PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Ptch Telegraphic Reports) H. Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager Published JGrery Day Excaot Sunday by the Kiniton Frst . Praia Co. Inc. Kinston, N.-C. - 8abscrIptioa Rates Parable la Adrancci Om week $ .10 Threa Monthi 1.00 Una Montk JU Six Monthi 100 One Taar 14.00 Commonieationi received and not published will not b returned nnleii atampi to cover postage accompany tame NEW YORK OFFICE 88 Park Row, Mr. Robert W. Sykes. Jr., in sole charge of Eastern Department Mai should be addressed to him, care of R. O. Mulligan. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. . Entered at the postoffice at Kinston. North Carolina, at second-class matter nndcr act of Congress, March 8, 1879 - After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A cop will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Ninr P. H without cost to subscriber. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 30, 1916 , The Greensboro Record is endeavoring to get into the preferred class designated by the climatologists as . "ideal." Well have to have further credentials before en tering on our self-kept lists. a Tha call for mora cavalry horses on the border is but another opportunity for Old Dobbin to give those, who . have been predicting his shelving ever since the advent of tha awtor cars, the "horse-laugh." " . a Cowan -thinks tha new bird, alleged to have been dis covered fcy Mr. Roosevelt, is evidently not of "the dove of peace variety. Why not? Things of opposite char acteristics often, attract each other. tween our borders and tha force of General Pershing. For days the auto-trucks and mule trains have teen over taxed in their endeavor to keep the American boys In food and supplies, and the problem has daily grown more serious and disturbing to the War Department. The use of the railroad will very naturally greatly expedite the handling of troops and supplies,' ami should enable the United States' forces to reach the Villa stamping grounds in much better physical condition. Aside from the standpoint of expediency the privilege accorded the United States by the de facto Govern ment is indicative of the good faith of the recognized Mexican authorities to co-operate with the United States in bringing to justice the outlaws, who have been prey ing upon the rights and property of both American and Mexicans. The concession has a two-fold advantage and is a most encouraging development. POPULARITY CONTEST. The Free Press yesterday launched 'the greatest popu larity contest that has ever been undertaken in this part of the State. Between fifteen hundred and two thous- and dollars' worth of useful , prises are to bu awarded contestants at the end of a great seven weeks' advertising and subscription-getting campaign in which young men and young women from all over Eastern Car olina will participate. The Free Press believes in "practicing what it preacher"; it preaches advertising day in and day out to its 1,-rxxl business friends, and in this campaign it is demonstrating that it is not afraid of its own medicine. The full particulars of the contest were published in Wednesday's issue and are repeated today. Further in formation and all necessary blanks and supplies can be had by applying at the "Contest Department," which has boen established in "the Whi taker Building on North Queen street; near the new postoffice building. The management of The Free Press invites all its friends to enter the contest, ond assures those entering that the contest will bs cond.wted fairly in every particular, and that no fa vorites will -be played. There's no telling by the experts what the American navy needs to bring it up to the desired efficiency. Every witness, who has testified before" the congressional com mittees has had a different idea of the needs. WHAT OTHERS SAY pit AW KB The Kinston Free Press Offers a small fortune in valuable priz es to the winners in the Popularity Contest now opened. Turn your spare time into money. Send in your nomi nation today PRIZE LIST 2 Automobiles 2 Diamond Rings 2 Gold Watches 2 Bank Accounts EVERYBODY WINS Those who do not win one of the major prizes get ten per cent commission. There will be NO LOSERS It is gratifying to note that the common mass of Mex icans show, friendliness to the American troopers an8 have not, as was feared, taken the side of Villa and n- aisted in his flight. If the Issue is left to Pershing and Villa to decide the result is not In doubt, The Allies in war council Assembled have decreed that Kaiser Wllhelm must bend his knees before Christmas. That reminds us that he Czar of Russia made the an nouncement In the summer of 19H that ha would take (Christmas dinner at Berlin. WE'VE BEEN THERE. THANK YOU! Greensboro Record: "The old subject of climate is up again, it now being Kinston that fondly imagines it has the climate. Those fellows should get out of such a delusion, and, by the way, the editors' meet in Greensboro would be a good thing to convince a few climatologists that thf y really haven't any climate worth speaking of! I he esteemed Winston-Salem journal says the most important tJ)ftig that confronts the city authorities' of, the Twin Cily now ii the selection of a competent man to take charge of the health department. Fortunate to have a health department The most important thing that confronts the Kinston authorities is that they may realise that a health department is needed and that count less cases of sickness are suffered here because no pre ventable measures have been adopted. Truly, the whole question is most important. The terrible triple wreck on the lines of the New York Central in Ohio Wednesday, In which a toll of approxi mately thirty lives was taken, is attributed to the failure of two employes; one the towerman, who failed to do his duty, It is claimed, and the other the engineer of one of the trains, who did not observe the block signal. The death toll was taken largely, it is reported, m one coach, which ii alleged to have been of wooden constructions. If it is proven that the death trap was a wooden coach sandwiched between ateel cars, the officials of the road should, he held accountable and not the employes. Rail road officials have had ample experience in the telescop ing of wooden shells by heavier equipment, and it h nothing ehort of criminal for such death traps to be sent out ' YES! WE ENDORSE CONSISTENCY. Hickory Daily Record: "The Kinston Free Press, which acknowledges that it doesn't agree with the Governor in commuting Mrs. Ida Ball Warren's death sentence, agrees that the Governor would have erred etill more in letting her escape death and sending the man to the electric chair." CONCESSION HAS TWO-FOLD ADVANTAGE. it ts good news that comes from across the border I bearing tidings of "the acquiescence of Carrania in the State Department's request for use of the Mexican North ern Railway in keeping the line of communication be- MOSt IMPORTANT NEED, TO BE SURE, Winston-Salem Journal: "The one most important matter confronting the Board of Aldermen right now is the selection of tha right man to put in charge of a well- equippe'l health department, who will devote his whole time to the work of fighting disease in this city. Of course, it is going to cost something to establish such a department here, but it won't cost a cent more than it's worth. Tha history of every really progressive city in this country proves that." r -a . INTERURBAN JITNEYS TROUBLE RAILROAD. Greensboro News: "Someone has suggested that the only way that the Southern will ever be able to eliminate the motor-car service 'between Winston-Salem and Greens boro, which seems to be giving it so much concern, is, by electrifying its own line between the two cities, and insti tuting an hourly car service. "It is n interesting idea. A properly constructed elec tric lina oughtwot to Interfere with the operation of steam trains, if the continuance of such trains ehould be deemed advisabler and the power is at hand. Nowhere else along its line does the Southern tap such a supply of hydro electric power as it strikes in North Carolina. But what is more important, the people are here. In the half- dozen towns within a radius of 30 miles of the Greensboro courthouse there are 100,000 people; as perfect roads are extended tho jitney is going to become a more and more swious competitor of the railroad. The Southern must prepare either to yield a large proportion of its local See fuller particulars in another part of this paper This blank below is the nomination blank. Fill it out and send it to The Contest Manager of The Kington Daily Free Press and receive 5,000 votes to start with. Voting will bt simple. It will not cost you a single penny to nter and to win either Touring car or any other valuable prize. The prom ise to you is here your opportunity to make good in life, no matter who you are or where you live. This is a dignified campaign, a business like proposition, and you will have plenty of representative company. Enter today and win. Read full details on another page of this issue. NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 5.000 VOTES GRAND THEATRE V' TODAY -V.::. .v- William Fox Presenting Robert B. Mantel! with Genevieve Hamper, the most beautiful ' race on eann, in t :r , , jy "The Blindness of Devotion" A Modern Society Drama ALSO AN L-KO COMEDY " Johuson and Lelght's "Teddy Bear Girls". Presenting their Feature Act. By special request they repeat the Telephone Song, "Hello Irisco" TOMORROW Paramount Picture Co., introduces to the: motion picture public, the noted stage favorite, Charles Cherry, in an elaborated picturlzatton of the international0 dramatic success, "THE MUMMY AND THE HUMMING y BIRD." By Isaac Henderson. 4- MATINEE 3:30 5 and 15c EVENING 10 and 20c SATURDAY "BROKEN COIN" Matinee Beginning 2:45 I Nominate Street City. Nominated by Address In The Daily Free Press' Golden Festival. Only the first nomina tion blank Bent in for each candidate will be counted. Must be clipped out neatly and sent or brought to the Contest Department. KINSTON FREE PRESS COMPANY Kinston, N. C. o o o o o e o o a o o o Saved Girl's Life "I 'z?. b t:!l yen v.-h.vcrdrf.'! benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Airs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad-colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford'a Black-Draught m?.de them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without o o o o o o o LCEE0R tllitl if o o o o o o o o o In my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. o o o o o o o o til Joseph Dawson J. Frank Wooten DAWSON & WOOTEN, Attorneys at Law, Practice Wherever Service Desired Accounts and Rents Collected. DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST : Crewa and Bridge Werk a Specialty ..'x' Office over Cot. Mill officft r traffic in this tone or institute such service as can hardly bo operated eco nomically with steam power. "Assuming that the railroad would prefer to conduct tho first experiment elsewhere than on the main line, tho Winston-Salem road is the logical place to try it out. It would occasion little surprise if tho attempt should be made within a short time." C. B. WOODLEYrM. D., Office treatment of Rectal and Skin Diseases a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building LCNSFORD ABBOTT, D. O, Osteopathic Physlclaa Upstairs, Next Door to Vlxl Phone 679-J. MORE RHEUMATISM THAN EVER BEFORE Clergymen, Lawyers, Brokers, Me- chanica and Merchants Stricken .', Our old friend Rheumatlx is hav Ing his inning this year, and a few .: words of caution .from one who knows all about it may not be amiss. Wear rubbers in damp weather; keep your feet dry; drink plenty of lemonade, and avoid strong alcoholic drinks. If rheumatism gets you, or sciatica. and you have sharp twinges, gnawing pain or swollen f joints or muscles, you can get rid pf all agony in just a few days by taking one-half tea spoonful of Rheums once day. All druggists know about Rheuma; it's harmless,- yet powerful; cheap, yet sure, and a 60-cent tattle will last a long time. Ask J. . Hood ft Co. or any druggist' adv CHICHESTER S PILLS ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If so, it will pay you to inspect our complete line of.building materials be fore making your purchases. We car ry only the best grades, and sell them at reasonable prices. Alpha Portland Cement Washington Lime Acme Plaster De Voe's Paints Sash, Doors, and Blinds And all that is required to complete a Duirumg. DR. O. L. WILSON DENTIST OSes Over J. E. Hood Ce't Stars. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN aai SURGEON, . Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 473; Residence 113 Dr. Albert D. Parrot Physician and Surgeon Kbuton. N.C. Offict Back ecW Drag Sic, n : We have up-to-date equip ment of pneumatic tools. wauling yuicit service ana first class work. Sa us for your needs. Our pric es are right, consistent with the good work that State and County Taxes are now long ;t past due and will be collected by dis tress after April 1st, and if you have not paid them costs will be added bed sides your name being published in : the Delinquent List. A rush is expect ed in the Sheriffs office during the late4 days of this month, to insure prompt service with comfort to yourself in not L having to wait a long time in line, set- " tie now, A large amount of money is due and payable by the County on or before the 24th of this month and this . URGENT APPEAL is made to all who : owe Taxes to come forward at once andsettle. : : v , 1 1 1 ft f Respectfully, 'A ' Y, we do. it' ((INSTON- 1 .... -wiS Lilka ... I I nun h.4 r.4 4. -14 BraiuAW 1 m mthw. P.. mt . ir K U rJj. O O HI HI I 'I " -1 I