TITE KINSTON FREE PRES3 Advanced Spring Styles in HATS 1 z . . 1 J r 'if-' Chamberlain .-',... 8c Braxton Caswell Building ' WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EAO? IN- -v SECTION ' MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR SALE-OU Papers. suitable for . kindling ores mesa cooi mornings, oc a package. ., jrrea rress. w--u FOR SALE Nice Lettuce, 7 cents . per head, j Mrs. II. A. Birdsall, 204 East i9fdoa' street. 8-4-DIy-3t' t BLACK; MINORCA EGGS for sale .- ilp. flitting. I O. Moseley. '"S4-Dly 3SW JAS. C MEHEGAN, ReUable. Ex ' penanced Piano and Organ Tuner. Phonl84. y : " 8-4-2t-Dly FOR RENT Five-room cottage on East Gordon St Apply E. R. Wal ler. : v v " 2-26-tf-Dly . KING HOUE FOR RENT Twelve kramnjii inA kitchen. ' AddIv to R. B.West 2-25-St-Dly SPRING CHICKENS FOR SALE Phone 629-L. L. O. Moseley. ' WANTED Middle-aged white woman .-to-aitend,- invalids . Must live with family. Address A, B, C, this office , 8-3-Dly-lwk. -, ' FARM FOR RENT 2-hprse farm, , good buildings, good land, good lo cation. Becton and Douglass. 2-17-DlyASW-tf FOR SALE Dry Pin Wood, sawed ana split (in lengths, ready for the cook stove. 5am Taylor, Phone 852. l2-lI-3wks-Dly FARMS FOR SALE We have sev er&l small farms for sale; terms reasonable. Becton and Douglass. .f247-Dly&SWltf ' , WANTED-i-Att .. assistant milliner, . . with experience in work room. Write or apply in person at J. M. Ste phenson's Store. . 3-5, 6-Dly y EGGS FOR SALE From the finest ' x Buff Orpingtons in Eastern Caroli- jja,' $lty per, 13. Phone 107-L, or 'see Joe Ballard. - " ' ; FOR MUSIC LESSONS on Piano, T Violin or -Any Instrument, see Mr. or Mrs. J. G. Mehegan, Rooms 3 and 4. .Whitaker Building. 8-4-2t-Dly IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE ' a "Lady May'-' Dress Form for I your spring sewing, ee Miss' Penny -ai ine nyatt House, on Friday, the Fifth. ; ' 4- , 3-3-4t-Dly! ' We'have Pine Wood for sale, saw nill blocks or board ends, $10 per car, slabs $1.25 per cord, F. O. B, Dover, N. C. Goldsboro Lumber Co, Dover, 4.N. C. I - 3-1 to 6-Dly WANTED Young woman stenogra . ' pher and office assistant. Pleasant . 'work; and prospect of .advancement : Address in own hand-writing, giving j k li.u f . 1 1 Mil b1rVj care Free Press", Kinston, N.' C ' -S-Dly ilr SW tf " . : ' V NOTICE The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Kinston Loan and Real Estate Co. will be held at its office on Friday, March ,19th, at 3 o'clock p.' m. R. C Strong, Secy. 3-1-18-Dly : : . .- '-; ; : MRS. M. L BRAS WELL ' Begs to announce her Spring and Summer Opening, Friday and Satur day, March Sand 6, 1915. The public is cordially invited. ' 3-4-t-Dly ' :' . ' -f ;' CIIAIiXES FOR PENNANT TO BROOEYN ARE SLC.I By Hal Sheridaa (Written for the United Press.) i ' New York, March & Chances for a pennant going across the bridge this season axe rather cloudy. Neither the Brookfeds nor the Dodgers ap pear to stack . up favorably with the other clubs In their respective leagues. If the Brokfeda are success ful in getting Rube Marquard, the erratic portsider, their chances will look better, as they have a fair array of pitching talent, already. , Wilbert Robinson, the coppulent leader of Ebbeta' crew,. declares his club's chances of getting into the worlds' series rest largely on how his veteran pitchers, particularly Nap Rucker, perform. ' Rucker was out most of last season with a bum shoulder, but he has been taking treatment all winter and is now at Hot Springs, Ark, taking the baths. If he is in shape and Jack CoCombs should pull a come-back, the Dodgers are going to prove extremely annoy ing to' the pace, setters, for they've a gang , of , sluggers any manager might be prpoud of. . Hard lock camped on their trail Incessantly last year. After Rucker went out O'Mara, whom many critics declare the most promising young shortstop in either . league, also went out with a broken leg. He was cer tainly living up to the critics' opin ions when he had the accident He is in shape again and will undoubtedly fill the short field berth. TO REMOYE EVERY , SIGN OF DANDRUFF Try This Simple Home Treatment- It Surely Makes the Hair Soft . Fluffy and Lustroua. SOCIAL . And . ' PERSONAL a ETY-SKORKORE: WILL TAKE CENSUS - pa Mr. John E. Cameron of Grainger spent yesterday her. ' ' " B9 B Bernlce Turner of Pink Hill 'Miss spent Thursday in the city. ? ' .'. ; Dr. Annie L. Joyner of Greenville was here Thursday afternoon. u m -f Mr. C. A. Humphrey of Goldsboro was a recent business visitor In the city yesterday. ' i Messrs. .Horace Tyndall and Dur wood Maxwell of Pink Hill were her Thursday night , Deputy Collector of Internal Rev, enue L M. Tull returned yesterday from New Bern. : . ' ' . ; ' v Messrs. Leo D. Heartt of Raleigh and Mr. C Felix Harvey, Jrn have re turned to the city from a Ashing trip at Morehead City. . - Mrs. W. J. Jordan and children of Snow Hill were in the city this monw ing, en route horns from a visit with Mrs. Jordan's mother, Mrs. B.' F,' Ormond, near Dover. Colonial Dames Meet Saturday. The Lenoir County Committee of the Colonial Dames will meet with the Misses Hyatt at Queen and Blount streets, Saturday afternoon at 3:S0 o'clock. , ;' i ' B B B "; 1 The Spring millinery opening at Mrs.- M. L. Braswell's popular Queen street ladies' store is being conducted today and Saturday. The showing is one of the most" elaborate yet made in that establishment . The spring styles are a revelation. Rumors '" of radical things in the world of femi nine fashions are fulfilled in this dis play; the made-in-Amerka idea being, pronounced throughout It is a fact that many of the handsomest -styles are of American origination. ''There is more commonsense exhibited than in former years in the fashions,' too, R Tyndall If your hair is not pretty, if it is losing color, too dry, matted, falling out or if your scalp itches, you can quickly" overcome all of these condi tions at a trifling cost and only a few moments' time. . Just get from J. T. Hood & Co. or any drug coun ter, some Parisian Sage, a most help ful and invigorating tonic that sup plies every hair need. It is easily applied, absolutely harmless and is as inexpensive as it is beneficial. Im provement, begins with the first ap plication for Parisian Sage not only nourishes the hair roots but stimulates your hair to grow long, thick, soft -affy and lustrous. It immediately removes every bit 01 dandruff and stops itching scalp. Be sure to get Parisian Sage for there is no other so effective and this will surely give your hair new life and beauty. - adv NOTICE. , The annual meeting of stockhold ers of Norlh State Life Insurance Company will be held in company's offices in Kinston, N. C, Tuesday af ternoon. March 9, at 2:30 o'clock. A. E. ROUNTREE, Secretary. 3-4, 6, 6, 8, 9-5t . STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Caswell Cotton Mills, Inc., will be held at the office of the Corporation on Thursday, March 11, 1915, at 3 o'clock p. m. All 'stockholders are urged to be present and participate in said meet ing. - W. D. LaROQUE, 3-3-to 10th Secretary. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The undersigned havjng qualified as executrix to the last will and testa ment of tie. late E. R. Wooten, this is to notify all creditors to duly pre sent their claims against the late E. R. ' Wooten, : duly authenticated for payment on or before January : 5, 1916, or the statute of limitation will be plead in bar thereof. All debtors of the late E. R. Wooten are respect fully requested to make immediate payment of all accounts or debU of whatsoever nature to the undersign ed. For any unfinished professional business engaged to be performed by the late E. R. Wooten, all such clients will call on me, and proper arrange ments will be made." 1 - NANNIE C WOOTEN, . ..' ; Executrix. This January 5, 1915. 3-5,12,19.26; 4-2,9 H.C TURNER, Contractor and Builder ;' Phone 4Z3 JJ Meeting Tonight At the ; Christiaa Church to Organise for Sunday's Campalgs-AU Volunteers Should Be Preaent at T:30 . The following persons have offered their services' for the Religious Cen sus to be taken in the city next Sun day: Messrs. S, H. Abbott D. F. Wool ten, John C. Hay, Morrill Mewborn, Ella Haskett and Corinno Williams. Tliis makes ninety-six persons . who will take pari in the census. There wili be a meeting of the workers to night in the Christian church at 7:30 for conference as to the work. t - MRS. MART CARRAWAY ' ' DIES AT MONTICELLO. sars. sisry .irraway ated on Thxirsday night at Monticello Farm north of this city, tier demise was due to the Infirmities incident to old age. She was 69 years old.. Mrs, Car raway was the widow of the late Capt W W.' Carraway, ' Her death was noti known .until this morning, when the body was discovered in the home. She Is supposed to have expir ed,, suddenly after the retiring hour. Children surviving are:. Peter H Eli as Garr and Bruce Carraway of this county, Sidney B. of Mangham, La., Sam A. of Mulberry Fla, and Gor don B. of Fort BamwelL A brother ia Dr. S. P, Hilliard of Rocky Mount and asister is, Mrs. Blanche Williams cf Tarboro. The funeral will be con ducted Sunday afternoon at the fam ily burying ground, on the farm. i L . ' i "tyfi ' r NINE COUNrUES TO BE v REPRESENTED IN BIG FAIR (Continued from Page 1) ,V . and flowers, culinary specimens, can ning, etc, allVill be .given special attention. . - The, races will be a big feature of the fair, of course. It is doubtful if outside stoclcwill be encouraged to participate, at least in the first year. The pick of the Clreene, Pitt Wayne, Craven, . Lenoir, Jones, Pender. Du plbv and Onslow county gaited sad- The stock was selected with infinite! animal8 jjf be invited . to enton There is. enough1 good material right at home to tarnish very exciting sport in this line,, the fair promoters say, and by making the racing local and barring ' professionals, ' the effect for taste and wisdom, and there is gener al gratification oh the1 part of the fair people who braved the weather to tike in the show, and they were nu merous. ; : yv' n'-'''?',:'' "'i'-'-y-):: j.' LIKELY YOUNGSTERS IN GRIFFITH'S PROSPECTUS Increasing Interest and Better At tendance Shown by Lists For warded to Supt Kinsey's Of fice During the Week. (By a United Press Staff Corre spondent) .Washington, March 5 It's the same old song "wait till next year" but the fans along the Potomac are joining in stronger on the chorus than they used to. Now that the dope specialists have assigned Griffith's American League climbers to a place among the first four likely candidates 'for bunting honors next fall, the Old Fox's tribe is flocking in from the prpovinces for the spring training camp at Char lottesville, Va. Charlottesville i ssome three hours ride from Washington and the Sen ators; on February 28, left for Dixie, Just why : Charlottesville j should be selected for this honor never has been learned. In previous years, the Na tionals have done most of their trab ing in the Fayerweather gymnasium of the University of Vin-ginla and it has been suggested that ' Griffith train his squad in the local Y, M. C A. and save carfare. v The first squad, which departed on February 28. . was mostly rookies, with Nick Altrook, Coach Ryan and Trainer Martin, along to chaperon the boys and tuck them into bed at 10 sharp each night On March 7, Clark Griffith and his regular squad will make their appearance in the Old Dominion and the spring work will be on. ' ;:r';.';-; : f -' ' v " ' - ' The. first squad to leee included 12 of the likely youngsters on Presi dent Minor's payroll, including . a couple of newcomers in the shape of , two promising young pitchers, Thormahlen and Hopper. The other members of the , first squad were Engel, Gallia, Shaw, Ayres, Boehling, Harper, Bentley, pitchers; Henry, Ainsmivth and v Williams, catchers, and the two eoaches. ' . Children Orr. FCR FLETCHER'S 4 CAS T O R I A encouraging the betterment' of section's fancy stock will be all greater.'' the the Look not mournfully into the Past It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with a manly heart Longfellow. A Wonderful Healing Influence In Kidney Troubles A year and a half ago I was taken witha severe attack of Kidney trou ble that pained me to such an extent that morphine had to be given me. Was attended by a doctor who pro nounced it as Etone in. the Bladder and prescribed Lithia Water. I took Lithia Water and Tablets for some time and received no relief from them. I stopped taking medicines for some time, later having some Swamp-Root in the house 1 decided to try it and felt much relieved. While taking the second bottle commenced to pass grav el in urine until I had passed in all at least a half , dozen or more and have not suffered the slightest since and in all have taken one bottle and a nail ana xeei very grateiui to Swamp-Root ( -, Yours very truly, XL W. SPINKS, ',..' Camp Hill, Ala. - Personally appeared before me this 16th day of August 1909, H. W. Spinks, who' subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact A. B. LEE, ' i '. Ex-Justice of Peace. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y4 for sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet' of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writ ing, be sure and mention the Kin ston Free Press. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. ; , . adv C ASTORIA ' '" For Infants and Chflirea' - In Vz9 Jfrr Orzr ZO Ycsrs Ma Always bears. the E'jnsture TTrr-TTrnn' rpTT "The Thinker's ofJhe . .. Country Are Ac? Tobacco Chewers99- ' ',?... v.i.'.;...-'- , . said one of the grcatrist thinkers this country' ever producedv 7 Says the Pilot? j . ... Svi.:jU v- -:"-- in. ;; "Nosing a big stern wheeler I along a muddy river ,wid.s4n4- bars reaching up to grab; her ness. When there's nothing' but; your judgment between $bur , boat and a shoal, take a chew - of PICNIC TWIST." r In every 'convenient twist of PICNIC you'll find the true tobacco uplift without the letdown that cortiei from .dark, heavy, rank tobacco. PICNIC TWIST is a light colored, soft twist of the mild, mellow parts of the leaf. Men accustomed to "strong" tobacco will be surprised how much they can chew of this mellow twist widi its sweet, lasting taste. CHEWING TOBACCO "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewert ' It comes, also, in economical, freshness-preserving drums of 11 twists for 50c. - Woati rCri I! 1 "' ' ' ' ' -,t ,; r-- Mrs. M. L. Braswell BOING OUT OF BUSINESS S A L E Save your money by bny Irtfcl where goods are sold at lowest prices. Hats, Plumes,1 Flowers, Hand Bags, Hose, Hair Goods, Ba rcttes, Ribbons, Shirt Waists, Neck Cords, Laces, Klmonas, Umbrellas, Baby Caps, Ruch iflg and Neckwear. : : : Mrs. fil. L Braswell Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentist Offlet ever J. E. Hood Co's Store. GUY C. TAYLOR ... - Special Representative New . LYorl Life Insurance Co, Hookerton, N. C. WILLIAM O. DAVIS ARCHITECT Associated with A. Cleney. Gv3 Elngmeer, at A Cheney's Office. , mSTON,lf.& fas Oubrins That Does Not Affect Tbs Meat tfmiH at it. tonic and Ui.lhr. effect. LAXA TIVH BBOMOQl'lNlNHi. bcttTthBOrdlB.r)f Qninine asd doc Boi caM kitoii w not 10c Ib kml. armember the fall a.mc ad look tot UM tifnatHT e K. W. CKOV. tic GRAND THEATRE C. FRED DAUM PRESENTS The Bijou Stock Co. One Week. Commencing 1 MONDAY. f'JLRCH 8 - A ''Breaking Records Everywhere" . . .. OPENING PLAY . v 4Tempest and SuiiUiliieV m LADIES free at opening matinee Feature Vaudeville Between. , Acts . . - INCLUDING ..- Robt. Anson, the Man with the Wonderful Voice, The Bl . joa Quartette, Jack Burke, Slack Wire, Marlon Ashley, Comedienne, Larry Conover, Concert ; Violinist, Glenn Pate, Buck and Wing , ' 1 Dancer. - . Matinees Evenings 10 and 15 Cents 10 and 20 Cents THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON has been ana will continue to be the policy of this ban taftecp the wheels of industry moving . ; ' , omcias ; , - N. J. ROUSE. Pres. - DR. H. TULL, Yu Prakle -f A D. F. WCQtEN.Caitwfc I J. BIZZELL, A-S CaihW. ; X . W. HEATH TaBer. DIRECTORS. 1 "i.i" W. L. Kennedy RTull . H. Canady C Moseley . . F. Parrott ri ' 1 Feb'x Harvey David Oettioge H;E1Moele J. F. Taylor"'; R H. McCoy S.H I$!er N. J. Rouse OMldron Ory!', : V FOR FLETCHER'V f IV CASTORIA 10 vara m vviu in uno 1 iy Cougb nod HeadAcb fcnl wok cf the CoiU urufisr rrtuna rwney ti it to ctn-