i :., . I TTTTiTT TUB WBATHSI Fur lonisrltt And To; f , . , . CooUr j VOL. XVIL No; 267 ' ' i SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916 FOUR PAGES PUCK TWO CENT'S tflVE CENTS ON TRAINS DtfTCff VESSEL SUNK AND WAR SPIRIT IS GlVEff BIG IMPETUS CHILD LABOR BILL GETS A FAVORABLE REPORT TO SENATE VILLA HEADING SOUTHWARD WITH SMALL BODY TROOPS PURSUING; Alt BUYS LOT MOTOR TRUCKS FOR A LONG CAMPAIGN NEOKa TAKEN FROM JAIL HERE THIS A. H; OERM'N CHANCE'LOR BY MOBiFuOJl NEIGHBOR ' COUNTY; SHOT TO Ilif LEFT ON GREENE GO. ROAD WAR TO REICHSTAG DAILY THE Eii PA?EB -II - ' t : ' illlillMp F0UI1D BY GREENES LYNCHERS i ' -.1: .-.j 11 . .. Joseph Black, Father of Little Girl' His Life for Arming Son Against Posse and Threaten ing to Slay and , Burn Hundreds Determined Men Overpower JailerVictim Treated Kindly When Tak en From Cell---Beardless Leader Who Spoke for the Lynchers Threatened to Kill Man In Charge of Pris onerAutomobiles Parked' In Streets and Pickets, on ' ComeiPbcession of Death Joseph Black, a negro, about 50 years of age, father of Will Black, alleged rapist held in the penitentiary at Kaleiglkf or - safekeeping, was taken from the Lenoir county jail i here this morning a few minutes before 3 o'clock by a mob estimated at several hundred: persons. The body of the man was found in a r oad between Maury and Lizzie, Greene county, later. ! Last week Will Black, a boy not quite grown, attack ed and viciously abused a six-year-old white child, Mat tie Tyson, in Greene county. He beat her mother in order to complete his crime, and afterwards shot two white nnssemen in a gun battle. He was taken by officers and hurried to Goldsboro, and from there was later taken to Raleigh. ' " Joseph Black was impelled by human nature to take his son's part. He furnished him with two shotguns and a revolver,1 it js alleged. But not that so much as alleg ed threats and assertions by him caused the Greene eourity people to take his life, it is believed. It is reliab ly reported that Black, without taking into consideration the fact that she was a mere baby, said the girl was no better than his son;-that he would. burn. the Tyson home and kill the child's, father; if . he had anything to do with the prosecution; that he by his actions in the neighbor hood following j,he assault provoked the residents to fury: The Greene county, sheriff got Joseph Black, soon after WillBlack was captured, holding him for furnishing wea - pons to the boy. - It took the1 Greene county people days to ' reach the determination to lynch the old man, but their . - iXAa nr, swiff Williams knew better than to leave him within easy reach of a mob. Strangers m Snow Hill, where the Greene jail is, Tuesday afternoon aroused suspicion, and Williams, rushed Joseph Black in an auto- mobileto Kinston. , The negro staggered up the steps of the Lenoir jail at 9:20.o'clock, shaking with fear. He rea rm,! Wat u hnA hppn moved to save his life. But Wil- Hams had not gotten him beyond easy reach of a mob. Hedla. V. Allen, the jailer, today the followincf account of the . . taking of Black from the prison: , "I received a telephone message shortly before 3 o'clock,- telling me that a large party of men was en rwte here from Greene' county to Ijmh Joe Black, delivered to me last night.'' . The man who called Allen over the phone had, been informed ty a person who might have seen the mob on the road. was preparing to telephone to Sheriff Taylor when the leaders of the mob arrived, at the front porch. responded to their knocks A email group of men were on the porcht while hundreds, it Seenied to mJ were lined up along Queen ( and King tfreets, on the Courthouse lawn, tack of City Hall and even in the (Wthouse. , The lights all about were blfng brightly. 1 dpnied that Joap&h was in the jail and was lied a d d liar for my pains. A in apparently about 25 ' years of ee did the talking; but several of 4e others made i suggestions to hint The spokesman waa beardless except that he seemed not to have had a ra ter on. his face for about three days. - "One man. held a. watch. I talked for time in. the hope that help might come. The man with, a watch broke in on the conversation. 'Half min ate left.he said. .. Tou are disturb ing my wife and children,' I said.. I as assured that they had no idea of causing them any anxiety, btft that '; if I made resistance it would he at y peril.. The time np two fellows p-abbed ne, ,1 did not resist; it was oseless; guna were pointed at. my . kead. ' , "I Kave np the keys and ied the Party to the condemned cell on the econd. floor. The man with the keys unlocked the cell. Two others were 00 !ther Me of me, one man with a Solver to my temple and the other .. g Assailant, Paid With poking the muzzle of a rifle against my head. "They told Black to put on his clothes. He did so. He could not walk. Members of the party picked him up and carried him. They did not handle him the least bit roughly. 'We've come to take you to another jail,' they, told him. Joe Black knew better, though. He was bundled into a car on King street and the proces sion started off . There were auto mobiles, wagons, buggies and mount ed men. Black cried out! I don't know whether a noise that followed was the slamming of an automobile door or something happening to Black. He made no further , outcry until the crowd had gone some dis tance, when he yelled again once or twice; ' , . "I summoned Sheriff Taylor. He heard shots in the direction of North east Kinston and hurried out there." Little Noise. The, mob made very little noise. It's said they had pickets at the principal intersections of streets. A number of their vehicles were parked uptown. A man living in the Caswell Hotel who says that ordinarily he can hear a conversation carried on in the jail yard, two1 of his . windows overlook ing the place, had not the slightest idea of .what had transpired, almost under, his' bed until this morning. A North Independent ,. ereet man who happened to be awake was at tracted by. the noise of passing ve hicles about 3 o'clock. . He looked out and saw some automobiles. They stopped by a thicket at the eastern end of Grainger IlilL Rays from a pocket electric flashlight were seen by him to-play upon the limbs of trees. ' Soon the party passed on up the Toad toward Greene county. lie heard several shots.. , The officials believe that Joseph (Continued on Page Four) Press Uncertain Who Hol land Is Preparing to Declare Against PAPERS FEAR INVASION Pro-Ally Journals Assert Germany Is About to Cross Frontier, Pro-German That Allies Are Ex pected Violate Neutrality (By the United Press) The Hague, April 5. The torpe doing of the Dutch schooner Elzina Helena while Holland is' in the grip of a war scare caused great excite ment today. The government im mediately ordered an official inves tigation. Newspapers differ regarding the military activities. Pro-German pa pers say on English invasion is Sear ed, The pro-Ally press says a Ger man invasion is impending. FIND A BIG VEIN OF IRON ORE IN GRM1E MD DURHAM COUNTIES (By the United Press) Durham, April 5. New York and Pennsylvania mining prospectors have found a huge iron ore vein, es timated at 48,800,000 tons, in Gran ville and Durham counties. The de posits embrace two thousand acres. WILL BLACK TO BE TRIED AT SPECIAL term nm hill Craig Orders Session of Court for May 15 Whed bee to Preside Governor Willing Trust the Assault Fiend Back in Creene (By W. J. MARTIN.) Raleigh, April 5. For a spee dy trial of Will Black, the negro who criminally assaulted 6-year-old Mattie Tyson in Greene coun ty and seriously wounded J. O. Suggs, Governor Craig today authorized a special term of Greene County Court to convene May 15, Judge Whedbee to pre side. SANFORD WILL LOOM UP AS MUNITIONS CENTER Sanford, April 4,-R. P. Gibson of Rocky Mount returned to Sanford this morning after a visit to the North, and brought with him a eur yeyor, who' is engaged in locating the site for the factory buildings that are to be erected at Cumnock, six miles above Sanford, by the National Dye and Munitions ComRany for the man ufacture of explosives, shells, car tridges and munitions of all sorts, as well as dyes of various kinds. ; As Soon as brick and lumber can be landed on the ground, a force of hands will start on the first ' fiv" buildings, 50 by 180 feet, two stories high. - ' Morehead City, New Bern, Pol locksville and Vanceboro fans are ex pected to organize the baseball league for those towns in a few days, Bethmann - Holweig Says Lasting European Peace Must Come Through Freedom and Develop ment Nations (By the United Press) Berlin, April C Chancellor Beth-mann-Holweig before the Reichstag today reviewed comprehensively the whole military and political situation. He declared as doubly essential to lasting Eurupcan peace that the va rious nationalities should be given a chance for freedom and evolution along the lines of their mother tongue and natural individuality. He dwelt on the Dardanelles fail ure, German successes in the Balk ans, gains at Verdun and checking of the Russians and British along th'1 eastern and Oriental fronts. No Intention to Annoy Americans. He admitted that conditions of life are uneasy in Germany, but these difficulties are borne in admirable fashion by all classes, he said. He protested against reports that Ger many contemplates any aggressive act gainst any portion of the Amer icas. ' JOHN SMALL DEFENDS THE INLAND WATERWAY Washington, April A,defc!m the inland waterway project from Norfolk south by Representative Siiltl! of North Ciro .r.a, marked tV debate on the rivers and harbors ap propriation bill in the House Unlay. The bill carries an appropriation of $.1,000,000 for the improvement of the waterway fom Norfolk to Albe marle Sound, and Representative Frear of Wisconsin, attacked the pro ject, saying there was only 6I 000 tons of commerce carried on it annu ally. Representative Small in reply said there waa annual commerce of G0;,- 000 tons. CHAMBER C01ERCE WILL FURNISH BIG Shad Stew and Barbecue to Be Provided for Carolina Municipal Association Here In May Commit tee to Receive Road Men The Chamber of Commerce direct ors at their regular nteeting for April Tuesday night, decided to assist in the . enteriainment of the Carolina Municipal Association here next month, when the city will have as guests prouably a hundred mayors ftnd other officials of cities, and towns in North and South Carolina. The directorate planned to provide a joint shad stew and barbecue as a feature of the entertainment. The stewed shad and barbecued pig were first known in America in this immediate section, and are cooked hero , in a fashion which the people of no other region have learned, to Imitate, ,the Chamber proposes, to impress upon the' visitors,. Long automobile trips through the surrounding country are to be arranged for. t , Street. Commissioner E, V. Webb, IL C Hines, C Oettinger, Dr. J. M. Parrott, H. H". McCoy and Dr. F. A. Whitaker were named a committee to receive the party of National and State road officials who will inspect the Central Highway this month when they arrive here on the 131h. Interstate Commerce Com mittee Recommended Its Passage Today SOUTHERNERS TO FIGHT Declare They Will Filibus ter Atrainst Measure If Necessary to, Defeat It House Committee for Ar mor riate Plant Bill Washington, April 5. The House naval committee today voted 15 to 0 to report favorably on an appropri ation of eleven million dollars for a government armor plate plant. Brit ten and Stephens, Republicans, voted favorably. Favorable Report Keating Bill. The Keating-Owen child labor bill was recommended for passage by the Senate Interstate Commerce Com mittee. Southern senators declared they would oppose an early place for it on tho calendar, and if defeated, would filibuster against the measure. MINOR NAVAL BATTLE OFF COAST OF NORWAY (By the United Press) Copenhagen, April 5. A German squadron dashed into the North Sea and engaged in a minor skirmish with a British torpedoboat flotilla off the Norwegian coast, according to reports from Stavenger, Norway, and Kullen, Sweden. HUNDREDS PRESENT AT THE PINK HILL GROUP COMMENCII'T People of Southern Part of County Flocked to Group Center to Attend Exer cises Dr. Joyner Spoke on Progress of Education Between 500 and 600 persons at tended the group school commence ment held at Pink Hill Tuesday. Dr. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, made the princi pal-address. He was introduced by Dr. J. M. Parrott, chairman of the County Board of Education. Super intendent Jos. Kinsey and Clerk of the Court Jesse Heath were among those who went from here. Pink Hill, Trent, Taylor, Lawson, Woi'Iey and Pine Forest schools, all in the Pink Hill group, participated in the exercises. A handsome gold me dal, presented by Mr. T. G. Grady, was awarded to Miss Eva Mae Will iams of Pink Hill, winner in a decla mation contest. Songs, recitations. Hie awarding of certificates by Prof. Kinsey, contests, exhibitions of pu pils' work' and other numbers on a long program were all carried out ad mirably." Dr. Joyner had for his theme "The Better ' Education of Every Lenoir County Boy and Girl." He told in vivid manner of the remarkable pro gress of the schools of the State and this county, and predicted greater progress still. Dr. Joyner was grati fied over the great interest exhibited by the people of the lower part of the county in their schools. The Pink Hill citizens provided a dinner for all the visitors in a tobac co warehouse. ; Mayor G. S. Willard was in charge of the entertainment. The Pink Hill gToup'coTOmencement was the first of a number to be held in Four New Companies to Man Machines Poor Condi tion Mexican Railroads Makes Them Unserviceable to Some Extent for Supplying Punitive Expedition Very Large Force Cannot Be Spared from Army for Chase. Bandit Believed to Have Gone to Parral District Re inforcements Probably Will Be Necessary for Capture. More Arrests In Juarez Plot Expected (By the United Press) " Washington, April 5.t-One hundred and eight more motor trucks have been ordered by Secretary of War Baker to carry supplies from Columbus to the Mexican -i)unitive expedition upon Funston's request. They will form four new truck companies and will include two gas oline tank trucks. The order was taken to mean that the ; army hereafter is going to depend on motor transporta tion because of the inability to make immediate use of the railways. It is pointed out that even Carranza's permis sion to use the roads did not solve the difficulty because of the poor physical condition of the railroads. More Arrests in Juarez Expected. El Paso, April 5. Thirty additional arrests are pro phesied in connection with the alleged Villa-Diaz-Orozco plot to capture Juarez from the Carranzistas. ' The pub-' he execution of several who by the Carranza officials because o public disapproval. Small Force Pursuing Villa. San Antonio, April 5. Admitting that Villa has escap ed to the southward, General Funston today declared that the bandit was probably headed for the Parral district, with a "very few" Americans pursuing. Fuhston explain- : ed that it was impossible to send 'a' larger body for f eai4 of Crippling the communication line: Hope of Villa's early capture has practically been abandoned. Funston admit ted that continuation of the chase to the southward must be backed by a larger force. MASTER OF STRANDED VESSEL IS DROWNED Captain Thayer Lost Wfien Boat From Elsie A. Bayles Capsized In Heavy Surf Maine Ship Went Ashore In Fog Seaman May Have Shared Fate of Skipper, Says a Report Norfolk, April 5. Captain J. II. Thayer, of the three-master Elsie A. Bayles of Bangor, Maine, was drown ed, and one othor man of the crew is believed to have foeen lost when a lifeboat, shoreward bound, capsized in heavy seas today, after the schooner had stranded in a heavy fog. TARHEELS DEFEAT THE BRAVES' SECOND TEAM Rocky Mount, April 4.-The" Tar Heels prized off the lid of the exhibi tion season today by dofeating the second Btring Club of the Boston Braves by a score of 6 to 2 in a well played game in which both teams fought every point hard and in which plays that would have won midsea- gon honors were pulled down in ra pid succession. BRITISH ON WEST FRONT WEARING STEEL HELMETS London, April 5. The English troops on the western front are com ing to the steel helmet, as well as the French. The new headgear had its first good trial in the recent fighting at the "Bluff, north of the Ypres-Com-ines canal. It proved a great suc cess. .i .. -; The English vary somewhat from the French helmets. They are of steel, painted gray,s something like inverted bowls in appearance, and far from ornamental. They furnish ef ficient protection, ' however for the head and neck. The soldiers call them "soup plates." the county in the present fortnight The Woodington group is holding ex ercises .today. .. ' coniessea nas oeen called orr V . ! PARIS ASKS LONBON TO LENGTHEN LINES BRITISH IN FRANCE Defenders' of Verdun Could , Have Reinforcements of, , 150,000 If English Would Take On Greater, Stretch of the Front, Said (By the United Press) Berlin, April 5. Hard-pressed at Verdun, France has asked England to extend the British lines from the river Somme to the bend of the French lines at Soissons, according to dispatches. " ; " This would release a hundred and fifty thousand French for. the Ver dun front. French Official Report. iParis, April 5. French troops have made further gains' in the Cail lette woods, south of Douaumont, the war office today reported. A squadron of French aeroplanes has engaged la a great raid over Nantillois and Da millers stations. THE GREAT WHAT-IS-IT? NOT DISCOVERED BY COL ROOSEVELT (By the Unltedl Press) Beaumont, Tex., April 5. id yoa ever see a Wind fur-bearing snake with four legs, which crawled back ward? J. W, Kinnear did. He plowed one up on bis truck farm near here. ; "T. IL" has nothing on him as a discoverer. He took tha thing home and is keeping it in a glass jar. The reptile is 13 inches long and 3 1-2 around. Its back, head and tail are jet black and its stomach is the color of human flesh and covered with short, fine hair. It has a long wheel base, two speeds backward, and none forward. When it is irri tated it turns yellow. jjj V m ft t If, v m K ,lH lf if I v.: V" f .1; t

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