ilUE KINSTON FREE TRESS CZlMlEtlERESt NEGRO HELD FOR . - ' 8TEAUXO .niSKEY. '. EJ Bryant; colored, was. bald by Municipal Court Monday night on tie thug ct stealing whiskey (rm Jqhn Harpet. another negrt, on Eait Orijht a tract, and committed to Jail U default of bond. THREW BRICK THROUGH , K S. CAR WINDOW, ccum litem sottEtt IN SESSION THIS MORNING Dra, IIrgror and I'arrott Read In- Wratinf Papcra-rCeaersi Health Cendition Not Formally . Die- . coesed!s Fairly Good, Tha members of the Lenoir County Medical Society at tha regales month ly meeting this morning heard two in tarestm papers read by Dra. J. M. Parrott and W. P. Hargrove, v - Pr. Hargrove',, topic was,, some of tha cut ha has encountered ia pra- in text , 1mt. fiattirilav nlifhk m brttk Waa thh . Nnrfolk Southern which, were not found car window aaar r.rmrflle. Tha ml.- bk ta completions, .Da .truck tha, bottom rod of cup- , Dr.: Pstsott read rem.rka.nap. t,ln .nd fll it tha Ian of a, woman P-ndicaal, diagnosis. Both papers, it pauengar. , Tim wera aemal offlJ P"b' wi be printed in profee- cars an tha train who( wbnn tha can wart brought to a .top, made aeveral arrests. , ; GOVERNMENT WANTS THE RELIGIOUS CENSUS FACTS. Dr. E. C Branson of Chapel Hill, repreaentlng tha United States De partment of Agriculture, baa asked , Dr. B. W. Spllman to furnish him the flguree and faata eenosrning the re ligious census taken here Sunday. Pr. Branson baa charge of the depart ment, of market, and wral organisa tion work in North Carolina. PRAYER-MEETING W ' ) CHRISTIAN. CnURCH. ! Wednesday evening Mty.J. F. Tay lor will lead tha prays meeting In the Christian church, and tha topic will ' be "Christ's Gladness,. Members are requested to- study tha topic- it the church papers., wd fee prepared, to take part in the, electing Immediately af ter the prayer meeting service, which will be a, JlttJp -ajKreaiUiin4 usual, there will he social periods and thai membership; ia general la. Invited, to come and eajoy this, pleasant hour. ;.:.r,v:..:. ) . BIJOU 8TQCK.; COMPACT PLRASE3 THEATEtt"COEft8. - The opening 7 bill by r.tJie Bijou Stock Company at the Crand The ter Jlonday) JghV delighted large sionat lournala. . -'A The society appointed Dr. R; A. Whitaker and City Physician George Kornegay to read papers at the April meeting. .The membera did not discuss in the meeting the general health actuation, but several of them afterwards stat ed that conditions are excellent TOUNC HUNTER tlCITM 6F UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT t Joseph MeGowaji of Jacksonville lost his life through a distressing ae cident near Camp Perry,, according to a report which reached here via New Bern today, aeveral day. ago while hunting in a swamp with Lawrence HoUowelh also of Jacksonville. jjo iowall slipped arid fell and his gun was accidentally discharged, the en tire load entering thje back of Mc Gowan, who was walking; just ahead. Hoilowell carried bis eomrade out of the swamp and for some distance to a, physician, hnt medical, aid avail ad no results, and the victim died in a few hours. McGowan was 27 years old. BIG ROH PtANt At,i r BELHAVEN STARTS UP Hundred Mea Fin Employment Af ter Lang SuspeaaioiHKMill at New, Her to Reaarae AgahNext ' Monday, Officials Say. ; . New Bern, March &rAtlet having been idle for several weeks, the John L, Roper Lumber Company's big saw mill And planing, mill at Belhaven, yesterday started - up In. full blast, and a hundred or mora men who have bean out of employment for aome tin) resumed work-A telephone mes sage from that place satted that there IS a general feeling of gratification. The ! New Bent pUav of the Roper Company closed down for repairs on Fabwary 2, and was to have resum ed operations last Monday, but at that time the work was incomplete, and it was not practicable to begin operations. A statement given out by the officials yeaUijday was to the ef fect 'that tha local pfont would cer tainly begin eperationa next Monday morning and that every man who was working, ia the, mill when it closed down wquld be given his position gin ., . ' ' . Kid Gloves i CHIIDKEN, OF - PRIMARY . . .... - - , i GRADES IN FIRE DRILL Six Hundred and Tweaty-thrce Pupils Vacate PMiliHpg lit Orderly Fash . Ion in 83 SecondsFire Chief Witnessed - Performance ons ass woni t; an? DALLAS LAY CORNERSTONE Of ITS NEW UNION STATION Dallas, Tx.. March 9. -The corner- audietci (Tla attraction was the best stone of tha new local $5,000,000 sta. at small prices seen here- iiv a long tkm was laid here today with elab- tlm ,The offailng was time-hpa-1 orate ceremonies. Governor ..James ored -onp,,4,Tai?est and ySussbine,! I E, Ferguson, the Texas Railroad but it wa,s vety well rendered by the I Commission and many v prominent eompany .ap4 tH. Mdiencadid weniState, city and railroad . officials by It; gvingv applause who it was f were present, deserved wttnot unt Tue cnarac ten of the two sisters, "Tempest and Sunshine," their, typical Kentucky I dad, a youth gone to the dogs, jthe , hsso and the villain, an old colored matnmy smd a negro urchin, were all well taken Tonight the Bijou pec pie offer "Ha Fell la Lov With His Wife, with ebamge eackr ntght dur ing tha remamder, of thp week. Mary Fickford b "Tss of the Storm Coun try earned e lv oj f very woman, child and man in Monday night's ait dience. The Bttle genius was at her very hast ilihia, easily the best "mo- vle"flfferln hero m. many months, I according, to- the - general opinion; Wednesday f night a Worldf Film future, "One ef Millions," ts i be lowa This is a vivid picture I of the horrors o war, and will bajre a tendency, t discourage tie prepar pdnese Idea of soma. 'Thi lUott Con pasy wiU !ay "The Mnn of the Hour" at bolls matinee and night - ' : 1 . In the presence of Fire Chief Toitt Moseley and Capt P. S. B. Harper of Ilose Qo. No 1, who were invited by the superintendent to witness J the, sight, the 623 children in the primary school building on, East Peyton; aver nue were marched oat of the building at Are drill of which there had been n forewarning, in, a. minute and 23 seconds, Ths little fellows marched. out "like soldiers," said Chief Mose leyik "without ths slightest confusion. t At th high, school. on East Lenoin street th hpuse was emptied of C15 high and granwnar school pupils ire two minutes, and two seconds,. Thef smaller ones "put it all eves them" in every phase of the drill. Superintendent Caldwe.ll and the teachers at the. two schools , wore highly complimented, by the firemen Spring; Shipment r- r. Colors,. White and Putty $1.2$ and $1.50, . Tha Telephone Store , rhj9aKo,89;j, ivM Just AKrived-, IIEI '.jp SLIPPERS 't. c ,. . . ('S f7f wring Suits The colors alone in these new suits are spririg-lifee Belgian Blue; Snc5 Putty,' Army Brown and BatUe Grey in Cloths , Gabardine, Poplin and the much want ed Covert Cloth, Golfine and Serge com- binei with lViessalineV ; ' ; ; : In Values from 515 to $32.50 ACnvnYOFPOUCE - aa. sW ,W s.Hes) s la CRMTK,SEffir.lAKERSw These Suits are priced to help with the Economy you intend to practice. : : There are more dressmakers to the I eqaare Inch In South Kinaton row than ,ean be found m moat any com- j munlty of similar population 'any where. As a result of the activities of .the. authsr Ulaa in some, of the- aK I leys iababited by colored people ra that sectfon. a number ef men and women,, the latter in the majority, have recently been arrested for va grancy and ordered to prove employ. ment, or rather, visible means off making a living, ia the future. Hence, sewing machines are -being ctaBiea oualy displayed at windows and a rest-1 makers. aigna have gone up in pro- fusion. , ' i,', J.!I.SIlPEW.TIIELK'SIOI GMDTIMRE BIS HOUSE BI6 SHOW The Bijou Stoclt Co. al is ra p PEEFos;cEa,iiiiLy Todayt Bill: "FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS WIFE" TODAY "RUNAWAY, JUNE." Fifth installment of popular - "KIS INSPIRATION " 2 rtd Kajem feature. . VERY tQW ROUND TRIP FARES , TO fi?;r4IAMCVU SOUTH. E35ft RAILWAY FEE5JIER CA- "Of TBt SOUTH. : : '. , Account of Biennial Session, Head Camp, Waodmrtv of 4he vrld af . C-, the Souther iUfiway, Company w'U asU hn raund trijs tkkcta. from ' Tk JPEnt in North Carolina to Pur Ui V. Ct'.i 4; "; . , . Dates qf sale, March 7, 8. and 9, ' with fctf HmK midnight et March lj, -1915.. ' For further deUUeV tnformst ton, ' achcduloa, etc, ask any Southern T ' -jr "if or writ - " , O. E. YORK, - T$ Agnt, 4- WEDNESDAY ATTERNOOIf- UTTtX MISS MAKE BE. LIEVE." I ree BiograpJu , "IN OLD VIRGINIA." 2 reek Lubin. EVENING "ONE OF MILLIONS. A rt 4 rW WU FiW feature wi)h Laura. Sawyet showing kenois. of waji i s:;:;;3 stlit is week at 3 m m p. 1 r:i: , 10 and 15 cents . 10, 20 end 30 cents VJc Solicit ' The accounts of Corpora tions, Firmj . and iRaivioV ' uals, and offer accomnjo dations consistent with safe . banting. 1 1 , : . : Start the New Year with us. -Jrf v Farmers & (.! , , Bank Kinston. n. c. FOB IN.: Jfl!.!EH AND CHILDREN. - All the new . styles you will find,, here at most reasonable prices. Qual ity coriideVei Watch my new show windows for the. new styles ,of shoes for spring. Mark CummiDgs l .fTh Hom of QuUty- l,I!Jl:;y . . :. . V. M . Ye Annoiinco Our Spring Dispflpy Ladies Hats TOES.; WED., MARCH 9- 10 of 1 Yom arc Invitqd io sec the Exhibit t. ja..T -ev Barrett I lifii OUR ZEIGLER . MID HARRISBDRG. -.. SLIPPEBS For Ladies, Mfaes and - - v.f Children hcttt , Jjrrived Will be glad . ONE PRICE CASH STORE f : - NEW. THINGS FOR THE ..' SPRING ARE. TO. BE , FOUND' HERE IN ABUNDANCE Cedar Chests Matting Boxes Bed-room Lamps Library Furniture Good Rugs have arnveq recently. If there's anything you . need for the homey we have it. Oottmccr'o Furniture Store SPBINff SHOWING OF Afrbw Shirts NewArrivalsAu Sizes, Prices for shirts, $1,00 an( V$I.5Q. 0?!!arsK zesVl5cifor25c NOW ON DISPY IN OUR VINbOW. I You'll find here the com fortable. .soft shirt with detached collar to match. Also Dixie Shirts, 50c III ,,, , : . ' ' "r :' "" ' " " '"' 1 "' ; 1 " " ' IRA BL HARDY. M. D, , DR. T. EL FAULKNER Pnysfcia and Sureoa J DENTIST ' Office Honrs: 9 to lis 2:30. to 6 - P. M.;7 to8?,'U."'M4 Office 130 S. McLewean St Pkoneg Rssidenee; 607; Office 479, . v w . . . J02 Wesf Cajwell Stmt. Near Residence. TUC III r ' - J j DltYriSi - ; II II " " " - ' ' tt? mtm i in - t ... . u i ft " - I I aaaisi t . ' U'T V'd' ' ! l.w w ' at J I A. J; syftbN 1 1 Id S ,....,. ,......, i um: kSfiifsS ai. 77 the mmM $&fc estate, co. : k., HA J inCCT " We Write Insurance QfallKinds l&Ja ASSETS : J'''Mv.T'''!T J. HIRSKFIELD COnn Next to National Bank , ot Kinston - Phone a41a STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, Thh regular annnal'meetbi? of tba stockholders of the Caswell Cotton Mills Inc., will fce held at the. office ol, th . CoP0tion (k' Thursday, March 11,. 1915, a 3 o'clock p. m, ( All atoekhold.PS ara urged; to, bt present and participate far, sa)4 aieet- ing - r.. W. P.JlaROQUE,, . 3-?-to 10fli ,,.(,, Secretary. .'-:. .V HitlHIlt ... ,.M1i 111 I, , of this bank is our SATISFIED DEPOSITORS! , .-Tbcy bavo gained many new accounts for us, helped us to grow. 1 We have aa ttrgaaizhboa for SERVICE, second to msv mi would like f saaka a Mbsfied de positor of you. Capital Surplus ' $100,OCO.CO $90,000.00 Tbe National Bank of Kinston ; GUY C TAYLOR Special ReprcsejiUtive New York Life Insurance Co. Hookerton, N. C. Ohildron Cry 4 8 rCS FLETCHER'S : CAGT.ORIA The ParEr fie Oreo dor Co. Caalon, Ills, mde tibia first Stalk jCuU tei eyerbui Qver.5Q t. McliBg the. Les Stalk Cutter on the market ToMd-igbt la 9flk Cutter to do good work. o ft U b this uraJ whfc velght jro act rfrcaetb. The P. ft a b practiolly bidrstractible. Eewmre ol it.Bn.t,jlk nuttm-ft m the dajr yoo bujroae. Thi. ooe a Kfe-tlsio, " Whit c)o I5 maqfactinix thrme!rti tiiiik off -"Back it piU M WMliM IWMtee," Thathgoftait pretty tronj-hal; ure cn yoouk? ii nil ii nmiiMf ii i i nw it n i m N, J. RouAe, Edward MLand. Klnatan. K. C, .GoIfliihdkOv N.G RQUSB & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW !-'! ft a Offices '4-a-;. U KiBston, H U Goldaboro, (T. G, DR.DAN W.PARK0TT 1 -DENTIST1-. . , Crews, and Bridjre Wars; OfficeoverCot UlUIoffice Dr. O. LJWILSON Ofice erer J. E. Hood Co's CANTON PLOTS -CA!rr0 ItO SS cA?rroNrL0s canton no ? H; E; Moseley Hardware Co. AT SKINNER'S , -3D 1 TtstaiicVani CHdrei : e . Ic Cream, Soda Phca K3 I T CM & ScJ r1

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