m ' ' - I - - - .-V 11111 fl 111 1 . i 10c In Sealed Cartons SOCIAL And ' '. ' PER SON AG. , M One glance will fIiow how the inside wax paper mid the outside carton KEEP PUKITEE KAKE CLEAN. FBPSII AND FLAVORY. One taste will reveal its rich, distinctive flavor. Choice , of Rx. delicious kinds, at the remarkable pric ; of 10c, ,', y:: '.,.., .".. : Bread Tou Know IS CLEAN! Tour nickel or dim now, buys bread with all the home ins tie . rlchnriui and flavor-, v wrapped and aealod in wax Z PPT. IT It BACHES TOU AS CUBAN AND FRESH AS IT CAME FROM THH PCniTY, OVENS. Map-in' tend ioti HOLBUSt . brjeafi j r aMarly' with . your vrdertt 5m It's Wrapped! IDouble size loaf - - 10c Holsum Junior -j- 5c SOLD BY W. E. PARROTT & CO. WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN ,t. :'-' 8EBTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOB SALE Nice Lettuce,-1 cents per head. Mrs. H. A. Birdsall, 204 East Gordon s.treet.7 'M-piy.- ' BLACK MINORCA EGGS for sale . $1 per sitting.; l OMoseley. 5 , ';. ;3-4 DIy 3-6-S W JAS. G., MEHEGAN, Reliable, Es ' perienced Piano and Organ Tuner. Phon 184. .': , 3-4-2t-Dly "" ; . T'r '''' vv- ' -" ''. "'' ; .'" , r- KING HOUSE FOR RENT Twelve xrooms and kitchen. ?Apply to R. " B. West' 2-25-3t-Dly WANTE,D Middle-aged white woman to aten .invalid. Must live with family-Addres8 A, B, C, this' office. 3-3-DIy-lwk. FARM FOR RENT 2-horse farm, good buildings, good land, good lo cation. Becton and Douglass, t 2-17-Dly&SW-tf - ; ' FARMS. FOR SALE We have sev eral small farms for sale; terras reasonable, Becton and Douglass." 2-17-Dly&SWltf MRS, M. L. BRASWELL .; a Begs , to announce her Spring and Summer Opening, Friday and Satur day, March 5 and 6, 1915. ; The public is cordially Invited. 8-4-6t-Wy " - . 1 - Ar:;:v. NOTICE. . , The annual meeting of etockhold ers of . North State Life ,J Insurance Company will be held in company's offices in Kinston, N. C, Tuesday af ternoon. March 9, at 2:30 o'clock. ' I :XA. E. ROUNTREE, Secretary. 3-4, 5, 6, 8, 9-6t , . tl STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of 'the Caswell Cotton Mills, Inc., will be held at the office of the Corporation on Thursday, March 11, 1915, at 3 o'clock p. m. All stockholders are urged to be present and participate in said meet ing..', W. D. LaROQUE, 3-3-to 10th ; , Secretary. FOR SALE Dry Pin Wood, aawed ana split in lengths ready for the cook stove. Sam Taylor, Phone 852. 2-ll-3wks-Dly CONGRESS WOUND UP 63RD .; SESSION AT MIDDAY EGGS FOR SALE From the finest Buff Orpingtons in Eastern Caroli na, $1.50 per 13. Phone 107-L., or see Joe Ballard. ' FOR MUSIC LESSONS on Piano, Violin or. Any Instrument, see Mr. or Mrs. G. Mehegan, Rooms 3 and 4. Whitaker Building:" 1 .3-4-2t-Dly IF, YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE a "La5y May" Dress Form ; for your spring sewing, see Miss Penny at The Hyatt House, on Friday, the Fifth.'- -,'- 3-3-4t-Dly! ;" , " 7 , ;V, ; , NOTICE The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Kinston 'Loan and Real Estate Co. will be held at its , office on, Friday, March 19th,, at 3 o'clock p. m. " R. C. Strong, Secy. , 3-l-l$-Dly - ' ' y " " ' " WOODf WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! J We have Tine Wood for sale, saw mill bloeks or hoard ends, $10 per car, slabs $1.25 per cord, F." O. B., Dover, . N. C.- Goldsboro Lumber Co., Dover, N. c.-'" - - 3-1 to -Dlv (Continued from Page 1) fore the present session, began last December. . The principal . accomplishments of the Sixty-third Congress were the following laws: New tariff and income tax; , - - New currency system.' Creating Federal trade commis sion. I , . Amending the anti-trust act Repeal of the Panama canal "free tolls" provision. - Authorizing a government railroad in Alaska. ' , - ' v Empowering use of armed , forces in Mexico. .- The war tax. k ' Creating - a war risk ' insurance bureau. , ' , Ratification of 21 peace treaties, t Another spectacular innovation in augurated by President Wilson was his custom of delivering messages in person to Congress. With the echo of the adjournment gavels today many big figures in pub lic life retired. Nine Senators and nearly ' 150 Representatives ; left the Congress today. . The Senators re tired today - were Senators Root Bristow, ' Burton, Stephenson, Per kins, Crawford, Thornton, ? Camden, Mr. Dempsey Wood spent yesterday In New Bern. . v- : Mr. G. V. Cowper (a attending Su perior Cour In Jacksonville. ' ' y.:, d''ia 5 ' -; Mrs. J. M. Spencer and Miss Eula Cole of New Bern are the guests of friends here. ,, - ' ' Mrs. S. B. Moore of Goldsboro pass. ea xnrougn tne city Wednesday - en route to visit friends in" New Bern. B B B Mrs. J. D. Curtis and child of Thompson, Ga returned home Wed nesday night, after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mewoorne. ; : H ' The Woman's Board of Workers of the United Charities will meet on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Baraca room of Gordon Street Chris. j B B b; . , The boys and girls of the interme diate and senior departments of Gor don Street' Christian Sunday school will hold a social meeting this even ing in the social rooms of the church, to which they are asked to bring their friends. Mothers' Club of Kinston : Organized. - The mothers who met Wednesday afternoon by request of ,Miss Mildred McDaniel, organized a Mothers' Club for Kinston. The following' officers were elected: Mrs. H. Gait Braxton, president; Mrs. E. G. Barrett, vice president; Miss Mildred McDaniel, secretary and treasurer; Mrs.. Frank Hill, chairman of the program com mittee. -.-. . ;, ; 1 ' ve,;'f !; .' i The meetings will be held the first Wednesday in every month in the Baraca room of the Christian church. Every lady interested in child wel fare in home, church or Sunday school will be cordially welcomed into this association, ' V Attention was called to the article on "Mother Craft in England," which appeared in the March number of Pic torial Review. House will have 231 Democrats, 194 Republicans, 7 Progressives, one So cialist and one Independent. Some notables .who , have ."come back" and will be in the next House include "Uncle Joe" Cannop, William B. McKinley of Illinois, Ebenezer Hill of Connecticut, Nicholas Longworth of Ohio and "Cy" Sulloway of New Hampshire. 1 ; '. .. , ' In addition to the "big" legislation enacted by the Congress adjourning sine die today were many important legislative ' features. Woman suf frage and national prohibition amend ments were defeated ih the House. The immigration bill, passed by both houses, was vetoed and killed by Pres ident Wilson: ( "Lobby" investigations by both the Senate and House Were instituted. Cotton futures and cotton warehouses bills became law. but' cotton currency legislation was defeated. The agri cultural extension bill was passed. A bill to properly regulate in surance of railway securities, by the House, but pigeonholed in the Senate. Rivers and harbors appropriation bills were pruned by means of a fili buster. Radium, water power, the Alaska coal, and mineral ' oil were conservation measures passed by the House. The Philippine independence bill and La Follette's seaman's labor and sea safety . measures were also before Congress. Consideration of this government's martial preparedness : for , war was also a big issue during the closing session of the dying Congress. WAWVKD Young . v. pher and office assistant ' Pleasant "work and prospect of ; advancement Address in own hand-writing, giving references,' "Stenographer Wanted," - care Free Press Kinston, N.- C. ' 3-3-Dly & SW tf- , woman ,SiJ North Carolina State Fair KNITTING MILL wishes women to take orders for guaranteed hosiery in full or spare time; big profits; Ex perience unnecessary. International Mills," 5038 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, P- '' ' 1 ' ' 2-19-eod-16t " AUCTION SALE 20 Horsea and . . Mules, 1 Jack, 20 Cattle, 30 Hogs, 200 barrels .Corn, Lot of Hay, all Farm Implements, including Reaper and Binder, Grain Drill, Cultivators, Wagons, Carts, Buggies, etc Time of ale Thursday, March 4, 1915; place, at my home, in Dover, N. C. George K- West 2-26-6tDly-2t SW mong the prominent who left the House today were Dem ocratic Leader Underwood and Rep resentative Broussard, who go to the Senate; Progressive Leader ; Victor Murdock, and Representatives Hulk ley, Neeley of Kansas, A. Mitchell Palmer, Burke of Pennsylvania, Burke of South Dakota, Stevens of Minnesota, Metz, Henry George, Jr Ainey, Bowdle, Goldfogle, Knowland of California, Beall of Texas, Bart lett of Georgia, Bartholdt, Hobson and Stanley. .v -: The Senate had today 53" Demo cratic,' 42 Republicans and one Pro gressive member. .The Sixty-fourth Congress will see 56 ' Democratic, one Progressive and 39 Senators gea ted. f ; . The House today had 286 Demo crats, 124 Republicans, 17 Progres sives and one Independent The next Raleigh, March 3. The officials fifty-fifth will be held during the week from October 18 to 23. The others of the Carolines circuit of fairs will have the following dates: Durham, Semtepmber 21-24; Salisbury, September 28-October 1; Winston-Salem, October 5-8; Greens boro, October. 12-15; Charlotte,1 Octo ber 26-29, and Spartanburg. Novem ber 5-8. , Hear Burton Bros, sell the Thomas Harvey Farm on Central 'Highway, one mile from Fields? Station, Friday, March 5th, 10:30 a. m. Band concert Barbecue. CHICHESTER S PILLS W -r-. .TUB PIAMVNP BftANK. CLANS'IEH HARK THREE CHUtESE FOR DEATH Police Wait In Dread for Time When .Vengeance Will Be Taken The ' ' Story of Lee Dock and Eng . .i. ' Ming, Murderers. . .jr..-',v. Jy u h, ' By Carlton Ten Eyck. (Written for the United Press.) , .New York, Mercn 1. There are two men in New . York's Chinatown who are named for death. .Who they are is not known. Who' their murj derera will be .is not known. , When they will be killed is not known. But they are marked for, death just as surely as the sun will rite tomorrow. on the bits of paper and. forget tq follow the hearse. 1 Ahead of the hearse went a car riage which held the feast; Roast pigs, chickens,' nuts, rice, eggs, cakes, ginger everything was there that the men might not become hungry on their long Journey. Behind the hearse came the floral carriages, and Demna inem carriages bearing their friends. " ' -' ' , ' At the grave Lee Kung bade the men farewell. The women wailed, the flute shrieked and the dirt was thrown on the 'coffins. Then : the feast was laid atop the graves and the cortage wended its way back to Chinatown. ' - ' ' " There was an undercurrent of ac tivity that night but the presence of Children Cry for Fletcher's It may come, tomorrow; it may come I the white guardians forestalled any . 1 ti . . - . " I - .1 ,.' .? ! ' ni( weex, or it may come next sum-1 open ouiurean. . v . mer no one knows. Inspector Wake field of the Police Department wishes he did. But he "can only wait ' x Ever since the electrocution of Eng Hing and Lee Dock, two Hip Sing hatchet men,' at Sing Sing " seeral weeks ago, another tong war has been smoldering in Chinatown. And it will continue to smolder until it breaks forth . in the flame that will mean death to two members of the So - Chinatown smolders and tho Police Department waits in -dread of when the smoldering will break out in the flame, that probably, will neces i sitate sending another Hip Sing to the electric chair. '' .-v. VALUE OF HYOMEI. There is no better land in Lenoir county than that on the Thomas Har vey Farm. , For sale at auction Fri day, March 5th. 10:30 a. m., by Buiv On Leongs.; It is the law of China-1 ton Bros. Realty Co. town, and as irrevokable as the law or nature. Eng Hing and Lee Dock had evened up the score between the Hip Sings and on the On Leongs. They killed Leo Kay, and On Leong, almost two years ago; "They had been in prison ever since. While they lived the score was evened. ' When they died it be came uneven again. It must' be bal anced. The smoldering almost broke out at the funeral of the two men. It was one of the most gorgeous China town has ever seen. They were he- It's the Same Catarrh Remedy Noth Ing Better for Head Colds. Do not endanger your health by taking strong drugs in the hope of curing coughs, asthma, head colds or dangerous catarrh that frequently de s troys tne hearing. Use nyomet, a simple combination of healing oils that you breathe through a small in haler. Its curative and health-giving medication clears stuffed-up head like magic. Hyomei quickly goes to all the sore roes in the eyes of their brethren, I and inflamed tissues lining the nose martyrs not "murderers they stood I nd throat its antiseptic healing be gins at once and dull headaches, that distressing choking, constant sniffling and unclean discharges surely cease. Hyomei is not only a pleasant treat? ment, but very inexpensive. Be sure to get the complete outfit that con tains inhaler 'and bottle of liquid. J. E. Hood and Co. sell it on the "No-cure-no-pay" plan. .Surely try Hyo mei today you have nothing to lose on this generous offer. , . in the eyes of white men. , Inspector Waweffeld knows Chinatown of old. He was personally in charge of the funeral and a hundred of his men were scattered throughout the nar row streets. He was taking no chances. - 1 ' Lee Kung;, the venerable priest of the Chinese Temple, had on his most gorgeous robes. - They glittered with bright silken threads and the great gold dragons. He was going to send two of Chinatown's heroes to their God in state. " The aged priest 'stood between the two dead men in the dim flickering light of the chapel. Inl the mouth of each was a coin which was to' pay the Grizzled Boatkeeper for their pas sage over the River o Death. ".On the breast of each was . tightly corked bottle. In each bottle was a slip of paper on which was .. written the man's name. If the boatman snouid become careless on the journey and allow his passengers to Blip over board, then the bottles would wash ashore and their friends would know. Lee Kung began to address the two men", who were going on tne long ourney., He told, them of the mys teries of the life that was to be theirs. Around him huddled the comrades of the men. Lee Dock and Eng Hing died by the law of the white men for doing their duty as Chinamen as they saw it" he said. ' f They avenged their dead brothers." ' There was an ominous muttering from the . blus-blonsed gathering. From the back of the dim little room women began to moan." Then the priest stopped. "' Inspector Wakefield ' stood in the doorway. . He shook his head at the priest. ' f Lee Kung chose : his words care fully after that ) At lasc he finished. Then the gong' was beaten, the weird shrieking of the flute sounded and sixteen Hip Sings lifted the cof fins, on their shoulders and the march to the cemetery began. ;': It did not lead through Chinatown, j Inspector Wakefield was taking no chances. - Behind the hearse were scattered bits pt vaVi-eolored paperCur0U8ly scrawled sentences were . written on them. Thus, if evil spirits were fol lowing the dead men to their graves, they would stop to read what was FOR RENT Five-room cottage on East Gordon St Apply E. R. Wal lers , ' 2-26-tf-Dly XVVN.NXS.VVVVS.vv . J 'CUE! CUE! BARBECUE! The good old-fashioned kind. The fa mous "Harvey" Kind. Served free to all who attend the sale of the Thos. Harvey Farm. Friday, March 5th, at 10:30 a. m. ' "' . - ' Pill to Ur4 aMni hiukVV bnmm, tmili ia him fcibba. V Tsikat atW. Baa' mf m " lmrH-C Akfnr: Ml 4 lfr vTFSt VUaUAB pBAn U i-ILlJ. few I TH Jtwm M Best, Sm0t, A I wsr R cibl 1I1C0 Reward, $1C3 Th mlM of Ihta txiwr wUI be plnwif n kin that there to at IrMt one drrdel Olavw that aclenre aaa keen bk l rura la U lu tacei. and that kt Catarrh. Hull a Catarrh Cara la the onlr eoeltlre rnre now knuern to te niej- teat fraternltT.n. wrrn wir euninii.iiiii dHe, reouirea ewwtlrutimial tr-tiwii. ii.ii-. r...Mh Cere t titkiii InteraIlv. actliif. directly mwit the hiued n4 niamtw ur(ae-e ot the aratem. tlieroby . th-atrof ln ti funmlatl- r tlte dlneaae. aaU lrli, llw pllenr ir.i.i(iU by euildlna mv the eMthatli awl e"t:l'Ui tajre in ilnt tta eork. The tronrtetre m ram fut'h It H irt! e-wira that .'iy iffer tine rtiHn' i I"'ler lie "T enne lh, it aija t rnre. .-Hil h li.t of teetlmoiiltils Addma r. J. CIIC.NET A CO.. T-deJo. L dold BT ill Dnieslala. Tie. Tta tUU't raJDllr mit (o evBit'adoa. Mrs: M. L. Braswell GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Sale Save yoor money by buy ing where goods are sold at lowest prices. , wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm Hats. Plumes. Flowers, Hand Bags, Hose, Hair Goods, Ba- rettes, Ribbons, Shirt Waists, Neck Cords, Laces, Kimonas, Umbrellas, Baby Caps, Rack ing and Neckwear., : : : Mrs. M. L. Braswell DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST . Office ' 180 S. MeLewean St " Near Residence. Dr.O.L.WHSON , , DerUst . Office over J. E. Hood ft CVT ' Store. GUY C. TAYLOR Special Representative New ' . York life Insurance Cc, Hookerton, N. C. WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated .with A. Cheney, ' Civil : Engirleer, at A. Cheney's Office. - KIN3TOM, N. C - I Th Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for orer 30 years, has bornn the signatara of . f ' and has been made under his per ' SJ(?S--fc. ' Bal snporvlsldn slnoo its Infancy. Allow noon to deceive yon in this. - All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ar bat ! lilxpvrlnicnta that trifle with and endanger the health of . , Inlants and Children Experience against KiperlmeaU - What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare - fforlc, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleaitant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo ' ust,, 1 ffe Is Us irnnrantee. It destroys Worms ' ' v fnd allays FcvertshncM. For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for the relief of Constipation. iaiuifiuy, iim cone, ail xcetJilng' Troubles ' and ' 1 Dlarrhrra. It rpirnlntpni dm Ktnmnnh . assimilates tho Foot!, glvlnsr healthy aud natural sleep. V Tho Children's PanaceaThe Mother's i'rlcud. . ' GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ' In Use For Over 30 Years" '; The Kind You Have Always Bought t ft t MDDEIIIllSEIlGLISn DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BYTHE - Kin$ton Free Press March 4J t CIY ADDDrriATMN rFDTIFIPsTFC. rnilCTITIITF 1 fT r 3 ij 11 2 3 l',,ijliM,iiWJJ,iMiJi RLm mmmmmI mi iMa sMa. ejunatfnnal mnMetutlltv tit tin. Out T Ik. above Certificate of Appreciation with fie otbera f camawalir. aWlM, mmi preeentinl than at thia Wf ice, with th. nam beniu aaaount herein aet apao. ail. any atrle ei Dicliooarr eelected (which eo,M th. Kema of the eat of pjclg , . in., eapraea fraaa th factory, checkin., lrk hire and other neceeaary EXPfcNaS - ItemaJ. mmA yon will ba praa.nl art with yowr ahoie. of thee, three, fcooha i fThe $4.00. ,(Like illustrations in the announcements from day to day.) 1 i -. . II la las uni.1 ciuirci navr vuiuiiiuuiuu uj i wvim e j i muoern tntiiMi greatest authorities from leading universities; fs bound in DICTIONARYJull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and f Ulnatraicd sides, orinted on Bible caner. with red edges and corners If rounded ; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there IT are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- - i color plates, numerous subjects by monotones, 16 pages of I aataunTaS f educational cnarts ana ire latest unitea siates census, rrcscm t o 4 at this- office SIX CmswsUts Cvtifk.te f Apemiatiaa sad tke fOC i f era.. fktk Jt la aiactlr th. aame f n 9MV M th, 4 M toon, . Modern English wnjint-whiou i. m Ma ninriANiiv with a Ilea a d K a and !, with nuara oornarn, SIX A a. I Q4 ek 4 Beeciatloai CwtiBealaa and Uw Olt pi.. AS la la Dlaln eloth bind. " ins, atampad la sold i V, . . ' - .. . and black 1 baa aan.. v Modem Enellsh PPr. aama llluitra. i Illiiatraitcc y arad plate. jUoau. af I anacnari.araorniti.a, aiAApe 1 praeiatioa Cattifiaafaa aatf th. tOl. MAIC ORDEBJ Any book by parcel poat, Inelnda EXTRA T cent, within I IS mllea: 10 cent. ISA to too rallea: (or areater dlatancaa aik your poatmaatar 2 JJ2iw2iwlwSe!aMaeitea The Grand Theatre BIG HOUSE ! . : . BIG SHOW Old Heidelberg Tabloid Company Good Comedy and Chorus Complete Change of Program Today Today-- "ZUDORA." Ninth epUode. , , - - , y , "ALL ACCOUNT OF THE CHEESE." , I reel Biograptt, " . "FABLE OF CLUB CIRLS." I reel Enanay. . . "THE CHOICE." I rod Vitagraph. FRIDAY'Ttie Man On the BOX." . A five red dramatization of 1 , , . Harold McGrath's novel and play with. Max Figman in title role, . " Matinee Nights 5 and 10 cents 10 and 20 cents SCOTT 1 WALLER jCI "The Old Reliable" Slate and Tin Roofing of all kinds. All Work Guaranteed--Quick Service on Short Notice. Telephone 1CD

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