v. ! ! . i 4 THE DAILY FREE PRESS It Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager (United Prtaa Telegraphic Reporta) Ptbllihd Erery Day Exeat Sunday by th Kiniton Pr - ,- Pratt C Inc. Kiniton, N. C : Sabaeristtaa RateaPayabla In AdVancai Ona Wk $ .10 Thru M"tht 1 00 On. Monti M Six MontlM 100 Om Year ........ 4-w ' Communication! received and not publiahed will not b returned unleti ttampt to cover pottage accompany tame. apoIlUn Building, no. l Madison Avenue, Mr. Robert W. Sykea. Jr. in solo chtrge t uet o: rre rrett can ne teen. NEW YORK OFFICE-Metroi of Eaitern Department. CHICAGO OFFICE AdvertUlng Building, Mr. Walter U. Clark in charge of Western Department File or The Fro Preaa can be eeen. ; ' - Entered at the poatofflce at Kiniton. North Carolina, at eecond-cJatt natter unaer act ox umgreta, narcn a, ioiv After Six P. M. inbierlbert are requetted te call Wett arn Union and report failure to ret the paper. A copy will ke tent promptly. If complaint la made before Nine f, ft WIUWUI CVB iu wwriuw. .; FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10, If IS That Richmond paitor who declined to accept an In creaae In aalary mutt be a queer aort of a chap. . The fellow who rendera only that service for which he la paid ia not worth the price, whatever it may, . v 12 Twelve -J' 2 Twelve 12 Twelve Day Day Dyi Daya Dar Days Day That'a all! Shop now. ;' King Cotton la making strenuous efforts to ascend the ladder to that fifteen cent price ere the shades of even ing entirely envelop old man nineteen-flfteen. - Tha New Republic, organ of the Anti-Saloon League, tells of the Interesting address of the Governor of Idahc 'recently. It was a "startlingly dry" affair declares thr exchange. . - 1 a An exchange says that General Bill Collector is hav ; ing a bard row to weed down In its neck of the woods Wonder if prosperity . hasn't hit that section T The old scout is doing finely hereabout. A great many "old timers" contend that there is noth : iiitf to th modern breakfast foods; nevertheless u the wiiiow of on of the chief manufacturers of a line has to be persuaded that six millions la an equitable share of th proceeds. i , ' t ' Jeems Cowan refers to her at "Mias" Ines Milholland : Bolttevan, and then at some length discusses the beauti ful and noted suffrage leader's views on th right of wo man to propose. Some lonesome bachelor la apt to be mislead by our contemporary's carelessness in this re fjard. Just mak It "MRS." for safety sake. 1 5 . ' 1 v V i t Fen a tor, Oscar .Underwood received an ovation from hit former associates In the House when the Senate as smllii in th hall of th House to listen to the Proli ant's mpssnge, ' We could wish that Oscar had not va cated his place in the lower branch until the battles of th coming year had been waged and won.' a ' -' ':: k- That proposed giant rival of the United States Steel i Corporation had better keep a weather ey on the older concern, lest about th time all is in readiness for com pleting th organization an Interlocking directorate may be discovered which will give the United States the con trol of th few remaining independents in the Iron world. I(v : " 1 ; . I Some of thos fellows who enlisted, or In other words, accepted Mr, Ford's Invitation to Join the peace party, (Just for th trip) ar apt to b sorely disappointed for from th numerous wireless messages that come from th Oscar II.. it is evident that tome work is being required. If there ia much more revision downward of the in come tax laws, there la liability that the poor newspaper acribet of th country will become involved. And it would be too bad to force the fellows to place a cash Value on th contributions of "taters," ejegs and other produce that Is exchanged for their efforts. . & f - - . 1 e 1 1 . - i- Some "taxpayer down In New Hanover is kicking be cause the county commissioners have employed a steno grapher whose residence is in another county. - Wonder if there ar no eitiiena of New Hanover receiving their Upends outside 1U confines, and that, too, from some public till ? If so turn ' about Is fair play. thank your. ;t ,How refreshing it la to hear that expression amidst the daily grind that taxes the average mortal almost to the limit of endurance, when some service has been rendered, and regardless of whether it was a paid-for job or one in which no remuneration aave "thank you" was to be expected. Few people, unfortunately, truly appreciate the potency of manifesting their gratitudu for service rendered and praetko with any degree of regu larity the nicety of alwaya saying thank you. Too many of us go on th 'assumption that "we pay for what we get," and let it go at that. v To be sure, we do not hesi tate to register a "kick" when the service is not what we think it ought' to be. Really, when one stops to think what the result would be if only those things paid for in actual cash or valuable consideration were done how little really would be accomplished. The little things of life, which stc done not for monetary consideration, but because of a fellow feeling prompted to reciprocity by some kindred service or manifestation of appreciation, go very largely to make up life. '' How much more willing the dumb animal serves his kind master than when only a kick or abuse is in sight; and how much more cheerful the delivery boy will be in placing the gooJs to suit the buyer, when ho has heard the forceful "thank you'.' a time or two; when the phone rings rnd the t newspaper man answers and hears the kindly ' word, "That was a n'ce notice you gave us; thank you," spoken, how much more readily he embraces the next opportunity to render a like service, and e- we might go on into every line and every activity of life. It Is just as easy to say "thank you," as it is to be on the qui viva to find opportunity to make complaint, but the tendency to do the latter seems somehow a little more natural. Try "thank you." Form the habit and profit by the good results. , "-Don't care to have our color changed; but we are en vious of that pair of colored families, who visited a Kin ston store a few days ago and spent $300 in cold cash for seasonable merchandise. The vigorous activities of Uncle Sam to get rid of the undesirable alien conspirators cannot be inaugurated too quickly. Ther is evidence that a 'very widely dis tributad and well-perfected system of espionage and bomb planting has been worked out, and difficulty will no doubt be experienced in uprooting the many ramifications which have apparently secured a footing. done and in tlu- way yen f-c! No need to worry your strong, r:ink tuisacco. "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Cheweri' said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced. . Chew While You Work- and chew a mild tobacco. Try some HCNIC TWIST and you will notice the difference in th; way your work gets after cnewinr ai r.efvca with PICNIC "TWIST U a softer, mellower chew with a long-lasting sweet flavor. And cit is M-l-L-U. We spell that word Oiitlt's important to you. J. Justice John, the famous Virginia police justice, soaked" an alleged masher - tSO for plying his trade on on of the principal thoroughfares of the Old Domin ion's Capital City. A few fines like that should put a check to the activities, of these human hyenas, whope rat in the larger cities and do all th damage they can A work sentence would be more suitable for such cul prits, however. When making your plana for Christmas morning think about the fellows who work for Uncle Sam in 'the post- offices of the country, and for the express companies. These men have boys and girls who must be made glad and who will enjoy their good things very much more if they have a we bit of th time of ."Daddy" to exniore the new-found possessions. You can help these faith ful workers by sending along your packages as fast as they can be made ready for shipping. . Senator Gull inker's assurance that the Republican sen ators will institute no party fight on the President's preparedness plans unless they are handled in caucus by the opposing party, is fair enough. It most certain ly places the issue on a non-partisan basis and t'.iat Is Its proper place. It behooves every member of the Congress to lay aside party and individual matters and work shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart to develop the wisest and best plan for dealing with this vital ques tlon. WHAT OTHERS SAY FARMER IN THE SADDLE. Mount Olive Tribune: "Verily, the North Carolina farmer it 'in clover,' as the laying goes, just at this time. This fact was given special emphasis the past week by Commissioner of Agriculture Graham, in his report to the board, in annual session in Raleigh, in which he declared that 1915 has been a red letter year for North Carolina farmers. He said that while the yield of some kinds of crops had not reached the proportions of some former years, yet, as a whole, especially in food ;rops, the yield has been largely in excess of most for mer years. Furthermore, he insisted that the farmers art in better shape than they have ever been before in he history of agriculture in this State." ! MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS Hams, lb Shoulders, bL Toik Uird Kkscs Hens, pound .. Broilers, pound Country butter Corn, bushel Hay ;. 2Uv Roosters, apiece 25 11 M 1 10 14 t 30 ' 10 12H 70 . Have th Dally or Semi-Weekly Free Press follow you to school n::e-e. : News from home will hel h;ie away the Ion winter evenini C .' r t'f;r you leave, " tf PRESIDENT WILSON SPEAKS IN COLUMBUS ' Columbus, O., Dec, 10. 4Vcsident Wilson is expected te deliver two ad dresses here today. He is to talk on peace and business before the Colum bus Chamber of Commerce at noon, and on the social and tel:gious needs of farm life before the Commission on Church and Country Life and the Federal Council of Churches tonight. On the program at the country life conference today are: J The Rev. E. Tallmtdge Root, Bosl ton; Dr. W. C Oippinger, Wester-j vOle, O.J Rev. John M. Moore, Nash ville, Hcnn.; Henry Wallece, ; Des Moines, la,; Rev. George N. Luccock, Oak Park. IlL; Prof. Shailer Math ews, president of the Federal Coun cil of Churches and Bishop William F. AnJerton of Cincinnati. Children Cry FOR r LETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 day. CUEWING TOBACCO igL Try a TWIST, then buy 11 TWISTS?. fJiOT 1 in an air-tight f.-eshness-preservinjj drum. 11 (mK J SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL $8.05 Charleston $8.05. For the above occasion the Atlan tic Coast Line will sell excursion tickets from Goldsboro to Charles ton at $8.05. . Tickets will be sold for all trains on December 11, 12, and 13, limited returning midnight of December 22, 1915. Proportionately lowt, fares will be made from a" points on the Atlantic Coast Line. This Is a convention of the great est Importance to the South's com mercial, manufacturing and industri al Interests,? and' WlH be an opening wedge for its opportunities at this time.. In recognition of. its import ance; the U. S. Jovernment proposes to send nine battleships to Charles ton, and in addition there will, be.; a large number of torpedo boats, cruis ers and submarines' there for the. In spection and pleasure of the : !arg' number of the South's representative citizens who will be present, ' For schedules and further infornia tion, call on D .J. WARD, ' , ' Ticket Agent, Kinston,' N. C. " ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. fA The Standard Railroad of the South. : on any CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 Effective April 19, 1914, 6 A. M. FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound i : Northbound S32. . 833 A. M. '::-':''' '. P. M. 7:85 Ar.... Kinston ....Lv. 6:00 t 7:29..,. Hines Junction . ...s 5:05 f 7:06.,,..... Pools ........ f 6:20 i 7:00....... Dawson ..a 6:27 i 1:7. ...... Gienrlcld .......t 6:41 f 6:40 Suggs Siding .....f 6:50 6:80 Lv.... Snow Hill ...Ar. 6:00 All trains governed by the Norfolk Southern roles while nsing the track from Kington to limes junction, and subject to the orders of its tupsrin-tendent The above schedule is arlven as In formation only, and is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and dep"- but it is not guaranteed. 'VJ.LUAM HAYES.. meral Superintendent, G. A. JONES. Frt A Pass. Agt., Snow Hill. N. C. 8 AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA VERY LOW ROUJSD TRIP FARES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAT Premier Carrier of the Souta Final return limit will be three (S) months from date of sale, not to ex eeed December 81 st, 1915. Low round trip fares apply aa fol lows: Durham, N. C. $86.95. . Chapel Hill, N. C-$86.95. Oxford, N. C $87.25. Raleigh, N. O $87.95. ., Goldsboro, N. C. $90.29. Stop over ill be permitted both going and return trip at point within, limit of ticket. . f Fares from all other points on the ame basis. . The Southern Railwcr can give yoo choice of several scenic routes fron. which to select, going one way and fx turning another, also free side trip are included from several points Through connections and good train service via Memphis, St. Louis, Chi cago and New Orleans, through tour iat car from Washington, D. C, to San Francisco daily. via New Orleans and the Sunset Route, ' Let us help you plan, your trip, mak your pullman reservations, etc ;Fr further information call . or any Southern Railway agent, or writs Traveling Passenger Agent, , ( O.F.YORK, Raleigh. N. C SPECIAL NOTICE TO . KINSTON FOLKS We wish to announce wo are ex clusive Kinston agents for the sim ple mixture of buckhorn bark, gly cerine! etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This remedy, Used successfully for appendicitis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser wo ever sold. It is so powerful that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE of constipa tion, "sour or gassy stomach. Adler-i-ka never gripes, is safe to use and the INSTANT action is suprising. The Lenoir Drug Co. ' v adv NORFOLK SOUTHERN R; R. WA RUPON PAIN. Pain U a visitor to every home and usually it comes quit unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every em ergency if you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Liniment, handy. It la the greatest pain killer ever d.scov ered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required it drives the pain away. It Is really wonderful -; Merriit H. Soister, Berkeley, Cal, writes; "Last Saturday, after tramp ing around the Panama ' Exposition with wet feet; I came bom with my neck to stir? that I eouldnt turn.", I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, r.e)rt morning the stiffness had almost dis appeared, four hours after the second application I was as good as new." March, 1915. .At Druggtsta, 25c. (Jv). , ... New Short Route (Schedule In Effect April It. 1115) N. B. The following schedule fig- ires published as information only, tna are not sruaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE fciNSTONt East Bound -. -Ul ,. "Night Express," Pull- man Sleeping Cart New Bern to Norfolk T:5 a. Daily, for Beaufort ' and Norfolk. Con- necta for all points Mortn and west, far lor Car Service be tween New Ben and ' Norfolk. 44) p. ss. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental West Bound 49 a. av Daily for Goldsboro. : I0H3 a. ss Daily for Goldsboro. 6:14 p. mw Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or re servation ox Pullman Sleeping Cat ft icq Olson. trace, appw Agent, KinstoQ, N. to W. J. , H. S. Leard, General Passenger Agwt." J. D. STACK, General Saperia- fOLEY KIDNEY PILLS "Patronise Home Industry" JOB PRINTING We ar Equipped - Handle Your V OdersforHiglCreJob -' ' PrmbDg. W. Make the Brl Cnd , LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, ' CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES. , POSTERS. W hav Connectiooa with Engravsrt od BWuk Book Makan which aa . , abU a to Promptly llandla . Order (ot Engraving and "linoWBIaakBook Kinston Free Press Co. - bwyarattd - Pnl.nihers and .Job Printers Everything la Print: dj- LENOIR DRUG CO. ADDS TWO ' MORE PRIZES TO THEIR CHRISTMAS CONTEST, ' So much interest is being taken by the youngsters in the Lenoir Drug Co.'s Xmas Contest for th non-tkid Auto Truck, they have decided to add two more prizes: . y V , , Second Prize A Rubber-Tired Ve locipede. ' - : ; . : .' '. '' ; '' , Third Prize Steel Rim Velocipede. All three are njet gifts for young boys, 3 to 12 years,' and something that will please them as much as' any thing Santa could bring them, i y A coupon with each 5c cash pur chase. Double coupons on all pur chases of Nyal Goods or A. D. S. goods, for which we are agents. Save your coupons and contribute to some boy's happiness. SOD1Q. f PREFERRED STOCK;' , Ther 1 few thousand dollars' ot the CasvlJ. Cotton Mills' Preienvj Stock, which ,was authorised time ago, stil unsold. This Jitock'i "Guaranteed 7 w Cent Jrefantd . Stock," dividend, payable 3 1-2 per tent. AprU 1st and Oct.- lst of ach''. year, rei of all taxes. .j,'.;;' (y ;n.yX; ; "'.-'f ; Anyone having money to ';' invt.,t cannot find a safer or more attract, ive 'Investment:, -''.'."' '-. . v Any further tnf o'rmation will u ".. :. Respectfully, ;. ; I CASWJJLL COTTON. MILLS,.' - C. DUNN, Treasurer.' rr ' ' - Invigorating; to tfte Pale and Sickly Th01d Slandnrd' arnerat ntinrtbenln la.i. CHOVK'B TASTKI.KSH chill TONIC. dr?L-- Mdaria.cnrichea the blood .and build, up iht tem. Atrtionic For adult aad cbUdrca .' INSURE WITH THE . Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. cf Greensboro! And Keep Your Money at Home Instead of Building Up ' Som Other SUte. ' J. B. CUMMINGS, GENERAL AGENT, ROOM No. 1, CANADY BUILDING, - - , KJNSTQN, N. C. FOR SALE Lo: rcnlln 43 Feet on West Side off Queen Street, Between Caswell and King Streets. Also The Fields Residence on King Street, Near Queen Street APPLVTo cKoETTINGER. Christmas Holiday Excursion Fares- 'VIA- ''' Norfolk Southern ( ii f ,.j Convenient Schedules, Pullman Sleeping and Parlor Car Service. . ; Tickets on sale DECEMBER ,17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Final return limit January 10, 1916. Ask nearest NORFOLK SOUTHERN Ticket Agent for complete information, or write, It. S. LEARD, G. P. A Norfolk, Va. FIRST HATIDHAL BAHK DJrKIHSTDH Capital and Surplus $160,000 Strong Safe Dependable Your interest as well as ours will be promoted by patronizing the ; FIRST NAi IONAL BANK. N. J. ROUSE. p,yt ' D.,' F. WOOTEN Ca.hir . DR. HENRY TUll; V!cr-Prid - J. J. BIZZElX Auiiuoi O'hia W. L KENNEDY DR. HENRY TULL J. R CANADY J. F.TAYLOR H. H. McCOY T. .W. . HEATH. .Teller" . r - t f DIRECTORS '-o , S. H. ISLER N. J. ROUSE x r C FEUX HARVEY . . DAVID OETTINCER , H. E. MOSELEY , WE ARE NOW READY TO SUP PLY YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN : . . Ho! Goods liday Useful Presents for Men, Women and Children. ' . See Our, Large Line-of Stoves . and Monarch Ranges. : Respectfully, - Br W. CAUADY & SO N .KINSTON, - . - - U. C

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