PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS ' : (United Presa Telegraphic Reports) H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Published Erery Day Excent Sunday by the Kinston Free , Press Co Inc.. Kinston. N. C Subscription ICatee Pavable In Advance: Oh Week I .10 Three Montha 1.00 Oh Month M Six Montha 100 One Year $4.00 Communication! received and not published will not be returned sales itimpi to cover postage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Robert W. Sykes, Jr., in aole charge of Eastern Department. Mail should be addressed to him, care of R. 0. Mulligan. Filea of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Fret Press can be seen. Entered at the postoffica at Kinston. North Carolina, as eecond-claia matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1879. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. M, without coat to subscriber. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any Irregularity of delivery or inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. been made possible by the co-operation of the business men whose firms are carrying advertising on the Com munity Builders' page. The responsibility for building up the home market is a two-fold one. It very naturally rests upon the mer chants as well as the consumers. The law of supply and demand must largely govern and very naturally when prospective customers make repeated inquiry for arti cles desired without sucrees in finding them on the local markets or assurance from th merchants that Huch arti cles will le stocked, they go elsewhere. The mail-order house comes in for a shure of the patronage. The Free Press believes that it oujfht to be possible to buy practically any article in Kinston that is to be found in the average store of the country. It, or course, is not practical for Kinston merchants to carry as large variety of goods as can lie curried in larger cities, but by a co-operative effort of merchant and buyer the needs of Kinston people should be very largely supplied by the local merchants. There should be a combine of mer chants anil consumers against the mail-order octopus, DOCTOR SAYS NUXATED IR ON WILL INCREASE STR ENGTH OF DELICATE PEOPLE 20 0 PER CENT. IN TEN DAYS WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5, 1916 Friend Britton get the idea that The Free Press dis counts Sarsford's prospects for lunding a powder mill Not so at all. Tho point that The Free Press was en deavoring to make was that Sanford or any other North Carolina community's accomplishment would .be of ques, tionable benefit should they secure such a plant. GREENE COUNTY MEN BESMIRCH LENOIR'S FAIR RECORD. ' For half century the good citizens of Lenoir County have allowed ; the, law. to take its course and the f aii name of tho county has not been becloudod by the wreak ing of suiranvary vengeance upon any culprit irrespective i of the seriousness of his crime. . " . v Tuesday night, under the cover of darkness when the jfood poodle of K'nston were peacefully at rest, a mob, supposed of Gtrena county cifcisena, numbering, accord ing to tha, ef timates of te Jailer of .the Lenoir County MsUle, who was' overpowered,' came into Kinston and took away a negro, the father of the young negro held for a terr&te and revolting crime last week, and killed him somewhere en route between Kinston and Greene ' county, thus besmirching the fair name and reputation o our oo4 county. It is to -be hoped that the crime of lynching was not committed in Lenoir. , The body of the mogro was found in Greene county this morning. Shots were hoard by people living along the route followed by the mob, Some of these were fired even before the party left the corporate limits of Kinston and it ia a matter, therefore, of speculation as to the exact location of tht killing-. - The Free Press is hopeful that some evidence will be found to place the exact spot, and that It will be discov ered that Lenoir had part only in this outrage by lending it jail for the incarceration of the negro, who was spir ited away from Greene county after dark Tuesday night and brought to Kipston for safe-keeping. The Free Press does not condone, but condemns the lawless act of the mob, whether its deed was perpetrated on Lenoir or Greene eoil, and it would welcome an inves, , tlgatlon which would place the responsibility. The pro, vocation for revenge against the young negro, son of the one who was lynched Tuesday night, is great, and un questionably requires much self-control on the part of the white men of this section but, nevertheless, the act of suWawry committed Tuesday night has In no way reme. died the crime, nor served to put a stumbling block in thi way of its repetition. It has simply added another crime to a terrible series already committed. POWDER TIUST LOBBY DENOUNCED. There are few people who will doubt the correctness of Senator Underwood's charges that the DuPont inter csts are maintaining a strong lobby at the Capftol i an effort to defeat the Government's proposed estab lii-hment of nitrate plants and other munition works. variably "the interests" oppose and endeavor in every way to defeat any plans of government ownership or maintenance, which will in any way affect their profits, The Steel Trust has shown its hand, and has virtually acknowledged that it has been gouging the Government for armor plate by offering to furnish tho same plate a a greatly reduced price for a term of years. This offer was made to forestall the proposed establishment of ar mor plate factories by the Government. With the elimi nation of a considerable amount of the red tape usually marking the conduct of the Government affairs, it is de cidedly preferable that the Government make its own munitions and war supplies. By so doing it can posi tively control its supplies a point which is uncertain where the manufacture is in the private plant. It is gratifying that Senator Underwood is courageous enough to call attention to the work of the lobbyiat8 and hurl defiance at the big and powerful interests. Their plans should be uncovered and those congressmen and senators yielding to their influence should be known. The time of monopolistic control of the legislative bodies of this country has passed! Let the people rulel WHAT OTHERS SAY "BUY AT HOME." The Free Press believes firmly in the policy of "pat. ronizing home industries." It has consistently advocated buying at home, and for the past ftve months has carried In its Saturday issue each week a striking cartoon empha sising the importance of trading at home. This cartoon JUDGE MANNING A CANDIDATE. Wilmington Dispatch ; "The blow has fallen. Judge James S. Manning has shied his hat in the ring for the Democratic nomination of attorney general. Like the chorus of, romo musical comedy, the other candidates troop on and cavort merrily about for some time and then r. star nnpears, because undoubtedly Judge Manning at present shines aa the big luminary of the constellation "Just what the other candidates are going to do about it remains to be aeen. Undoubtedly his entrance must have upset their calculations, and hey will have a diffi cult time straightening out their lines. With a fine rec ord as a jurist, occupying one of the highest positions in this respect in North Carolina, widely known throughout the State, strong in the friendship of some big party leaders, who, along with admiring the man, are indebted to him for service in their behalf, and undoubtedly a man of pleasing personality and popular among his brethren of the legal profession, Judge Manning looms up big in the race. His service as a member on the bench of thr Supreme Court, settles uny question of his ability, and the fact that he ia more widely known throughout the State than any other of the candidates, unless it bo Judge Frank Carter, gives him odds at the very start, and must throw cold water upon the ardor that had been rising in the breasts of the aspirants for several months." THE NEXT BEST THING. Winston-Salem Journal: "A swat-the-fly campaign is a good thing and deserves the hearty co-operation of the people. Its the next best thing to a prevent-the-fiy cam paign by which ia meant an organized effort to destroy In Many Instances Persona Have Suffered Untold Agony for Years Doctoring for Nervous Weaknnw, Stomach, Liver or Kidney Disease or Some Other Ailment When Their Krai Trouble Wan Lark of.. Iron In the Blood How to Tell. New York, N. Y. In a recent dis course Dr. E. Sauer, Specialist, of this city said: If you were to make an actual blood test on ull people who are ill you would probably be trreatly astonished at the exceeding ly large number who lack iron and who are ill for no other reason than the lack of iron. The moment iron is supplied all their multitude of dan gerous symptoms disappear. With out iron the blood fit once loses the power to change food into living tis sue and therefore nothing you eat does you any good; you don't get the strength out of it. Your food mere ly passes through your system like corn through a mill with the rollers so wide apart that the mill can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and nerve starvation, people become generally weakened, nervous and all run down and frequently de velop all sorts of conditions. One is too thin; another is burdened with unhealthy fat some are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; some can't eleep at night, others are sleepy and tired all day; some fussy and irritable; some skin ny and bloodless, but all lack physic al power and endurance. In such eases it is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines or narcot ic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expense of your life later on. No matter what any one tells you, if you are not strong and well to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without boeoming tired, i Next take two five-frain tablets of ' ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have, gained. I have seen dozens of nervous run down people who were ailing all the time double, and even triple their strength and endurance and entirely (ret rid of their symptoms of dyspep sia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time, and this, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtain ing any benefit. You can talk as you please ubout all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facta there is nothing like good old iron to put color in your cheeks and good sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is also a great nerve and stomach strcngthener and the best blood builder in the World. The only trouble was that the old forms of inorganic iron like tincture of iron, iron ncetate, etc., often ruin ed people's teeth, upset their stom achs and were not assimilated and j for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forms of or ganic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron for example, is pleas ant to take, does not injure the teeth, and is almost immediately beneficial. NOTE The manufacturers of Nuxated Iron have such unbounded confidence in its potency that they they will forfeit $100,000 to any fhat they will forfeit $100,000 to any Charitable Institution, if they cannot take any man or woman under sixty who lacks iron and increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case in which Nuxated Iron does not at least double your strength in ten davs' time. It is dispensed in this city by J. E. Hood & Co. and all other drug Graceful Styles That; Charm ikeArJi The new J :& K.atrap effwU W(j novelties have all thadainty refine, ment that appeals to younjf wonen Furthermore, they FIT-Snpjr!y('eijm. fortably, The secret lies in the abill! ty of the J & K designers'td Yuil shoes that fit the arch. For when the arch is fitted, the entire fooele fift Vor stirring style, see the new J & KV For a real fit, wear the hew J& ggi; Mark Cummirigs; (fists. adv. GOOD FOR COLDS. Honey, Pine-Tar and Glycerine are recognized cold remedies. In I)r Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey these are com bined with other cough medicine in pleasant syrup. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey quickly stops your cough. checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. It's -one of the best cough syrups made. Formula on every bottle. You know just what you are taking and your doctor knows it's good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney. Only 25c at druggists. adv The Maxwell holds leadership ir its class. The Daily Free Press is giving away two Maxwell Touring Cars. It will require only six weeks work to win. Take Notice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The sewer connections have now been completed and are ready for use. It will be to the interest of those desiring plumbing done to see me promptly, or call Phone No. 498. Respectfully service has been furnished at quite an expense, and has those things that produce flies." HOW TO PROLONG LIFE. By adopting a simple diet men like Conaro have lived to be 100 years of age, but with our complex diets of today, the vitality of the aged i taxed to its utmost endurance. A simple diet, therefore, is conducive to a long life, and if the vitality be comes impaired and weakness seems apparent our local druggists. J. E. Hoot! A Co!, have in Vinol a reliable, non-feecrot remedy which contains . JustUhe elements needed to restore strength to weak, feeble old people, and prolong a healthy, happy life, (adv.) PILLS BEST FOR LIVER. Because they contain the best liver medicinrs, no matter how bitter or nauseating for the sweet sugar coat-ing-hides sthe taste. Dr. King's New Lif e Pill contain ingredients that put he liver working, move the bow. els freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid digestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how much better you feel. 25c at drug gists. . r ' adr . - You will want an automobile to tri-j-y the warm summer nights. This Free Tickets TO l GfiniiKD DIXIE THEATRES READ THIS LIST OVER , These arc the Merchants that are Giving away a five cent Admission Ticket with each Dollar Cash Purchase made at their store. Each Ticket is worth fire cents at the Grand or Dixie Theatre : . When Making a purchr$e don't fail to ask for Your tickets. " ' ' Mark Cummings Shoe Store E. D. MarsforTDrusrCo. Bairett & liartsfield D. V. Dixon & Son ' Oettincer's Furniture Store Motely Dallard Bicycle and Repair Store Lynch Jewelry Company. NO REASON FOR IT. Kinston Citizens Show a Way. There can be no reason why any eader of this who suffers the tor tures of an aching back, the annoy- j i and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the words of a neighbor who its fourjd relief. Rsad what a Kin ston woman says: Mrs. H. M. Bradshaw, 401 E. Washington St., Kinston, says: "I had pains in my back and loins and in the morning, I was sore and stiff and tired so easily that ! could hard- do my housework. I had head hes and dizzy spella and the kid ney secretions caused me annoy ance. Ooan's Kidney Pills procured at J. E. Hood & Co. 'a Drug Store, re lieved me of all trouble." Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Dunn's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster-Milburn R. E. ! RHODES Rouse, Edward . Land Kinstoa, N. O. Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Offices: Klnatms, N. C, Goldsbore, rl. C. MJ-IM Bordea Building, DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY, SPECIALIST In Diseases of Women & Children Office Hours: 10 to 12. Office: 107 West Caswell Street PHONE 118. . Co., Props., Buffalo N. Y. adv. Energy and effort together with support of your friends will make you a winner on the 13th of May Make your spare time profit time Win a Golden priae in the Free Press Contest. When Croup Comes Treat Externally The old method of dosing delicate little tomaeha with nauseous drugs is wrong nl harmful. Try the external treatment Vies VapUtub" Salve. Jost rub a little OTer tLe throat and chest. The va. pore, released by the body heat, loosen the choking phlegm and ess the difficult lireathma. A bedtime aurli cation insnraa fj ,aoun4 sloop. SSo, 60o, or fl.00. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 116 DR. J AS. W.POWELL, DENTIST Modern Dentistry All Branches Offices Over First National Bank. (Xo Colored Work) PHONE 595 Dr. Albert D. Parrot Physician and Sargeon Kinston, N.C Offit $ock e Hood's Drag Son INSURANCE! OFALL . -1-. .. KINDS X C OETTINGER. Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone Kt 1C2 (Next to Postofffce) A COMPLETE LINE OF Stamped Embroidery Goods and Threads of all shades to match ; See Display in South Window Just Received a New Lot of Sample Skirts, Navy Blue and Black Serges Also New Materials in the Latest Sport Models New Lot of Silk Shirt Waists " ADLER BROTHERS A SAVING YOU MAY HAVE MISSED WHAT DOES IT WEAN to you to be told that Titan engines burn kerosene? Not much, does it? Yet because of that fact, you would make the mistake of your life if you bought any other engine.. Gasoline and kerosene engines burn about ithe same, amounts of fuel. . Gasoline now costs, in most places, over 100 per cent, more than kerosene. A GIL P. engine, gasoline or kerosene, burns 700 to SOOgatlons of fuel in 1,000 hours' work. At present' average prices,. 700 gallons of gasoline would cost you about $118, while 800 gallons of kerosene costs but $G1 or thereabouts. A Titan 0 II. P. engine, burning kerosene, would therefore save you somewhere around $57 a year. Now do you realize what a startling statement that is? Titan engines burn kerosene. See me before you buy any other engine. Prices right and terms to suit you. H. H. GRAINGER, KINSTON, N. C. Screens for the ivstcows and cfoors maAe fo - tuorffr tvS7j We've y ejot ihem ' DON'T PUT UP A RUSTY, WORN-OUT OLD SCREEN. IT WONT KEEP THE FLIES,-MOSQUITOES AND INSECTS OUT, BUT WILL MAKE IT HARDER FOR YOU TO "DRIVE" THEM OUT. , . " BUY OUR NEW SCREENS AND SCREEN WIRE, THIS WILL MAKE HOME LOOK PRETTY. THEN YOU CAN BE SAFE FROM THESE LITTLE DISEASE BEARING PESTS AND BE COMFORTABLE ALL SUMMER. - . son n ji your opportunity to get one. j We

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