THE DA LY PRESS THE WEATHIR Fair WiW wiik bu mmrm r- .. - r i PUBLISHED EiZEFY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY, VOft. XVt-No. 296 SECOND fcDITlbN kfaiSTON, N. C MONDAY, MARClk 8,1915 FOUR PAGES TODAY SAYoALUlSlADTviO VESSELS;?; BY FIRE TUR!S GUNS MaSXaaBMasaaiMss)' British Admiralty Denies Import , From Constanti nople j$at rejicl Cjruis er Wa Driven From Ac- ' turn With English Vessels (Bj the United fnu) London, March 8. A Constantino ple message via Berlin today said the Turkish Dardanelles fort have suc ceeded in puttings a French cruiser out of action! and badly damaging a British cruiser, It is stated that sev eral shells exploded on the French man's deck, klng many, jyhereat, the ship was steered from .the firing line with her upper, works Waling. ;.The British ' Admiralty denied the story. Violent Germs Offensive in Poland. Petrograd, Jtfarch 8.-r-The Germans have resumed ..violent aggressive tac tics In southeastern Poland. A huge battle has developed along the PUicla river. , . . : Germans Successful in West. Berlin, March 8.rr-The , Germans were successful in .today's fijghtjjag oo the". Flanders-France Jine. .Severe fighting occurred, in the Champagne region The French are storming the German tranches unsuccessfully. ' TERBB HAUTE OFFICIALS W , WILL GO ON. TRIAL TODAY- ' Indianapolis, arv.fcWQne hundred and fifteen Terre Haute; politicians were to be arraigned today lor trial in the Federal court on charges . of gross election frauds, Ruling of the court a few weeks ago upheld the in dictments ; : Of the 115 (indicted, 83 have plead ed guilty and five "not, guilty. Mayor Don M. Roberts and Judge Eli Bed man of the Vigo circuit court, and Sheriff Dennis Shea are among the most prominent who will .fight the case. With them are most of the Terre Haute official family. - IEEE YEWS F03 . ,; F0.1GING PASSPORTS Carl Charged Ruerode, One of Five , Men With Attempts to Get German Spies From America to England, Goes to Prison (By the United Prose) New York, March 8. Cart Ruer ode,' one of five jGerrnan-Amerkans, accused of forging passports for the purpose of sending Gorman spies to England, pleaded guilty today and he was sentenced to three years in the Atlanta penitentiary, ' ' . iiMN MURDERED .MAN.F0R SMALL SUM Rocco Tassone, Executed In Pennsyl vania Today, Killed Victim for 2S t instigation oat Men , Who Wished to Blackmail ; t (By the JUnited Press.); - -1 Rock View,! Pa, March 8. Rocco Tassone was today i electrocuted for murdering another Italian at Lancas ter for a consideration of twenty-five dollars from, two countrymen, trying to hlackmajl - tho victim. ", THEOifslRt IN TOOTS NEWS . uri- - x:: . EMPIRE BUILDER ON TOUR. - St Paul, Mirm-. Mar. 8. James I. , Hill,, empire builder, today started on a trip with several live stock experts through the Northwest. Mr Hill will bear the expense of the trip, which is for the purpose of explaining to farm ers of the Northwest, the advantage of live stock raising.- .' V , T - : WHITE SOX IN ACTION. ' San Diego, Cal, March 8 The first of nine games, between the Chicago White Sox and the Vernon .Coast team was played Here this af ternoon, The games were arranged by the athletic committee of the San Diego Exposition. PREPAllM FOR ANNUAL REUNION OF THE YETS Rail-fay Will Enlarge Facilities for , coming Big Event in Richmond. Expert Baggage Men and Special Officers Engaged - jBy the United Press) Tacoma, .Wash., Mar. 8. One drink will cost 'Thomas Cannally $4,000 that Is,- if he takes it. Sue weeks ago Cannally appealed to Police ..Justice Evans to bo released, offering to de posit $4,000 Jn cash, to be forfeited in case he took, drink before his term would ' have expired. . Justice Evans agreed and placed the money on deposit in a local bank, The money was still in the bank to day drawing Jt per cent, and Cannally was occuping a seat high on the ?wa ter wagon. i CD-OPERATION WON APPROPRIATION FQR Caswell Training School Was Treated Very Well In Comparison With the Other State Institutions $86,500 Allowed. GOOD CO-OPERATIVE PROFIT-SHAPING Plan ita tried Employes of Caswell Cotton tyills Successfully Oper ate Supply Stored Enab ling Them to Gel First Class Good and Dividend ; , (Special to Free Press.) v' Richmond, ,ya Mar. 8,-UAntici pating that Uiousands of the jmen who wore the grey, their sons, daughters, and friends will come to Richmond to attend the annualjre-union of the United Confederate Veterans, June J 3, the Southern Railway has already begun making arrangements for en larged facilities for this event and the perfecthvof a special organization for which it will draw from a) parts of the system men who have had ex tensive experience in handling re union and other large crowds. Preliminary details were worked out at a meeting attended by twenty seven officials of the passenger and transportation departments, and it was decided to follow the methods which proved so micopsful in hand ling the larpe crowds which attendnj the reunions at Macnn, Chattanooga 1 (Continued on Tz;e 3) The Legislature made an appropri ation of $86,500 for the Caswell Training School, formerly the' North Carolina School for the Feeble-Mind ed. The money will be used as fol lows: For 1915 maintenance, 230,000; 1916 maintenance, $40,000 girls' dor mitory, $14,000; improvements to pre sent buildings, 52,500. - This makes the total expended on the institution up till now $225,434 17. It is noteworthy that while in the appropriations for other State in stitutions moneys in the funds of the institutions were : deducted, , no ac count was taken of that in possession of .the Caswell Training School, and it may be used for such purposes as the trustees see fit The friends of the school do not re gard the present appropriation as ade quate for all purposes, but in view of all conditions, are gratified. ' President J. Herman Canady of the Chamber of Commerce speaking this morning of that body's interest in and work for the appropriation, declared that the success that accrued was just one more proof of the advantages of co-operation. He says the "pull together" spirit displayed by the peo ple of Kinston in this instance should characterize their ' attitude towards the proposed sectional fair to be held for the first time here next falL The fair, Mr. Canady intimates, will be as sured or killed tomorrow. The suc cess that the stock-canvassing com mittee meets with will determine the future of the enterprise. The Slate's appropriation for the Training School de'ig-hted Dr. C B. JIcNairy, the superintendent.' Operatives and. other employes of the Caswell Cotton Mjlls, in West lunston, comprise the stock company which conducts what is probably the most successful mercantile business in the city the Kinston Co-Operative Mercantile Company, capitalized , at about $600 and not incorporated. The store is just five weeks old. At the end of the first month of business the concern paid a dividend of 16 2-15 per cent, or about 80 cents profit on every share of $5. Skeptical operatives who naa witnneia tneir nara-earaea sav ings fronr the enterprise immediately got busy when the dividend was an nounced. t The co-operative store was the idea of General Manager J. W. Black. Mr. Black had a building erected for it in the model mill village, ; which Tr, Stiles, marine hospital expert and discoverer of the hookworm, some months ago declared to be, the clean est and most sanitary mil Itown he had seen In the East with the possi ble exception of one. Therefore,, the business saves the expense of rent, but in other lines it Is liable to the same expense as any other similar enterprise. . The stock is comprised of groceries principally, and trading is not limited; but no outside capital is wanted that is understood.. The 150 employes of the mills, will take all the stock needed to keep the thing going, and many- of them own one or more shares now. A. Spencer, master mechanic in the plant is president of the. company, and N. B. Hill, overseer of spinning, is vice-president J. T. Brown is the manaeer. . The shop is conducted much as is any other small store, ex cept that the business methods are probably a little better than in some, Goods are delivered, of course, and the stock is carefully chosen.. The mill people patronize the enterprise unstintedly. YOUNG MAN DIED jt HE ENTERED ROOM OF DEAD FATHER-IN-LAW Unusual Sadness In Wash ington arid High Point Homes Due to Dual Death of Prominent Citizens Mr. Willis and Mr. Ferris (Special to The Free Press.) , Washington, N. C., March While the body of E. X. Willis V is lying in a coffin in the handsome home of his family at Second and! Harvey streets here Sunday morning, his son-in-law, a prominent High Point lawyer, who had just come for the funeral, walked into the room where the casket was, gazed into the face of his wife's dead parent for a moment and fell over. stone dead. Heart failure probably caused Ferris death : , With him was his wife, who was before her marriage Miss Mabel Wil lis, is one of the most beautiful wo men of the State, and prominent in society. .Mrs. Ferris was almost craz ed by the tragedy which added to her already intense grief. - Tbi double funeral will-be held this afternoon. . ,- ; Mr. Willis was. a wealthy ship chandler ' and merchant He was known throughout the eastern part of the State, He was a leader in St Pe- JEWS IN HOLY LAND ARE IN NO DANGER, GERMAN ASSERTION Turkish Government Toler ant Towards All Relig ions. Embassy States ; THE MEXICAN SITOATIok Obregon Overdoes Things-i- How Can ; Capital Fjeed Villa's Thousands? Goe thals Resignation ' Ulti- mate Certainty i (By the United Press.) j Washington, March 8. The Ger man embassy today issued a state ment denying that the Jews in Pales tine are endangered. It admitted there had been unrest among the Jews it some places owing to over zeal pf local Turkish officials, but the central government's policy is tolerant , to wards all religions. It has. taken steps to remove anti-Jewish officials. The statement asserted that the Ger man and -American ambassadors at Constantinople are co-operating . jo protect the Hebrews, whose future se curity is assured. j Mexican Situation Continues Serious. Secretary Bryan today admitted continued seriousness of the Mexican situation. He said he had not been informed bjrCarranza if Obregon had been definitely recalled; but that the latter apparently exceeded Carranza's orders is taken as an indication that Carranza will have difficulty in con trolling him. Advices today indicat ed that Villa is eA route to attempt the .capital's capture, but his .success is uncertain. . Besides, jt is hard (to understand how bis 40,000 troops can improve the situation by entering the foodless city. , Goethals Threatened by Tropical Climate. No official news has been received of Goethals' reported resignation of the - Panama' governorship. Friends said, however, that if he has not re signed he undoubtedly would soon be cause a longer residence in the trop ical " country would endanger his health. . , . ' W. Va.'s 2-Cent Fare Not Upheld. The Supreme Court today refused to enforce West Virginia two-cent passenger rate law against the Nor folk and Western Railorad. It said the reduction would compel the road to carry passengers for a merely nom inal charge if not actually below cost. LEGISLATURE- WILL PROBABLY ADJ WJORROWMORNI OURN Nlj Members Boards Education Appointed, pearly Tee Millions Appropriated for institutions and Depart mcnts, and Other Matters SHERIFF'S PARTY MADE . ANOTHER TRIP FOR NEGRO Desperate Character Who Tried to Shoot Officer Last Week Return-' - ed to Hia Boarding House, But Eluded Capture John Williams, the negro outlaw who Friday engaged in a revolver du el with Sheriff ; Taylor near Elm Grove, Sunday morning about 3 o' clock appeared at the home of Cicero Jones, where he boarded recent ly, and asked for hit clothes He pre sumably intended leaving this part of the country. Jones informed him that the authorities are holding his clothes and bicycle, which are in the sheriff's office here. - Upon receipt of news pf his reap pearance the sheriff. Superintendent of Roads Bryant Taylor, Deputy Hed- Allen and i Policeman Richard Stroud went in an automobile to Elm Grove, but Williams had been jrone several hours before they arrived. In the belief that he had headed toward Trenton, the officers drove almost a far as the Jones county seat, but without getting a glimpse of the des perado-who is accused of pointing a pistol at and fixing three shots at a trio of white men on the road near the Iron bridge on the night of Feb ruary Z7 and robbing a noy witn whom he was riding, of a dollar as - C?y W. J. MarUn.) Baleigb, . March Hie omnibus bill to appoint members of boards of education for the various counties to day passed both houses. It carries the Appointment of P.. A. Hodges for Lenoir county. ' ' The general appropriations bill, carrying nearly three millions for the maintenance and permanent improve ments appropriations for State insti tution and department was i put through immediate passage without amendment by both houses on the same course they observed the omni bus bill, appointing members of coun-J ty ooaras oi-eaucauon ana .oniy in troduced this morning. The Senate refused to concur in amendments to the state-wide prim ary bill by the House. Conference committees were appointed. Bills passed by the Senate included: To provide $5,000 additional for the main building at the North Carolina Home for Confederate Women at Fa yetteville, so that the contract can be let March 80, for a $16,500- building to accommodate sixty-five inmates; to provide a State forestry commission; general appropriation for the Nation bl Guard. . - ' . - , . Every indication now is for final adjournment of the Legislature Tues day morning. ORPHAN SINGERS . OFF ON STATE TOUR. Oxford, March 7. -The Oxford Or phanage Singing Class has started on its annual tour, visiting the various towns and cities in Norjth Carolina, such visits being made upon invita tion from and under the auspices of the Masonic Lodges and friends of the Institution. - ter's Episcopal church and had been well as resisting arrest and shooting active in all phases of uplift locally, at the sheriff. TOURAINE NEARS LA HAVRE WITH FLAMES NOW UNDER CONTROL Big Liner in Convoy of Rot terdam Makes Slow Time in Fog In Fear of Mines arid Submarines No Danger, It Is Declared (By the United Press.) Paris,' March 8.r-The French liner La Touraine is reported today to be still burning and steaming through a fog a hundred miles west of the English channel. It is believed the fire is under control. The Holland American Jiner Rotterdam continues to act as her convoy. . They are expected to reach Havre tonight or tomorrow. The slow speed of the vessel is due Jto danger of the mines and submarine attacks. The 4 Rotterdam was only a hundred miles from La Touraine when the wireless distress call was sounded. The Tou mine's passengers and crew were nev er endangered except from the explo sion of ammunition in. the cargo. Warships Escorting Steamship. London, March 8. A wireless mes sage from the Touraine today said the fire was nearly extinguished last mid night Several warships have joined the Rotterdam as escorts. . Truth from the mouth of an honest man and severity from a good-' natured man have a double effect' Ilazlitt " WARNS GIRLS BEWARE OF fiOYIE STUDIOS AttempU at White Slavery Made By ' Parties Who Pretended to Taln ' Film riayerf. la' jsy ' York, ) . Police jjnspector Declares " :- . , (By tho Unltod Frost) New YorC' March 8. Inspector Devery today issued a warning to girls visiting movies studios Indis criminately. He said he has learned that white slavery attempts had been made under the pretence of creating movie stars, ;, V''"'"! GREECE ENTHUSIASTIC OVER PftOSPECTS WAR King's Premier Will d It Hard to Get a NeutrU Cabinet in the Ath enians' Kingdom Now Mar tial Demonstrations. , (By the United Press.) ' Athens, Greece,' Mar. 8 The Greek population today engaged in enthusi astic war demonstrations." It is very doubtful If the King's choice for pro mier will be able to form a cabinet on neutral basis. SNOW FEU HERE SUNDAY NIGHT TH S05IE SLEFjT A heavy fall of snow, mixed with rain for the better part of the hour or more during which it fell, marked the weather in Kinston Sunday night The white flakes failed to cover the ground because of the dampness ' resulting from an intermittent rain throughout the day. v ':i:;:. '; ;..'v'vr - Early this morning there was sleet and hominy snow, which adhered to rooves and tree limbs for an hour or two, but went away with tho coming of dawn. The temperature was rath er low, but not far enough down to freeze the precipitation. t DEGIN THAW'S TRIAL FOR CONSPIRING TO ESCAPE lIATTEAWAN Defense Will Claim He Was Insane When He Killed White, But Sane When ije Escaped from Asylum Co-Defendants , -: (By the United Press.) ; Kew york, March 8.- Thaw's trial has begun on the charge of conspiring to escape from Mattcawan. Co-defendants are "Gentleman . Roger" Thompson, "Big Dick" Butler, Thos. Flood, and Michael Eugene Duffy, ac cused of aiding in the escape The empanelling of the jury has been started. Attorney Stanchfield. for Thaw, in dicated that the. defense will : claim that his client was Insane when he killed White, but sane when he escap ed from Matteawan, and therefore, that the escape was no crime. ; TO PROVE RIVER ' NAVIGABLE. Bismark, N. D., Mar. 8 Plans were being made today, whereby newspa per , men, who are members of ' the North Dakota Press Association, in their annual meeting hero in June will prove that the Missouri river is navi gable, by taking atrip up and down the river in a boat usually used for hauling grain from river towns. V CLEVELANP ISSUES ONDS. Cleveland, O., March 8. Four mil lion dollars worth of municipal bonds for lighting waterworks and street improvements were offered for sale by the city today, boosting Cleveland's bonded indebtedness to $54,000,000. PIRATES OFF .'. FOR SOUTHLAND Pittsburgh, March 6. The Pirates leave today for Dawson Springs, Ky., their Southern training quarters. CENSUS TAKERS ROT DETERRED- BY: Ml SUNDAY mmwi Canvass nequired A Little More Time Than Estimat edComplete Compila tion of Returns Being Baptist (realar) 871 BVpUst (Free Will) ... . . . . hi Baptista '(MmiU ve) ,....,. ChrlaUao "'J.'",. .805 Crin.Scleiico .......... . ;5 Episcopal 28 Holiness .V. M. EL, South ............. 1.131 Presbyterian .. ........... 114 Unirrsaliistt , . ... .V. . ..... S8 Total ;..I4U The religious census of the city tak en Sunday afternoon under the aus pices of the pastor of the various Churches was npt completed in the two hpurs that had be'eo set ppart for the work, .but by 'p' V"9 Kst worker of the hundred or more who set but to get the' data had reported. The 'results were ' exceedingly gratt fying. The city had been divided into districts and the census-takers, work-l " ing in pairs, visited practically every . white home in tfce city, got the names, ' ge membership or nclintion, ftc of every member pf the .fsynliy, ,ad turned them (n for bulation jto those In charge of the eensus.- Bad weath er and, ' pf course, the .absence ; (of families pora ' home) ' were .deterjrent to the workers. : This morning the following pas tors went over the cards and canvass ed them thoroughly, adding up tho lists and separating the' non-members and non-regulars from tho members and regular, jchurch-goera: JRe. fi. ,W. Spllman, Rev. ,C W. Blanchurd. rirst Baptwt; Rfy, George B. Ha.nrahah, ' Preabyten; Jley. ohn H. Grlfil0i, St Mary's Episcopal; Pastor B. J. -Smith, tGordon Street Christian; Rev. H. A. Humble, Queen Street Method ist, and Rev. E. N. Harrison, Caswell Street Methodist . ' . . The pastors wlil take the 'cards con- ' tainlng the names 1 of non-merabert with expressed inclinatoins and make these a matter of special work in tho near future, to tiring - as many .of them into the ohurch folds as possi ble, r . ' ' '. . The lists at noon were not com plete, although ,put two block wore left to be canvassed. TJie figures of membership and inclination as near ' as possible to get them at that hour were:"1" Do naught to others which, If don to thee, would cause thee pain; this is the sum of duty-Mahabharata. ... EDISON PLANT WA$ IN DANGER AGACI Another Fire Today In Plant Par tially Destroyed Some Weeki : Ago Inventor Jn Laboratory 1 , ' When Alarm Came ' In t 'f t (By the United Press.) . West Orange, N. J?' March S-r-The remainder of Thomas Edison's r fire damaged plant' was again threatened by flames early today. Only the fire men's desperate efforts saved inval uable records. Edison was in bis lab oratory wjien the fir started.. His wife rushed Jto $he scene and found him ankle deep in water directing the work of saving his papers. v' call for o::::al &in STAii !I3 . By the United Treis.) Washirgton, Jlarch 8. The C troUer of the Curroy t'y i call for statTneii's of t' f-" National PinV-s et tv r'-e rf 1 ness on J!arrh 4. r1- ' a tt

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