i' D. OF A. TO MEET. The Daughters of America , will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Ini- illatlons will be In order, "RUNAWAY JUNE" COMPACT IN THE BERMUDAS. VNIVERSALIST PASTOR AT GREENVILLE CHURCH Her. W. O, Bodell, pastor of th Church ef the Eternal Hope here, preached la the Universalis church at Greenville Sunday. ' V I I I I II DEPUTY COLLECTOR ..;'.. TULL IMPROVED. Deputy United States Revenue Col lector L M. ToIL who has been confin ed to his home near the city for sev eral weeks with a severe ease of crip. is reported to be, convalescing and able' to ba about agala. ., DEATH AND BURIAL OP, - 'p J MRS. BEDDING POPE. : Mrs, Redding Pope about 65 years of ago, died at her heme half a dozen miles aortb of .hero lata Saturday. The funeral and idterment were con ducted in Maplewood cemetery here Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Pul monary tuberculosis was the causa of death. Mrs. Pope's family connec tions were extensive, and she was well known in the neighborhood of her homo. . ADJUTANT GENERAL IS. -. . PLEASED WITH KINSTON . Adjutant-General Laurence Young and Major Baxter Durham, the latter of the Ordnance Department of the National Guard, were official repre sentatives of the State at the funeral exercises over Mr. Woo ten Sunday. The Adjutant-General was taken by Captain J. I. Brown for an auto trip around town and out on the Central Highway. " Ho expressed himself as delighted with the city. Patrons of , the Grand, who have been taking In the interesting serial, "Runaway June," will note with inter est that the company of actors is now in Bermuda, noted for Ks sunshine and beautiful water scenery. This will mean an entirely new atmos phere for the coming episodes. Real istlc scenes of sensational swimming and diving, pictures of hidden treas ures will add interest to the thrill ing series. ' Boats, large and small, have been engaged and it is assured that the following episodes will fur nish enough of the exciting to satisfy. JEWISH FESTIVAL OF.PCRIM. The Hebrews of the city Sunday ob served, with suitable exercises in the synagogue on Queen street, the relig ious festival of Purimi one of the most important holidays in the Jewish cal endar. ; The ' observance continued through forty-eight hours, beginning Saturday morning. Purim celebrates the defeat of the Persian Jews' arch enemy, Haman, the story being con tained in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament, . That portion, of the Scriptures wss widely read among the Orthodox Jews everywhere on Sunday. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BEING . INSPECTED BY FACTORY MAN Mr, Charles P. Maulen, special rep resentative of the Gamewell Fire Alarm System, is in the city today inspecting the recently installed alarm system hero. Chief Moseley of the local department said that Mr. Mau- ltn had found everything in good shape, but would probably test the bells about five o'clock today. MARRIAGE. LICENSES. NEWS AND OBSERVER EDITOR HERE SUNDAY Licenses to wed were issued Satur day to the following couples: White: John Koonce, 40. and Marge Hill, 28, both of. Lenoir county. Colored: Ru- fit. fS.t-ialiaw tXFntr OA .i-j Britton, editor-in-chief of I r.,u t vi . . ' tus Murrille, 22, and Bertha Davis, 18, Mr. Ed the Raleigh News and Observer, was here. Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral ;of. Speaker - Wooten. Mr. Britton came out of respect to the late Speaker, with Whom he had a very warm acquaintanceship, and in part to represent his paper. Mr. Bowie, the temporary presiding officer, will succeed MrvWopten as Speaker, Mr. Britton, bclieveaj . The newspaperman returned to Raleigh Sunday evening, SENATOR WARD WILL DO WHAT PEOPLE WANT DONE la Speaking of Exemption of Lenoir , From Full Operation of Primary Law, Said He Will Yield to , the People's Wishes. V ejsejssseaswaess Senator A. D. Ward of Craven coun ty, representative of this district in the State Senate, was one of the com-1 mittee of the General Assembly at tending the funeral of Speaker Env met Wooten, as was Senator Frank Thompson of Onslow. In discussing the recent action of the Senate in passing a state-wide primary bill and the exemption of Lenoir county, Sen ator Ward said that he and his col league stood ready to do what the people of Lenoir wanted done in the matter, and if the prevailing senti ment of the county was that Lenoir be included, he thought it could be arranged before the bill became law. Senator Ward is one of the strong men of the Legislature and his in flu ence has great weight In the deliber ations of that body. I, ' Pily Blouse All Styles That's New 50c-98c. GOOD PROGRAM AT THE j GRAND THIS WEEK. The Old neldelberg Company be gins a week's engagement at the Grand today. Vaudeville perform ances will be given daily matinee and evenings, except Wednesday, when the Maurer Sisters Orchestra Com pany will play. , A special feature today is the "Eagle's Mate," in five reels, with Mary Pickford, the attrac tive movie star. Tuesday will be shown the furth instalment of "Run away June." The Maurer Sisters, who come to the Grand Wednesday for one night's performance, are her alded as most capable and entertain ing performers and an evening of wholesome amusement is promised. Seats are now on sale at the Grand Ice Cream Parlor. . CASTORIA For Infanta and CbUdrea In Ute For Over 30 Years Always beam the . JSlgnetore of Middy Ties, 50c$1 Middy; laces,;, 5c. All Color. ...- Chas; A. Waters The Telephone Stora ( fiiAHA v. ee ' Do Not Fail Jo See Our vLine of opnng '" t, ,-V" "'',; ' -.. Ve Solicit The accounts of Corpora tiohs, Firms , and Individ uals, and offer- accommo ' dations consistent with safe : banking. . : : ; Start the New Year with us. Farmers & Merchants Bank . Kinston, -- N. C. Coat. Suits, Dresses; Skirls and Millinery No w on Display All New Sliades in Crepe de chine Taffeta, IVJessaline and Tub Silks. ";" ":- " . 1 ' J.M.Stephenson THE LADIES' STORE letlJs SiiowM mm ifsfielil NEW BERN PREPARING FOR FIREMEN'S MEET. Extenaiv preparations are being made at New Bern even now for the State Firemen's Association tourna ment atid convention ta b held there In July r Angus. The Kinston de- psrtment will be represented by two hose wagon racing teams. All the towns of the State maintaining large volunteer departments will send com panies of racer, and the paid depart, menta will be represented by dele gates. A motor-driven apparatus eon test wilt be held for thf first time at a tournament in this Stat. ' ' ' t T' t" " -ii STRANGE NEGRO MAIN v HAVE MEANT TROUBLE. ". v-Ai fyrtW"i'i.i. issliBwaaBSB j A medium-sited, middle-aged black who was dif covered trying to open the door Of Borne m the eastern end of the city Sunday about WOW acted queer when e was followed several blocks and aceoxU by a member of the family. He asked information and gave very flimsy excuses Negro j ' thieve iik other towns f thht aectioa have carried on systematic tobberlet' in the past lew months by canvassing the houses they robbed, in daylight, to get the lay of things before at temjtine.an;fntry.jr)Thhi man was waited for -by another black several blocks from the aeotion he visited. CLOT ING NUMBERS OF THE r; CHAUTAUQUA WELL ATTENDED Hajldan Hal Merton and Dr. R, V?. Sears, the humorist, - delighted their audiences t both the matinee and evening performance Saturday at the Grand in the closing numbers of the Chautauqua program. Mer ton worked some very clever sleight of -hand tricks, and .his ventriloquist feature was laughable. Dr. Sears' lecture on "Giving Taffy and Not Epitaphy," was very enjoyable. He emphasized the importance of using kind words, urging the husbands, who ; had been remiss in that particular, to o home aad talk "sweetly V to V ..'r wires and t:cUo them snder t' r cl. . The lecture was ' if' I nor and pathos : ' t ra y f; ots, 83 is usu- If DJCTIONARYrCERTIFICATE PRESENTED BY THE ( Kirwton Free Press, March I - - ' - SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET 4E I Jfi mwi vOTiami. ft Kmnwu n. lira mm of cottMeuUv. datM. .1 priwli.. Ih.ra thi. Wfk.. with Ik. .xmm. bmu mmmmH kcraia Ml ppo- ' -i mmT w m nmmtw mmimm iwm.o www th. K.mi ot th. com of njek m, Pr? from th. factory, kwkin, clark kir. and vtkar mmw EXPENSE wnt), awiroii wttlfc. wilk rmm chore. W th ttr bootoi eeeao i4e44 91.' S Ntw t Modoni itike illustrations fn the announcements from day to day.) '. r-rufc It is the only entirely msw compilation by the world's tnellSB ereatrrt atithnrillrt (mm .: . - lr. mV nntr, nexmie, stamped in gold on back and . IIIaMieMa . sides. Ormted on Bible naner. with mt nlm anH mrnm hf rounacai Desutiiui, strong, auraDie. Besides the general contents, there r are maps ana over ouu suojects oeautuuiiy illustrated by three- r ......v.. uiw vj imJimiuurj jU liases, ;u I fiIS . . -l- v vi.ivvi fcjioiva venous, x t csriii t 'est United State rVn.ii ' TV,.int at this office SIX CosMeatiTe Cerilficatt el Anpraclitioa aad Expeni. , 98c: Xh 3.0 Q 11 eaaetlr tha tarn n?Z T : ! book, ax. v y i, . op is tae atjrie of S Moiliri ERSUSa isMeh la la niCTtANABV iMtnar. , h wtui sqmr. er wat 8IX As. I O 4 l"w CtHHtM aad tfc. Olb Tb $2.00 la ia plain cloth bind ing, atampl la sold . . ki w . k.. - . I. m n vwmi wuk. MDUBru tilEIISn PP " tllu.tra- DICTtONABV on. 60 U and chart ar emttt.d. SIX Ap- , pnciaim cwnncaiM ami to. MAIL OBDER& An. knnk h umJ nntt . - ... -!si;ri?fc?. New Lot of Bungalow Aprons. Complete Assort ment of House Dresses. Good Vajues. See Them. Lamps For The Bed-Room Shown here for, Jhe first time by this ;Stpfg. hbgariy standards large enough' for any size light, with 8 inch Silk Shades in various , colors;: are , the rnost useful and , attractive electric ' lamps in use today. See them before they are gone. : : : Oettinger's Furniture Store THE ; ONE PRICE CASH STORE The Sixth Series of Stock in the? Mutual Building, and Loan Association will be Issued A. J. Phone 34 SUTTON Prop. 4? We offer you the following prices on United States Tires delivered. Let us have your6rdei as it is' time tb re-tire. Buy at home and save money. , - Nobbv Chain Plain $14.40. $10.70 $9.00 $18.80 $14.00 $11.60 $21,60 $16.00 $13.35 $30.80 $23.45 $19.05 $31.45 $23.95 $19.40 $33.50 &?nKn' 36 x f2 $44.50 $32.85 $27.35 37 x5 $51.90. $38.90 . $32.30 30x3 30 x 3V2 32 x 3(5 33 x 4 34 x 4 36x4 kinsto'n 'ace, Telephone 414 In c. IIEWSPRING STYLES MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES Are now arrivinff. Would be pleased to show you the newest thing for early Spring weai in shoes. Also my lines of Tailoring are now on dis play. You can make a select ion of . what you . want and have it come when you want it. Your to please. Mark : Cummings !4lTh Home of Quality' J uraay. mma An opportunity to invest a small amount each week in absolute safety to yield a NET g return of over six per cent, t -Dues 25c per week on each $100 Share. For full information apply to ' r C, OETTItfGER,, - - Secretiry' INSURANCE OF ALL HINDS C. OETTInCEn, Manager ftj Stihstbii Ihsiirahcc Realty Co. Telephone No. 102 (Next to Postcffice ) Dr.O.L.WIION Office lifr JT. ; 13. ,11004 ft Cs' , Store. . Only One "BROMO QUINT?rB T frtttn rMwtn, c!1 for fan nam.. LAXA IIVK BROxouiUNlMt. Looklor.i ;naiorn4 E. W. GMOV H. Cm a CoUl in Oa Lmv. 64 n. C9a "4 BtwUKh aa4 wutka Mi cobL fcc P. k G. Revisie Ksc Harrow The Disc Harrow with every needed change on it. . ' -, , , , The Disc Harrow made of steel in its constructive parts; this means a big saving in your repair bills every yearthink about this before you buy. ' , -. (.;,-.. . The Disc Harrow with a double frame which puts the disc under the center of frame, and keeps it well balance? no neck weight on neck of team. . " 7 .' , ; --: ,, -,. , The P. & O. Disc has an axle that is 1 inch in diameter and an extra large washer on the end of the axle and 'relieves the end thrust on the in side blade. The seat is adjustable for heavy or light driver. ' Sold in 16, 18 and 20 inch sizes with six or 8 disc, an wiffc tw or four horse bitch, with tongue or tongue truck at your option. pee iijjs maenme mi ore you buy it's money in your pocket to do this. H. E. Moseley Ear divare Co. DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSiaiv Rei(?ence Phone 523. 'Office PW'.m OSTTOPATHY DEFINED Oateopafh; Is sr system of healin, ease by scientific manipulation, tfc, purpose of each manipulation bcio. either to adjust Some derangemenli the position of the tinues or to ihcteb. " vmmn uic ku vuy 01 some organ It ia not a remedy for aomo particul diaeaae. but succeasfullv treat, all able non-sursical acute and chrL Invest. Vour Savings . . Announcement V. H. Mewborn,- a fraduato of the Pennsylvania College of Optics ml Ophthalmology, and a registered 0 tometrist under the laws of this sbtc, announces that he now has hi opticil parlors located next door upstairs to tk Dixie Theatre, ' and is thoroughly equipped to give you scientific eye examination and fit you with satitfact. oiy glasses, at a reasonable'price. ISA M. HARDY, M. D - Physicisn and Surgeon ' Office Hours: 9 ta 11; 2;30 to 6 - ' P. M.; 7 to 9 P. If. J Phones: Residence- 0Q7; Office 479. 182 West Caswell Street, Ear, Noae and Thnxl - r N. J. House, ' Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW "; '-'' Offiecaf " . v- ; . Kinsteril N. C GoMsboro, N. C, 303-304 Borden Building, DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT Specialist In Diseases of Wo men and Children, Office bourn -JO to 12. '-0Sce '105 E. Caswell Street. : , Phone 118. Z, V. MOSELEY, M. D. " Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hoars: ; 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 6 p. m. , 8 to 9 p, m. -" , Phones: Office, 478 P.es. Phone 113 AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Creain, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Sliinncr & Scj