALE We hare ser eral small farms for sale; terms reasonable. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-Dly&SWltf ' : , : : ; FOB RENT Upstairs for small family, lights and water. 4U North Queen. Dr. Pollock.' y 2-24-8t-Dly (rOL'Si COURT BILL TO BAU.W1T IT FRIDAY EVENING. (Continued from Pago 1) FARM FOR RENT 2-horse farm good buildings, good land, good lo cation. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-DlyASW-tf FOB SALE Dry Pino Wood, sawed ana split in lengths ready for the cook stove. Sam Taylor, Phone 852. . -2-ll-3wks-Dly I AM ENGAGED TO TEACH an Eirfith Grade pudU. and will be glad to have others. The graded school course will be followed. The "natural" method of teaching will be used, every error being corrected as soon as made, and the pupil pushed as rapidly ; as possible without strain. Special attention will be given to composition. Sybil Hyatt. -2-25-lt-Dly raa m urn o.tana to tnw mn .r AM .n .ii aiiuv iiimbm-j Dut together, awl until ttue few yean wai nippoaed to tM tanirabla. Wat a mat tany year aocwra pruuuuocru r mc im.im.u . reaertbed CocaJ reraedlea, and b wnatantiy felllnf to eura th local treatment, prouounced It tacurab Bfknoe haa proven Catarrh to be a ronatltuttonal day aae. ani thmtora requlroe eotutlttitional treatment Mailt Catarrh Cure, manufactured by W. J. Chenef a. r TflWn hin la th nniv nnnatttutlonal cure off tha market. J.t la taken Internally In doaea from If dropa to a teannoontul. I acta eectly on tbe blood fcundred dollara lor any na It Jail to curt. Saw ' to? circular and teatlr.-iontola, -. Addiw: F. J. CHENKY CO. Toledo. On , tfoul by Dnwtlata, 760. i VjiMUFwiiaJailorialloaUnBk . Thousands of people keep on suf fering with . Neuralgia because they ; do not know what to do for it. Neu ralgia is a pain in the nerves. What you want to do is to soothe the nerve itself. Apply Sloan'a Liniment to the ' surface over the painful part do not rub it in. Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have It in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give al most instant relief. adv. DR.DAN W.PARROTT ' DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work .-.. Ci Specialty. Office over Cot. Milloffice WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated with ;A. Cheney, Gv3 Engineer, at A. Cheney's Office. , KINSTON, N.C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A fetter's salary, upon tha same basis. Besides the criminal matters now cognizable before the mayor, tha bill would give the recorder Jurisdiction in the following: Carrying concealed weapons, gaming, fornication and adultery, keeping bawdy houses, as sault upon females, Indecent exposure of person, gambling and conducting gambling houses, larceny, receiving, failure to list taxes, assault and bat. tery with deadly weapons, abandon ment, cruelty to animals, trespass, etc.. and other matters of similar im portance not now triable before the Mayor with ordinary . magistrate's jurisdiction. The recorder shall be required to make a monthly report to the Clerk of Superior Court of all cases tried except those for violation of municl pal ordinances. - Upon demand, a de fendant shall have the privilege of a trial by Jury. , The bill gives the City Council the power 'to fill a vacancy in the record ership. V Section 15 provides that the city charter be amended to repeal all pha ses conflicting with the new act This section also fixes the Mayor's salary at 1,000 year. The. books and ata Uonery, etc., for the recorder's court shall be bought out of the city funds. The solicitor of this Judicial dis trict would be solicitor ex-ofllclo of the recorder's court, unless something should transpire to require another person appointed, . In which event City Council would appoint a prose cuting officer. Solicitor's fees are fixed in section 18. ; ;'-r ;';; ' . The Aldermen voted unanimously for the adoption of the bill drawn up by Attorney Dawson. WILSON APPROVING PURCHASE OF THOS. JEFFERSON HOME (Continued from Page 1) millions upon the business houses and property owners of Mexico. Sec retary of State Bryan today disclaim ed knowledge of advices from abroad bearing upon the recent inquiries di rected to Germany and England in an effort to stop the hunger war be tween Germany and England. VALUE OF HVOMEL It's the Same Catarrh Remedy Noth ing Better for Head Cdlda. Do not endanger your health by taking strong drugs in the hope of curing coughs, asthma, head colds or dangerous catarrh that frequently de stroys the hearing. Use Hyomei, a simple combination of healing oils that you breathe through a small in haler. ' Its curative and health-giving medication clears stuffed-up head like magic. , Hyomei quickly goes to all the sore and inflamed tissues lining the nose and throat its antiseptic healing be gins at once and dull headaches, that distressing choking, constant sniffling and unclean discharges Surely cease. Hyomei is not only a pleasant treat ment, but very inexpensive. Be sure to get the complete outfit that con tains inhaler and bottle of liquid. J. E.. Hood and . Co. sell it on the "No- cure-no-pay' plan, bureiy try Hyo mei today you have nothing to. lose on this generous offer. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIB DIAMOND BRAND. A wiav Sna-trM. AttcrorCiriClfKS.TCBS IAMUND IIKANIi flLlM. Cx as ytata known, Bctt, Stfost, Always Relltbla SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I-adlcat A.k yaar Vrwcclat (Ills la Bed and U.li nculll? boie, anted wilk Blua Rlbboa. a aiaer. mar ar rear The Grand Theatre BIG HOUSE BIG SHOW WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3, 1915 One Performance Only MAURER SISTERS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Composed of four versatile young Musicians. Repertoire Includes Cor net, riute, Vlslln, Whistling, Cello Solos; Violin and note Duets; - - Humorous Readings AN EVENING OF WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT Reserved Seats 50 CenU , , 25 Cents General A dmission Seats on Sale Monday at Ice Cream Parlor , . . ; TODAY FRIDAY-SATURDAY . CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM PICTURES DAILY BOTH MATINEE AND NIGHT TOD AT Fourth ep'node of atrial ."ZUDCftA." . . ' rSIDAT THE QUACK." 2 red Lubm Fthire. r- ' "SOPHIE'S HOME COMING." I red Eaaaoay. "? ;' ' Admission by Season Ticket or Single Ticket Adults : 50 and 75 Cents 1 Children. Matinees 10 Cents Evenings 25 Cents S 0 C I At And PERSONAL Mr. J. D. Bluell spent yesterday in Raleigh. b as . . . Mrs. C C Dunn haa returned to her home in Grifton after a short vis it with relatives here. Hiss Clara Oettinger, until recent ly of this city and now of Greensbo ro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E Eutaler, in Greenville. . ; : n Miss Gertrude Wallace haa return ed from a visit with Miss Genevia McLawhorn, in Ayden. B Mrs. H. Gait Braxton Is spending the day in Washington. She aecom panled Mrs. George M. West, who left for Norfolk this morning, as far as Washington! and will return to night' ' - ' A meeting of the mothers of begin ners in the Gordon-Street Christian Sunday school, called for Wednesday afternoon by the Superintendent of the Beginners' Department, Miss Mil dred McDaniel, was postponed on ac count of the Inclemency until next Wednesday afternoon. ' BBS Mrs. George M. West of Richmond, who has been visiting her nephew, Mr. IL Gait Braxton' and Mrs. Braxton, at their home on East King street for the past few weeks,, left this morning for Norfolk, where she will join Mr. West and go from there to he- home the latter part of the week. Mrs. West was the recipient of many social courtesies while here, and made many delightful friends. I Richards home that day. , Though they did not . know 'just why,! the I childiuh laughs of the little ones of darkness carried a new note of cheer and hope, , They see the world THRO' THEIR BABY'S EYES Blind Father and Mother and Broth er and Sister Will Depend Upon Newcomer, Whose Sight They : Prayer For, In Future . (By the United Press.) Colorado Springs, Feb. 25. In a little home at Lake George, 25 miles from here, there is a baby boy, who, when he grows up, will be able to tell his father, his mother ad a brother and sister, of the beauties of the mountain region in which they live, but which have been shut out to them throughout their lives. This baby, the pride and wonder of the entire district possesses the blessing of sight ' denied all other members of the family. - The baby's father is Benjamin Richards. He is blind. The little mother, now the happiest woman in all Colorado, was Miss Myrtle Higby. She was born blind. She was a student In the State School for the Blind,' and .while there met Richards. His sight had been destroyed in an accident Drawn together by their affliction which sent them through the world in darkness, Richard and the little blind girl were married. Five years ago baby girl was born. ' Anxiously, they waited for the word that would tell them whether; the innocent little newcomer had also entered the world in darkness. Their hearts were torn when they were told the baby girl would never, see. Three years later a baby boy arrived and he, too, had been denied the gift of sight Time went on. As mother Rich ards heard the voices of her two little ones as they played in the darkness of their baby lives, she knew that the great, good bird, the Stork, would soon hover over her home again. She knew that he was about to bring an other baby soul Into the world, and mother Richards prayed that this In nocent might be spared the blight of eternal darkness. Mother Richards was cheerful and hopeful, but when the time came for father Richards to summon the village doctor, his heart fairly stood still. . Some friends accompanied the man of medicine to the Kichards borne. They knew of the ' prayers of the mother and father and of their hope. The doctor could only tell them that he hoped, but there was pre-natal in fluence to be overcome. , . , 1 : Before him was the sightless moth er. Wailing Wlin WW ' niuuuioiii friends was the sightless father and the children of night The doctor came from the room. His face was wreathed In emiles.; He grasped father Richards by the hand. "A boy; seven and one-half pounds nd perfect eyes. He sees," the big man told the father even as he him self was almost overcome with emo tion. . ' ,. I i -. There were tears of joy in the THI MAURCt SISTERS ORCHES The , Usurer Sinters Orchestra is about to enter Ita ninth year on the Lyceum and - Chautauqua platforms. This orguulantlun had Or yvara ex perUuic before coming to tbe Radrmtb Bureau, tn-glunltig to "play In public very young In yean and making good from the very start ' In fact, tne lteo path Uunnu ban never bad a com pany of young women of whom It has felt prouder and received bettor re porta than tbe Maurer BUtera. ; Tbe flrst two years they were with tbe Durean they were kuown as tbt Orchestral Entertainers. For versatility on musical Instru ments the parallel of the Usurer bis ters Is seldom . found.'; In this respect tbey Oil ' an Important place In tbe Lyceum, for tuor la much demand for Just such a combination. Tbe only reason tbat there are comparatively MARKETS V TODAY'S . QUOTATIONS tiVVL , v -. . 4 , PRODUCS Wholesale Prices Reported by , the Khute Peaant Company Pork 12H Lar4 14 Potatoes, sweet 60 EggS a a IS Country butter 80 Hens, pound ....10 " Broilers, pound 12 H Roosssrs, aplec ............ 29 Oorn, bushel .81 Today's Cotton Market New York, Feb. 25. Today's fu tures quotations were: ; Open Close March ,. .............8.12 - 8.20 May '.. , . ... . . , ....... .8.40 " 8.60 July .....8.63 8.72 October .. ............8.92 0.00 December .' . V... ...... .9.09 9.18 ' Today's Local Sales: About 75 bales, st 7 1-4 to 8 cents. Children Cry' for nctcTicr'c' MrllM! kTa.'fc--.i.'ii lSh - - ,r - J - i I The Kind Ton Hare Always Boaffht, and vrbJch has teen lift klBUk tfm AVASI lf tTAAM SV. n a V . A. At sva v I v w j veA of jsfisj wruo iUQ IguJlI.U.rO )K 00 iuiu aim oeeu maao nnaer nu per Mnal uprrllott since it Infancy ; - altAtf IIA Alia AlajalM wam la. ekl. " w " " tvvw hv vuv V UCVSJ1 TO J VII III VUiSt All Counterfeit. Imitations and Jnsta-ff ood " are bat uamniucuu aiiac in iia wiia una couangcr me neaitit ( Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR. A Castorta Is a harmless substltnto for Castor OO, 'Paro : srorlo. Drops and Boothinr Syrnps. It Is pleasant Ik contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotlo anbstanoe. Ita age Is Its snarantee. It destroy AVorms and allays FeTerlshness. For more than thirty Tear It haa been In constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Collo, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilate the Food, giTlnff healthy and natural Sloep. The Children's Faxuaoca The Mother's Friend, MILLINER IS HERE MAURER 818TERS ORCHESTRA. few such companies Is because ver satlllty In music Is so apt to be ac companied by mediocrity. Especially there a demand for this kind of u organization where large door sales are a coualderotlon to the committee. Pic tures of numerons tnrttruinenta and promises of a. widely varied program attract young and' old from far and near. ," X" '; -x"- ' : Some of tbe fcatnres of tbe Maurer Sisters' program are cornet solos wltb orchestral accompaniment, flute solos i with piano accompaniment, violin nolo , wltb piano ncconipiinlineiit, whistling I solos, cello solos, violin and flute duet humorous reudlngft, orchestral num bers wltb piano, violin, flute and cor net; ensemble vocal numbers rendered In conjunction wltn orchestral music. FOR SALE Old Patters, suitable for kindling fires these cool mornings, 5c a package, r'ree tress. - - v-is-u and we are now ready for business New Spring hats are now being worn in other large places-why not in this. Prices Moderate Mrs. M. L. Braswell GENUINE CASTO R IA ALWAY Bears th Signature of a" v5 In Use For Over 30 Years" v Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ' scon t WLLEES m "The Old Reliable" Slate and Tin Roofing of all kinds. All Vork Guaranteed Quick Service on Short Notice. Telephone 1C9 .f-aiw www T4 mi N phimi Mti IT r n n n The Only Town in the World by That Maine Kinston hot only occupies a unique distinction in name, but in reality as a real town. Right now it is favored by natural conditions that place it in the front rank of commerce By reason of its agricultural resources, business is good in Kinston, while other Southern towns are up against it. Yet, Kinston and its territory are only partially .developed. Plenty of room here for more folks and unbounded opportunities for financial investment The story in words and pictures will be told forcefully in the many pacs of the coming iff:' ""i" VEI OF TH"E-:DADLV J F REE PftEOG A copy will bo scntjto evcrylfarmer ard to every merchsr.t in tho tl:r.:!r:. territory. A Izrga n'jrr.bsr wl.I be sent out by the Chamber cf Ccntrr.cr c