CLCCAICITlIEST N. s. crnciAU PASS I iii THROUGH THE CITY. ;,' , -, '. M " General SupU . D. SUrk, Divliiioa SupL J. (V Lewis and other Norfolk Southern efficials, paed through the city Wednesday night In the super intendent's private ear on their way from Goldsbore'to Norfolk. '. , FARM HOME BURNED, The dwelling - end adjacent build ing! oa the form of A. B. Hudson, about two mues irora im nonois Souther Railroad, near Simpson, wort burned to th ground by a fir which iUrtd In the residence, Tues day evening.' The lose was between ' $5,004 and 16,000, wita no Insurance. t.t r. , REV. JOHN MATTHEWS v - it at: ti mrs nitiorii. . rs e wr - - -. Rev. John R. Matthews, rector of St. Paul's church at ; Croenville, preached In St. Mary's Episcopal church hero Wednesday evening. He was heard by a fair-stsed audience, and hit lemon upon "The Tempta tions of Christ," was g really appre ciated by all hit hearers. RELIGIOUS CANVASSERS. TO r.IEET FRIDAY NIGHT AO Volunteers Asked to lie at Cor- do Street Christiasj harch at 7:1 allock for A saiga merit of Work and Territory., Up U today at noon tlie following additional persons have ettlUUd to help with the raliglotis coiimm to be taken In the city next Sundays Messrs Clay Andrews, E. G. Barrett, W. H Hughes, T. V. Moseley, I 0. Mod ify, Paul Hodges, Dr. Dan Parrott, J. M. Quinn, Elbert Spear, Newton Taylor, K. R. Tunstall, O. T. Honey, Elwood R. Boney. David Boney, By ron Hanrahan, C E. Roseman, T. R. Lee, . Henry Briti, James C. Moore, Mesdames II. II. Grainger, Clay An drews, Floyd D. Kennedy, L. O, Mose- ley, Misses Jennie Shaw, Jennie Ken hedy,- Mildred McDanlel, Orle Mose. ley, Susia Perry, Ruby Spear, Ruth Tucker, Susie Phillips. Ella Wilson and Jessla Wilson. All of the workers, and any inter ested friends, are requested to meet at the Christian church on Friday aight at 7:30. At that time the dis tricts, will be assigned to the arious workers. ... ". DO KINSTON IIOPLE LIKE GOOD CLEAN n TO OPERATE SAW-MILL IN ONSLOW COUNTY. IL Bell has been made superintend ent of a saw-will near Jacksonville owned by Nat Russell, who also ope rates a similar plant and a fish fac tory near Bear Creek, Lumbering activities In Onslow county, as well as elsewhere, ' art increasing. The large maaufacturers see improved roadltlont ahead. WORK ON P.O. BUILDING 'WILL START NEXT WEEK KIN8TON HIGIIS PLAY fc t ii "v GREENVILLE TODAY. The Kinston and XJreenvills High ackools basketball teams are playing at Knott's Warehouse this afternoon - In What is expected to be the last gam of the season; The local Highs had a successful season of the indoor game, and art how banding their ef forts to get Into shape the best has tall team in the history of the school. , Greenville, Naw Bern, Goltlsboro, and ' Washington, - Wilmington '.; and . Ra leigh besides smaller - school n will play her or entertain the Kinirton Highs on their own .'grounds, this apring.: f ' cc' ,!t '.' Cf uc .- - - - i ZUBORA AND OLD HEIDELBERG COMPANY AT GRAND f )DAY. The hln'th episode of "Zuttora' is being shown at the Grand today, mat inee and night -The Old Heidelberg Company will present a fresh 1 bill. This eompsny has been -very accept able to th patrons af th Grand. Fri day Harold McGralh's great book, "Th Man on the Box" will be given In pictures, Five reels of this splen did feature. Monday the Bijou Stock Company begins a week' engage ment with a matinee performance complimentary to' the ladies of ths city. "Tempest and Sunshine" will b the opening bill, and all ladies will be admitted free for the matinee. Superintendent Dickson of the con struction force of the White 'Plaint (New York) company which has the contract for the construction of the Federal building her, believes It will take about a year to complete the work. He hopes to see the new post office ready to be occupied in that time at any rata. . Tha contractors are allowed fifteen months from the latter part of January, but Mr. Dick inson says his company has never re quired the full tima to complete a government Job yet The facta that they are well supplied with compe tent labor and never have trouble in securing materials because of the big scale on which tha company operates, obviates any delay one the work is commenced. The local building, rep resentatives of the contractors say, will be on of the prettiest of T the smaller buildings yet built for '. the Treasury Department in this section of th country, Actual work will be started next week It is thought Their Patrooage of Reorat High . (lass Entrrtaismrats Has Not Drmonitrstrd Thst They Ho. - Msurrr Sutrra Spkwdid The Maurer fli.sUrs entertainment at the Grand Wednesday night de served an overflow house. No attrac tion that has been witnessed in Kin ston has given any more satisfaction to the audience than did tb program of aong, reading and versatile instru mental music rendered, by the four young women. . Their performances more than came up to their splendid reputation, which had preceded them. For some reason the people of Kin ston failed to appreciate the oppor tunity and a compartively small au dience greeted tha players. Be , it said to. the discredit of the amuse ment loving folk her that it does not appear that good clean, wholesome entertainmenta are , really wanted. They certainly are not nearly so well patronized ar the- semi-nude vaud Ville actresses. Last wek a commit tee of public-spirited citizens, who stood sponsor for the three : days' Chautauqua attractions, was called upon to make up a deficit and the on ly Interest this committee had in curing the chautauqua was to bring to Kinston wholesome amusement to displace the cheap clap-trap. FIRE ALARM INSPECTOR . PLEASED WITH SYSTEM. - - Charles F. Maulen, representing th Gamewell Fir Alarm Company of Cincinnati, who la making an In spection tour of all the towns in the Stat wKh systems installed by his company, think Kinston' Is in ex cellent shape. It was upon Mr. Mau len 's recommendation that the fire committee decided ? to 1 purchase an alarm whistle instead of call bells for j individual members, , Th ten-inch whistle which will be put up at thd electric light station can be heard for I miles, he says. It will be operated by hand for th present a turtle gong or indicator giving a man who will hare charge of it the same signals that ar struck on th bells at City Hall automatically. NEVER SAW SO MANY ' ; PIGS IN HIS LIFE. C. Guy Bell, who Is engineering the Opportunity t Edition of Th Free Press, to be issued in a few days, was with Capt T. II. Britt and Mr. S. II War when those gentlemen motored a JitUe' distance of 26 miles or more to Comfort and vicinity Wednesday afternoon to buy something Ilk 93 bales of cotton from two or three of th Jones county planters, says he counted 10,000 hog in the part of the county he passed through. ; Mr. Bell declare he never aaw so many pork ers before In his life, There are more in Jones county, he believes, than in all of Tennessee, his native State. In cidentally, his eye widened when the men who took him off upon what he supposed was to be a pleasure spin,. stopped their car once in a while and bought in a score or so bales of cot ton, as if It were the merest thing in the world. "Opportunities!" exclaim ed the Opportunity Man; "why, they are growing on trees around here." EMMETT WOOTEN'S WILL NAMED WIDOW EXECUTRIX j !. .... , r- - I ... . . , . I. She la Also Sole Beurficiarv Will Written la Own Hand Without . Witnesses Thre Year Ago. Interestingly, Coincident ' Exactly thre years before the date of his funeral, last Sunday, Emmett R. Wooten, lata Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, made his will. Th document is one of the shortest ever filed in the Cmirt House here. It contains only about eighty-five words, and is in holograph, having been written on a memoranda sheet bearing, the business heading of an Insurance company. His widow is the executrix without bond and the sole beneficiary. - The will waa found among papers oMhr lata Representative. Clark Ilouth expected to turn over the let- ten to Mrs. Wooten as executrix to day. No inventory of the estate wsi left and its extent is not known to officials, - ) MARRIAGE LICENSES... Two marriage license, both to col ored couples, have been issued since last reported; Hubert' Butler, 22, and Sarah Howard, 21, both of Kinston James Rhem, 20, and Florence Plim- mer, both of Lenoir countv. v That land on the Tom Harvey place win raise cotton In a lean year. It will raise hair on a Mexican dog. It will raise a poor man's bank account. Come, buy some of it Friday morninir, March Gth, 10:30 a. m. One of th famous "Tom Harvey" barbecues will be served at the sale of the Harvey Farm, Friday, March 5, 10:80 a. ra. Nuff Sed. A G 1 ATLANTA. WHITBY, XH im. hit R.ROW OLLAR.S t fc a ww. -' r r Mi a" f.., i mm WILL OF WEALTHY , . PLANTER FILED. Clerk of , Superior Court Jesse Heath ha received for probation the will and codicil of th late a c Car ed' Pink Hill planation of 167 acres, week. Th will bequeaths to th wid ow,' Mr. Bylva 8. Carter, th deceas ed Pink Hill plantation of 16? acres, and personal property. It gives to a daughter and son, Issariah Dsaver end Gilbert Carter, $5 each as their full part of th estate, which how etr, the eodidl 'change so as to mak them share more equitably with th other ain children. Th will was made In 1903. I J. CarUr, a son, is tho executor. Clerk Heath be lieves the estate, including property which msy have been disposed of be fore V.r. Carter's death, to be Worth f ) or f'0,000.' - - TIRE We offer you the following prices on United States Tires delivered. Let us have your order as it is time to re-tire. Buy at home and save money. Nobby Chain- Plain $14.40 $10.70 $9.00 $18.80 $14.00 $11.60 $21.60 $16.00 $13.35 $30.80 $23.45 $19.05 $31.45 $23.95 ?$19.40 $33.50 $25.50 $205n 36x4 $4450 $32.85 $27.35 37x5 $51.90 $38.90 $32.30 30x3 30 x ZVo 32x3 33x4 34x4 36x4 THIS AD 11 WOBTH J I : CASH t Al Our Store, if Presented WilK an order for a Made-to Measure Suit Before April ), Only One Will be Cred ited on Each Suit ' ' J.C.DAIL&CO, Successor to DaH fic Taylor, Ibe Men's Store r 1 New: - Waists l m fLLUVER tfi'BSOIUtR a rn pbfpf mn'THF mi LU UIIUI k miU MIL llkll MILITARY COLLARS ' : MALL FASHION SHEETS ,' FOR APRIL - I a I o. SILK AND CREPE DE CHINE SHIRTWAISTS $1.98 to $23 EACH N. T. Cotton, 6 for 25c Cms. A. Waters Tha Telephone Store Phone No. 89 . We 'Wantv W of w FaSS mis r THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. Phone 34 SUH0N & ; Prop. aassm nrsan i rmniaass Coat Suits, Presses, Skirts ; and Millinery No w on Display ; ;-' ' ' "V-' '- ''";'" 71 :i' ' j . ' ; ' : "-".' ;. ;' '.; ' ,': ; Let Us Show You the Season's Creations ; ; ; f. " ;,';'' ;l ;.;'--.;:;.; ;:vv: ;':'. Barrett 1 ttsfield 4 E3B The Two Refrigerators Without an Equal The Automatic v The Gurney We challenge comparison; with any refrigerator made oa a basis of economy In Ice consumption, durability of the construction and general excellence of material used. ,' . --.r . . f snli BENTON & MOOri . israTTTMU Kinsto'n Garage, Inc. tone 01 YOUR CHOICE Saturday fONLY) $S,00 For any Suit left from ' our Magnificent Stock. There arc suits in this lot which cost at , the factory from ' $10.00 to $18.50 Sale One Day Only Saturday ; - ; ' v.- . i- -. ' . . .. - ; J. STEPHENSON LADIES' STORE Invest Your -Savings The Sixth Series of Stock - in the Mutual Building and Loan Association will be Issued An opportunity to invest a small amount each week in absolute safety to yield a NET return of over six per cent. : Dues 25c per week on each $100 Share. For full information apply to C, OETTINGERi - - Secretary INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTInGER, Manager . Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) The Dise Harrow with every needed fchange on it ; .' ' The Disc Harrow made of stcct in ita constructive parts; thia means a big saving in your repair bills' every year think about this before you buy, ' -s '-... - The Disc Harrow with a douUe frame which putsr the disc tinder the center ot frame, and keeps it well balanceC -no neck weight on neck of team. ...(...::...':. , th at is 1 inch in diameter and an extra 'e and relieves the end thrust on tha in- for heavy or light driver. with six or 8 disc, and with two, three r tongue truck at your option. . iy it's money in your pocket to do this. Tha P. & O. Disc has an axle large washer on the end of the a side blade. The seat is adjusta' ' Sold in 16, 18 and 20 inch e or four horse hitch, with tongue ; . Sea this machine before you ! H. E. Eloselo Hardware Co. I . i ,. - .-''. 1. ... 1 . n Oettinger's furniture Store i "' ii , Announcement. , V. H. Mewborn, a graduate jat At Penniylvania College of Optics sad Ophthalmology, and a regutcred Op. tometrnt under the laws of this state, announce, that he now has his optical parlors located next door upstairs to th U i i a Theatre, and is thoroughly equipped to give you a scientific eye examination and fit you with satisfact ory gluaes. at a reasonable price. . IRA M. HARDY, M. 0, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 8 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones r Residence 607; Offlca 479. 102 West Caswell Street, ' - 'V'''- ' r' .-'-''' ejre. Ew. Nowwul Tbrot '' ,. . , Umm Trtated. N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C..GoldBboro, NXL ROUSE & LAND . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Officeat Kinston. N. C Goldsbora, N. C, 303-304 Borden Building, DR.DAN W.PARROTT ' DENTIST, " Crown and Bridge Work . y Specialty. , OfficeoverCot. Mifloffice ' " Z.T. MOSELEY, iL D. - Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office houra: . - 9 to 11' a. m Phones: 8 to 5 p. m. - Office, 478 8 to 9 p. bo. Sea. Phone US P. & 0. Reversible Disc Harrow AT SICINNER'S 7e Oiter. to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. SIdnncr & Soj "We Sirlve to FJease"

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