Ml V.- , II I I Just Arrived New Middy Blouses New Waists 98c Each 8 All Coats and Goat Suits Reduced ELI NACIIAMSON The Big Home Stores 126.128 X. Queen Street . Telephone 410-J J. C. DM & CO. THE MEN'S STORE. v. JUNIORS MEET TONIGHT. The Junior Older U. A. M. will elect officer at their regular meeting tonight. Pajamas S ;g 0F LOCAL INTEREST Night Shirts Our Stock is com plete. Light and Heavy Weights. Phone Orders are appreciated. BOX PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Triangle Club of the Gordon .Street Christian church will give a box party Friday evening at 7 o' clock in the recreation rooms of the church. The public is cordially invit ed to attend. I Wish Happy and Prosperous New Year. CHAS. A. WATERS Hie Telephone Store ' Telephone 89 We thank you for your patronage the past year and extend to you our' if hearty Greetings for the NEW YEAR Lenoir Drug Co. On The Square phone 114 , Double coupon given on all purchase! of Nyal goods I us Hoffman Pressing Club FRED SHYVER, Mgr. Telephone 540 " Over Temple Drug Store N. J. Room, Edward M . Land Kinston, N. d Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW - :..;;;-.l.v Offlesti'v;;,. Kinaton, N. C Goldibora, N. C IIS-S04 Borden Building. A HAPPY NEW YEAR GREETING TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. n. ri W&CO. NEGRO ATTAVKED WHITE MAN WITH KNIFE AT MILL. The police are trying to locate a negro named Adams, who assaulted T. A. Vaughan, white, a sawyer, with a knife at the plant of the Kinston Manufacturing Co. today. It is said the assault followed an altercation. Vaughan was cut about the face, head and one arm. His Injuries are not serious. COUNTY'S OLDEST CITIZEN Mr. W. G. Taylor of Kinston, R. F. D. 4, -was here today.' Mr. Taylor doubts if there is an older person in Lenoir county than himself. He is in his 90th year. He would not be taken to be older than 75. He has made no "calculation" about the fu ture, but ays a physician has inform ed him that with good luck he will easily go to . the century mark. He was a second lieutenant in the Fourth North Carolina regiment in the War Between the States. - , . WILUAM FOX FEATURE . . AT THE GRAM) TONIGHT "A Gilded Fool" will be the movie topliner ' at the Grand theatre this evening. The subject's merit is in sured by the William Fox trademark and the interpreting of the star role by William Farnunuj The. plot con cerns a happy-go-lucky youth who has more money than brains, so to speak, and , who is converted into a useful and an influential citizen. A real woman makes a real man of the hero. The subject is five reels in length. Persons who saw the second installment of ?Neal of the Navy" at the Grand Wednesday night declared the serial to be more interesting so far, than any continued picture be fore (presented by the management. NEWS OF A DAY IN NEIGHBORING TOWNS A fire in the picking room of the new cotton mill; at Greenville Wed nesday threatened to make a danger ous blaze. Quick work by the em ployes and firemen checked the flames immediately upon their dis covery, however, with slight dam age, :' The channel inTar river is, being dredged out by a government force to rid it of debris that has accumu lated since the stream was deepened vome time ago. Samuel B. Bledsoe of New Bern has been named editor of the Green ville Reflector to succeed Asa Biggs, who will, go to .the Fayettevfile Ob server. , . . MRS. DELANEY LEAVES HER CHECK-FLASHING HUSBAND IN PRISON Mrs. Francis Delaney, nee Doris Sheridan, married here last week to the Sehnectady, N. Y., youth who is now in jail at New Bern, charged with flashing checks at Norfolk, Ra leigh, Kinston and New Bern, will go to Norfolk, says a report from New Bern, and from there endeavor to reach New York, where she believes she can secure a position with a mu sical comedy show. The young wom an was a chorus girl until she mar ried Delaney here. ' 1 ' The management of the Gaston Hotel, the management of which De laney is alleged to have ."stuck" for $25 while the I couple -were ; . staying there, will aend the girl to Norfolk. Her frienda in New York have as yet failed to respond to appeals for as sistance wired by her. Delaney, who must wait weeks for trial in Super ior Court unless he gets bail, has wired to his relatives in New York for money, j-, . . SON OF GREENVILLE ' FAMILY DIES IN MISS. The body of John W. -Shelburn, a nostoffice inspector formerly . of Greenville, is now en route from West Point, Miss., to Greenville for burial. Mr, Shelburn was 27 years of age, known to many persons in Kinaton, and . was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E, H, Shelburn of Greenville, The young man r had been seriously ill with grip, and he grew rapidly worse. - His parents, after frequent messages, prepared to go to Mississippi to be with him, but the message announcing death arriv ed before their departure. One broth er, Lee Shelburn, . and two sisters, Misses Mary and Ivor Shelburn, sur vive the young man besides his par ents. V BANQUET OF U. OF N. V C. ALUMNI TONIGHT The hall of. Hollywood Camp, W. 0. W., on Queen street wall be the scene tonight of the annual banquet of the Lenoir county alumni of the University of North Carolina. About 50 alumni, present ' student of ; "the Hill" and others are expected to be present. Professor M. C S. Noble of tho - University faculty will, be the principal . speaker, and Col. H. E, Shaw, Solicitor of the local Judicial District, wall preside as toastmaster, Dr. Ira M. Hardy is president of the local Association. The hour wijll be 9 o'clock. MARCH WEATHER MARKS DECEMBER'S END HERE This December has been for several days past similar to March in weath er. Wednesday was one of the wind iest days in months. It was the small end of an inland gale that this section experienced. At times the wind attained a velocity of 35 to 40 miles. The temperature at no time was unpleasantly low, however. The Middle West was swept by a rather severe storm which had its origin on the Gulf Coast .. ANCIENT HISTORY IN ? HIGHWAYS' CAMPAIGN ' ' (By the Eastern Press) , Washington, N.. C, Dec. 30.Po- etry is playing quite a part in the present good roads campaign in Beau fort county. Recently , an improved highways , advocate told, in verse, about how ancient Rome built good roads. ' Marshall Leggett, an "anti," yesterday "took him up." One verse of four by Leggett reads: Caesar said: . , , "If you don't act aa I'd have you do, And vote to get the bond issue through, , i . f We'll not. give you another; (barbe cue " Not even give you a brunswick stew. Come! shell it out, with your vote, That we can swell some bonded bloat Middy Blouse White, Blue and Red Collars. Red, Black and White Middy Ties. Blue Serge All Widths for Middy Suits, v ' Braid and Emblems to Trim Same. The One Price Cash Store . J. SUTTON Phone 34 Prop. WANTED Boy to carry newspa per, route. Apply Free Press officer 12-22-tf Grand Theatre Today William Fox Presents Nat Goodwin's Big: ' i Stage Success it A Gilded Fool" In Five Reels, Featuring WILLIAM FARNUM A Drama That Deals With a Popular Subject of Interest to All Classes.' All Sizes and Weights. WeCOTSuppraYpu larreft & Hartsf ield A 'RHerry Glitchen If pj the l)ew;ear ri i will be assured if you own this new 1916 m'odel convenient Kitchen Cabinet. It is all white 'enamelled; inside and light polish ed oak' outside. Fully equipped with flour bin, sugar jar, spice jars, -towel rack, pan-" holder, bread box, etc. Very Special, $25.00. Oettinger's Furniture Store - ft .V at , . ' . - , - - -' ,) , t, We Wish to Thank Our Friends and Customers for Their Patronage Dur ing the Year 1915, and Wish You a Prosperous Year of 1916 ;f!M but J. STEPHENSON'S "The Ladies' istore" 1 1 1 : An MM i prvirahl( rmfA th.Tf nSVff ' balks, that's always read fiot work, becomes almost a friend- you hate to part with it. But in buying a knife you cannot tell by examination what sort of service i will give unless you' buy the kind whose durability ana wearing qualities are guaranteed. mm; iwrr&ti Pddct Knives are the se:ticeable-friend k'Ai. You v are absolutely si're of satisfaction w'en you buy them. You know they have the finest, strongest blades, tempered exactly right for keen, lasting edges. : Every detail is given careful attention, to that SDrinE? joints, rivets, limnra and handles will last as tongas the almost indestruct' j!e blades. Keen Kutter Knives are fully guaranteed. U, E. MOSELEY HARDWARE COIPANY fa 1 We sell them a R u - 1 ITHA CAPITAL OF $100,000.00 and SURPLUS of $95,000.00 this bank is in position 1 ; to extend aid to deposi- tors (or any legitimate purpose. New Accounts large or small are desired, and a perfect service is as sured. - ' Have you a banting home? . r ' The ( National Bank of Kinston ATTEWTION '.."..4 -. ErAsanfiiriaei Tt. ia m wll IrnAwn tat I 41q4 a w " - mwttu m.ww ntmr: dard properly balanced fertilize; will not be obtainable for i: nil year's crops. All materials are ready very much Wither than f years, and muriate and sulphate if potash practically unobtainable it any price. The very best base goods and also best balanced terial obtainable is : -. COTTON SEED MEAL. Meal contains 2 per cent, phospho ric acid. 7 1-2 per, cent, ammenia, and 11-2 per cent potash,' You should exchange all yw seed - for meal or buy meal no, for it will certainly sell higher latcd. ; ' 1 LENOIR OIL & ICE .COMPAIIY We have added to our line the well-known" .'4... . i- V 2 Garl Fisher Piano GRAND AND PLAYER flW i. , . . f Oyj line is complete to every' respect " Before purchasing PIANO Call Phone 32JW. or a postal card will do. We now use a storap house instead of a store. FORREST - 50H