THE KKNSTON FREE PRESS. THE rDAILfcfCHr PRESS (Published Ivry Day Except Sunday) . KINSTON FBEE PRESS CO, INC, DNSTON, N. C tL CALT BRAXTON .'.'.V, . . . EDITOR AND MANAGER fi-laareeTat thi pottoffic at Kinaton, North Carolina, at Mecnd1 ebs matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1879.) ' T TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTMENTS 75 'SUBSCRIPTION BATES Payabl la Advance) . i. ... ..... . . .- i Cm Wek ................ ...... ........ ...M...t .10 CM Month tWM Month - 1-00 fill month .1. 2.00 Twlv Month 4.00 7 , : Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever oh the part of the .carriers. ,- - FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 5. 1915 , .Our friend on the New Bern Journal must have had : 6me proposal from the fair sex, or for aome reason they are laboring under the impression that this is leap year. Their Tuesday' issu wa dated "February 29, 1915," both' oh the front par and at the "mast-head." How about it? I our guess wrong? ; The expression "human warfare" and "civilised war far haven't been so much in print of late. As The Free Press said in the outset of the war, involving all Europe, these term art' misnomers. On antagonist says weH . .'.l.UI.L 1 J- .1... -jfl -.,.-.- UV .11 .Li-. WMWim r viwuui ilia wm uiwuvi. hihj vui ping, well Just sink anything that carries your flag, it makes' no, difference whether there are innocent non-eotn- betant aboard or not The other replies, well for that weir prevent any ship from either entering or leaving your country, even if they are carrying food and raiment for ianocent and etarving women and children, many of whom have been left without husband and father because ear gun have ruthlessly shot him down. Any civllira- . tlon or human Inferences In those speeches? If ao, we to. comprehend them. War U just as barbarous and savage as it has ever been in the most benighted land. About, the only thing th German-Austrian outfit would . hesitate, to do to their antagonists, or vie versa, which ' the savage was wont to do, Is to eat each other, and w ended. i - I TnE -RECORDER'S COURT AS REVISED BILL PROVIDES. ' -The Fre Press is gratified that the bill to establish a" recorder's court for Kinston carries with it a provision to pay a salary of $1,000 instead of $1,200, as was first ' contemplated. Although the present figure is, in the opin ion or, Too free. Press, in excess of what it should be, it is not sufficiently out of proportion, as it now stand, r ta( warrant any .further opposition. The Free Press has .. not had the idea of reducing the salary to get a cheap or , mediocre maiu'.Th salary of $1,200 carried with it the ,ide that th full time of the Incumbent was to be ro- . quired, and The Free Press did not think that such would b the ease, and does not now believe, that more than an hour or two daily average will bo required in the discharge pi the .duties of the office. However, that is largely a mat ter to be determined by experience, and if it i proven that the salary I too large or too amall for the duties, change can be mad later, ; Th Free Press was inclined to favor a city recorder's .' court arid it feel that the proposed court will, if prop rly conducted, be very beneficial to this community. Tho Jurisdiction over outlying territory,' embracing, it will, several objection! "spot should make it possible to break up a great deal of th lawlessness prevalent in those pieces, '. Th council committees which visited Raleigh ' ,' Wa4nl4 IhlnVa W k fti Kill I ingly favorable, and The Free Pros hopes their optimism There seems to be a disposition on the part of some to try the Carter-Abemethy case out of court. ' The Free Prases has already gone on record as favoring a suspen sion of public Judgment and criticism until all the facts have been heard and properly arranged by a competent tribunal, and it believes that counsel and friends of the contestant would best await the investigation. Mr. Ab- ernethy's friend claim that he simply wants redress for the treatment accorded him in New Bern. ' The resolution Introduced, by Representative Clark of Bladen called for a sweeping investigation of alleged immorality charges against Judge Carter, and his counsel have endeavored ig well founded, r It should be possible, too, to get a first without avail to ascertain the specific charges upon which .Class business man to look after the affair of the city the immorality allegations are based. Representative city are imbued with the great possibilities of the move ment That they realise that a properly arranged end conducted fair will mean a great deal for the opbuildiig of thi district Th spirit which hss moved the men pro moting this enterprise is that of the highest eitlxeisblp. There ha been no idea or desire for individual gain, ex-1 cept that which will naturally accrue from community betterment nd development ' The impelling motive to rV WIN fUUIIkt T -17'. Next Tuesday the canvassing committee will start out , to solicit stock subscriptions, and every man in Kinston, ( who is able, should take one or more shares. Make the , work of the committee easy by being ready and on the J ' lookout for them. It is for th public interest and not for the canvassers, who wD gv their time to set the movement agoing. ; 1 . ' , Let the Kinston get-together spirit prevail, for Great is Kinston, and The Free Press firmly believes that it Is go ing to be greater. ,' .':'' ;; '. . .' . ,' e . i 1a DR. A. L. PHILLIPS' DEATH. V;.y;l,.v:''i . The death of Dr. A. L. Phillips of Richmond, th gen eral superintendent of the young people's work and Sun day schools of the Southern Presbyterian church, which occurred Tuesday morning in Richmond, is not alone a loss that will be felt by hi brotherhood, but by the re ligious world generally, Dr. Phillips was a native North Carolinian, hi father and grandfather both having been professors at the University, and he himself a graduate of that institution. : He served in several important pas torates before being called to take up the general work in which he has been so conspicuously successful. ' He wss instrumental in bringing about the organization . of the Young People's Missionary Movement, and was a mem ber of the executive committee of that body. ' He wai also on the International Sunday school lesson committee and was identified in various other interdenominational fellowships In a way that endeared him to the people of all evangelical-faiths.-" - r Berkey & Gay Furniture ! . "For Your Children's Heirlooms ; " ' I j:f.- The Chewiest "' . ' ' . V v o .t i ever Chewed AS You have read the advertisernentslof Berkey &. Gay Furniture and Ihe mag. azine articles about it, no doubt, Ber. key & Gay have been making furni. hire for fifty years. They put- a-shbp mark in every piece, which means that they add their 'guarantee, to oujsf j I 3 1 Chew "Bobs'! PATRONAGE ESSENTIAL .TO . CLEAN AMUSEMENT Kinston people should encourage clean and . decent amusement by patronizing, such performances of Ahat character as are brought here. - The manager of - the amusement enterprises hesitate to make engagements for such attraction as th Maurer Sisters' Orchestra, or at traction of til chautauqua character, for, too often they have to "pay the bill." A creditable performance, one that should appeal to cultured and refined people, doesn't seem to have th drawing qualities for some reason or other. The average audience in attendance at such per formances is around a hundred. But let a cheap, coarse vaudeville, where the feminine extremities are unseemly exposed, be billed and the houses are filled to overflowing, This ought not so to be. xne theatrical manager, many of them at least, prefer showing only high class perform ances, but they must Of necessity have some concern about the box office. The gate receipts hasard of decent amusement sponsorship is moat too much to face. It is unreasonable to expect the amusement' houses to bill clean, wholesome entertainments to play to sparsely filled houses at big losses, when much cheaper attractions can be brought which are liberally patronized. The Free Press believes that the people of Kinston want the beat class of amusemsnt here, but it must be appreci ated that, the support of the public is absolutely essential to the encouragement of such. .(C5 5c. the 1 packet or. . "Bobs" for a . . ccntat all the better stands and stores. OME pep to ?Bobs," the: new peppermint flavored, ; candy-coated hearts of 1 real chewing gum. j Say ! one or two at a ;' time they give you a: ' new taste and flavor, a ; newclass to chewing gum. Get the "Bobs" Today mm of, OR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLeweaa St" Near Residence. Jus ft. .Recei-werd A New Line of Spring Shirt Waists Values up to $1.75 Your Choice $1.00 SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW A dler Brothers when tho court duties are divorced from the mayoralty. KINSTON'S FAIR IS A GO TO A CERTAINTY. - That the plan for a Kinston district fair will carry without hitch seems to be a foregone conclusion. In nil the meetings, that have been held in the interest of this movement, no discordant notes have been sounded. It has been clearly 'shown that the progressive men of tHs Clark has declined to go further than state there were good and sufficient reasons. Just what those specific chargsa are, nobody, aside from Mr. Clark, seems to have been informed, and it appears that all will have to abide the convening of the investigating "court" before being any the wiser. The Free Press believes that a fair and impartial hearing should and will be given, and it again urges , upon the partisans of the two principals to await the formal hearing. of this bank is our SATISFIED DEPOSITORS! They ravc gained many new accounts' for us, helped us to grow. if We have an organization for SERVICE, second to none, and would like to make a satisfied de positor of you. Capital; Surplus $100,000.00 $90,000.00 The National Bank of Kinston i use -ttxrivea NEW SPfili SLIPPERS . ! Mi MARKETS Ws Cotton Market r . TODAY'S QUOTATIONS , PRODUCT th Utt WaaleaaJ Price . Reported by " sthutfta Peanut Caapaay rrk Lu4 ...... 14 Potato, sweet .. ............. M Eggs ' 15 SO 10 mi 8C Country batter v. nan, pound Broiler, pound Roosters ple Corn, bushel KNITTING MILL wishes women to take orders for guaranteed hosiery In f-'.l or t:r time; tig profits; Ex ' ' r-"-'-ary.. tt International ' i C t -ut Ft, Philadelphia, " - 2-19-eod-lCt wew York, March 5 Today's cot ton futures quotations were: , Open Clos March : 8.5 May 8.68 v 8.69 July ..;.:.;,8ji ' 8,91 October .. ...... ......0.10 . 9.18 December ..........9.80 . 9J8 How to Treat Croup Externally Bub Tick 'VBrOJtBb, 8lv wH om the throat and chest for a tew miiiw tf ihrm eovet with a vara flannel cfeth. Leave th coming loom arouwl Ui neck so that the soothing sstinte4 th. iag may lme tu choking iJalegm nnd m the difficult brrathlng. On euiitie. tioa at eatime tnaima agaiMl a night attack. 4, tOo, o 1.00. A.t dmisU. a HAi.m naaor maxk OIL TREATMENT FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. . ,... ...... .. A simple prescription made up of a combination of pure vegetable oils la producing wonderful, result for suf ferer from stomach, liver and intes tinal troubles, ; The remedy, which is said to have originated in France, where it has been used for year by th peasantry, was ; introduced' into thi country by Dr. Geo. H. Mayr. aJ leading Chicago druggist, "who cured himself of severe stomach, liver and intestinal troubles by it use. Thosa who have used it say the first do3e la sufficient to convince any one of it remarkable merit, and that with in twenty-four hours the sufferer feeh like a new person. This medicine, which has become known as Mayr'r Wonderful Remedy, is sold, by leading druggists everywhere with the posi tive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if One bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction. ' ' ivr- FOR MEN, WOMEN AND ' CHILDREN, '. AH Ihe new styles you will find here at most reasonable prices. Qual ity considered. Watch my new show windows for the new styles of shoes for spring. Mark Cuirimings The Home of Oualirv" F ' A Tremendous Value Giving Jewelry ; Sale is in Progress at the Kleber Denmark Store. 'Jl i We Appreciate Your Patronage CRAY & WATERS v Barker Shop v" i- ilhTl Never before in the" history of Kinston Has siicK4n ' opportunity presented itself to the people" of ; this sec tion to buy high grade$. well selected stock is being offered for. This is no job lot of pawn shop goods! The stock rtepreserits a choice selection of the latest and most ' up-to-date patterns and designs in Jewelry, Glassware arid every thing that is found in a well appointed jewelry store. EVERY ARTICLE IS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AT PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE STOCK IS PICKED OVER: ; THE BARGAINS ARE HERE NOW. THE PRICESlHAVE BEEN CUT TO THE QUICK AND THE FIRSX1CUT WAS MADE WITH A VIEW TO MOVING. STOCK. If you are waiting for further reductions or feel that a little later will be a better time to avail yburselP of V : this opportunity, let us advise you to conie now There's no time like the present and it is bur sincere - opinion that today presents the best chance .to.'get the greatest Jewelry values you have ever, ha "r y -- Plato Collins, Trustee Kleber Denmark-Jeweler Clarence Woolen is Still in Chargs of the Repair Department