r THE KINSTON FREE PRESS WANT-ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN V; v 8EBTION ' MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR BENT rive-room cottage on East Gordon St. Apply E. R. Wal 1 ler. V' fi-26-tf-Dly KING HOUSE FOR RENT Twelve rooms and kitchen. Apply to R. : B. West ' 2-25-3t-Dly WANTED Middle-aged white woman to attend, invalid." 1 Must live with family. , Address A, B, C, this office. ' 8-8-Dly-lwk. . - vm'v FARM FOR ' JgENT i-horse farm, good uihjifga, good land," good lo- : 2-i7-Diy&sw-tr FARMS FOR, SALE We have sev ersl smalf farms for sale; ' terms reasonable. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-DlyASWltf : , - FOR SALE Dry Pino Wood, sawed a no split In 'lengths ready, for; the cook stove. - Sam Taylor, Fhono 852. IF YOU, WpJLp LIKE TO HAVE a "Ladf MayDnfcs -Tom for your spring sewing, see Miss Penny at The Hyatt House, on Friday, the Fifth. t - 3-3-4t-Dlyl NOTICE-i-The annual meeting of the Stockholder of the Kinston' Loan and Real Estate Co. will be held at its office on .Friday, March , 19th, at S o'clock pf'taTA R, C Strong, Secy. 1 3-l:18-Dly , f WOOD1 WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! We have Pine Wood for eale,ysaw mill blocks or board ends, $10 per car, slabs $1.25 per cord, F. 0. B., .Dover, , N. C. Goldsboro Lumber Co.; Dover, N. C. f - , 3-1 to 6-Dly . P -i i I t . y -- RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH ; OFKmEH WOOTEN Chamber of Commerce Attests to His Usefulness as Public Official and , Citizen and Extends Sympathy i,'V to Members of Family 1 Below are printed the resolutions drawn up by a committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to give public testimonial to that body's re gret at the untimely death of Emtnett R. Wooten, Lenoir county's represen tative in the General Assembly and Speaker of the House, and extend its sympathy to the relatives of the late prominent Klnstonian: "Be it Resolved, by the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, at a spe cial meeting,, held on February 27th, 1915: : ' ?First That we learn with sincere sorrow of the tragic death of our es teemed fellow-member, Emmett R. Wooten, Lenoir county's representa tive in the General Assembly, and Speaker of the House in that body. "Second. That wo attest to his use fulness as a public-spirited citizen of Kinston, for in the interest of this community he always gave loyal and valued services, both as a public of ficial and, a private citizen, and we express our unreserved gratitude for his prompt and faithful response to every request of this 'organization made for the uplift and advancement of this community, a . : i Third. That we extend to his be reaved family our deepest sympathy. Fourth. That a copy of these res olutions be entered upon our minutes, a copy published in the press of this city, and a copy be Bent to the wife of the deceased. ' . - . .. J. W. GOODSON, , H. E. MOSELEY, ' G. V. COWPER, ' Committee. SOCIAL And PERSONAC ' Mrs. 3. T. Skinner is ill at her home on East Street' '.:: ' b a a ; ,''v Mr. Thomas Harvey spent yester day in New, Bern Mr. Isaae Cohen of New Bern was in the city Tuesday,' ":; Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Dixon of Hook erton were in the city yesterday. Mr. Harry Lewis has returned from spending a few days at Jacksonville. a a a Mrs. George B. W. Hadley of Green ville is the guest of Mrs. Walter D. LaRoque here. LILLIAN DOUGLAS; mm- CM- : WANTEDToung woman stenogra- i pher aiuLoffice. assistant Pleasant work' and prospect of advancement Address in own hand-writing, giving references; fSteifiJgfhplVffr , "Wanted," fcare Free" Press, JCinston, N.'C. " 'i 3-3-Dly & SW tf AUCTION SALE 20 , Horses and Mules, 1 Jack, 20 Cattle, 30 Hogs, 200 barrels Corn, Lot of. Hay, all Farm Implements, including Reaper i and Binder, Grain Drill, Cultivatora, Wagons, Carts, Buggies, etc.. Time of sale Thursday,' March 4, 1915; place, at my home, in Dover N. C. George K. West 'sii r, 2-26-6t-Dly-2t - SW . Take train to Falling Creek Friday morning at 10:03. We will meet you there and take you to the Harvey Farm. We will feed you and enter tain you and give you a chance at a bargain. , 4 '... Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A STATEMENT ' J For Your Convenience I have on hand and in stock new .Cart Bodies, 4 Good Buggies, .Good Delivery Wagon, Push Carts, .Wheel Barrows, Break Carts, Trucks, 1 and horse Wagons For Sale Cheap. . v ah Kinds or , Kepairs done on short notice. HARRELL BROTHERS, a ooi oi rarron s Bridge Tfie Grand Theatre 1 ; TONIGHT . One performance Only MAURER SISTERS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Composed of four v.-rsatile young Musicians. Repertoire Includes Cor net, riute, Violin, Whittling, Cello Solos; Violin and Flute Duets; Humorous Readings AN EVENING OF WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT Reserved Seats . . General Admission 50 Cento 25 Cents Seats on Sate at Gpttd Ice Cream Potior. Picture Show beglnsja o'clock Tlie (Grand Theatre BIG HOUSE . . . BIG SHOW Old Heidelberg Tabloid Jun Company Good Comedy and Chorus Complete Change of Program Today's Matinee r-" (Givng-Way Tonight to Maura. Suters Orchestra) Today-(Onc Show Tdnfcht) B B H . Mrs. C W. Munger and daughter, Miss Cora Munger, passed through the city Tuesday en route from their ' home in New Bern to Greensboro. B B 'rl'-i; Mr. Thomas J. Pence of Craven county and Miss Cassie Lee', White, also of Craven, were married by Mag istrate H. C V. Peebles in the Court house Tuesday afternoon. B B , ' -f. Mr. Jesse Conway and Miss Eva Harris, well-known young people of the city, were married by Magistrate Charles Bagby in his home on East Grainger avenue Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Conway is employed at the Kinston Cycle Company's shop, and is popular with s wide circle of acquaintances. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mattie Harris, who lives in the eastern end of the city, and is a very attractive young woman. a a a . Suffragists to Meet Thursday. The Kinston Equal Suffrage League will meet Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of the president Miss Sybil Hyatt . ' a a a Mr. Busbee Guest of Reviewers' Club Tuesday. Mr. Jack Busbee, the well known artist of Raleigh, was, the guest on Tuesday of the Reviewers' Club, and made a most interesting address on art. Miss Hattle Parrott was the hostess for the occasion and . each member was privileged to invite a guest The meeting was held in the Baraca class room of the Gordon Street Christian church. Those en joying the hospitality of the occasion were: Miss Parrott, Mrs. B. P. Smith, president of the club, who introduced Mr. Busbee; Mrs. W. D. Pollock, Mrs, R. L. Crisp, Mrs. N. J. Rouse, Mrs. Alice Fields, Mrs. Curtis Howard, Mrs. H. Gait Braxton, Mrs. R. W. Wnnten. Mrs. H. E. Moseley, Mrs. E. G. Barrett, Mrs. John Weyher, Mrs Frank Hill, Mrs. Fred. Taylor, Mrs. E. Y. Speed, Mrs. Arthur Copeland, Miss Murray. Miss Smith, Miss Wet- son, Mrs. H. A. Humble, Mrs. C. B Woodley, Mrs. Henry Harper and Mrs. W. T. Hines. The refreshments were cream and cake, each plate bear ing a pink carnation. ; Leading Lady, Bijou Stock Com pany, which opens a week's engage meat at the Grand Monday. The opening bill will be Tempest and Sunshine. :.';',- - CUE! CUEl BARBECUE! The good old-fashioned kind. The fa mous "Harvey" Kind. Served free to all who attend the sale of the Thos. Harvey Farm. Friday, March 6th, st 10:30 a. m. ' ' Today's Cotton Market New York, , March Today's f u tures quotations were; Open Close March : , .... . . .8.34 . 8.44 May''.. 'W;., 7,7i.V... 8.68 8.69 July 8.79 8. October . ......... ..9.08 , 8.19 December .......9.28 9.39 Today's Local Sales: About 10 bales at 7 1-2 cents. Austin, Tex., March 8. After thor oughly condemning the lobby register as "ridiculous," tne senate discarded it;i The lower branch of the Legis lature, however, today continues to require representatives of special in terests to register their names and the legislation for which they . are "lobbying." There is no better land in Lenoir county than that on the Thomas Har vey Farm. For sale at suction Fri day, March 6th, 10:30 a, m., by Bur ton Bros. Realty Co. Children Cry. ' tab. ri eTurBe run rfcfcivnfcn ' ,. .. CASTORIA THIS AND FIVE CENTSl DONT MISS THIS Cut out this slip, enclose five .cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar , Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, - and Foley Cathartic Tablets. For sale by J. E. Hood ft Co. Adv.' '- 'V x J' 1 n. The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed t-ir jLi Carefully Treat 1 Children s Colds FEW CHANGES IN TIIC TirCDC IIME IIP I Plenty of fresh air in thi 1HL llutlW LlIlL-Ur good application of Vick1 . . J-I Salve over the throat and FOR THIS StASUW iy hole THE DERELICTS." 2 fed Bioprmpfc femturc. .THE CAUSE OF ALL." I ted iCIe. THOfRSDAT "ZUDORA-" N-mth epiode. - "ALL ACCOUNT OF THE CHEESE." " I reel Biogripk : "FABLE OF CLUB GIRLS." I ied Emi,. - . I THE CHOICE." I fed Vkagraph. rilDAT THE MAN ON THE BOX" 5 reek, ADMISSION THIS WEEK (EXCEPT TONIGHT) r.T2t:-y,,;";V : ' ; L- ::Jr ; V- ; S end 10 cents ric!:!3 ,10 end 23 cents Detroit. Mich., March 3. Hughey Jennings is going to stand very near- naf nn his 1914 team. There is a i r- - - at second, left vacant by the col lapse of Marty Kavanagh, the Jersey ti 1 u.- cave man, ana, gooa piwnera can m used, but that will he the extent of the Jigletown patching. This was the dope handed out , by the prophets today. ; -'Some thousands of fans who be lieve the Tigers would have beaten the Red Sox out of, second place in the American League race last sea son had Cobb been ablo to remain in the game throughout the summer, are confidently predicting a pennant lor I the Bengals in 1915. Most of the others believe "there's a fighting chance." 77 v;7;' ';'-' U V.' Georee Burns, who was more or less of a sensation last year, undoubt edly will be seen at first base again this season, Donie Bush will be at short, and George Moriarity, the vet eran, who bad one of his best seasons ! last vear. at third. Cpbb, Crawford and Veach will continue at their out post stations unless Jacobson, the Mobile swatster, succeeds in sup planting Veach in left field, in which case the best outfield in baseball will be bettered. Strange again will be the first string catcher, with "Red" McKee and lel Bauer continuing as first lieutenants in the mask and .'jShin-guarJa department. Neglect of children's soldi often lays the foundation of serious hug trouble. On tha other band, it is harmful to oontinu. ally dose delicate little stomachs with in. ' ternal medicines or to seep tne cnuorea always' indoors. .-; ' -jj-r . Plenty oi men air in tne Deoroom ana a s vvap-ujino-' chest at the first eiim of trouble, will keep the little chape jrea from colds without injuring their di gestions. SSe, 50c, or f 1.00. VNWNB HAS WIS TRADE MARK. WHKfMS SALVE WHY SUFFER ANY. STOMACH DISTRESS When Mi-o-na Is a Quick and Effect ive Remedy. If your stomach 4s continually kick ing up k disturbance, causing distress after eating, heartburn,' coated tongue, gas, sour taste of food,' and you feel blue, irritable and nervous, you are suffering - from indigestion and dyspepsia. f , 1 It's needless for you to suffer, and now is the time to quickly stop the distress and regulate your upset stom ach. ,7 vv. yre:y U'l v Simply get from J. E. Hood A Co., or any drug store, some Mi-o-na tab lets a simple prescription that does more than give quick snd lasting re lief. ' Mi-o-na ; soothes the irritated lining of the stomach and stimulates the flow of the digestive juices so that what you eat is quickly convert- J efl into healthful nourishment, then yon are well and strong, and no long er worry about trifles or have restless nights. ' ' r r- i IT . f I! t r A 1. ' j . uo not mow inuigesuun w wrccK yeur nearcn -ana nappiness, Dut get some Mi-o-na tablets at eneewthey are cheap and harmless. alv. " Chew BobsM sV .- , ; 5c the packet or two "Bobs", for a cent at all the better stands and stores. 'ARM hearted little things these"Bobs"! Mthe pep and the mint of the peppermint, all the chew of the gum with fine ; white coats of candy, and ; made heart shape 'cause everybody loves them so. "Bobs' give yon real flavor OUR flLIIIEfl 13 EE Figure what other lands on the Central ; Highway between . - Kinston and LaGrange - are bringing. Then come to the sale of the Thomas Har vey Farm Friday, March 5th, 10:30 a. mV and let Burton Bros, sell, you jt bargain, v , GUY C TAYLOR Special Representative New ; t4Yort Life Insurance Co. , ; Hookerton, N. C. . ;' and we are now ready for business. New Spring "Ijts worn in other large places-why not in-this.- - . PncVs L!ci2raib TiIbs. M. L Brasivell BEIITO!! & MOORE Architects: Wilson, .: : H. C.; DR. T. H. FAULXNE2 . DENTIST J ' Offlca 130 8. UeLowMtt 8t ' Near BsMdenet, " Dr. O.L. WILSON : "Offleo over I. E. Hood A Cos k'f' ' "'Store' r" : Sasf A Tremendous Value Giving Jewelry Sale is ; in Progress at the Kleber Denmark Store. ; y'- - v :. .. ,.(', v -;,; ; (. , 'i v - ' .'v. ( s , r", " '.- y ' ' '" v ;'.'' " . 1 '' , -: -:' Never before in the history of Kinston has such an opportunity presented itself to the people of this sec tion to buy high grade Jewelry at such prices as this well selected stock js being offered, for. This is no job lot of pawn shop goods. The stock represents . a, choice selection of the latest and most , up-to-date patterns and designs in Jewelry, Glassware and every thing that is found in a well appointed jewelry store. EVERY ARTICLE IS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AT PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE STOCK IS PICKED OVER. THE BARGAINS ARE HERE NOW. THE PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT TO THE QUICK AND THE FIRST CUT WAS MADE WITH A VIEW TO MOVING STOCK. ' If you are waiting for further reductions or feel tjiat a little later will be a better time to avail yourselif of this j; opportunity, let us advise you to ;.c$gie- nfiw There's no time like the present and it is our sincere opmion that today presents the best chance to get the greatest Jewelry values you have ever had Plato Collins, Trustee Kleber Denmark-Jeweler Clarence Wooten is Still in Charge of J&Stepaxtr Drpirtncnt