T1TE KINSTON JtVEE PRESS t - " i t LWROYOJENTS ASKED 1 1 . .;. t kinston mens defeat ' CJlEEiVlWLE QUINTET J ,' The Cimtoa High CchooJ basket ball tanj Refuted a quintet front the CwniUt ' SchoU 4n Knott's warehovae Jltfs4y afternoon by the score of 26 to 13. The vlaitors left jtoda for p.pvay (4 jdajr h ftrwj teem of that .town.-. . - IMPROVING THE CUM . " . .. . SWAMP COUNTY ROAD. foret 0 hands is hosy .wth the Unpraveaient et dam Swamp wed, in Pitt fhuaty, highway wU known toth whotosalers of Kinston, whose J wleemea work4hat section; The Toad trameee progrearirf Bwiftt Creek township and a prpsDerovis coounun - . ." v 1 i HEAVY JWEATHER AIIEAD. ! Atarm frarlnr reported from Jacksonville, " FUUT Thatday after noon 1 crecutet -Chat a disturbance moving east along the -Sent At- lantic coast would ausa strong north cant winds fit noderate gale orer this part pi ake country today. Rain ' accompanied drop in the tempera ture in Uie-ieMty of fdnstoo. , t DROWN ED1 W' MOCCASIN V ' - ; ; BJVFJliBT QAT7UAir, '; ' ' ! '': 'ii ' - '1 . Asonof iara Harris. negro liv- inf on Moccasin riser, in Pitt county, wil Atowned feat Saturday night, ac cording 4. belated feport, when a beat to nrtdch tos and two other men ' were Ashing mu tapalsed. -The thjr , twa.tte:o14 switn,tt were unable to,aldvJftaflia,.;vho awerrltto the bot tw immediately. His body was ra covered. ? yjNDERWEriXR& MAN ? ' . MAKES INSPECTION. ft. 85 t V i'l.H. ; 4V Uenkintc a - representative of the tj$otheatern 'Underwriters As stJoJation, was fcere May making an laapjjttkwi )sf iha mew 'Wldings and the lr'idepartmant's equipment, lie' ' fomi 'hnfftmnneni Jo the general eoaeltlon'ronnA'he eity. The un derw4t)r' Inspections are made jjeju l-annually. -f-UB MAN 03t THE BOX" - AT ra&JUZAKD TODAY ' hiUawli McGrath'a etory, The Mud on the Roji," is being ahows in Uve acts at the Grand today, as well as twij-reel Essanay' feature, .What soever She Soweth That Will She Al , eo ReapJ' The Old Heidelberg Com' pany will present one bf the best bills 4 m repertoire; rvtitld( "The pat- tie of Not.Yet Night shows gin ' promptly. at 7-(clock. . CMPUMENTAJIY MATINEE AT TIIE pRAND THEATER MONDAY The Bijou Stock Oosnpany, one of the best in .the South, is booked for a week's engagement at the Grand' begjtnninff Monday ipatinee M A o jclock." Tbe bill ia this performaaee jrjU be 'Tempe&t and jBunahlne, and ladies will be admitted iree. There , will be a change of program each day and. Jthe . acts are iotersperited with vaudeville stunts. k" Altogether, the week's program promises well. ptT-L in ornaxL . CIRCLES JUST NOW. fhtat i stracckally nothing doing Jr. tha Courthouse. Except fof pre paring for the March civil court, p-hich eginj laie io the month, the offlclala are finding it comparatively pUf to &ep sip with their duties . f apsra art oinJng Ja stovly fox rt cording. Not a marriage license has jDef a issued n nearly thirly-ut hours. , Ta coUectjont are as. slow as every thing elue, wblch Is a jnatter tlia: bothers those in the Sheriff's office. WEB FEET WOULDN'T ' FIT ROLLER SKATES. ' Disbolieally iojjMHioue was the idea of Jmlit North Street colored boys who Thursday -afternoon tied the wheel mi a dismaatkd ' roller skate onto a Muscovy duck's feet The cf ect was eaceedingiy ridiculous. Tbl clumsy fowl's gait was a source of amusemeat te a score of little dark ies and pickaninnies who followed the protesting dack through the street. The duck was not a successful skat er, but insisted upon making the best of things, with ludicrous results. . . i Cry . 4 On I A Many contractors will submit bids to be opened by City Council on the afternoon of Tuesday," March 23, for the sewerage and paving extensions to be .made out of the $300,000 voted' hi bonds by the people last June. Gil bert White, the engineer in charge, is advertising extensively. Mr, White if expected ibere daily in connection with the work which "will; be com- menced in April He expects- to aug-' npeut tht present sewerage system so extensively that not house within. the corporate limits will be out of easy range of a main' or lateral, ac cording to the ; municipal ' officials. Sidewalks as stated before in The Free Press, will be given the next consideration, and after them Toad- way paving, leaving enough out of the money, of course, to increase the pres ent equipment of the electric light plsnt,' which will be converted into a triple-unit instead of a single plant The sidewalks will probably be of width enough for two or three peo ple to walk abreast That is the pop ular idea for sidewalk construction in the residence sections of nearly all cities now) The sewerage extensions will be made to conform precisely with the present system, which was jnstalUd by Mr. White, who is prob ably more familUr with the system than anyone else. The electrie light equipment will be furnished by one of the big manufacturers of New Jer sey or Pennsylvania probably, and will be installed under the supervision' of .experts. The plant, at some sea sons now almost overloaded, will be adequate for many years to ' come with the additional machinery. rendered by local talent and a smok er was enjoyed. A large number of the members were present The com mittee promises something as inter esting for the next meeting. Since storting the social feature the attend ance at the meetings has almoat dou bled. ' '. . !' '. , SINGERS TO MEET. - The members of the choir and oth er singers of the First Baptist church are' requested to pjeet jn the church at 0 o'clock this evening.: J 1 ; CONCER TTO BE GIVEN 1 AT, GRAINGER SCjKOOL. The Lenoir Concert Company will give a mneical and program of hum croui readings at the school conduct ed by Misses Ilottie Daly and Sue Da ly near Grainger next Friday night, March 12. A spelling match will be an addtlionaj feature, and prizes wilj be given. JUNIORS II AVE MUSICAL AND SMOKER AT MEETING The social' committee -of Lenoir Council No. 78. Jr. O. V. A. M., jmH ed off the third 'of a aeries of enter tainments recently commenced as a boost for ' the council 'Thursday even ing In iheir hall in the Hood building. A4Hgbtfl.musical-program -wa GRIFTON TO VOTE ON ' ' HIGH SCHOOL TAX. ' Grifton school district will vote on high school tax on April 16. Several ether districts in Pitt county will vote on special taxes later in that month. GRAND- THEATRE BIG HOUSE-BIG SHOW OLD HIDING TABLOID Good Comedy aad Chorus. Tpdas bfll. "Battle Not .Xti," TODAlfhe Man on the BOX.' 1 A Bve reel dramatization of HaioldMcGrath'i novel and play with Max Figmao in title role. . .( : "WHATSOEVER A WOM AN SOWETH THAT SHALL SHE ALSO REAP." ,Einty ? reel (eture. SATURDAY "THE SAGEBRUSH GAL." 3 reel feature. KEYSTONE COMEDY. 2 . reel. ' Featuring Cha Chaplin. , Matinee 5, 10 cts. Nights 10, 20 cts. r irm,nvr.mTwi.ajai IE 51 1 Hi t Mia f THEMNEW DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE 3 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES C0NSTiTOT A SET Show your mlor.mnt bflhla rat wtuealisMi op auo lrttttct at AOprkclloK with Ire thn raniccuMra dI. and rtunlljr br cutting out klU an atvla f DictioHarv Ml.ot.d (wfafck mn th kn of Iko coat of back. .... . .. . . L .t ... . .. . rvneuci 9tt prMtilin thorn at thla office, with tho oxponw bonua amount hcr.in nt oppo. i ItoaaV, and jrou wul bo proaontod with vow cbuico of thoto lUroo book, i apo fcoa tho factor. oWlilna, otoili Mro aad othorooowari EXPENSE Tk.f An .... ... r: . . . . f " fvw. f Like illustrations in tne announcements from day to oayj Now t 1. .u. .. .: i - ... i WOO 611 tnCnSfl crratmt autlioritira from letA'ma universities: it bound in I DICTIOlMAIlYlull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and L tllmtrataoV: ; aideL nrinted (in Rihl nnner with red hbm and corners f rounded; beautiful, strong, "durable. Besides the general contents, there w hf mnna anil tvi Nit iihiA.a hMBf.t.f.illw h. thrM. f I 1 . . I . . 1 . . w . . tuiur piairj, numcruns auvjecis PT monptonra, to paiccs in J. .f 1 . .1. . . . " . cuucauonm cnarts and-tne atesi unuea aiaies vensm. rreseni i t0 at this office SIX CoaMcativa Cartiikataa a AaprocUtlaa tad Um U qC Expoyuo , Bonuiof , Ji la amotljr the aama as tn t. book, ax- tTbc $3.00 nW - i a. a- d a ana With aQuaroeomwa. 50c A a. aoaalatiaa CoMtfteatoa aai tho vie of u to The $2.00 (WW K.kiianao IJkmua of 81c la In plain cloth bled- , In, atampad In sold MOflBni tnCllSO paper, m lllmUa nimnaiauw tlona. but all - , i , . " , "VT of the eol I Ktjpp , anil charttaraotnltt.d. SIX Ap. 1 JtQfi proolatioai CartiHcato and the , MAIL ORDKKM AnT honk itirml Mat. lnrtnda RXTRA T (vnta rltln la mlloa: 14 eenta Ja to e tatlea; fur great dlataneoa alt your poatnutxter ! amouat t 'laehida for S poasda J ' " J , rpf) 2 In 1 J m :t 'I Pwiilttsust . j llik w " INSURANCE OF WL KINDS . - rr - C. OETTInGEn, Manager Ulnotpn Insurance & ncalty Co. Tc!c;!:can3 Io. tB2 (Next to Postoffice) Druggetts ; 9 2 ltd $2 J? 8 each Rugs , 36 x 72 inches 39c each O. N..T. Cotton, lot ZU Chas. A. Waters .JA Telepjiojio fitora We Solicit ' The ccpunia ,of Corpora' tions, firms and Individ uals, and offer ' accommor ' daturas consistent with safe banling. : ; : Start the New Year with us. Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston, i' ... N. C. . Wmti t. I k. ' -n t To isr Fa ElOtS Sit YOUR CHOICE Saturday , (ONLY) $s.oo For any Suit left from our Magnificent Stock. I . ' It "J There arc suits in this lot which cost at , the factory from $10.00 to $t8.50 Sale One Day :;t:.....V:- ) 'f-j:-:.., .i.!,1 Only Saturday SAMaMaaaiaBBBjBBaaMBa J. STEPIIOISi J , " iiii i DUB ftipi : ' MD. HARRIS6UR6 . ... . - - SLIPPERS - For Ladies, . Misses and . Children have ' . Will be glad to show you. -THE.; ONE PRICE CJSH STORE A.. J, SUTTON Phone J4 & ' Prop. Coat Suits, Dresses; Skirts and Millinery Now on Display Let Us Show You the Season's Creations Barrett & Hartsfield We believe that we Can Prove Thatfthe Automatic and Gtiriiey Refrigerators Will Require Less Ice than any other refrigerator with which ydji may compare them. Come today and see theni and you can unHerstand why they are more eeonomica 1. Oetigef'i Furniture Store Invest your Savings The Sixth Series of Stock in the- Mutual Building and Loan Association will be Issued , An opportunity to , invest a traall amount each week in absolute safety to yield a NET return of over six per cent. ' i;; -m' ; 1 in .jiijiii;.!.! ,. i"-"'". ' " J ; Dues 25c per week on each $100 Share. C. OETTINGJ2R, -, - Secretary BTAlM' CfJTfl For full information apply to JDSEG' J?TORE 1 The Parfci & 0 enr dorif Go. Canton, Ilia., made the firsj Stalk .Cuir V- SVUiiljIiVtU aV t -carsago; toaAy tney are ' biulding the best Stalk Cutter ov the market Von need weight in a StAik Cotter to do rood work. Too get u ta this on bJ with wrisbtoa prt atrcogth, ThtP.&db practically indestractibie. Beware o ' Jijht, flimsy ta!k cuttrra yoo will roc the day yoo boy one; Thit one will last a l.fc-tlmc. W bat do the mfiauf.ictiirofO tbcroscjvn think otUt "Back It op with aa S-Mjualiised cuar That is imttios it ptetiJ ronr-what mora can yea askf f ''- - - r . 4 -v. ..- , CMTOHQgS CMCTtKWS cAsicanjxs cagcaHcg H. E. Moscley Hardware Co. ij BENTON & MOOFi Architects Wilson, a H.C. Announcement. V. H. Mewborn, - a graduate of &e Pennayivania College of Optics and Ophthalmology, and a registered Op. tometrist under tho laws of thintate, announces that he now has his optkil parlors located next door upstair to the flfixie Theatre, and i thorough! equipped to give you a scientific eye examination and fit you with satisfact ory glasses, at a reasonable rice. IRA M. HARDY, M. D, " - Physician and Sursreoa , OflSce Hours: 0 to 11; 20 to 6 . P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Eesidenca 507 Office 479. . , 102 West Caswell Street. .'. . . . ... luye. Ear. Noaa and Threat . ; Dikuci Treated. ' -' '" ' N. J. Konse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. .Goldsboro, N.G BOUSE & LAND , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Kinston. N. C-Croldaboro, N. C, 303-304 Borden Builduif, DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, . , Crown and Bridge Work a ' r Specialty.. Officeoycr Cot. Milloffice ' Z. Tf MOSELiif, VL p. - Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. OfBce hoora: h t 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 8 to 5 p. w. OQke, 478 to 9 p. m. , . Res. f hone 113 AT SKINNER'S 4,4,-t W We Cater to Tee Ladles and Cnildren. ; : Ice Cream, Soda and Roe Candy Phone 149 J.T. S!ab-er & Soa "fe S:nve to Flease"