- TTTF KINSTON FREE TRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS . H. Gait Bratoj:ditorandJIanager iCwi.h! Ev.ryD.y Excsot Sunday by the Kin.ton Free prsns Co- Inc.. Kinston. is. i.. -rmon ifi-gj- SJgrZ. . . OMfe . M Six Months u Mon,h o'. : Year -00 1.00 2.00 7, r,i,.n. received and not published will not be "aargS .cover posts',, accompany a.m.. vrw YORK OFFICE-38 Park Row, Mr. Robert ; W. NEW OW - of Etern Department. Mai! Kft be" 1 to him, care of jT 0. Mulhgan. h of Free -" . Mr - j. AnJerg0n. wr.aTF.RN orriv mt.u. on,. Vw ". .T iMin. Chicago, where rues I'ieis can te seen. at'th. poatofflce at Kinston. North Carolina .a .eTond-claM matter under act or uonire... ." rn will P After Six P. M. .ub.criber. sr. requested to cMW- Union and repon X.XrK before Nine 1 be tent prompwy, h j without coat to subscriber. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 7r, Th? Fm Preas of any frrejularity of delivery or i7Luntionmwhav.r onth.p.rt of the camera. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, 1916 i-t.v. Well, irive a salute for the Patron turn ol Ki in anyway. a- t h.i. almost a week for enough force to be r.oi..liml W the army on the Mexican border to pro- .... . . .. "m.n-hunt" for VUia. ine nmyy "-- (TfU WH i ...i. A- fummia "salute the flag" episode broke: Admiral Badger was steaming to Mexican waters . wi fw within less than a day after or- dew had' been issued. -: We seem to have Entiled by the claim of a South ;. h. Ai.tinetkm of having had Carolina conwsmprr, w .... - ah, a ion to fall victim to the Mexican bandits It . .. W Fred. Griffin of the force of United SUt'. t. oor. stationed" at Columbus, wa an Alabama bo, ,ltvl hU faiVr a preacher in cotton mm town n w ,1ral imrt :f that State. - Our contemporary down New Bern way advises us thai the wmtling bug ha. struck that burg. Our fnend Huton (the managers. w --. the performances, to exercis. care, and pull off no .M ihow7" TW wrsstling gam. 1. like the boll weevil, it ..!..'., in -rtione and operates there until the pub J lie gets on to the fact that most of the matches are pre- ' . iii. jms rns arnui icuvimwi arranged affairs wiu n - ... . .trm 1. iven the promoters. ire ai f. mr THE DESTITUTE. Tb. call of the United Charities sounded in the new. , . column, of The Free Pres. Thursday should catch the ear i- f vinnton. who have been favored witn enough and to .pare of thi. world's good The auperin. U-n.lnt of the local charity wont say. 11.. -vtrme noor of the city is more acute than it a. In Ui. winter, and that the treasury of the -'.n tm almmt emDtar. Same of the unfortunate people no doubt can charge jhrir mlsfortwe to none other than themse.ves; .y .. ,. . . ' u. A oooortunities that an All-Wise unJ Merciful Cod ha. given to them, or they have abused . the chance, they have had; others, ttowevar, w. v. . .. , .!. .ns over which they have had no con- ,lro), it 1 not for the poop who have substance, to llU.k.y .bout the cause, until temporary relief at least La L, kIvw. There are women and children .oltarug u.u.e hunband and father of the nmuy w- -. .v. .. vi. -r.onsibnitiei The Free Press is in '1. .hid, k. bn dri b, h. f.l J .iiitntly they are destitute. The call should be responded to by the good people of Kinston, tion is not a voluntary, but a forced action. U has been known that Admiral Von Tirpitz' policy was not liked by the German Emperor, and some of the high government officials, and that only by the most in sistent fighting for his ideas has he been able to put into offect and maintain the' submarine warfare which has brought the governments of Germany and the United States so near the brink of war several times. Berlin interprets his withdrawal from the head of tho admiralty r1 1. 4nl.!n n mnrtt as a peace omen, ine ueramn iaiviMK ootimistic view of the outlook for satisfactory adjust ment of the international controversy, and all the signs point to a modification of the war against non-combatants. The resrignation of Admiral Von Tirpitz, coming so soon after the epochal fight between President Wilson and some would-be revolting congressmen for the preser vation of .the prestige and dignity of this nation, in which fight the policy of the President was overwhelmingly sustained, can very readily be accounted for as an evi dence of the deire of the German people to maintain peaceful relations with this country. It is entirely safe to assume that the vote of the two branches of Congress in the "warning resolution" fight has had a splendid effect in Berlin. As was predicted, it has given the foreign powers to understand that the real sentiment of this coun try is upholding Woodrow Wilson, and that, notwithstand ing the effnru of Mr. Bryan and others, who are pat terning after him, to discredit the administration, the American people will decline to surrender their rights. The German authorities have been impressed, no doubt, with the earnest determination of Mr. Wilson to preserve peace, and to do so on the high plane of maintained honor tn every sense of the word. The Von Tirpitz removal ,,nu mn the earlv adjustment of the differences which have promised forebodingly since the Lusitania" was sunk off the Irish coast last spring C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., Office treatment of Rectal and Skin Diseases a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building A certain alleged political leader, who it is claimed, holds the reins of his party in North Carolina, must enlov the splendid line of publicity the State press is giv. ing him, whether he has any sanguine hopes of other suc cess or not. WHAT OTHERS SAY DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY, SPECIALIST , In Diseases of Women & Children Office Hours: 10 to 12. Office: 107 West Caswell Street PHONE 118. Dr. Albert D.Parrott Physician and Surgeon Kintton, N. C. Office $oJffHooJ'i Dwg Stoie LAS Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN art BURGEON, Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 473; Residence 118 LUNSFORD ABBOTT. 0. O, Osteopathic PhysteUa Upstairs, Next Door to Vtxte, Phone 579-J. mm BB.CC. HARPER. DENTIST. Oflee Over Postoee. DR. F. FITTS, , Osteopath, Upstairs, Next Door to Poatofflce. EXAMINATION FREE. Phones: Office 80. . Res-25 LET THE CLUBS INDORSE WILSON. Columbia Statei "The Democrates of South Carolina are practically unanimous for the momination of Presi dent Wilson. Their sole . opportunity to record their wishes will be k the township and ward Democratic clubs. What a magnificent demonstration of Democratic and Wilson loyalty would be the passage of a resolution indors ing the President by every one of the precinct clubs in the State and then by eveiry one of the 44 county Democratic conventions? ; It would place South Carolina at the head of the Wilson column. i ""' There will be no Democratic opposition to Mr. Wilson anywhere. A little concerted action by leading Demo crat in each county would cause - the resolutions to be adopted. All that would be necessary would be to place in the hands of a Democrat who could be depended upon to attend his club meeting a brief resolution of indorse ment of the Democratic administration and ask him to introduce it. A fine thing for South Carolina it would be if this great Wilson demonstration could be made." ON TIRPITZ RESIGNS MEANING? 1. authoritatively reported in news dispatches from ThJ liaguo that the German Admiral Von Tirpits, gen .. . ... . c!KHiv for the bairbar- rur.lv uwditeU wwn me ri-- " - , jmhoy 01 of attacking passenger-carrying .. j...v r.nlii womon, children and iw.r hor ii''i;-ifmitanif has resigned, and that his abdica- SUPERFLUOUS AND RIDICULOUS. 1 1 Wilmington Dispatch: "By this time Mrs. Ida Ball Wcxren and Samuel Christy, who premeditatively and brutally murdered the former's husband, are probably in State's prison and thereby another one of tho phases of the case that has created great interest will subside. Just why the Forsyth county authorities wanted to re tain these two prisoners, when they could have saved both expense and worry by sending them to State's pri son, or why there should have been a mix-up on ;the proper time for sending felons condemned to death to State's prison is somewhat mystifying. Undoubtedly they be long in the penitentiairy and it, is difficult ito understand certainly in the face of all precedent, why they should have been retained in Forsyth county jail. No, doubt, the pair would prefer to have remained there, but why should the sheriff desire them to occupy the jail longer than necessary, or the law directs T There was no dire result nor will the consequences be serious, but a ridiculous situation has been presented." M-liGESTION TO WOMEN. . Are ' Just Ready to Drop." W'lfli ou are "just ready to drop," y.u feel so weak that you can ;..!.. Irog yourself about and be-..u-J you have not slept well, you j.:, t l(p as tired-out next morning as w i!cn y ou went to bed, you need help. Vo.t can su-t it just at Mrs. Maxwell 'id. c fay: "I keep house for ; ;',li family of thfee, and be cjwo completely run-down. I was '. . vous and could not sleep; fi:i!!- I was unable to do my house- atk. A friend asked mo to try Vi nol.' I did so and improved rapidly, tt toned up my system. I regained my .;:rflgth, am no longer" nervous, sleep well, and do all my housework." Mrs. J. C Maxwell, Montgomery, Ala. There la no secret about Vinol. It owe. its success to the medicinal ex tractive, of fresh cod liven,' tonic iron and beef peptone, the oldest and roost , famous body-building and - strength-creating tonics, So many letter, like the above are c. r.t'.naally coming to our attention, t! i v. a freely offer to return the - j aid for-Vinol in every case - Sc fa:i. 'to give satisfaction. 1 Co., Druggists. Kins-Sdr :el ti BRIGHT WfW ShoeiPjollshes BLACIC WHITE TAN KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT tMt .f,DlilV CO.I.TB, K'"1U.W STOCK HOLDERS MEETING. ; , The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Kinston Loan and Real Estate Co. will be held at the Nation al Bank of Kinston, Friday, March 24th. at half-past two o'clock p. m. A full attendance is requested. r R. C STRONG, SecreUry. 2-28 to 8-23 . .. . ckware ot Ointments for CiU .1 , that Contain Mercury, ar-mry mm mmr xmy tM im cf -na mi niiMr Orfum Ik koM nMi l Mr(n tt U.muli uw urwi MrUea& Suet jiwi Hxmll w k IM fcrrt mi ttmrt treat fcrptitub (. tbe Ammc Uw Wtelim tuld to tb- too jmi tn puaiblT tnwi umK Hr rtr.-jm tm, nnikniK i.ant tmt marau mMm. of w nwk li itfn Hit urk it p vim O. L. WILSON DENTIST OSes Over J. E. Hooi Crt Btsre. " N. J. loose, Wwsi4 M KinstoB. N. C Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Klnstosw N. C Goldiboro, N- C M8-8I4 Bordes BuiMhsg. State and County Taxes are now long1 past due and will be collected by dis tress after April 1st, and if you have not paid them costs will be added be sides your name being published in the Delinquent List. A rush is expect ed in the Sheriffs office during the late days of this month, to insure prompt service with comfort to yourself in not having to wait a long time in line, set tle now, A large amount of money is due and payable by the County on or before the 24th of this month and this URGENT APPEAL is made to all who owe Taxes to come forward at once and settle. : : : : Respectfully, A. 'W.' TAYLOR, 1t Ti 'he is n LJ l. 1 -SWSSIS I II , ml - i . . Don't Miss The pportaiity To Buy loira1 r ! mm m, m kl--i m. m Mmtm mm m m h s: asm m .1 .wthi.',. " -i 'it."! One Or Riore Small Farm Tracts On Easy Terms, 1-5 Cash, Balance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Years FACTS ABOUT THE NINE TRACTS Each Farm Fronts on the Main Highway, Each Farm Has a Dark Sandy Loam Soil, Annual Average Yield of Cotton Bales, Annual Average Yield of Corn 8 to 10 Barrels, Each Farm Within Walking Distance of Kinston Schools 1 Nowhere Is The Goal of Him Who Follows the Route of Anywhere. Here is an Ideal Country Place for the City Man or Farrher. ' A Horned V- INear a urowing r regressive Lity. t uo Look at 1 his rroperty. Good Music- Meet Us Monday -Frcio Dinner The Atlantic Coast Realty- Compari Home Of lice ureenvmr, m. Premier Auction People . mr int-HU. fa UW l